Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
I know aych can be a dicktroll on here but shouldn"t you just assume for safety that it"s true and say something not asshat sounding? This is for no one in particular but the several that said shit things.

Sorry aych if it"s true, I know you were really happy with her and that you"d finally found someone. Hang in there.


Avatar of War Slayer
Erumaron said:
How"d the convo setting up the date go?
I walked in and she was helping someone. Her co-worker came out and asked how I was doing and said "Youre here for LeaseLee?" I said yes.

After LeaseLee was done, she came out and said "He is here to see me."

I went into her office with her and said "I should have done this proper yesterday. What time should I pick you up tomorrow so we can hang out?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Something fun. First we will have dinner and I will decide on the entertainment after I get to know you a bit better"

"She said I will need your number so I can call you. I work [her schedule for tomorrow]"

Then we joked a sec about cheap dates and then i said "You will call me tonight when you get off of work. Talk to you then"

"Ok, talk to you tonight"

Then i left. What"s jacked up, I remember her pulling her phone out and putting it away, but I DO NOT remember giving her my number.

Zeitgeist said:
He comes in, talks to her and is cocky/confident. They make plans for a date.

Later in his car, he feels like an asshole and calls her to say sorry, of course he accidentally proposes while saying sorry
Almost. I will save the marriage proposal for next week.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
Then i left. What"s jacked up, I remember her pulling her phone out and putting it away, but I DO NOT remember giving her my number.
You should call her and let her know what your number is. And then apologize for being too brutal with the date plans.


Alyssarie said:
Sorry aych if it"s true, I know you were really happy with her and that you"d finally found someone. Hang in there.
I"m sorry to inform you but every girl he dates for over a week he considers "The One". There was that one chick he took pics off sucking his dick, then that Indian looking chick, and then that spanish girl he met that he said he was going to marry and everyone told him she looked like a whore and guess what? She left him. It isn"t a big mystery that he is mentally unstable and any connection with a vagina is like finding Christ for him. Sorry to be straight forward and a prick but I"m half Pakistani half Cuban and my terrorist fueled blood adds insanity to my dictator like mind.
Leviothan said:
I"m sorry to inform you but every girl he dates for over a week he considers "The One". There was that one chick he took pics off sucking his dick, then that Indian looking chick, and then that spanish girl he met that he said he was going to marry and everyone told him she looked like a whore and guess what? She left him. It isn"t a big mystery that he is mentally unstable and any connection with a vagina is like finding Christ for him. Sorry to be straight forward and a prick but I"m half Pakistani half Cuban and my terrorist fueled blood adds insanity to my dictator like mind.
Haha. Scoooooreeee!


Molten Core Raider
Leviothan said:
I"m sorry to inform you but every girl he dates for over a week he considers "The One". There was that one chick he took pics off sucking his dick, then that Indian looking chick, and then that spanish girl he met that he said he was going to marry and everyone told him she looked like a whore and guess what? She left him. It isn"t a big mystery that he is mentally unstable and any connection with a vagina is like finding Christ for him. Sorry to be straight forward and a prick but I"m half Pakistani half Cuban and my terrorist fueled blood adds insanity to my dictator like mind.
Haha no need to apologise, I don"t know everything about his dating past haha. I just, maybe in a little bit of a naive way, try to believe what people say and think the best. I still think even if she, by what you say, wasn"t the one, he probably did like her so therfeore the possible death of her is still fucked up. I just think it"s a little wrong to say, even if it"s not meant to be harsh, things that people were saying.

People can say what they want obviously, but I genuinely think aych is an ok guy so I wanted to be one to say something nice


IFshe is literally dead and not some crazy Fallout Boy metaphor for her blossoming away from him to be with someone else then yes it sucks. But he has used up his pity posts when he constantly posts this shit all the time.


Some of the sarcastic remarks to Aychamo"s post have me laughing, keep it up! Maybe the douchebag"ll stick a few highlighters up his nose before he requests another self ban


Signed up to PoF; and right in fucking time too. almost missed this hottie-

and lets not forget ass belly girl
So after the epic fail that was Tattoo Girl, someone I had just been casually talking to as friends while dealing with it all dropped a "I would never treat you like she"s treating you" a little while back. Then when shit went down, she kinda helped keep me together and deal with it pretty good.

Well, I went down and saw her tonight and...fuck man, she"s definitely amazing.

She actually got me back to playing WoW a little while ago and shit and we"ve been playing and talking a lot every day. Here"s to hoping shit turns out for the win.

Excuse my shitty phone cam
Vatoreus said:
So after the epic fail that was Tattoo Girl, someone I had just been casually talking to as friends while dealing with it all dropped a "I would never treat you like she"s treating you" a little while back. Then when shit went down, she kinda helped keep me together and deal with it pretty good.

Well, I went down and saw her tonight and...fuck man, she"s definitely amazing.

She actually got me back to playing WoW a little while ago and shit and we"ve been playing and talking a lot every day. Here"s to hoping shit turns out for the win.

Excuse my shitty phone cam
Fuck, Jackpot?


A girl that makes you play WoW? Eat that WoW CD (and hopefully die doing so) for thinking that"s a good thing.