Girls who broke your heart thread


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Brad2770 said:
And the fact I wont kiss... I dont like it. Everyone has their "strange" likes and dislikes. Thats just one that effects me romantically.... Its sad, i know. But someone that truly cares for me will understand.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah it IS kinda weird you don"t like kissing Brad, I"m pretty sure most any woman while they say will understand will eventually develop insecurities about the whole thing at some point.

And I agree, going back and forth about Brads issues isn"t really accomplishing anything, all that"s been said about it has pretty much been said.
Rathmort said:
Don"t lump us all in the same boat... Anyway, how exactly do you teach yourself to read?
Have no clue *shrug*. Was told that by my mom (in a conversation about how my sister and I are different - shes good at math I"m not - so it wasn"t like my mom thought both of us were friggin awesome) because I asked her one day why she had my IQ tested in the first place at a young age. (While mine was tested three times as a child my sisters never was - she"s freakishly good with numbers but probably along the lines of somewhat above average in all other subjects).

Would guess it was probably my parents reading to me over and over and over again - my brain is really good at recognizing patterns (its how I learn) so I would guess that"s how it happened but I was obviously way too young for me to remember that. But no one ever sat down with me and "taught" me to read apparently.


Im surprised at this group...a woman (claims to be) comes in and tries to man up Brad like Dr Phil and you all (not all, but far too many)give it the ok...Seriously, this is the "Girls who broke your Heart Thread". If there is one thing I"ve learned is that women are the devil and unless they show their advice written on their tits in lipstick, Im not interested in what they have to say in this thread.

This was the perfect chance to show unity and sheeeesh,,,what happened? I bet some of you nitwits are sending emotes to this person who shall not be named!


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Calling BS on that Etoille. Grab a book in russian, and then listen to people in russian and tell me if its possible for you to learn it by yourself.
Ralphus said:
Im surprised at this group...a woman (claims to be) comes in and tries to man up Brad like Dr Phil and you all (not all, but far too many)give it the ok...Seriously, this is the "Girls who broke your Heart Thread". If there is one thing I"ve learned is that women are the devil and unless they show their advice written on their tits in lipstick, Im not interested in what they have to say in this thread.

This was the perfect chance to show unity and sheeeesh,,,what happened? I bet some of you nitwits are sending emotes to this person who shall not be named!
Well I was competing for biggest board whore around here for a while with Millie, but when he was outed I got all of his business.

Based on the stuff you"ve been sending me behind closed doors though I"m willing to give it all up for you and only you. You"re the only one who really knows me for who I am. I"m so glad you"re a chubby-lover!
lendarios said:
Calling BS on that Etoille. Grab a book in russian, and then listen to people in russian and tell me if its possible for you to learn it by yourself.
Call bs on it allllllllll you want. Doesn"t change facts. My mom had zero incentive to lie to me (esp. when all she does is kiss my sisters ass).

I"m sure its not uncommon. Is it the norm? Hell no. But I"m sure I"m not the only person in the universe who was a self taught reader.

Hey whaddaya know:Definition of Self-Taught Reader - What is a Self-Taught Reader?5 mins on google=win.

Exceptionally gifted children - Google Books

Its a shitty source to be sure but look right there - "breaking the code". Which as I stated is the EXACT way I learn. This isn"t something that has only happened to me folks.


Ralphus said:
If there is one thing I"ve learned is that women are the devil and unless they show their advice written on their tits in lipstick, Im not interested in what they have to say in this thread.
This isn"t a post sob stories and feel sorry for yourself circle jerk thread. And with that viewpoint towards women, you are sure to not get any ever. Brad was acting like a retard and etoille, still enraged from brad having killed her cat or something, called him on it...ruthlessly. You expect people to jump in and say no don"t attack the dumbass shitting up the thread he"s a GUY LIKE US!! This isn"t the he-man women hater"s club.

this is a disaster, thread needs tits asap, or more stories of powerpoints


The thing is people complain about single mothers and never about single fathers not because single fathers don"t exist, but because bitches are fucking crazy and have zero idea how to parent without a goddamn father to put their crazy bitch asses back in line.

Based off of my friends who had single mothers as parents and my own experience growing up with just my dad, who had his fair share of flaws to be sure, while people generally think I was put at a disadvantage, I definitely got the better deal.

