Girls who broke your heart thread


I am giving online dating a shot for the first time ever. I have a general idea of what to put in my profile, but I have no experience here. Another problem I"m coming across is making it understandable to someone who has English as a 2nd language. I"m going with the cocky-funny style, but I think a lot of it will be lost on Koreans.

Can anyone who has had success in online dating give me an example of their profile? I"ll try to post mine for feedback once I iron out certain parts of it, but it"s a rough rough draft right now.


Molten Core Raider
Haast said:
Changing the subject a little...

How about stories of regret? Is there a girl you had the opportunity to date/fuck/whatever and you fucked it up royal and years later you still regret it?
Can"t remember if I posted this one a few years ago:

There was my best friend"s little sister. I was 20, she was 15, and yeah it probably was legal. Or maybe not. I don"t know and I don"t want to know

I was "dating" her for a week, and that "dating" included holding hands, kissing, and some above-the-clothes fondling.

Should have stayed with her for a while, she went and became a flight attendand later.

Instead I said "Ah well sorry girl, you"re too young" and went on my merry way. I also spent more time with her brother (hey, we were best buddies and all that) than with her while we were "dating".

The other regret is about Steph, girl I dated for a few weeks 2 years ago. Shouldn"t have put the pussy on the pedestal. FoH told me so and I was all "no guys everything is a-ok lol". Should have listened to my friends here. Body was awesome, sex was awesome.

Now I"m getting married in less than 3 months, and really don"t "regret" these past things so much. Story #1 was ~17 years ago, Steph was 2 years ago, nothing to cry about. I"m getting awesome sexanda woman who knows what she wants.


Dabamf I"ve had great success with online dating but the key to my success was quantity not quality. You need to create a profile that speaks to adventurous with a slight serious vibe to it (the I"m fun but I have go my shit together type vibe). Don"t bring up any of your negatives unless they are funny and put recent but well taken photo of yourself up.

You also need to plan this out for the long view (3-6 months). You want to send messages to every single profile you like regardless of what she says she"s interested in. You have to work from the viewpoint that there is no women on there who is out of your league.

Then when you get a reply (expect 1 out if 50) look up their profile again and send a polite in character reply. Whatever you do DONT GET HUNG UP ON A FEW PROFIlES. 50 % of them are fake and you will rarely get the one you are looking at anyway.

Once you get a couple of solid hits there are a while hosts of things to do but we will save all that for later.

Remember play up positives, avoid all non-funny negatives (computers and gaming are nearly always negatives), adventrours and recent but well taken photo.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ronaan said:
Now I"m getting married in less than 3 months, and really don"t "regret" these past things so much. Story #1 was ~17 years ago, Steph was 2 years ago, nothing to cry about. I"m getting awesome sexanda woman who knows what she wants.
Yeah, I hear you. My regrets are more "son I am disappoint" than "now I can"t have a normal relationship again".

When I think about them, I see:


Damn man, still trying for her? To be really honest, everything I got from the emails seemed like she was just not interested and was letting you down easy, just like most people here said when you first posted it. Finals are over and summer is approaching... time to stop trying for the teacher and just try to catch some tail at a beach or party But in all seriousness, she doesn"t sound interested.


Avatar of War Slayer
You may be right and probably are, but I cant get off the fact that she needed my personal email, mentioned going to the museum together after semester"s end and the fact I was pretty much the teacher"s pet up until about a month ago when she got stand offish. Maybe she didnt want students to think there was anything going on.

I am kind of persistent. I dont like to give up and I feel like if I walk away, I will be giving up.


Well if anything, wait it out a bit. Would probably seem creepy to email her right after you got your grades and be all "OK now can we go out?" I wouldn"t have a specific amount of time, but if it were me, I"d wait at least a few weeks and then just eventually casually email her with "So how about that lunch/meetup/whatever?" If she says maybe another time / busy, then you know for sure.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A few weeks sounds too long. While I wouldn"t strike the second grades are posted, within 2-3 days seems prudent.

Are you likely to have to see her again more often then occasional passing in a hallway if this ends in failure? That would be something to consider if the answer is yes.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I"d probably wait a bit too. Emailing her the second your grades are posted comes off as super needy.


Avatar of War Slayer
I had no intentions of emailing her right away. If I do it, I was thinking a couple of weeks.

As for passing her in the hall, probably not. Since I decided to change my major, I only need one semester of art and now its done. I do not need to go into the Fine Arts Wing anymore.

I am pretty frightened of the rejection, though.


Better to be rejected than to have any regrets wondering what the answer may have been. And besides, think of it this way... A girl who you"re not really all that into asks you in an email if you wanna go out for coffee some time. You say no and let her down lightly. Are you thinking anything less of her? Probably not, and it probably isn"t TOO bad if you see her again, but in the case of you and this teacher, you"ve already said you"ll likely never see her again in a class environment. So really, it isn"t that bad if you think about it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Its not the actual rejection I am scared of, it"s the fact I that someone I think I could really like would be rejecting me.

Meh, We will know in the next couple of weeks.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
Its not the actual rejection I am scared of, it"s the fact I that someone I think I could really like would be rejecting me.

Meh, We will know in the next couple of weeks.
I used to be like that in more of a general way, quiet/reserved/didnt" want people to think i was dumb/whatever. I was stupid and I eventually just decided that I need to not give a fuck what other people think. There will always people you don"t get along with or girls who aren"t interested, welcome to Life. If you let it keep you from approaching people for whatever the reason, you"ll end up lonely and miserable.

And I definitely agree w/ Saladus, better to know than wonder.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
I am kind of persistent. I dont like to give up and I feel like if I walk away, I will be giving up.
Sounds to me like you"ve been pursuing this far more than she has. And you were waiting on her, if she has your digits or email let her contact you. I wouldn"t keep trying to force the issue or be persistent, unless you want to look desperate or creepy. Go out, meet some other women, she"ll contact you if she has any interest. If she isn"t interested in you enough to call (given that you"ve already pursued her and she"s pushed you away), then you"d be wasting your time trying to keep forcing the issue /shrug.


Avatar of War Slayer
Erronius said:
Sounds to me like you"ve been pursuing this far more than she has. And you were waiting on her, if she has your digits or email let her contact you. I wouldn"t keep trying to force the issue or be persistent, unless you want to look desperate or creepy. Go out, meet some other women, she"ll contact you if she has any interest. If she isn"t interested in you enough to call (given that you"ve already pursued her and she"s pushed you away), then you"d be wasting your time trying to keep forcing the issue /shrug.
The only thing I have done that remotely shows any interest on my part is asking her to the Museum back in Feb. and buy her coffee and brought it to class, but not sure if that is really me saying I am interested.

The Ancient_sl

Brad2770 said:
The only thing I have done that remotely shows any interest on my part is asking her to the Museum back in Feb. and buy her coffee and brought it to class, but not sure if that is really me saying I am interested.
You were the first I thought of when I found out my friend has to pass on the concert. I have two tickets to Apocolyptica that will go to waste if I cannot convince you to honor me with your company.

I already know the rules you are required to abide by, but I have always been told the answer is always No unless you ask, so I am asking-

Would you like to see Apocolyptica?
She knows you are interested.