Girls who broke your heart thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tarrant220 said:
I never talked to Millie actually and I took a break from the thread. You can cry all you want though it"s cool, I"ll just continue trolling you and lol"ing.
If you have to tell someone you"re trolling ....


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Solariss said:
There is a girl I work with that"s hot, horny, and flirts with me every day.
How do you think she got herpes to begin with? She"s a whore. No reason to deliberately fuck whores, son.
Herpes is like the Jelly Belly of the month club. Its the gift that just keeps on giving.....


Spoiler Alert, click show to read:



I"m torn regarding lying about cheating...I tend to think you should lie, UNLESS there is something that made the situation different with the other girl and your current girlfriend will have no reason to believe you"ll do the same with her. Like you were 16, or something else.

Telling her will just mean that she won"t trust you as much. Any working late or absolutely anything could then trigger the "I wonder if he"s cheating again" thought and it"ll eat at the relationship. But you can"t tell your best friend that you"ve cheated and your girlfriend that you haven"t. IMO if you are gonna lie about something, you gotta live it. I.e. behave, talk, and think as if you never have cheated. "It"s not a lie if you believe it." - George Costanza. Otherwise it"ll come out somehow.

On the other hand, one could argue that having a secret takes out some of the trust and closeness of a relationship. I"m not really convinced of that (I"m not not convinced either). Three years ago I woulda said you gotta be completely honest. Now I"m leanin in the other direction. It"s hard to say if I"ve wised up or just gotten more tainted due to not having dated a girl in years that really inspired or challenged me.

I DO think that if you have cheated on your current girlfriend, and intend to never do it again, you absolutely should lie about it. Telling her is really just being a coward by making her bear some of the burden & pain when it should be only yours.

Here"s a question: if there was some circumstance in which you have 0 chance of getting caught (e.g. you travel to another country where no one knows you, and the girl you sleep with has no way to contact you afterwards), what logical reason is there NOT to cheat?


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:
what logical reason is there NOT to cheat?
Being in it for the relationship, not just the quick fuck. I don"t get off on one night things.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Solariss said:
I dunno where else to post this and didn"t want to start a new thread, lol...

Question: If you knew a girl had herpes, (she doesn"t know you know) would you still fuck her?

I really have no experience with this and have no clue how it works. If you wear a condom are you covered? Can you only contract it if she has had an outbreak? Like, if she has it on her thigh and my ballsack touches one of the blisters am I screwed?
Haha I dated a girl who"s sister was hot as hell and she told me her sister had herpes but I would have still hit that. She hated when people would say how hot her sister was, she could have been saying it just to make her not sound as hot but I would have hit it. In your case man fuck no, its not worth it, your thigh and ballsack description is a perfect reason not to among many.


Lol, I was joking when I said it"d be worth it... to whoever the fag was who negged me! I"m not that desperate for sex to risk getting a disease for the rest of my life. I had a close call once that really freaked me out and I was unsure of myself. That alone is enough to not even make me think twice


Trakanon Raider
Ashes Emberblade said:
If she was really into you she"d make time for you. My advice is not to ask her on another date. Let her call you and invite you, the ball is in her court.
Called her tonight, chatted briefly about the weekend. We were each supposed to have gone to the mountains (different places), but as it turned out neither did. She had mentioned she was going with a "friend" previously, and said that she didn"t end up going because he called at 4am the morning they were supposed to leave drunk, and that he"s now not her "favorite person." Which makes me wonder if it"s not just a friend. Subsequently when I asked what her week was like, she said that it was fairly open with the caveat she had bootcamp until 7 a couple days and had to take her car in another. Wednesday worked best for me so I said I"d get back to her with whatever bright idea I came up with. So yeah, perhaps I am just the backup plan, she"s fun to hang out with either way.

As if sensing a disturbance in the force, literally 2 minutes after I hung up the phone I receive a text from Diane (zero contact since she walked out the door with her ex):

Her: Thinking about you. Sorry about dinner night, big mistake, some people aren"t meant to be friends.

Me: Huh?

Her: Should not have left dinner the other night. In Edmonton in a few weeks for work. Dinner on me. Will let you know closer to arrival.

Her: That is if you have time. Night.

Me: I suppose I can find some...


I"m amused as hell really.


No one answered my question. Except brekk but his post was just words that don"t actually mean anything. If there is 0 chance of getting caught, what logical reason do you have not to cheat? If you can"t get caught, you can"t hurt her. And what else is there that makes the act of sex with another woman wrong? (This excludes whores and sluts bc of disease risk of course)

We all know men can detach sex from emotion and I believe a man is fully capable of being just as emotionally involved with his wife regardless of whether or not he has some side booty.

