Girls who broke your heart thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ginn said:
You realize PoF =, not Plane of Fear... And my question was pertaining to her body language not how the date ended, I expect these things to take time, I just couldn"t read her very well so I wanted to get some suggestions! And she"s got a banging body so I had to know I was doing the right thing!

P.S. we hugged after, not even a first kiss! This is gonna be a tough nut to crack me thinks!
In the future you need to at minimum kiss the girl on the lips after the first date if you are really interested. Post-date hugs are reserved for 7th graders and awkward virgins.


She hugged me, I was just talking and she walked up and hugged me, so I was like whatever. Then I thought about how she acted all night and thought maybe that was all the courage she could muster!

Aychamo BanBan

Tenks said:
In the future you need to at minimum kiss the girl on the lips after the first date if you are really interested. Post-date hugs are reserved for 7th graders and awkward virgins.
This is big but depends on the girl. In NYC I"d always grab them and kiss onfirst date so I wouldn"t get stuck in friends zone. But my current GF I hung out with 7 - 10 times before we kissed. Different kind of girl.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ginn said:
She hugged me, I was just talking and she walked up and hugged me, so I was like whatever. Then I thought about how she acted all night and thought maybe that was all the courage she could muster!
You"re the guy you make the move. Its not her job to take you roughly or muster up courage to do anything.

This is big but depends on the girl. In NYC I"d always grab them and kiss onfirst date so I wouldn"t get stuck in friends zone. But my current GF I hung out with 7 - 10 times before we kissed. Different kind of girl.
I guess I would saygenerallyits a good idea to kiss her on the first date if you want something to materialize.


But I wanted her to make me a man =( AND WTF who says a girl can"t be aggressive instead of the guys, I thought woman"s sufferege and the civil rights act of 1964 changed all this! Power to the women.

Plus like I said, I really had problems feeling this girl out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ginn said:
But I wanted her to make me a man =( AND WTF who says a girl can"t be aggressive instead of the guys, I thought woman"s sufferege and the civil rights act of 1964 changed all this! Power to the women.

Plus like I said, I really had problems feeling this girl out.
They wanted equal rights not to have to be pumped full of testosterone and run the relationship like a man does. Seriously if you"re going to be waiting around for a girl to show up at your doorstep and rush in on you at which point she grabs your cock and jams it into her waiting, dripping vagina you"ll probably have to wait a while.

Even with the girls who obviouslywantto have sex you have to make the first move to make out with them. Never have I had a girl jump me, make out with me and pull off my pants without me starting something for our first time. The closest I"ve gotten was I leaned in to kiss her, kissed her, and she then quickly grabbed my member and drug me ontop of her. Even this pretty well known skanky girl the first time we went out after the dinner/movie she asked if I wanted to do anything else to which I said "I kind of want you to blow me" and she just said "Alright" so I parked my car at a park.

Even if you"re having issues feeling the girl out what exactly is the worst that can happen if you lean in to kiss her and she just "No thank you" pulls back? A moment of awkwardness at which point you"ll probably never see her again. Is being strung along for 3-4 more dates (totally like $125-$150) with a girl who has no interest in you really the better alternative?


Ginn said:
But I wanted her to make me a man =( AND WTF who says a girl can"t be aggressive instead of the guys, I thought woman"s sufferege and the civil rights act of 1964 changed all this! Power to the women.
do you not think or look around you? women want equal rights where it suits them: in the workplace for income and opportunities, but in their personal lives, on dates they don"t wanna pay or be the agressor.

it takes like a minute of reflection to arrive at that. think harder next time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Dumar said:
do you not think or look around you? women want equal rights where it suits them: in the workplace for income and opportunities, but in their personal lives, on dates they don"t wanna pay or be the agressor.

it takes like a minute of reflection to arrive at that. think harder next time.
the only equal rights women should have is an equal right to suck my dick amirite?