I would rather have Brad as a father than Etoille for a mother any day of the week. Brad is, at the core, a decent guy and Etoille is a self righteous pedantic retard self-rationalizing crazy bitch, and at the end of the day that"s all that matters.

PS Way to take responsibility for your life by blaming your parents. At 24 fucking years old you should have manned up..oh wait. I think I see the problem.
Rune said:
The thing is people complain about single mothers and never about single fathers not because single fathers don"t exist, but because bitches are fucking crazy and have zero idea how to parent without a goddamn father to put their crazy bitch asses back in line.

Based off of my friends who had single mothers as parents and my own experience growing up with just my dad, who had his fair share of flaws to be sure, while people generally think I was put at a disadvantage, I definitely got the better deal.

I would rather have Brad as a father than Etoille for a mother any day of the week. Brad is, at the core, a decent guy and Etoille is a self righteous pedantic retard self-rationalizing crazy bitch, and at the end of the day that"s all that matters.

PS Way to take responsibility for your life by blaming your parents. At 24 fucking years old you should have manned up..oh wait. I think I see the problem.
I did man up actually . Manned up at 20 when my parents split. I didn"t consider myself unbasketcased til the process was over and I was in a good place. BOTH of my parents were physically and emotionally abusive actually. I don"t make excuses for my own behavior but all things considered I managed to break the cycle. I never said my life was a shitty mess either, did I? I blame no one for who I am now - though I think most people would understand a child who couldn"t go out and swim during summers because her body was so bruised would PROBABLY just maybe have issues into their late teens.

I"ve dealt with them; I"ll continue to deal with them for the rest of my life. But how my parents behaved doesnt excuse my decisions now; it didn"t back then either. My comparison though wasn"t an excuse (though obviously you read into it what you wanted to) - rather an illustration that someone can be both intellectually ahead of the curve and emotionally behind.

What am I wasting my time on you for though? You think a guy who threw away his marriage and family on a 19 year old and video games is a decent guy rofl."

Dabamf has it right - I might be a hard nosed bitch but I"m certainly not the only bitch in this thread. There"s multiple little bitches up in here. There"s a WHOLE lot of woman hating going on in here as I"ve said - post above mine being a prime example. Some of y"all are just sorry.


Dabamf said:
This isn"t a post sob stories and feel sorry for yourself circle jerk thread. And with that viewpoint towards women, you are sure to not get any ever. Brad was acting like a retard and etoille, still enraged from brad having killed her cat or something, called him on it...ruthlessly. You expect people to jump in and say no don"t attack the dumbass shitting up the thread he"s a GUY LIKE US!! This isn"t the he-man women hater"s club.

this is a disaster, thread needs tits asap, or more stories of powerpoints
Read the thread title. Isn"t this supposed to be a circle jerk sob story thread? And, Brad might be a dumbass, but Etoille is a raging cunt, so I think they"re equally fuckin annoying.
Etoille said:
There"s a WHOLE lot of woman hating going on in here as I"ve said - post above mine being a prime example.
It"s a bunch of guys talking about how women have broken their hearts. Of course there"s going to be woman hating. I am getting tired of your and Brad"s back and forth pissing contest. Just fuck and get it over with already.

Darus Grey_foh

The linguist light has been activated, so here I am to respond.

Sorry, it is actually impossible to teach yourself to read. Orthography is not a part of language proper, and is completely arbitrary and in no way an instinctive function of the brain.
You"re confusing the act of being taught letters and words, with the act of learning to read.

The way this happens is deceptively simple. Never give a child a book, but let them watch TV. You"ll be amazed when they turn 10 and can read with no formal training. Everytime they see the advertisement for PEPSI, where the word is said and displayed, they"ll figure out how the phonology and phonetics intermingle and eventually an internal grammar based on even the smallest of correlations. Human psychology is naturally inclined to try and fill gaps.

This is obviously a very new phenomenon, since it"s pretty much only existed since the start of Radio.

Yes, shockingly true, humans today learn to read from advertising.

The reason I don"t quantify this as "Self-taught" is because it is impossible to learn to read unless something or someone, speaks to you. If you just give someone a book, they will NEVER figure it out on their own without outside help. Though once even the most basic of internal grammars is formulated, it"s easy to start making logical leaps to new information.

On the otherhand, this works the opposite with spoken language. Drop someone off in the middle of foreign-town and they will eventually learn the language(or die), without instruction.

The more you know!

