Girls who broke your heart thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Rune said:
What"s the over/ under on aamina getting this girl pregnant
Can you get pregnant gently being kissed on the forehead while falling asleep within a warm embrace to futurama?


I used my web detective skills to uncork Aamina"s real identity. I won"t reveal the infos, so don"t ask.

But here"s a pic of him for all you cherub-faced FOH posters and stalkers (Hi Elisabeth).
Tarrant220 said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ravvenn again.

I"ve been saying the same thing for awhile now, nice to see Rav layin down the law.
Pretty much. Thank jesus someone said it.
Ser Kegkilla said:
the problem isn"t with the boobs. if he came on here and said "hey here"s some skank i banged the other night, no big deal, here"s titties" we"d all be high-fiving him, including me, regardless of how gross they are.

the problem is he came on here and threw a sissy fit demanding that i can"t rip on him anymore other wise he"s not going to post the tits for a few days before actually posting them. oh and the plumpton in said pics is his 18 year old girlfriend.

it"s pretty disturbing he"s now dating an 18 year old who is in all likelihood just as fucked up as him. HE HAS KIDS FFS. he should be a lot more concerned with them and a lot less concerned with opinions on an internet message board.

i"m sure his ex-wife would be laughing all the way to he bank with the divorce settlement if she knew what lows aanima has sunk to. but in his bizarre, fucked up mind, he believes it"s "cool" (his words not mine) that he"s dating an 18 year old fatty and i"m sure he believes that his ex-wife is super jealous.

the dude is a fucking trainwreck and will probably lose all custody of his children at this rate. by giving him any sort of positive reinforcement here you"re adding to problem.
ok first I agree with Cutlery on like everything for a month and now trending I"ve agreed with keg, about boobs and moron late 20 year olds with kids dating 18 year olds (I think I actually said aamina was brad 2.0 a few weeks ago? or was that someone else).

I think I need professional help.


God we"re in high school or something. Leave the trolling to keg and stick to 1-liners.

Story time to get this thread back on track hopefully. No brown this time, sorry. Korean cupid came through big time recently. You know how abuse works, where a period of good times convinces a girl that the bad incidents are over, then out of no where, BAM, punched in the face...well that"s how Korean cupid works, except opposite. Every time I go through a period of nothing, no leads on messages, no IMs when I"m online, I think "damn this site dried up, it"s no good anymore," then out of no where BAM, punched in the face with 3 ultra solid prospects.

(1)The one I mentioned in my previous story post (I think). English is dogshit. Face is cute. Body is AMAZING. And she is overflowing with that cute Asian charm you see on kpop videos. Except she"s kind of a bad girl. We"ve hung out 4 times over the past 3 weeks or so. It"s hard to communicate since my Korean isn"t overly impressive, but we can carry most conversations. Usually we just tell stupid 1 liners or make fun of each other. There isn"t much to talk about seriously because our inner personalities are so wildly different. Though we both like teasing. She"s got some magnetic pull over me because of how sexy she is.

(2)New girl. Met her recently. Spoken English is quite quite bad, but listening understanding is decent. She likes to tease a lot, and is dangerously close to the mean girl personality of that one I posted about months ago that put up a million shit tests. It"s a big sign of insecurity, I decided, and knew to let her "win" in the teasing department and mostly be nice to her. She"s kinda cute in the face, but nothing special, and typical shapeless Asian body.

We had dinner, then went elsewhere to a bar, then back to my house for a movie. As we watched, I put my arm around her, she pushed it away, and gave me a kind of dirty look. I laughed, asking her what is wrong. She said nothing, so I did it again. No push.

I kept up the physical touching, just arm and neck with my hand. Later on we were talking real close, so I went in to kiss her and...PULL BACK. I laughed again and asked her what"s wrong. I don"t remember how the conversation went specifically, but she asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend (this is first date remember), and that we wouldn"t do any touching if we weren"t together.