Trakanon Raider
Very much agreed that guys typically have to be the aggressor when it comes to physical contact, at least in the initial stages. I don"t necessarily agree though that you HAVE to kiss on the first date. Sometimes an opportunity doesn"t present itself, or it just doesn"t feel right. No need to force it. Just because it doesn"t happen doesn"t mean that you won"t be fucking them by the third date, if that"s what you"re after.


Ginn said:
But I wanted her to make me a man =( AND WTF who says a girl can"t be aggressive instead of the guys, I thought woman"s sufferege and the civil rights act of 1964 changed all this! Power to the women.

Plus like I said, I really had problems feeling this girl out.
Women only want equality when it doesn"t involve maternity leave, divorce settlements, men paying for their shit in social situations, and when it suits them.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
But they have ZERO tolerance for pretentious, snotty bitches, which is what Xerxes often comes across as. So it"d be interesting to see how things went.
What"s this chick"s deal that she"s so stuck up and snooty about shit when she works at a fucking car dealership? I guess I don"t understand why everyone takes themselves so fucking seriously nowadays. I mean hell, I know my job is a pile of ass, but at least I don"t walk around like I"m king of the world, and everyone else is a lowly peon.


TheCutlery said:
What"s this chick"s deal that she"s so stuck up and snooty about shit when she works at a fucking car dealership? I guess I don"t understand why everyone takes themselves so fucking seriously nowadays. I mean hell, I know my job is a pile of ass, but at least I don"t walk around like I"m king of the world, and everyone else is a lowly peon.
are you serious? i feel like i"m giving lectures here to educate kids. you dunno why this is? when every bitch, ugly or no, gets photo shoots done to post on multiple social network sites, drinks and dinner paid for at clubs, gets attention and messages from tons of guy retards making up lines like here, what do you fucking think they"ll think about themselves?


Avatar of War Slayer
Dumar said:
are you serious? i feel like i"m giving lectures here to educate kids. you dunno why this is? when every bitch, ugly or no, gets photo shoots done to post on multiple social network sites, drinks and dinner paid for at clubs, gets attention and messages from tons of guy retards making up lines like here, what do you fucking think they"ll think about themselves?
its the fact she is 30. ALL single women that are 30+ act like that. Its a reason i will not date one my age. They THINK they are independent and that a man their age wants that. They don"t really care about hanging out with thier friends anymore, they WANT A MAN. So, they will play these stupid ass games to get one, thinking they are showing off things men want to see.

And I am sure he fake boobs dont help. They give her false self esteem.
Not to be a jerk Eomer but didn"t you say you were miffed that she was seeing that "ex" all the while you"re trying to set up dates on PoF?

Two timer!!!

And as an aside, I had a lady friend who did the same kind of thing only with the decor of a restaurant. If there was an ugly painting on the wall the entire night would be ruined for her, so naturally I just started making fun of her need to point this shit out every single fucking time, very playfully and slowly it became more of a joke and less of a "I"m a pretentious snob" so much so that eventually it would be me bringing up the fact that "the lighting in this Macdonalds is just horrid" etc. It worked for me /shrug


Trakanon Raider
TheCutlery said:
What"s this chick"s deal that she"s so stuck up and snooty about shit when she works at a fucking car dealership? I guess I don"t understand why everyone takes themselves so fucking seriously nowadays. I mean hell, I know my job is a pile of ass, but at least I don"t walk around like I"m king of the world, and everyone else is a lowly peon.
Couple things. She"s the finance manager at her dealership, so she makes pretty good coin. What that is, I don"t know, probably in the 60-90k range. Maybe more, I don"t really know or care. She does well for herself. As far as her family background, she mentioned something about her parents living in a 4k square foot house, so it sounds like her parents have money as well. All I really know about them is that they"re immigrants from Iran.

As to why she"s stuck up, I don"t know. As I said previously, sometimes it seems like she"s trying to impress me.

