Girls who broke your heart thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
K`Lag said:
Dude, I know Eomer"s real name, where he lives and where he works. So the fuck what? I have no interest in dropping shit like that on the internet.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Because I want him to take me to a hockey game when I come visit *evil stalker laugh*
Sorry bro, he"s got an extremely busy schedule, no time for that.


Trakanon Raider
K`Lag said:
Dude, I know Eomer"s real name, where he lives and where he works. So the fuck what? I have no interest in dropping shit like that on the internet.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Because I want him to take me to a hockey game when I come visit *evil stalker laugh*

Sutekh said:
Sorry bro, he"s got an extremely busy schedule, no time for that.
I can always make time for e-detectives!
I stopped dating, as Dramaqueen always looks like a beaten dog when she finds out that I spent time with another girl. She tries not to show it and even talks about how it went as if she is completely fine with it but I can see that it is really hurting her.
Kinda weird, as she was first hitting on me.. then told me that she is taking a break from "men" and only wants to be friends.. and now that I had some dates starts hitting on me again hard.

I really dont care which path we take, but I want her to make up her mind because it is annoying. We basicly spend all our free time together, enjoy it and I dont want her to fuck it up because she doesnt know what she wants.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Inconsiderable said:
I stopped dating, as Dramaqueen always looks like a beaten dog when she finds out that I spent time with another girl. She tries not to show it and even talks about how it went as if she is completely fine with it but I can see that it is really hurting her.
Kinda weird, as she was first hitting on me.. then told me that she is taking a break from "men" and only wants to be friends.. and now that I had some dates starts hitting on me again hard.

I really dont care which path we take, but I want her to make up her mind because it is annoying. We basicly spend all our free time together, enjoy it and I dont want her to fuck it up because she doesnt know what she wants.
Then you need to call her on it. Tell her she needs to decide, and that you aren"t going to accept her jerkin" you around.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
ToeMissile said:
Then you need to call her on it. Tell her she needs to decide, and that you aren"t going to accept her jerkin" you around.
She decided a long time ago. Friend Zone. Just move on.


brekk said:
She decided a long time ago. Friend Zone. Just move on.
Pretty sure they"re banging regularly...


The reason she"s all freaky is the same reason she can"t decide on anything: she"s fucked up in the head. If you commit to her, she"s gonna pull away. If you pull away, she"s gonna commit to you.

There is no solution. Sleep with other girls and deal with her getting upset, or stop seeing her. Not dating other girls will make her lose interest in you and then you get hurt.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
There is no solution. Sleep with other girls and deal with her getting upset, or stop seeing her. Not dating other girls will make her lose interest in you and then you get hurt.
Unfortunately, one of those paths turns you into an asshole, which is generally to be avoided.

Just break it off with her. If she"s your girlfriend, then she"s going to be with you. If she"s not, then if your friends have problems with your love life, then they can"t be your friends anymore.


Trakanon Raider
TheCutlery said:
if your friends have problems with your love life, then they can"t be your friends anymore.
Generally, this is pretty bad advice. Your friends, if they"re genuine, are often the ones able to see a the train barreling towards you when you"re too cuntstruck to notice. If a whole bunch of people are telling you the same thing, it"s worth listening.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
Generally, this is pretty bad advice. Your friends, if they"re genuine, are often the ones able to see a the train barreling towards you when you"re too cuntstruck to notice. If a whole bunch of people are telling you the same thing, it"s worth listening.
Well, she"s either his girlfriend, or his friend. She"s not his girlfriend, since she pulls away. That makes her a friend, and a lousy one at that, since she gets all bitchy every time he"s with someone else.

My point stands. Your friends will be your friends no matter who you"re with. If they"re not, they"re not your friends.


Just ask her if she would be comfortable with you peeing on her leg in the shower. If she says that she could just wash it off then you should think about keeping her. If not, then tell her you"re late for an appointment and never talk to that uppity tramp again.

Kidding. Kind of...

In all seriousness, I think that most women have serious issues going on. Either they"re from a broken family, or they were just walked over by previous douchebag guys, or what have you. If you really want to be with her then you"re going to have to basically act as if you don"t, to a degree. Women always want what they can"t have. But it"s like they say. Treat a woman like an angel and watch her fly away; or treat her like shit and never get rid of her. Not knowing her, just reading what you"ve written, I"d have to say that she"s just not there yet. If she isn"t and you are, then move on. It"ll suck, but you"ve just gotta" stick it out and do what"s best for you in the long run.

Good luck.
Eomer said:
I know of one, but I don"t think you want his advice.
If you mean me, there"s really nothing to say. She caused some drama here, it flamed out (because really, who gives a shit about me? Exactly.), and now we don"t (and won"t) talk. So I don"t really have any experience to talk about as far as ex-wives go.

Brad said:
Grobbee lovins
You think it"s some grand party you"re going to have when you tell everyone I knocked up another man"s wife in 2008. Guess what? No one but you and Aychamo give a shit. Others will join in, and get their shots in, but I really and truly don"t care what you, Aychamo, SoulKonsumer (the man in question) or anyone else thinks. If you spend more than 30 seconds a day thinking about what goes on in this forum, instead of handling your shit, I feel genuinely bad for you.

But since you care so much, Brad: I pay child support through the Ohio Office of Child Support. At no point in my future, will said woman be able to hold me by the balls like your ex will undoubtedly do to you. That is, until you smarten up and make it official. Hopefully you"ve done so already.

As for my "fatherly" duties for the above child; visitation is set to be official by the summer and the mother and I have worked out an adequate schedule that serves everyone involved.

I"m handling my shit now, Brad. Yeah, it"s a little bit like something out of Jerry Springer, but I don"t particularly care. Maybe, if you take nothing else away from this whole obsession with me, you can learn that even a fuck up like me can shut the fuck up and do what"s required to put things in order. Stand up straight, Brad, you"ll get there.