Girls who broke your heart thread


<Bronze Donator>
Haha homewrecker, poor guy, what a story.

I wouldnt feel too bad since you had no idea, but I"d definately move on.. guess it takes being cheated on to learn to respect the guy being cheated on and the hurt you"re causing him. Sounds homo, and some people say fuck it, it"s the chicks fault (and it is) but imo you"re a dick if you continue after finding out.. karma.

Definately a CRAZY story haha! that"s hilarious they actually call people from her call log, you"d think she"d be smarter than that."

I"d def avoid having any chick read this thread, glad my chick didnt decide to be detective after seeing it on my iphone.


Avatar of War Slayer
Since my ex has gotten married, her and I have actually gotten along very well. So much so, that there is humor and laughing between us again. Instead of joining in, anytime I pick up my son or drop him off, her husband chooses to keep to himself. I have shown the man respect by shaking his hand when I am in the same area as him- Like when we first met and the 2 times I have seen him at her parent"s house. The times that he has had the control on whether or not he has seen me, he "runs" away or stays inside.

Last night, I sent my ex a text asking if my son liked his new game I bought for him for his DS. Her husband responded that she was asleep and that I should stop talking to "his wife".

I am a little happy knowing he is uneasy with us talking, but I see our times of getting along coming to an end soon. It sucks. I havent been able to get along with her for over 2 years and now that we are, she will probably end it because of someone"s insecurities.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Fuck that. As long as you"re keeping it civil and it relates to your son you have every right to talk to her. Most parent"s suck after divorces, because the parents stop communicating. You have two people parenting with two different game plans, and two separate sets of information.

Stay in touch with her. You need to be a part of your son"s life, and you need to be involved with the other person who will have the most influence on his life.

Note: Especially when they become a teenager. From personal experience kids will use two parents to hop back and forth and keep half truths with both parents knowing different halves.


<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
Since my ex has gotten married, her and I have actually gotten along very well. So much so, that there is humor and laughing between us again. Instead of joining in, anytime I pick up my son or drop him off, her husband chooses to keep to himself. I have shown the man respect by shaking his hand when I am in the same area as him- Like when we first met and the 2 times I have seen him at her parent"s house. The times that he has had the control on whether or not he has seen me, he "runs" away or stays inside.

Last night, I sent my ex a text asking if my son liked his new game I bought for him for his DS. Her husband responded that she was asleep and that I should stop talking to "his wife".

I am a little happy knowing he is uneasy with us talking, but I see our times of getting along coming to an end soon. It sucks. I havent been able to get along with her for over 2 years and now that we are, she will probably end it because of someone"s insecurities.
Seriously man, fuck that guy. I woulda responded right back .(which I have, I"ve been in that situation.) "Look dude, I"ll talk to her all I want where it pertains to a child we have together, you better get used to it because it"s going to stay that way for probably the rest of your life."

If he"s that insecure thats an issue he needs to go fuck himself about. Show the text to your wife, let her know you don"t appreciate it and maybe the douche bag should keep his hands off her phone. (Chances are she"ll probably be pissed with him for even looking at text messages on her phone)

Fuck that kinda shit pisses me off.


<Prior Amod>
Also if you"re getting along as well as you think you are then chances are she will take your side on it too. Either way you need to make it known in a non confrontational way that that kind of thing is not acceptable.


Avatar of War Slayer
Well, I do kind of act like Hank from Californication when it comes to her (well, I have been lately... not until after she was married). So, he may kind of be referring to that, but was he was not specific. One example:

Me: "Some chic I know or used to know just sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to the new Twilight movie" (This was a number I didnt recognize and was on the night it came out)

Her: "Tell her you accept!"

Me: "Hell no, not sure which one it is and I am not brave enough to find out"

Her: "You should. You might get lucky!"

Me (about 20 minutes later): "You sly dog, I just realized it"s your old number. I accept!" (She got a new phone when she got married)

Her: "LOL, whatever, dork"

Anyways, along with regular jokes and conversation, which has included our son, I have thrown in a few things like that. Nothing too forward. But now I know he checks her phone, so that kind of sucks that he is already like that.

Tarrant220 said:
Also if you"re getting along as well as you think you are then chances are she will take your side on it too. Either way you need to make it known in a non confrontational way that that kind of thing is not acceptable.
Well, her and I got into an argument yesterday based off of how I handle conversations with my son. When she asks me if I can get him at a certain time or have him home at a certain time, i always respond with "I can" and she said it makes her feel like I am doing something out of my way or that I am doing her a big favor. It pissed me off because I say it that way to be nice because in reality, I HATE asking to see my son. I HATE that my time with him is timed.

Now, I know if I had fixed visitation, I wouldnt have to, but I like how things are now. I get to see him anytime I want. But it"s the fact that I have to ask for something no parent should have to ask.

It was just how she approached me on it and proceeded to complain with how I handle something I am not comfortable with. It"s the first time we argued since May. I am not sure if he checked her messages because of that or if it was because she was asleep and he saw her phone go off or what.

I dont expect her to take my side, but I dont think she will really be mad at me.