Also an anecdote from Friday I forgot to relate. We were driving to pick up the weed from her friend, and Xerxes and Jill were (still) talking about Brian not having a steady job and how they don"t need a rich guy but Xerxes wanted a guy who would "add" to her life and that she couldn"t be with someone "who is poor and making like 30k a year." I just kept my mouth shut, and Jill argued that 30k a year isn"t poor but pretty much average for someone in Canada. I interjected that that would be average for everyone, including single moms, adult students and so on that "average" for someone working fulltime age 25-60 would probably be significantly more but otherwise didn"t say much.

I just thought that conversation was pretty telling. I wouldn"t say someone making 30k is poor per say, but definitely on the lower end of things. A middle class income for a single earner, around here anyway, starts at 50k and goes probably to 150k, things are expensive. For comparison an inexperienced journeyman in most trades makes 60-70k and up.

I don"t think she"s a gold digger. But she ain"t dancing with no broke American Inventor.

Brad said:
And I am sure he fake boobs dont help. They give her false self esteem.
And me lots of pleasure. Heh, I"m kind of warming up to them. I"d still prefer a natural set, but they sure are fun to play with.

Haka said:
Not to be a jerk Eomer but didn"t you say you were miffed that she was seeing that "ex" all the while you"re trying to set up dates on PoF?

Two timer!!!
I told HER I was miffed. Not that I actually was, really. With the way this girl has been, constantly seeking validation etc, I figured that just outright saying "well that"s cool you are seeing someone else, I don"t much mind because I don"t see this going anywhere, want to fuck anyway?" probably wouldn"t have worked. Overall I"m not that concerned about it as I"m not really the jealous type nor am I overly "into" her.


Brad, we been over your ex on 2 threads now dude. She isn"t good for you, keep it business like and don"t let her get under your skin.

Ronaan, fuck sake man, you sound like a battered wife. Get the fuck away and far away. You are only 35, there are plenty more fish in the sea.

Ahh Eomer, our little prince of ze love The weekend sounded like more of the cat treading with its claws to find the comfy spot in your lap. The ex sounds like fiction to me, Xerxes wanted jealousy. I would go so far as to say this woman REALLY likes you (note what happened when you went dark for a bit, wouldn"t leave you alone) and probably more than she should at this stage (it hasn"t been that long no ?) which I think she realises. Time for some open communication ? Sit her down and give her the "I really like you but can we shitcan the attitude" conversation maybe ?

I love this thread. Tis our own little slice of Jerry Springer, except with more computers and less trailer park ...


ResetEra Staff Member
Good god. I"ve never had to ignore anybody before but I wasn"t goin to have it in this thread. It"s one of the few threads with some real genuine camaraderie and fuckin Dumar has to come try to shit it up.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dumar said:
are you serious? i feel like i"m giving lectures here to educate kids. you dunno why this is? when every bitch, ugly or no, gets photo shoots done to post on multiple social network sites, drinks and dinner paid for at clubs, gets attention and messages from tons of guy retards making up lines like here, what do you fucking think they"ll think about themselves?
I guess my question was more of a general thing. Like schmucks doing some menial office job somewhere talking down to my friends who work in the grocery business full time. Okay, office job schmuck -- 32k a year. Receiver/ON manager at a grocery store - 50k a year. Kinda like me too...yeah, I do grunt work, yeah, a fucking monkey with a lobotomy can do it, but I make 40-50k a year depending on how much I really want to work. I have no debt and I support my family just fine. How the fuck are you any better than me because you work in a cubicle and I throw cases for a living? It confuses me, and that attitude is becoming more and more prevalent. Like people associate the fucking polo shirt they have to wear to work every day with some kind of esteem or power.

And to not derail the thread, cuz I definitely didn"t want that. I was more asking why Eomer"s bitch is so snooty about everything.

she mentioned something about her parents living in a 4k square foot house, so it sounds like her parents have money as well.
This is probably the real reason. Some (most) people just don"t handle money well. Eomer is one of the guys that do (or at least seem to, based upon his internet persona). Other people think they"re automatically critics of the fine arts just because their parents are rich. They have a refined pallet and can"t sleep on less than 800 thread count sheets because they can tell the difference. It"s amusing if you"re looking at it from the outside. Probably not so much when you"re involved romantically with it.