I explained that it"s uncomfortable for me to commit to a relationship on the first meet because that"s weird in my country. But I also understand her, and said we don"t have to do anything she doesn"t want. She kept testing me, definitely trying to figure something out, calling me an "easy guy" and "bad guy." At the bad guy comment I stopped her and said, "Hey, I understand your point of view. You want to date before doing anything physical. That"s your culture. But you need to understand me and my culture. This sort of thing is not bad in my country. We don"t have to do anything you don"t want, but don"t call me a bad guy."

We go back to watching the movie, then 5 minutes later SHE kisses ME. We make out for a little while, then I stop because I don"t want her to think I"m just pushing forward at every opportunity. 10 minutes later I kiss her again, and we start getting more and more physical.

Then we have sex.

WHAT? I was so confused after. How did this all go down? Shepushed my arm away,then eventually we have sex. I was so confused that it kept me up half the night. As she was sleeping, I just sat there thinking. Then I figured it out. This was so fascinating to me that I want to share it. Maybe some others already know this, I don"t know, and maybe many don"t care. So I"ll spoiler it.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Koreans become a couple VERY quickly. First date, maybe 2nd or 3rd. They don"t do anything physical until they are officially together. A guy won"t try that if he wants to really date her, and a girl definitely won"t let him if she wants to really date him. Often in the western world, if 2 people meet and instantly sparks fly, they may end up sleeping together the first night, and that doesn"t prevent a relationship from growing. In korea, that is a sign that they just want to have fun. (These are obviously generalities, there are plenty that are slutty or more western in their dating behaviors).

Ok moving on. So in this case there is a girl who has traditional Korean beliefs. She was quite strongly programmed to follow those rules I mentioned above. But yet, at the end of the night, we slept together. I can say right now, if it had been a white girl offering that much resistance to an arm or a kiss, I"d feel like there"s no chance in hell we"d be sleeping together that same night.

But in this case, the difference of Koreans being less "easy" than Americans actually made this Korean MORE easy due to the circumstances. Here"s why:

At first, she was following her set of cultural rules. I lean in to kiss her, she resists and instantly feels distrust in me because my actions, by her cultural rules, tell her that I don"t want to date, I only want to have fun. If she gave in, she would be agreeing to a "play" relationship, as they call it. That"s why she became so accusatory, calling me dirty and a bad guy. She felt like I thought she was a slutty girl, and that is what prompted me to kiss her.

Then we had a little conversation about cultural differences in dating practices. I explained my point of view which helped her to understand me better. That also reinforced her general perception of western culture as more promiscuous. (All Koreans perceive western culture as promiscuous. In fact, I"ve heard multiple first-hand stories of a drunk middle aged Korean guy drop his pants in front of a western girl as she"s walking home, apparently thinking he"ll get laid because western girls are so easy).

Anyway, this is where my frame comes into play. I held my frame quite strongly when she called me dirty and a bad guy. I essentially said, "no, that attitude is wrong, we just have different standards." So as she bought into my frame, she accepted that it is ok to sleep together on the first night. It doesn"t make her dirty or a slut or anything. But she doesn"t have full knowledge of western culture. That yea, sometimes people sleep together on the first night, but we also have a pretty strong belief that girls should maintain some level of purity. She doesn"t know that. She only knows/thinks, as most Koreans do, that westerners are much more promiscuous.

So while a western girl in this particular circumstance would have probably made out eventually and not gone much further, the LESS easy Korean girl, on the other hand, bought into my frame and that, together with the general assumption that westerners are more promiscuous and that is acceptable, caused her to ultimately be MORE easy than her white counterpart.

That, to me, is one of the most fascinating things I"ve ever witnessed. I"m a psychology nerd, so maybe no one else gives a shit, but I wanted to share.

(3)This one I can"t give many details on for a reason I don"t really want to get into. She"s a big geek, but beautiful. Our personalities match quite quite a bit. After a very short time, I really like her. She"s so innocent and naive, but has a little bad side that she hasn"t explored yet. Nothing physical at all so far. She is the only one in recent times that I don"t care about sleeping with asap.I just want to kiss her forehead!

