Girls who broke your heart thread


Wrathcaster said:
Please, please don"t tell your children your wife murdered your family.
Oh I won"t...of course not. They are intelligent and will figure it out though. Whatever weasel worded answer I give will not be enough for them...stuff like that was never enough when I was a kid.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Small update since many seemed to be interested.

I"m back in the States now. Haven"t heard anything from her regarding the letter/money, and at this point I probably won"t as she doesn"t know my US cell number and I severed most means of Internet communication (facebook, etc).

I"ve got a weird feeling in my stomach; not sure if it"s missing her, guilt, being unused to being alone, or not even related to her at all.

However, I also have a feeling of ease and freedom, like a burden has been lifted, so I take that as a good sign that I made the correct choice.

I"m looking forward to starting life anew here. Job searching, reconnecting with old friends, and even buying a new wardrobe (left most of my old clothes there)
Aamina said:
Oh I won"t...of course not. They are intelligent and will figure it out though. Whatever weasel worded answer I give will not be enough for them...stuff like that was never enough when I was a kid.
How about you be a proper dad and just don"t tell them. It"s not their business and they don"t need to know the private actions your wife committed against you. That shit is between you two, not your children.


Molten Core Raider
Aamina is as much a man as Jerle is a woman.


Glad you"re doing well McCheese. You were pretty emotionally invested so I imagine it"ll take a bit of time. Just like, make sure you have all tinted windows and if you see any red dots fucking duck.


Silver Knight of the Realm
aychamo_aycono said:
You know what? I apologize.

The mediocre was a joke, but, well, you put yourself out there. So I take back my bad joke about it. It takes some balls to post shit like that on these forums, where there is probably the highest concentration of Internet assholes in the world.

I"m glad you"re doing your best. Sounds like you"re getting your life back together and on track.
Bros, I found a pic of aychamo and aamina.


aychamo_aycono said:
Which one am I?
Ennis Del Mar.

Aamina, stop blaming everything on your wife. Sure she"s a horrible terrible homewrecking slutwhore and whatever, but it takes two people to make a bad marriage. I want to say man up but...

And it"s fun as hell to bag on the dude but goddamn Etoille"s got some serious anger issues built up there.


Vatoreus said:
How about you be a proper dad and just don"t tell them. It"s not their business and they don"t need to know the private actions your wife committed against you. That shit is between you two, not your children.
I just said I wouldn"t tell them. Reading comprehension much? It is in the quote YOU quoted! And I can only say I wasn"t perfect so many times. But it only takes one person to go big on adultery. It takes two people to make a marriage work.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Aamina said:
So, some thoughts. I guess I don"t really know what "being a man is," and recently I"ve come to realize that I don"t care. Because in my own mind, I am.

I have a job I like. I have my own car. I own various musical instruments and computers. I can fix a computer. I can build one. I can change oil. I can program a database. I can setup a network. I can play Mozart and Beethoven on the piano. I can play the guitar. I have recorded songs. I have traded in the stock market and invested my own money with success.

I have taught children. I have taught teenagers. I have changed my son"s life for the better. He and I have worked hours upon hours overcoming his disability. I am divorced.

I date when I want, and I stay home and enjoy video games, Community, and House when I want.

I get my children 25% of the time and when I have them, they always have a good time. Both of my children take mostly after me. They are affectionate, obedient, and musically talented. The older child is patient and loving, like I am. Not a single one of these qualities apply to my ex-wife. She isn"t the devil. She has many good qualities but none of those are hers. The younger child has a horrible temper and is very independent, like his mother. But like I said, their personalities take mostly after me. Most of their lives have been spent with me.

When they get older, I will teach them to play the drums, the piano, and the guitar if they want. I will show them how to change the oil in a car, fix a computer, and build one. I will show them how to construct a logical argument, and how to write an essay. I will tell them it is not their fault that we are not a family together. Because my exwife didn"t murder our relationship, or murder me. She murdered what our family could be. And for that, I pity her. I have no doubt that she is a serial cheater. A cheater is something you are, or you aren"t.

I have goals. I have a sidejob where I am paid to write, which I love. I have a good family that cares. I play guitar with one of my brothers and record in the studio that I helped build in a small way.

I am not rich, but I am getting by. I had a recent hospital trip but I am doing my best to pay it off because my job does not afford me insurance. I am starting school again in January.

Yeah, bad things happen. I couldn"t control what happened to me. Ultimately, destroying a marriage through adultery, repeatedly and essentially unashamedly is her fault. I was not perfect but I tried my best, and I love who she was and I love my children. The point is, I am picking the pieces of my life up and that"s what I"ll continue to do. I suffer, and my children assuredly suffer, because of the choices of one person. But that is life. If enjoying intimacy, and kissing someone on the forehead, and not minding if someone doesn"t look like someone straight out of the PGT, makes me not a man, then okay. You guys can keep it.

