Girls who broke your heart thread

Aychamo BanBan

eXcessive said:
Hahah, wait what? Just to start a random conversation because you"re obviously not a dealer or...?

What did you plan on saying if she said yes?

Ah wait, I know. "That"s good, because I"m about to deal you some secstasy, baby."
Haha I just walk by, look back and say "Hey, do I look like a drug dealer to you?" they almost always say "No,, why??" and I say "because two girls have come up tonight asking me to sell them pot. They come up and rub their leg on me and try to be all seductive - what"s that about?" If she said "Yes" I"d probably make fun of her for knowing what a drug dealer would look like then ask her how bad drugs have messed up her life (playfully)


aychamo_aycono said:
and later in the night texted us that she was tired, didn"t want to go out, but "I don"t have to go out for you to come have sex with me."
stories are more interesting when they arent fabricated

Aychamo BanBan

Dabamf said:
stories are more interesting when they arent fabricated
Would you believe this story: One time I was pulling out of a restaurant, and a girl in a car started following me around the city, I realized it, pulled over, and said "Why are you following me?" and she said "I"m bored." I replied "Well come chill at my apartment." She came over, sat on the couch, I told her her boobs looked fake, she said they were hers, told her to prove it, she pulled down her top, and I pulled out my dick and started getting head from her immediately.

Aychamo BanBan

Sii said:
There are often tables of mixed numbers you know (5 girls, 2 guys) etc.. But we never try it out. We can occasionally mix a 2 girls hanging out alone, +1 straggler.. but never with a dude
Just go up and start talking to the group of people. At that point you are just a person going out to meet some new people and make some cool new friends. And don"t ever worry about the guys at the table. They may be gay friends, brothers, or they may be boyfriends. That"s why once you are talking to the group for a while, you always ask "So how do you all know each other?" It"s such a simple question but it"s brilliant, because it lets you see exactly what"s going at the table. Also, by centertaining an entire table, you look like a badass and your target will see this

From there you can ask if two girls (one being your target) are best friends, and tell them how they communicate with their eyes and with hidden signals, and how guys are completely incapable of doing that.

It really doesn"t matter what you say, just be interesting. Because almost every other guy at the bar is going up to girls saying "Hi, I"m David, can I buy you a drink?" That is so fucking lame. Then what, they ask "So what do you do? Where do you go to school?" It"s like an interview, not a conversation.

Most of this is in a couple of books of material that people assembled by trying it out on thousands and thousands of women. The people that came up with this stuff are brilliant, and it works.


aychamo_aycono said:
Would you believe this story: One time I was pulling out of a restaurant, and a girl in a car started following me around the city, I realized it, pulled over, and said "Why are you following me?" and she said "I"m bored." I replied "Well come chill at my apartment." She came over, sat on the couch, I told her her boobs looked fake, she said they were hers, told her to prove it, she pulled down her top, and I pulled out my dick and started getting head from her immediately.
Please make this into a flash animation short.


Would you believe this story: One time I was pulling out of a restaurant, and a girl in a car started following me around the city, I realized it, pulled over, and said "Why are you following me?" and she said "I"m bored." I replied "Well come chill at my apartment." She came over, sat on the couch, I told her her boobs looked fake, she said they were hers, told her to prove it, she pulled down her top, and I pulled out my dick and started getting head from her immediately.
aaaaaaahahahaahaa, I love it "your boobs are fake" "fine, I"ll show you" amazing, even if it"s not real


I never thought about just dropping in the how do you know each other comment. That would also make it easy to pick out the roomates. It certainly also gives you control of a table, which is powerful and attractive to dumb girls.

Aychamo BanBan

Sii said:
It certainly also gives you control of a table, which is powerful and attractive to dumb girls.
That"s a really good idea you guys have with the sports bar!

I don"t think this stuff works just on dumb girls, it"s girls in general. Honestly with a dumb girl it"d probably fall to shambles because they couldn"t follow along in the conversations. I don"t know what I"d do in that situation, I"d probably give them a sad look and walk off shaking my head.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Mystery"s show on VH1 was solid. Don"t ripoff the exact lines in it, Im sure girls have heard them, or seen the show. But a lot of what he talks about is just finally finding a good use for psychology.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I liked it, he explained the different techniques, but also got into a little bit of why they actually work.

Aychamo BanBan

Sii said:
The worst thing about picking up girls around where I live? Clingers. I seem to get alot of them, and I mean alot. Like 70% range. Every girl seems to want a relationship, and it"s just not happening. It"s a rare day when I pull some one nighter and don"t have to put up with inquiries about when we are going to start "dating" and other shit. For that reason alone, I always try to find a way to go back to their place. That way, they can"t stop by or something. equally stupid. However, my friends don"t have as bad luck, so it"s probably just me. I tend to be a tad "nicer" to the girls and "friendlier" I have heard, so that"s probably why.
Ah that sucks man!!


Potato del Grande
aychamo_aycono why don"t you just write a blog or slit your writs, all you guys humoring him should go see him and suck his cock in person.

More drummer stories, less random made up shit that happened in aychamo_aycono"s day please.