Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Zeste said:
So, is Xerxes a real name? There"s no way that"s a real name. If I was dating a chick named Xerxes, everytime she asked a question I"d be forced to answer "THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!"


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Zeste said:
So, is Xerxes a real name? There"s no way that"s a real name. If I was dating a chick named Xerxes, everytime she asked a question I"d be forced to answer "THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!"
She"s Persian looking, hence Xerxes.


Trakanon Raider
I know it might be hard to believe, but most (all) Persians I know really don"t like 300.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I"m sure the reason most Iranian"s hate 300 is because they think it was a shitty movie, and not because it depicted their ancestors as barbaric, brutal, ugly and sadistic conquerors.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
FoghornDeadhorn said:
That, and it could have been a lot better-written.
You just jump from thread to thread pissing in everybody"s metaphorical cheerios, don"t you?

On a completely unrelated note, psycho ex I was talking about a few pages back informed me she wants to get my name tattoo"d on her. Jesus fucking christ.

Her: good morning sexy

me: hey whats up.

her: not much u busy?

me: slightly. why?

her: I wanted to run an idea by you for a tattoo

me: yeah?

her: I was thinking of getting a name I"m not sure where.

Me: (seeing where this is going) who"s?

her: Yours =)

me: I don"t think you"ve thought this through very well...

Will keep updated for psycho emotionally unstable ex-girlfriend drama and possible lol value.

Her: (not taking the hint I guess) where do you think I should get it? I"m still in the thinking stage coz I can"t afford to get it?

me: I don"t think you should get it...

her: ok, left asscheek it is

me: I"m going to just hope you aren"t being serious


Molten Core Raider
Azrayne said:
me: I don"t think you"ve thought this through very well...

My ex keeps texting me about how she wants us to give it another try, she"s started taiji and getting acupuncture to help get over her hormone induced mood swings, but I told her I can"t love her any more after how she insulted me.

On the one hand it hurts to be like that towards her, because I"m really sorry, but on the other hand it"s no use if I lie to her about my feelings and give us another chance just because I"m sorry for her.

And I"m still waiting for that damn phone to ring.


Tell her to get "FoHSS" tattooed on her tits and take a picture. Don"t tell her what it means. Lipstick and sharpie scrawls would havenothingon permanent, irremovable ink.


ResetEra Staff Member
FoghornDeadhorn said:
I just think the Persians clearly descend from culturally sophisticated peoples and reject 300 purely on its merits as a film.
The Battle of Thermopylae story has been told like that for a pretty long ass time. Granted it"s probably only by Westerners but whatever.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Erumaron said:
The Battle of Thermopylae story has been told like that for a pretty long ass time. Granted it"s probably only by Westerners but whatever.
The persians were no worse than anyone else in that time period. It was all about conquering and raping and killing back in those days. Unless you were a chick, then it was about cooking and popping out babies and being on the receiving end of the raping.


Erumaron said:
The Battle of Thermopylae story has been told like that for a pretty long ass time. Granted it"s probably only by Westerners but whatever.
Knowing history, and having watched the movie 300, this statement threatens my brain of or asplode.


Trakanon Raider
Eomer said:
If you don"t care, don"t click on the spoiler!

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:So as I mentioned earlier, I had texted a bit with Xerxes earlier in the week. She apologized for sending me a "miss you" message on Facebook, I said it wasn"t anything to apologize about but that I wasn"t sure how to respond and don"t want to lead her on, she said no problem that she feels nothing for me except as a friend etc etc.

So Friday at 6:30 I get this:

"Hey just at Jens (who lives in my building), going for dinner. If you wanna say hi or something let me know "

Smilies, bitches love smilies.

I text back that I was just leaving to go pick up some friends and then going to see Great Lake Swimmers, and they were welcome to join us. She said they were just sitting down for dinner, but that we should "hang" later. So I texted her as we were leaving the concert and told her to come up to my place in a few minutes. Mainly I was thinking her friend had just broken up with a long term boyfriend, one of my friends was single, so hey why not? It was also in the back of my mind that she probably wasn"t coming up just to hang out.

