Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
kollos said:
while this may get you laid, i would consider this bad advice if you"re looking for a relationship. you may fake confidence on your approach, but she will eventually see through it and lose attraction after some time.
instead you should work on your confidence, figure out whats causing the lack of confidence and improve there. sometimes a new haircut will help, or you may want to get a new job or whatever.
It isn"t specifically about getting laid, self confidence and the ability to talk to who ever will help you in all aspects of your life. The idea isn"t to pretend to be someone else, it"s to gradually get over something that many people struggle with at one time or another.


Divinefactor said:
confidence works like this:

fake it till you got it
While just getting older helped a lot, this is what gave me a majority of my social confidence. I consider this the end-all answer to low confidence.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
While just getting older helped a lot, this is what gave me a majority of my social confidence. I consider this the end-all answer to low confidence.
Fuck, you have no idea. If I could talk to women when I was 18 the way I can now...jesus christ. So many slipped thru the cracks because I"d just sit around with nothing to say, which in turn probably makes me look like a giant prick. Mostly because I am. But I pretend to care a lot better these days!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
That"s the other part of it. It"s much easier to not give a shit about what people think of you when there"s no chance of a relationship anyway.

Btw, troll less, faggot.


Hahaha, that exchange was hilarious. I have always been sociable and confident. But to this day am absolutely fucking horrible at being able to tell if a chick wants me or not. The amount of vag that has escaped my clutches is legion.


faggot is a term of endearment around here.

I agree with alot of what you write. However, I think everyone runs into the problem of letting their specific experience skew the general advice they give to the masses.

What works for one person and makes them happy, does not work for everyone.

Married life is not for me right now. If it makes you happy. Awesome.
Gryeyes said:
Hahaha, that exchange was hilarious. I have always been sociable and confident. But to this day am absolutely fucking horrible at being able to tell if a chick wants me or not. The amount of vag that has escaped my clutches is legion.
The key here is to assume they all want you until they blow their rape whistles.

Most women don"t lead. Most women don"t make the decision about who they sleep with, who they date or who they want. If you"re sociable and confident, they will usually want you if you show you want them. This is why men who assume all women want them continue to assume this years later, and call all women whores.

If you always let the woman decide if she wants you, most of the time, she won"t.


It"s as simple as Wanna come back to mine and chill? If yes proceed to pwn the vag either that night or nights to follow. If no "all good have a good night and il give you a text" then decide whether to text her or not.


Ok first time asking for some advice on how to read this situation... lest my own eyes fail me.

Went to the bar with 3 female friends of mine(names changed just in case) Nora, Jenny, and Mika. Mika ended up leaving early the other two started playing a drinking dice game. They added a new rule that the loser has to kiss the winner. The night continues and it goes from kissing the cheek to deep tongue kissing each round. I am thoroughly enjoying this as each girl continues to try and raise the stakes.

The night ends up with me in a taxi with Nora and Jenny (fuck not having a wingman) and I end up getting a long good night make out with each girl before going home on my own.

The following couple days, Mika tells me she heard I made out with Jenny. Apparently Nora had told her this, but made no mention of also making out with me.

Nora and I flirt a bit during the week and she asks me if I liked kissing Jenny. I tell her I liked kissing her(Nora) more. We have dinner as a group another night and Nora (who I like much more than Jenny) tells me about how beautiful and sexy Jenny looks tonight. And I keep feeling like she is trying to push Jenny onto me.

Am I reading this situation correctly and how do I properly pursue Nora? I assume she has an obligation to her friend, perhaps Jenny called dibs or something, I am not sure.

In either case, I am not interested in Jenny, but interested in Nora.

Wat do?
Reminds me of a situation I was in during my school time.

It was basically the same scenario, 3 girls I have been hanging out alot as a friend. One of them I didnt like that much, but I spend tons of time with the other two. They were both trying to get me together with the other one. A would ask me if I like B and when I said something like "she cool" proceed to get me to start something. Then during a phone call B would tell me just to kiss A and that shes she she"d fall for me that moment.

What I realized was, that both liked me as a friend and thought I was a great guy, but basically "too nice" (and not an outlaw biker) to qualify as their own bf. So obviously they both wanted me for their best friend, as there was a lack of sexual tension between us.

Wat do = You prolly will not get her, it seems like you already missed that train.


Yes, the first time they both tried to stick their tongue down my throat at the same time, I immediately thought lets get a taxi to my place NOW, however, this did not happen.

I do actually want a relationship with Nora... but starting it out with a threesome does not seem like its out of the question for ME(man card), for her on the other hand... not so sure. Now that we got the chest thumping out of the way...

I really would like a girl to look at this situation and tell me what she thinks is going on. Obviously I would not follow the advice you give (as I am only requesting insight), however I would follow the insight you provide on the situation.

Jenny is not trying to push me onto Nora. I am not saying my situation is special and unique, however, I also hope that I have not missed the Nora train just yet!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Because this dude failed doesn"t mean you"re going to. I"m no woman, but a lot of the women I"ve met (that"s a lot) regard their friendships over starting a relationship with a dude. The ones that don"t really aren"t worth that much.