I honestly don"t mind that a lot of people here think I date really fat women. That"s okay, because I"m the one actually dating the women in question, so not only do I know the falsehood (which isn"t to say I haven"t been on dates with fat women. Give everyone a chance, I say. Hasn"t gone beyond a first yet though) of the specifics, I am the one who has to like the person and be attracted to the person I date. Not FoH. To me, that is being a man. It doesn"t matter what other people think, as long as I get the things I want, the things I need, and my life goes forward in the direction I want it to. Sometimes, that means immediate sacrifices for long-term gains.

It is so easy to let your life go away in a bad direction. To me, being a man is fighting against it and getting yourself aimed correctly no matter what happens to you. Getting divorced, or not.

I have my bad days, and horrible days. But I still keep going. That also is being a man, to me. Some days, I don"t know that I want to keep going at all anymore. But I"m still here. I don"t think I"ll ever be insanely rich or have every single thing I want, but that doesn"t matter to me as much as it does to some people here. I hope to some day not worry about things so much, and not feel betrayed, but I know that takes time. Sometimes, to heal that, it takes a new relationship to get over the old.

But one thing is, as upset as I"ve been sometimes, you guys never, ever fail to make me smile. Thanks for being there, even if you"ve been nonstop shit lately.

Also, Etoille is fat, and various other boardmembers raped 12 year olds.
Quit Internet. Best Advice for you.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Someone forward that shit to CPS, he"s trying to get the kids to fucking hate their mother, what a disgusting piece of shit. You"re not fit for life.


Sutekh said:
Someone forward that shit to CPS, he"s trying to get the kids to fucking hate their mother, what a disgusting piece of shit. You"re not fit for life.
The fuck? CPS references are not appropriate in any event.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You"re brainwashing your kids in to hating their mother, if anything it"s going to make sure you never see them.


Etoille said:
She CLEARLY is not only a fatty but a butterface too.
Do you know what a butterface is?

aychamo_aycono said:
I figured you"d be sympathetic to Aamina. He is gracious enough to date fat pieces of garbage like you. If it weren"t for people like Aamina, you"d never have a single date.
I lol"d. It"s like aychamo took all the hate he used to have for other people on this forum and concentrated it against moby dick.

McCheese said:
Small update since many seemed to be interested.

I"m back in the States now. Haven"t heard anything from her regarding the letter/money, and at this point I probably won"t as she doesn"t know my US cell number and I severed most means of Internet communication (facebook, etc).

I"ve got a weird feeling in my stomach; not sure if it"s missing her, guilt, being unused to being alone, or not even related to her at all.

However, I also have a feeling of ease and freedom, like a burden has been lifted, so I take that as a good sign that I made the correct choice.

I"m looking forward to starting life anew here. Job searching, reconnecting with old friends, and even buying a new wardrobe (left most of my old clothes there)
The weird feeling might also be related to the uncertainty about how she will turn out. Especially if you are the breaker-upper, I think every normal person wants their ex to turn out ok and be happy in the end, and severing all communication makes it like she doesn"t exist anymore, so you have no way to know what happens (though in this case clearly necessary).

You clearly made the right choice. Just push through whatever it is...

...and enjoy the reverse culture shock

P.S. Aamina tryin too hard


Molten Core Raider
Wrathcaster said:
Your continued presence here reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite movies:

Private Aamina: Sir... does this mean that tit pics aren"t coming?
Lt. Kegkilla: Aamina... I want you to get straight up to livejournal. Captain Attention Whore will need all his people.
Private Aamina: Yes, sir.
Lt. Kegkilla: And Aamina, you will stop with that damn banbetting. How"s it gonna look if you get banned over banging a fat chick?
Private Camerous: Sir? Permission to go with Aamina?
Lt. Kegkilla: Permission granted.
Private Camerous: Thank you, sir.
Private Aamina: Sir, permission not to take Camerous with me?
Lt. Kegkilla: You still here? Vanish, Aamina, most ricky-tick, and take Camerous with you. You"re responsible for him.
WTF... how the hell do I get brought into shit when I am not even participating in said conversation.. stalk much?


Dabamf said:
P.S. Aamina tryin too hard
Yep. He"s that creepy guy that sits next you you at the hotel bar and proceeds to tell you his entire life story whilst blubbering in his tits, except this bar has 15,000 people in it and he"s speaking through a loud speaker.


Molten Core Raider
McCheese said:
I"ve got a weird feeling in my stomach; not sure if it"s missing her, guilt, being unused to being alone, or not even related to her at all.
Grab a Happy Meal; that should fix the weird feeling.