Girls who broke your heart thread


if she responds to it, keep the topic for as long as you can. never talk about stuff like "what are you doing for a living?", "where are you from?" just talk about random stuff, funny is good, teasing is good, fantasies are good. you can still talk about the other stuff once you have gotten to know each other a little better.
the good thing about the devorce opener is that you can start talking about some fun stuff right away. like, the great sex you had, teasing her how bad she cooks, a romantic weekend you had. even if you bring up something like saying she is snoring loudly, she will start to imagine this situation where she is sleeping next to you. whatever you say will have her imagining this relationship you two had, and if it sounds like fun she will start wanting this sort of relationship. that is the direction you want to go.
Eomer, ask before you let it peter out. I"ve gotten, probably, 10 or so numbers so far from it. Honestly, I"m just practicing really, since I"m living with my parents for another couple months and might be moving to Dallas once I"m out. Not expecting anything right now but conversation, which is actually turning out pretty good. I have no patience with stupid and thankfully haven"t met much so far.

I keep up conversation with about 6 of those girls now, texting or talking on the phone about every day. Phone conversations last a few hours generally, I"m talkative as fuck and also listen pretty well.

Aychamo BanBan

Eomer said:
Typically it peters out before I even get around to asking. After about 5-6 messages back and forth, sometimes more. I think my main problem is I have a tendency to just start talking about boring shit like work, school, whatever. I guess I"m not sure what the ground rules are, are you supposed to let them "get to know" you before you ask, or do you just up and ask before the conversation has a chance to go dull?

For each reply I try to do one paragraph of role-playing the ex-husband, and then keep a real conversation going beneath it. When they answer I try to use disqualifiers (like "I"m way too high maintenance for you, but .." or "I"m way to busy to ever meet you, but you seem like you might be fun to kick it with", or "You"d probably drive me up the wall if we ever met!") And I try to banter with them (this is a neat link, but more applicable for real life:

To avoid the boring school/work talk, I always end my messages with two questions, similar to these:
- What"s the most spontaneous thing you"ve done lately?
- What"s the most romantic thing you"ve done for a guy?
- What"s the cruelest thing you"ve done to a guy?
- Since we married and divorced so quickly, where was the place you really wanted to go for our honeymoon?
- What"s one thing you"ve extremely passionate about?
- What"s something you"re interested in that"s super nerdy and you"d be embarrassed if your friends knew?

I think those help build rapport and comfort.

... I"m not saying my way is the best, I have a lot of them that fizzle out, or are just plain scared to give their number to an internet guy. I usually ask with something like "Hey you might be fun to kick it with "real life" style, shoot me over your # and we can think of something totally random to do."

Also a lot of times I"ll try completely different shit with each girl, like some be extremely sexual with, some say stupid shit, a lot of times I just copy and paste my shit replies into other messages, ignoring their other questions. I don"t know.

I think the shit works, we just have to crack the code to always get the #.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
the word game is always good if you want some filler.

Give the other person 5+ words and have them use them all in a sentence/paragraph. Depending on the tone can be very goofy funny, or kinky and flirty depending on the words.`
Also, that chick in the bikini I posted, amazed me. We ended up talking about D&D 3.5 for a bit and how she"s pissed that she finally got the books and now 4th is coming out. lulz


Silver Knight of the Realm
Vatoreus said:
Also, that chick in the bikini I posted, amazed me. We ended up talking about D&D 3.5 for a bit and how she"s pissed that she finally got the books and now 4th is coming out. lulz
She"s a keeper!


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the tips, things are still going with the Palin look alike, so maybe I can steer it back to more irreverent shit. She"s applying to be a cop in a couple weeks, so I"m sure I can work in some handcuff comments.


ResetEra Staff Member
Vatoreus said:
If so, it"s the most feminine sounding guy I"ve ever talked to.

That and he"s got a pretty nice bod.
When you meet up with her, you should snag a 20 sided die and use it to make a decision as a joke at some point in the night.
How I found out about it was, we had a "Who"s nerdiest" arguement, so me, being all smug go "You are inflicted with a poison with a DC level 18. Your constitution is 14, what do you have to roll on a D20 to save?" Her response "What level and class am I?" That"s when I shit.


<Prior Amod>
Vatoreus said:
How I found out about it was, we had a "Who"s nerdiest" arguement, so me, being all smug go "You are inflicted with a poison with a DC level 18. Your constitution is 14, what do you have to roll on a D20 to save?" Her response "What level and class am I?" That"s when I shit.
Fucking win.


With the introduction of this new line I have a pressing question. What would you all do on a date?

I obviously want to do something fun, but I also want to create an atmosphere that creates positive reinforcement in the memory of said girl.

I know it may be a bit out there, but how do you folks think about like volunteering at a soup kitchen? It gives an opportunity to talk, as well as make the girl feel very good about herself for doing a good deed (and in turn good about you because you initiated and partook in the experience). I imagine it is a date that she would immediately tell her friends about (due to the unusual nature of it) increasing your image in the positive and getting her friends/peers more interested in you.

