Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Seths said:
Be a man and ask her on an actual date already. Don"t couch it as anything either like a friendly get together, be up front about it so its very clear it"s a date and what your intentions are. You should have your answer about how things stand, and what your next move should be when she responds.

Oh, and stop reading into things about why she didn"t respond within X amount of minutes of some text message or whatever. You honestly don"t have any idea why she"s doing or not doing whatever it is anyways so letting your mind wander or guess at the "hidden meaning" behind it all is a waste of time that does nothing but fuck with your mind.

Just ask her out since it looks like that"s what you want to have happen anyways, and that way at least you"ll have actual real answers for some of your questions.
This is genius advice. Follow it and stop being lame. She is sending the "ask me out" signals. Take the hint. What"s the WORST thing she can say? No? Ok, next girl then.
Etwynn said:
I know this wasn"t the point but how the fuck do you plan on not getting drunk then end up getting drunk anyway? Seriously, get a grip. You"re not in college anymore. If this happened more than once or twice in the last year, you need to seriously consider whether you have alcoholic tendencies.
Holy shit.

Calm down mom.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I rarely get drunk but I for damn sure have alcoholic tendencies.

Attached is today"s beer of choice.

Our distributors finally got goose island (YAY) into VA so I"ve been drinking Summertime and my all time fav 312. Also drinking a lot of Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald porter (also a recent addition to VA).

I missed the damn window to pick up chocolate aged yeti......

Drank some mainstream gueze last nite that was ok - I can"t wait to go back to Belgium in October and drink myself silly on Cantillon (all) and Boon Mariage Parfait Kriek!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
brb going to DC to drink all of Etoille"s expensive beers. PRepare for my wife too she can outdrink me no problem. That breaks my heart for sure.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
lol @ Old Rasputin. We had one of those in the refrigerator at my old apartment. The running joke was that nobody could drink it or they would die. It stayed in the fridge for around two years until I bought my house. I don"t know what happened to it, to be honest.


Shit Lord Supreme
Had to put my dog down this week, you second she"s sleeping all peaceful and the next she sticks a fucking syringe in her with this clear shit and she"s got to get to the catheter they put on her leg to do it, so she wakes her up and then she just pumps her full of the shit, and my dog kinda struggles like she doesn"t want it, like she wants to get away, and then she just goes limp and it keeps getting back into my head.

And this one chick who dumped me, and who I still got some unresolved feelings for just randomly out of the blue last night, up and gets in touch with me.

And I know she dumped me, and she"s had other dicks inside her since me, but I"m lonely and I don"t want to think about my dog no more. So I talk to her and whatever, and I ask her out on a day, and she says she"s tired maybe another night. So I ask her later on another day, and go no response, 5 hours later I"m like "so that"s a no?" and I get this "Not a no, I just might have plans on Friday, not sure yet. I"ll let you know."

Why does this cunt faced bitch come into my life right now and just stir shit up worse for me? How do I tell her off in away that appropriately expresses how fucking indignant I am, and what a callous cunt bitch playing dumb cunt games she is?


The Big Mod
Voyce said:
Had to put my dog down this week, you second she"s sleeping all peaceful and the next she sticks a fucking syringe in her with this clear shit and she"s got to get to the catheter they put on her leg to do it, so she wakes her up and then she just pumps her full of the shit, and my dog kinda struggles like she doesn"t want it, like she wants to get away, and then she just goes limp and it keeps getting back into my head.

And this one chick who dumped me, and who I still got some unresolved feelings for just randomly out of the blue last night, while I"m dealing with it, up and gets in touch with me.

And I know she dumped me, and she"s had other dicks inside her since me, but I"m lonely and I don"t want to think about my dog no more. So I talk to her and whatever, and I ask her out on a day, and she says she"s tired maybe another night. So I ask her later on another day, and go no response, 5 hours later I"m like "so that"s a no?" and I get this "Not a no, I just might have plans on Friday, not sure yet. I"ll let you know."

Why does this cunt faced bitch come into my life right now and just stir shit up worse for me? How do I tell her off in away that appropriately expresses how fucking indignant I am, and what a callous cunt bitch playing dumb cunt games she is?
she texted you because some other bro just fucked her in the ass then kicked her out of his house and she needed to get some validation.

sorry bout your dog though very sad.


Shit Lord Supreme
I know that dude, I fucking know what she"s about, I wouldn"t care but she"s so cold she"s not even offering me consolment pussy, she comes into my life while I"m hurt to boost her own fucking ego, what the fuck.

I don"t know if I"ve ever been more angry in my life.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Brikker said:
You know what fucking sucks? Getting divorced/breaking up with a long-time partner (which was a long time coming in itself), meeting someone during that process that you realize you have far better "chemistry" with (and thoroughly analyzing if these feelings were purelybecauseof the divorce but finding that to be false) and then finding yourself sent halfway around the world from them for years. Life is hard
I can kind of sympathize.

There was this chick who I had a crush on for quite a while but she was always in a relationship and she was foolishly devoted to her jackass of a boyfriend. I met her in the States, but she was from Kazakhstan, and even after she returned to Kazakhstan we kept in touch on a semi-regular basis. Eventually I also moved to Kazakhstan for work but we were in different cities and us both being in relationships, we never got around to visiting each other.