Etoille said:
Call bs on it allllllllll you want. Doesn"t change facts. My mom had zero incentive to lie to me (esp. when all she does is kiss my sisters ass).

I"m sure its not uncommon. Is it the norm? Hell no. But I"m sure I"m not the only person in the universe who was a self taught reader.

Hey whaddaya know:Definition of Self-Taught Reader - What is a Self-Taught Reader?5 mins on google=win.

Exceptionally gifted children - Google Books

Its a shitty source to be sure but look right there - "breaking the code". Which as I stated is the EXACT way I learn. This isn"t something that has only happened to me folks.


Dabamf said:
This isn"t a post sob stories and feel sorry for yourself circle jerk thread. And with that viewpoint towards women, you are sure to not get any ever. Brad was acting like a retard and etoille, still enraged from brad having killed her cat or something, called him on it...ruthlessly. You expect people to jump in and say no don"t attack the dumbass shitting up the thread he"s a GUY LIKE US!! This isn"t the he-man women hater"s club.

this is a disaster, thread needs tits asap, or more stories of powerpoints
I love women, just not in this thread twisting a guy"s nuts who has put it all out there to twist. This used to be a thread about guys who make the same mistake for 2000+ pages and never learn while at the same time being funny because yup, you guessed it, we"ve all been there and done that and worse...will continue to do that.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____

Me: hihihi! 12:46 PM
Michelle: Heya 12:46 PM
Me: What are you doing tonight 12:49 PM
Michelle: Dunno. u? 12:50 PM
Me: hanging out with you 12:54 PM
Michelle: Oh really? 12:55 PM
Me: Unless you"re booked with another stud this evening =) 1:12 PM
Michelle: Im not booked with another stud. lol 2:08 PM
Me: Just one stud~ 2:46 PM
Michelle: Yup. you aww 2:47 PM
Me: =) =) =) 2:51 PM

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Darus Grey said:
The way this happens is deceptively simple. Never give a child a book, but let them watch TV. You"ll be amazed when they turn 10 and can read with no formal training. Everytime they see the advertisement for PEPSI, where the word is said and displayed, they"ll figure out how the phonology and phonetics intermingle and eventually an internal grammar based on even the smallest of correlations. Human psychology is naturally inclined to try and fill gaps.
That is how our interpreter in Iraq learned English. He was fairly well spoken for someone who never had any formal instruction.

As for learning how to read, without the most basic instructions such as what each letter sounds like and how groups of letters sound there is no way youre going to learn without outside help. How do you now R sounds like R and not S if someone doesnt tell you?
Darus Grey said:
The linguist light has been activated, so here I am to respond.

Sorry, it is actually impossible to teach yourself to read. Orthography is not a part of language proper, and is completely arbitrary and in no way an instinctive function of the brain.
You"re confusing the act of being taught letters and words, with the act of learning to read.

The way this happens is deceptively simple. Never give a child a book, but let them watch TV. You"ll be amazed when they turn 10 and can read with no formal training. Everytime they see the advertisement for PEPSI, where the word is said and displayed, they"ll figure out how the phonology and phonetics intermingle and eventually an internal grammar based on even the smallest of correlations. Human psychology is naturally inclined to try and fill gaps.

This is obviously a very new phenomenon, since it"s pretty much only existed since the start of Radio.

Yes, shockingly true, humans today learn to read from advertising.

The reason I don"t quantify this as "Self-taught" is because it is impossible to learn to read unless something or someone, speaks to you. If you just give someone a book, they will NEVER figure it out on their own without outside help. Though once even the most basic of internal grammars is formulated, it"s easy to start making logical leaps to new information.

On the otherhand, this works the opposite with spoken language. Drop someone off in the middle of foreign-town and they will eventually learn the language(or die), without instruction.

The more you know!
I"ll agree with your analysis b/c its basically what I said - my parents read to me over and over again.

It hinges on your definition of "self taught" as having to hear speech to accompany words in order for patterns to emerge.

Doesn"t change the fact that no one ever sat down with me to "teach" me to read, or the fact that some parts of the scientific community consider "spontaneous readers" to be "self taught" (in their own definitions of course). I agree though that having to hear words over and over is a critical component for sure. Was anyone "instructing" me? No. But most people who are "self taught" in any subject have the benefit of anothers experience ie studying something in a book written by someone else.

PS - 10? Isn"t that a bit late for reading?