Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
Kyp said:
met my current gf online, and she said she almost filtered me out. She is 5"10" and I am only an inch taller, she says her minimum height limit was 6 feet for precisely the reason given earlier: she loves wearing heels. good thing I am hot as fuck, otherwise i would have missed out!


Queen Bee
When I wear heels, or big boots, I"m looking at Tyen in the eyeballs, and I always feel silly about it. More power to the women who are cool doing that shit all the time, but I"ll just say these women are probably feminists who think they are men"s equal or some shit


The Big Mod
dangler said:
"Hi, I want to wear fucking stilts, but if makes me as tall as a guy he must be a worthless faggot." -Trex and other moron women.
subtle "i"m a short little nerd" post


You"re never going to get back into positive nets if you keep calling people nerds, Keg.

I"d feel a little weird dating a chick taller than me anyway, so it doesn"t bother me that much to get discriminated against in the other direction.

Although I did have a friend once who was just shy of six feet. I joked about wanting to climb Mount Laura.


Queen Bee
dangler said:
"Hi, I want to wear fucking stilts, but if makes me as tall as a guy he must be a worthless faggot." -Trex and other moron women.
Hi! Actually I said that I feel silly, not that the men are worthless faggots. I"m much too vain to feel like one of those giant women when I"m with my man. I often find short men attractive, I would just never date them.

But I see your freudian slip and I understand that you have short man"s syndrome, but don"t you worry! I"m sure there are tons of short girls who are cool with your little body.


Trexmussen said:
I understand that you have short man"s syndrome, but don"t you worry! I"m sure there are tons of short girls who are cool with your little body.
And we understand that you have ugly woman"s syndrome, but don"t worry! I"m sure there are tons of normal dudes who are cool with your butterface.


privileged excrementlord
Wrathcaster said:
And we understand that you have ugly woman"s syndrome, but don"t worry! I"m sure there are tons of normal dudes who are cool with your butterface.
I think you just inadvertently complimented Truckasaurus" body, bro.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is it really a compliment to say compared to her face her body is rocking since we"ve seen how god fugly her face is?


Men can wear some types of height boosting shoes too, though not normally so extreme as what women can wear. Cowboy boots are one obvious example of menswear with heels, but also dress shoes and generic business-casual shoes will have often heels about an inch to an inch and a quarter thick. Such types of shoes leave me just shy of 6 foot 4 which is plenty tall for me. Men in the crucial 5 foot 5 though 5 foot 8 range who find women often about as tall to a bit taller might prefer wearing such footwear over sneakers which typically don"t add much in the way of height. If even these types of shoes are found insufficient, perhaps look into trying elevator shoes.

Tall women tend to have similar issues as what short men experience. Just as women often prefer taller men, many men aren"t comfortable dating women who are taller than themselves.



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
At 5"5", I"m a pretty short dude. Like many have expressed here, I always thought that it would be weird to be with a chick taller than me. The first time I dated a girl who was taller than me she was 5"8" without shoes on. When I was with her I discovered something very insightful that may help my fellow short-men out there (looking at you Eomer):

All women are the same height on their back.
Dandai said:
All women are the same height on their back.
Okay, while kinda funny and almost insightful, I"m gonna have to say: what about fat chicks? Some, even on their backs, are as tall as a midget!

Not to mention, don"t short guys have trouble with some positions. Like missionary and the chick is the "same height" but the guy is still short as fuck and she"s got to do a super-crunch to kiss him because his face is at her tits (an advantage of it"s own, I suppose). Like if you"re that forehead-kissing faggot and even while slaying and splaying that pussy you"re still trying to kiss her forehead... seems a short dude wouldn"t be able to.

Or what if you"re doing doggy? I"d have to feel like some tiny horse-racing jockey or some shit! Seems being short would make it hard to fuck a chick from behind and be tall enough to hold her by the face and whisper horrible things in her ear.

Most women I"ve talked to cite sexual positioning issues as the reason they don"t want to be with a shorter guy, not some ego bullshit about wearing heels.


Queen Bee
Hmm. I don"t know about the other two, but sex standing up is near impossible if the guys legs are shorter than the girls. I fucking hate that.


popsicledeath said:
Most women I"ve talked to cite sexual positioning issues as the reason they don"t want to be with a shorter guy, not some ego bullshit about wearing heels.
Do the women you"ve talked to work in the hardcore porn industry? Seems like they"d be the only women for whom "positioning" is 100% crucial.