Flash forward to me fleeing the country and my 2ish year relationship (see this thread for details). I arrived in the States on a Thursday, and on Friday I received a message from this girl who I"d had a crush on that she had broken up with her longtime boyfriend and was planning to come visit me for a couple days (i.e the city I had been living in in Kazakhstan) the next weekend.

She knew all the problems I"d been having in my relationship and had been advising me to get out, so who knows what would have happened with her had I not left the country. Kind of sucks, cause now I almost certainly won"t see her again since we"re on opposite ends of the earth. My biggest regret from my time there is not meeting up with her at least once.


privileged excrementlord
Voyce said:
Had to put my dog down this week, you second she"s sleeping all peaceful and the next she sticks a fucking syringe in her with this clear shit and she"s got to get to the catheter they put on her leg to do it, so she wakes her up and then she just pumps her full of the shit, and my dog kinda struggles like she doesn"t want it, like she wants to get away, and then she just goes limp and it keeps getting back into my head.

And this one chick who dumped me, and who I still got some unresolved feelings for just randomly out of the blue last night, up and gets in touch with me.

And I know she dumped me, and she"s had other dicks inside her since me, but I"m lonely and I don"t want to think about my dog no more. So I talk to her and whatever, and I ask her out on a day, and she says she"s tired maybe another night. So I ask her later on another day, and go no response, 5 hours later I"m like "so that"s a no?" and I get this "Not a no, I just might have plans on Friday, not sure yet. I"ll let you know."

Why does this cunt faced bitch come into my life right now and just stir shit up worse for me? How do I tell her off in away that appropriately expresses how fucking indignant I am, and what a callous cunt bitch playing dumb cunt games she is?
"Stop playing dumb cunt games with me you callous cunt-bitch"?


Shit Lord Supreme
Drinsic said:
"Stop playing dumb cunt games with me you callous cunt-bitch"?
I almost posted something fucking horrible on her wall, but I decided it wasn"t the man thing to do.

"I won"t be your validation after some fuck kicked you out of his bed. But you do this to me while my heart is aching to death from my dog? Get out of my fucking life man nobody is that cold."

That"s it. Fuck her. Fuck life right now.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Don"t post shit on her Facebook. That"s auto-fail. Honestly, just ignore her.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Voyce bro, chill out man.

Bitches are going to be bitches. Don"t let them bother you.
About the dog; clearly the dog was in some sort of pain, which is what led to it being put down. It"s a shitty situation but it"s something that every dog owner knows when they get themselves a pup. You can"t avoid it, it"s inevitable. Just remember the good times you guys shared together and know that whatever was ailing the dog is no longer hurting it. As far as women go, just ignore those bitches. Next time (if there is) that bitch messages you just tell her you don"t really have time to talk right now and then never respond back to her. She sounds like a bitch anyways, don"t waste your time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Cathan said:
It"s one thing to compete with other guys but how does a man compete with a chick? That shit never set well with me so fast forward to the "I"d do her" comment and it went south from there.
I"m not sure why everyone focused on the drinking, this shit above stood out to me like a motherfucker...What do you mean you don"t know how you can compete with a woman? You compete by fucking your woman"s brains out man, simple as that. You had a post a couple of pages ago that was so spot on, but after this I"m not sure you are the same person.

please Shutup said:
I just don"t know how to make the transition of trying to take another step forward without messing things up. My biggest fault with women is fear of rejection by a large margin. I have a self defeating mentality. Should I just say fuck it and try to ask her on a real date? or just continue being passive and see where the volleyball/gym thing goes?
From the sound of it man you"re already in there, just make it happen. She likes you, calm down.

Voyce said:
Why does this cunt faced bitch come into my life right now and just stir shit up worse for me? How do I tell her off in away that appropriately expresses how fucking indignant I am, and what a callous cunt bitch playing dumb cunt games she is?
If you"re not trolling sorry, but your posts are cracking me up and Keg"s response to you about a guy fucking her in the ass and kicking her out made me laugh my ass off. When I was talking about religious girls a while back, one of my stories is just that, I decided not to post it since we"ve already seen this thread full of anal instructions from that one dude who gets high off pills and posts novels. And if you aren"t trolling, sorry about your dog.


Voyce said:
I almost posted something fucking horrible on her wall, but I decided it wasn"t the man thing to do.

"I won"t be your validation after some fuck kicked you out of his bed. But you do this to me while my heart is aching to death from my dog? Get out of my fucking life man nobody is that cold."

That"s it. Fuck her. Fuck life right now.
Call her on her bullshit, she"ll do a complete 180 most likely. If not she"ll blow up and cause drama and you can ignore her by knowing you have the sympathetic high-ground (you just lost your dog). Shit post it all over her facebook so everyone knows what a douche she is. Don"t let bitches get away with that shit, it just makes you look like a pussy.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the advice fellas. Our first game is tonight, so I"ll keep you guys up to date.


Trakanon Raider
Voyce said:
I know that dude, I fucking know what she"s about, I wouldn"t care but she"s so cold she"s not even offering me consolment pussy, she comes into my life while I"m hurt to boost her own fucking ego, what the fuck.

I don"t know if I"ve ever been more angry in my life.
Did she somehow know about your dog situation? If not, simmer down man, she"s just doing what chicks do and you"re over reacting. Just ignore her.