So her and Jen came by, and the 6 of us played Rock Band for awhile, had some drinks and a smoke, and by midnight my three buds left to go to a bar (I had told them before that I wasn"t up, needed to catch up on sleep). So it"s back to me, Xerxes, and Jen as usual. Xerxes made a joke about how it was just like "old times", because she often brought Jen up when she was over at my place, and I had said I found it kind of annoying. But then she made a joking comment about how they"re a package deal or something like that, basically alluding to a threesome. I think anyway. She tends to talk a lot and shit comes from left field, so maybe I just misinterpreted. Regardless, I just let the comment slide by and didn"t really try to jump on it.

They hung out for awhile longer, she made herself pretty available sitting beside me on the couch, making eye contact, poking me etc, but I wasn"t really having it. Sex with her is great but I was definitely going to a hockey game with the new girl, Anne, on Sunday and possibly meeting her on Saturday night, and figured that I should think with my big head for once. After awhile, I guess she got the hint, and they left after a hug and a peck on the cheek. She texted me the next morning thanking me for having them over, that it was a blast as usual, and it was good to see me.

So last night I went to meet up with Anne, who had told me that her and her friend from the ski trip were going out with "some" friends. Some turned out to be like 15. But as it turned out, she only knew a few and pretty much just ignored them and hung out with me. The place was too packed to try to stay with the group anyway. She was very touchy feely right away, and she seemed really nervous. Which is good, I guess. She thanked me a couple times for coming out, that she was glad to see me etc., that it was great that I got along with her friends ("what, do you date a lot of anti-social assholes?") and so on. She appears to be really in to me, which is surprising considering I was kind of a dirtbag the weekend I met her. Although I guess that"s the way things supposedly work. For extra lulz, I ran in to the other girl I"d made out with that weekend. That was kind of awkward!

She"s as cool as I remember, so this is off to a good start. I didn"t give her the present, didn"t mention it or anything like that. The way she was last night though, I honestly think she would have been really pleased by it. I"ll wait a week or two and maybe bust it out then, depending on how things go.
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Dinner and the hockey game with Anne went really well. Other than the fucking Oilers losing to the Wild again. It was pretty hilarious, because the "other girl" I mentioned above popped up on the video screen in the crowd partway through the game. I damn near fell the fuck out of my seat.

"What"s so funny?"

"Remember the blonde that came up and talked to me for a minute or two last night?"

"Oh, the one from the trip that was so drunk Sunday morning she loaded her bags on the wrong bus?"

"Yeah! She was up on the screen a second ago."

"Haha, I guess it"s meant to be."

lawlz, Xerxes update: her status on Facebook over the weekend read "Two weeks away from a beach!" Someone commented asking where she was going, she replied "I am going to dominican with my boyfriend!!so excited. How are you?" I saw an update a week or two ago that she had booked her tickets or whatever. So apparently she went straight from being my girlfriend to friend to having a boyfriend in about two days. Awesome. And yet she was over at my place three days ago wookin" pa" "nub.


ResetEra Staff Member
Snugglebear said:
Knowing history, and having watched the movie 300, this statement threatens my brain of or asplode.
Riiiight. Western history hasn"t glorified the fuck out of what the Spartans did ...I"m completely wrong.


Erumaron said:
Riiiight. Western history hasn"t glorified the fuck out of what the Spartans did ...I"m completely wrong.
Not to mention the whole story was told by a Farmer of Corinthian decent 300 years after it happened.
So lets pretend they were accurate it"d still be skewed towards the Spartans being heroes. And if you asked the Athenians they would say the Spartans were cowards just trying to buy time for the Wall to be built.

It will never be historically accurate, history is painted by the winners.