Thoughts, ideas, suggestions on the next level?

edit- fucking marry that D&D girl, or I will.


ResetEra Staff Member
Everlast said:
With the introduction of this new line I have a pressing question. What would you all do on a date?

I obviously want to do something fun, but I also want to create an atmosphere that creates positive reinforcement in the memory of said girl.

I know it may be a bit out there, but how do you folks think about like volunteering at a soup kitchen? It gives an opportunity to talk, as well as make the girl feel very good about herself for doing a good deed (and in turn good about you because you initiated and partook in the experience). I imagine it is a date that she would immediately tell her friends about (due to the unusual nature of it) increasing your image in the positive and getting her friends/peers more interested in you.

Thoughts, ideas, suggestions on the next level?

edit- fucking marry that D&D girl, or I will.
I"m no expert in game so I"m sure the dudes who actually practice the stuff will have more to say but...if she"s actually a decent girl where things might go places, a soup kitchen could fly. The problem there is, how would you know this yet it"s the first date?...It might be worth it to use it as a sort of litmus test though if you"re looking for a girl who"s not a shallow bitch, lol.

Aychamo BanBan

Everlast said:
With the introduction of this new line I have a pressing question. What would you all do on a date?

I obviously want to do something fun, but I also want to create an atmosphere that creates positive reinforcement in the memory of said girl.

I know it may be a bit out there, but how do you folks think about like volunteering at a soup kitchen? It gives an opportunity to talk, as well as make the girl feel very good about herself for doing a good deed (and in turn good about you because you initiated and partook in the experience). I imagine it is a date that she would immediately tell her friends about (due to the unusual nature of it) increasing your image in the positive and getting her friends/peers more interested in you.

Thoughts, ideas, suggestions on the next level?

edit- fucking marry that D&D girl, or I will.
Erumaron is 100% spot on. Remember, you are a badass, and you are screening this girl to see if she"s the type of girl you want to be with and share your awesome life with.

Hell yeah bring her to a soup kitchen to volunteer. That is actually an incredible idea. I think the worst thing you can do is bring a girl out to a normal (or expensive) dinner and sit there and be all awkward and make the girl feel uncomfortable and you have to sit there and eat in front of each other, etc. That"s a really great idea about the soup kitchen. Some other ideas are to go for a hike somewhere, or rent bikes and go ride down by a boardwalk or riverwalk type place. Or something fun like flying trapeze lessons. Anything except a "dinner and movie" is really great.

Depending on where you"re at, you can always bust out the sterno and make smores together, I had good luck with that little gem thrown in on dates (well, sample size n = 1).

Honestly, the soup kitchen is a great idea.
Everlast said:
With the introduction of this new line I have a pressing question. What would you all do on a date?

I obviously want to do something fun, but I also want to create an atmosphere that creates positive reinforcement in the memory of said girl.

I know it may be a bit out there, but how do you folks think about like volunteering at a soup kitchen? It gives an opportunity to talk, as well as make the girl feel very good about herself for doing a good deed (and in turn good about you because you initiated and partook in the experience). I imagine it is a date that she would immediately tell her friends about (due to the unusual nature of it) increasing your image in the positive and getting her friends/peers more interested in you.

Thoughts, ideas, suggestions on the next level?

edit- fucking marry that D&D girl, or I will.
I think the soup kitchen thing could backfire. Its just like chicks who are into the things that the guy likes when they first meet, but then after a while she hates watching sports, or hates hanging out with your friends.

If you take her to a soup kitchen, she might want to keep going back to help out and if you dont then she might leave you for not wanting to go back. If your the kind of guy that can do that, then its all good, but if you dont plan on doing it for holidays or whenever shes feeling like volunteering, then your fucked.


Trakanon Raider
I think some sort of activity is pretty important, so that you"re not forced to concentrate on ONLY conversation for the entire duration. I think dinner is a brutal first date, personally, because you haven"t established any common ground and depending on both of your personalities, it might be teeth grindingly boring or awkward. Yeah there"s lots of really unique, neato things you can do, but something as simple as bowling, billiards, or some sort of other activity is a good start. Movies are brutal too, because the very concept of it limits interaction.

I just think it"s silly to have some sort of elaborate, long duration thing for a first date. A first date is a basic introduction to even see if you can stand the person you"re going on the date with. It should be pretty short, like 1-2 hours max, with the option of going longer if both people are feeling it. Locking yourself in to what could be 4 or 6 hours of hell in a soup kitchen on a first date to me sounds like a terrible idea.

That said, if the first date or two went well, then it could be a fantastic idea. I just don"t think it makes for a first date at all.
My date description.

For me, first dates are a great way to see how a person is or isn"t, so let"s do something fun! How about we go out to the country and do a trail ride and then head back into town and maybe go for some drinks and a quick bite, then hit up a karoke bar. Let"s have some fun and loosen up and get to know each other a little better.