Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
This is what I am using. Women eat this shit up. This seems to be the one that was working the best for him.
That is so terrible, I wouldn"t take a girl seriously who fell/went for that. Dear god, the more I think about it, the more ridiculous it becomes.


Avatar of War Slayer
I agree. But it works. I"m having pretty decent success rate with responses. No dates yet, but only been going for 2 days and I am sick right now, so I can"t set anything up.

Anyways, I have been doing just like DNM and it"s pretty much like this- If they are attracted to you, they will talk about anything. With that said, I am not as cut as DNM. I"m not really cut at all, just average with decent sized arms and I"m still getting acceptable results.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
The Ancient said:
Pah. Girls near 30 want to marry you if they haven"t been there already. Like from the first lay. At least the mid-low 20s remember how to be in a meaningless relationship.
That"s very possible. I don"t know any women over 30 who haven"t been divorced once or twice though, so obviously my sample size is a tad small


Maybe it"s an age thing as I don"t date women under 25 but

that message is just too long Brad, you"re putting too much effort into someone you"ve never met - they"re going to read it as desperate with too much free time


Dantre said:
Maybe it"s an age thing as I don"t date women under 25 but

that message is just too long Brad, you"re putting too much effort into someone you"ve never met - they"re going to read it as desperate with too much free time
that"s not his first message, that"s his profile i would bet.


Inconsiderable said:
How does 30+ work for you anyway? Somehow I never had alot of interest in older women. Jailbait is what turns me on the most, sadly. Oldest girl I started something with was 23.
Whats the big difference beside the less emotional votatile behaviour? Worth it?
They"re more interesting because they"ve actually had a life outside the parents and college bubble. If you are 30, what does a 22 year old have to say that matters at all? Shit, I don"t know why a 30 year old would be interested in me at 25. They"re also easier to deal with and less egocentric. For example yesterday I had a 10 hour DMZ trip on 4 hours of sleep, and had plans with new girl at night. When I called her she said, "you must be really tired, we can reschedule if you want," when I knew she was really looking forward to hanging out. I"ve NEVER had a girl say something like that.

Young girls are only good because their bodies are tighter and they are easier to impress.

Of course I"m just talking averages, not absolutes. There are 20 year olds that act like 40 year olds and vice versa. And my experience is very limited with older girls, but I"m including my observation of others.

So new girl blows me last night and I invite her to stay the night. She says, "no, I can"t, its my rule, I sleep at home." Aren"t self-enforced rules usually along the lines of "no sex before date 7," not "don"t sleep over after already servicing the guy."

re disgruntled: 15 months down, 9 to go
Took a page out of drunkninja"s book and sent some off the wall messages to some girls who had given me their number in the past but blew me off or stopped responding to texts. Got responses from four out of five and led them on for a bit, was very satisfying.

Went out afterward by myself since all my friends were busy. Ran into a really cute girl who looked like she was alone and told her, "Do you want me to call the police for you?"

She"s like, "what?...."

I said, "Because it"s a crime that you don"t have a date tonight."

Corny yeah but she laughed and said it was cute. Turns out her friends had cancelled on her like mine, we ended up spending a couple of hours together bar hopping. Exchanged numbers and got a big hug, she went in for a kiss on the cheek and I said, "whoa studmuffin, I don"t put out on the first night." She thought that was even cuter.

Looking good.


I"ve met a couple of girls on PoF now. One photo shopped her picture, or used fucking duck tape to hold the fat back. I of course still finished with her because nasty vagina is still vagina... But I screened my women much more thoroughly after that mishap. What I"ve noticed works is if you just tell them they look sexy and seem intelligent... Just stupid shit like that. If I don"t meet them irl in less than 5 messages than it"s not happening and I stop responding. I just did a search and copy + pasted

"Hey I"m Patrick and you"re pretty cute How are you ? ****** isn"t too long of a drive from me, which is convenient."

Bitches must love the smiley faces or something
Dabamf said:
Young girls are only good because their bodies are tighter and they are easier to impress.
Yea, those are the main reasons I like them.

So anyway, I can add another story of my neverending FAILS to this thread. Yesterday (I still have a hangover, so excuse my grammar etc) I could have had a threesome with my girl and her friend and somehow managed to fuck it up. We basically were at a birthday party, had tons of fun and at some point her friend showed up. She looked nice, but not my type. Later my girl complained that she doesnt like me being drunk because blahblahblah and I did the only manly thing and hit on her friend because she gets jealous pretty fast. Might have been the drinks, but I found her pretty attractive now that I interacted with her. Not sure if my game was good or if she is totally into drunken assholes that are in a relationship with her friend, but she didnt exactly hold back with the flirting and touching.
Two bottles of vodka, some tickling and touching later we are leaving the party, my girl in one arm, her friend in my other arm. I even managed to warm my girl up for the idea (she didnt exactly agree BUT she got horny as hell when I suggested it). We slept in the same bed, me in the middle, but nothing happened because I didnt start anything.

I blame it on being too damn drunk.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Churchill said:
Yeah, who wants that?...
Every guy wants that....for a portion of the day. Many others want to actually converse with their significant other on topics with a bit more depth than who won the Best Same Sex Kiss on the Mtv Movie Awards. However, if you don"t give a shit about those things, more power to you.


Etoille said:
thats really a girl?????????????
The truth is those are just really bad pictures of her and it boggles me why she puts them up there. I am not saying she is beautiful, but definitely a great fuck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
madmaan said:
The truth is those are just really bad pictures of her and it boggles me why she puts them up there. I am not saying she is beautiful, but definitely a great fuck.
Don"t try to justify that shit. That thing is fucking hideous.


Avatar of War Slayer
madmaan said:
The truth is those are just really bad pictures of her and it boggles me why she puts them up there. I am not saying she is beautiful, but definitely a great fuck.
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Anyways, I was talking to this girl and she was saying she wasnt fat and wasnt skinny, but she had a great figure and guys love her body. After a day of texting, she sends me the below pics and I would be more than glad to tear that shit up. She invites me over to her house last night and she is quite a bit heavier. I am sort of sick right now, so used that as an excuse. We ended up watching Dexter and I scooted out of there. That was the first time I was bamboozled on that site. I should have known, but I was optimistic.... and horny.