It"s a question I"ve never been able to answer. I *WANT* to find a logical reason not to, but so far have come up empty handed.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
No one answered my question. Except brekk but his post was just words that don"t actually mean anything. If there is 0 chance of getting caught, what logical reason do you have not to cheat? If you can"t get caught, you can"t hurt her. And what else is there that makes the act of sex with another woman wrong? (This excludes whores and sluts bc of disease risk of course)

We all know men can detach sex from emotion and I believe a man is fully capable of being just as emotionally involved with his wife regardless of whether or not he has some side booty.

It"s a question I"ve never been able to answer. I *WANT* to find a logical reason not to, but so far have come up empty handed.
The question is how would you feel if your woman fucked another guy? If you"d be cool with it then cheat away, but if it would make you go insane then perhaps you should pay her the same respect you expect to be receiving from her.


Eomer said:
So yeah, perhaps I am just the backup plan, she"s fun to hang out with either way.
You"re cool with being backup plan? Strictly based on pride I will not take backup role. If a girl makes more effort to spend time with another guy, it"s over forever.


<Prior Amod>
Dabamf, even if she wouldn"t know....I would and the guilt would kill me hence I wouldn"t cheat, regardless of if I got off free or not.


dandrools said:
The question is how would you feel if your woman fucked another guy? If you"d be cool with it then cheat away, but if it would make you go insane then perhaps you should pay her the same respect you expect to be receiving from her.
"How would you feel" implies that I would find out. I"m speaking of a scenario there finding out is impossible (ie international trip, no one you know is around, etc). In that case, even if the tables are turned, if a woman is capable of detaching sex from emotion (they aren"t), I can think of no reason why my future wife should not cheat on me as she pleases, as long as I believe that she"s not.

That scenario doesn"t work because women cannot detach sex from emotion and thus I believe that a woman who cheats is probably going to negatively effect the bond of the relationship. If that were the case also for a man who cheats, that would be my logical reason, but men can separate the 2.


<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:

She"ll probably try to manipulate you into getting back with her. Pulling all kinds of "I miss you, [whatever she did wrong] was a mistake, I love you blah blah""s only bc you"re banging other girls. If you go back with her and she thinks she has you, she"ll get bored of you again immediately.
Hey sorry to bump my old post, havent checked in a bit but you"re damn right, well partially. I have her blocked so far as I know she hasn"t tried but your logic is correct, it was funny but hey whatever, balance of power is in my hands now.

Just wanted to post to get it off my mind, share my proudness of myself since before that night I was always pretty pathetic with handling the situation and figured if I were to see her in club I"d fold, but didnt give two shits, felt empowering and great, had to share it with y"all


Dabamf said:
No one answered my question. Except brekk but his post was just words that don"t actually mean anything. If there is 0 chance of getting caught, what logical reason do you have not to cheat? If you can"t get caught, you can"t hurt her. And what else is there that makes the act of sex with another woman wrong? (This excludes whores and sluts bc of disease risk of course)

We all know men can detach sex from emotion and I believe a man is fully capable of being just as emotionally involved with his wife regardless of whether or not he has some side booty.

It"s a question I"ve never been able to answer. I *WANT* to find a logical reason not to, but so far have come up empty handed.
Sex with another woman in the middle of a relationship with one woman is fundamentally wrong if you continue the original relationship because it"s just straight up betrayal and it"s only something a fucking scumbag would do, especially if they are rationalizing it like you are doing. I thought you would know intellectualization is a defensive mechanism, professor.

If you can"t understand this, imagine if your girl did it behind your back.

PS - there"s no such thing as "there"s no way they"ll ever find out"


Trakanon Raider
Dabamf said:
You"re cool with being backup plan? Strictly based on pride I will not take backup role. If a girl makes more effort to spend time with another guy, it"s over forever.
Not in the long run no, of course not. Also it"s entirely possible I"m reading too much in to it as I love to do. If I were in her position I wouldn"t even mention the other guy if he was actually a romantic interest, so it"s as likely that he really is just a friend. Like I said, we shall see. If it doesn"t turn in to anything, at the very worst I"ve come across a new friend with lots of mutual interests.

As far as the cheating goes, my answer would be totally dependent on where I am in a relationship. I"ve never been in one long enough to get bored with someone but still want to be with them, so from where I stand I"ve never really wanted to cheat unless the relationship I was in was on it"s way to failure anyway. But yeah if it"s 100% impossible for the other person to find out and you"re not the kind to feel guilty, then go for it. Personally I still think it"s a shitty thing to do to someone you supposedly care about. It belies the true nature of your personality in some respects, I think.

And I also think you aren"t being particularly fair when you say that girls can"t separate sex from emotion. A lot of them can and do. You"re basically trying to rationalize why it"s cool for dudes (read: you) to fuck around, but not your woman.

And emotions aside, there"s the whole STI thing to go with it.