<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
Now, I know if I had fixed visitation, I wouldnt have to, but I like how things are now. I get to see him anytime I want. But it"s the fact that I have to ask for something no parent should have to ask.
Gosh damn it Brad you can"t have it both ways. That whole statement has so much "what the hell is wrong with you" in it I can"t even comprehend how you think this is acceptable thinking on your part.

No, you DON"T like how things are because you have to ask to see your son. You feel like you shouldn"t have to ask to see your son....guess what....YOU DO. I can"t feel sorry for you man, it"s your fault you have to. Stop bitching about something you have all the power in the world to stop, otherwise accept it and move the fuck on.

Divorced parents don"t have to ask because they have custody agreements for the most part. Get your ass one, otherwise stop complaining because there"s no one to be mad at other then yourself.

Hate to sound like a dick....but fuck man.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
You also clearly don"t understand how the court agreements work. They can be as open as the two parent"s agree on. My parent"s had joint custody and got to come up with what they wanted for splitting my time. Court didn"t tell them I was only allowed to see my dad for 6.5hrs every other weekend.

That shit does happen, but the heavily court involved cases are when both parents go batty and fight tooth and nail just to spite each other. Then the court takes over.


Avatar of War Slayer
Fixed visitation would be worse for me. I like being able to call her up, when I feel like seeing him, and more than likely being able to pick him up. It doesnt mean I have to like it. I dont like it. I am learning to cope with it. But she questioned my way of handling it and it"s none of her concern. It doesnt hurt her.

And fixed visitation would be worse. Wanting to see my son and knowing I would have to wait X amount more days would be way worse than just calling her up and saying "I want [my son] tomorrow. Thanks."

Bottom line, I hate sharing my son. So hate on me if you feel like it. The way it is now, even with my minor bitching, it"s what"s best for my son and myself.


<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
Fixed visitation would be worse for me. I like being able to call her up, when I feel like seeing him,
Now, I know if I had fixed visitation, I wouldnt have to......... But it"s the fact that I have to ask for something no parent should have to ask.

I don"t have a facepalm or sigh large enough for this. Your situation is your fault Brad, no one elses. You don"t like it, look in the mirror and be mad upset at that guy, not your ex, not the system, not anything else.

I give up.


Avatar of War Slayer
I see the good in both of them, but both of them do not make me happy. That"s all I am saying.

The way I have it now, i see him when i want, but I have to call and ask. Sometimes, i have to deal with her saying "I am sorry, but I have plans", but I see him more like this and I HATE asking to see him.

With fixed visitation, I dont have to call. I dont have to ask. I just show up on Friday at 6pm and have him home Sunday by 6pm. It"s very simple, but then I dont have the ability to just come get him when i want.

I dont like either system. I am selfish and want him 100% all the time. Nothing wrong with me feeling that way. It"s like people bitching about their work. there will always be something you have to bitch about, even with the perfect job.


Avatar of War Slayer
Zehn - Vhex said:
Uh...yeah you do.
Then enlighten me. I have talked to 2 lawyers and both have prety much told me what I have posted before- I dont stand much of a chance, but they would love to take my money and try.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Like i said. The court can handle in a broad visitation in a wide variety of ways.

My I lived with my Mom after my parent"s divorce and my Dad"s deal was absolute minimum he would get me every other weekend, but it"s not like I wasn"t allowed to see him any other time.

Stop thinking to some extreme of getting 6 hour visitation nights with a court appointed chaperon or some shit. Contrary to popular belief if both parent"s work with the court, they will work with you to make the best arrangement possible.

Brad2770 said:
I dont stand much of a chance
At what? It seems like the only thing you want is too have the kid whenever you want without a seconds warning to your ex. Guess what it"s her kid to, and that"s just an unreasonable expectation.


I for one think heavy flirty with the now-married-exwife-mother-of-my-child is a fantastic idea.

Prediction: Brad"s ex will get in a big fight with her husband at some point in the future and she"ll cheat on him with Brad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It"s obvious Brad has been in legal troubles of some sort. He"s scared that when he brings them to court that she"ll get offended and bring up his criminal record then he"ll never be able to see his son again.


Avatar of War Slayer
I have no criminal record. I have been arrested twice for getting into fights, but both charges dropped. I have no convictions.
Tarrant220 said:

I don"t have a facepalm or sigh large enough for this. Your situation is your fault Brad, no one elses. You don"t like it, look in the mirror and be mad upset at that guy, not your ex, not the system, not anything else.

I give up.
Stop wasting the energy dude. Rule #1: you can"t help people that have no interest in helping themselves.

Period. Y"all might think I"m a cunt or wtfever about this situation but seriously the way I"m approaching it from a mental health perspective is a metric fuckton healthier. It"s like einstein said - doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

Ignore it, or watch and laugh. Bottom line is that you need to know that nothing you say will penetrate in any way shape or form so you getting frustrated is beyond not worth it.


Etoille said:
Period. Y"all might think I"m a cunt or wtfever about this situation but seriously the way I"m approaching it from a mental health perspective is a metric fuckton healthier.
The way you are approaching it is to show up once a month to make yourself feel superior by attacking someone (usually brad) then disappear again.

I"d say repeatedly drilling the same unheeded advice into someone"s head is much more mentally healthy.