#1 I am still talking to. I"m so drawn to her at times, but others I"m kinda not interested. She"s got a little of the hot girl syndrome where she kinda expects things to be done for her.
#2 I"ve had like 2 texts since our night together. Not really interested in seeing her again.
#3 I am ultra drawn to. We"re both really into each other actually, but cautious & slowly because it"s new. I know soon I"m gonna have to drop #1 so I don"t "do her dirty." Thanks jersey shore for that line.


Trakanon Raider
Etoille said:
ok first I agree with Cutlery on like everything for a month and now trending I"ve agreed with keg, about boobs and moron late 20 year olds with kids dating 18 year olds (I think I actually said aamina was brad 2.0 a few weeks ago? or was that someone else).

I think I need professional help.
To be fair, he"s 26. I guess that"s technically late 20"s, but barely. And from the sounds of it, he"s about as emotionally mature as an 18 year old anyway. But yeah, very much agreed that in general there"s a pretty huge difference in maturity between 18-19 and the early to mid 20"s, even if it"s only a couple years.


AlexTheDictator said:
He lives in San Francisco, brah. Ain"t nothin" but queers up in dis bitch.
Yeah, but at least women hang out with "the gays". Man Jose is just dumb with respect to women folk.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Then we have sex.

WHAT? I was so confused after. How did this all go down? Shepushed my arm away,then eventually we have sex. I was so confused that it kept me up half the night. As she was sleeping, I just sat there thinking. Then I figured it out. This was so fascinating to me that I want to share it. Maybe some others already know this, I don"t know, and maybe many don"t care. So I"ll spoiler it.
Hey genius, this is how basically every woman in the world works. It has nothing to do with her being Korean. I"ve been on upwards of 20 internet dates this year, of which roughly 80-90% resulted in first night sex. Back here in the "western world" with all the white chicks. Only a minority of the chicks were planning that from the start. Most had no fucking idea they"d be having sex that night, so far as to even not bother shaving their legs or pussy, or whatever other minor details you"d expect a "third date" plan to include. In fact with a couple, they were on their period, so when I progressed to that point, they asked if that was ok, and I said no and just had them blow me. (Actually, when women are on their period they tend to be more horny than usual, so you"ll notice an easy progression until that last part, then odds are you"ll get stonewalled at touching the downstairs, with no real explanation) It"s kind of cute that you think you"re breaking new ground wading around out there in the yellow sea though. Kudos to you for discovering a dating site like that and having some fun. :)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Mmmkeshek said:
Hey genius, this is how basically every woman in the world works. It has nothing to do with her being Korean. It"s kind of cute that you think you"re breaking new ground wading around out there in the yellow sea though. Kudos to you for discovering a dating site like that and having some fun.
I"m glad we have an expert on sexuality and world cultures in our midst. Preach on brother.


Mmmkeshek said:
I know what token resistance is, and I know what real resistance is, the kind where you think, "ok this isn"t gonna go there tonight." The point of the story is the chick was clearly not going to go there at all, until the cultural thing came in.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Sounds like you should remember that play for next time, you might have inadvertently hit upon a formula to talk the pants off of half of Korea.


Molten Core Raider
Eomer said:
To be fair, he"s 26. I guess that"s technically late 20"s, but barely. And from the sounds of it, he"s about as emotionally mature as an 18 year old anyway. But yeah, very much agreed that in general there"s a pretty huge difference in maturity between 18-19 and the early to mid 20"s, even if it"s only a couple years.
No big deal, correct. I dated an 18 year old as well when I was 26. Not getting the point of people making it look like Aamina is a dirty old man hanging out at the kid"s playground.

(The girl in question and her story appear somewhere in this thread, it was the big breasted east german girl who was open toanything. We"re still facebook friends!)