Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Looks like direct marketing to me. That shit is a total scam. If you like her in the least you"ll try and talk her out of it.


Brad2770 said:
Grabbed the phone and didnt realize it was upside down. I guess it really doesnt matter. I had thrown a lot of letters and cards in there already before I started the video.

About to go watch Expendables so I can take back my balls completely.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
This is just personal opinion, but I think having a nice smoker helps battle the mangina factor even more than setting your ex"s shit on fire.

Either way, nice work.


Trakanon Raider
Heylel Teomim said:
Looks like direct marketing to me. That shit is a total scam. If you like her in the least you"ll try and talk her out of it.
Yeah, multilevel marketing. Otherwise known as a barely legal pyramid scheme. I told her that"s what it is and I wasn"t interested in the slightest, and to be extremely careful. She said she was suspicious too but after "three months of looking into it" she joined. I said that"s cool, but I wasn"t gonna come, and would be happy to meet her for a drink in any other situation. She"s coming over tomorrow night. Huzzah.


Trakanon Raider
That"s the optimal situation. You should download the Penn & Teller"s Bullshit about direct marketing and make her watch it prior to getting your dick wet. If it isn"t readily apparent to her by the end that she"s being scammed (and indeed, by asking you to participate is already victimizing her friends in order to make money) then she"s not that bright.


Trakanon Raider
I think she"s reasonably bright in some respects. Even really smart people can sometimes be naive or really poor at critical thinking. Her thing"s tonight, so I won"t be able to nip it in the bud. Someone"s obviously already gotten to her first. And much like here, I have a hard time explaining shit like that to people without coming across as a condescending asshole, which often just makes them dig their heels in anyway.

Regardless, this is not a girl I"m interested in dating. She"s just fun to run in to from time to time.


So, not sure why I"m posting this, but if I can"t figure it out, maybe some random person from the intrawebz can.

I will try and cliff notes this as best as possible. Back in the early 2000"s I dated/lived with a girl for three years when I was in my mid 20"s. I thought she was the one, almost married her. Found out she was cheating on me for over a year of that time, and in the end put me way in the poor house.

Forward to 2 years ago and I"m in my mid 30"s. I"m almost out of debt, and back on my feet. Met a girl who worked for a different division of my company in an office in a different town 45 mins away. Shes older than me, has two teenagers.

We started dating, and 2 months in she was in and out of town for the next 6 months. During that time her office got closed and moved to mine. We still worked for different divisions. We would bump into each other once or twice a day, but still only got together on the weekends.

The whole time I"ve known her, she"s worked 2 jobs as she was primarily raising both kids. We kept things quite about us for 9 months because she reports to VP"s/director level ppl.

I never got to the point of marrying her, or even really debating it though I"m madly in love with her.

Earlier this year, the stress of custody, finances, work, teenagers and everything else started getting to her. In feb she started withdrawing herself from just about everything. By April I started to panic some that something was up. At first though of preggers, or another guy. Turned out it was just all of the stress she has in juggling everything in her life.

Then come May, and she tells me she needs space. So we didn"t see each other on the weekends, i tried to keep calls and texts as low as possible. All the while she just got more and more withdrawn from everything and was getting depressed.

She started neglecting herself, and started to put on some weight. She was falling behind things like yardwork and what not and was feeling like everything was overwhelming.

She tells me she doesn"t have time for her kids,a third job, let alone herself and didn"t feel she could keep a bf in the mix. She"s worked 6+ days a week every week the whole year.

So, last month she breaks it off completely. Says it"s all her and she doesn"t have time and it"s not fair to string me along. I tried alot to convince her she didn"t have to do everything alone and i think that didn"t help my cause.

Sad thing is, I"m still desparately in love with her. I want a second chance with her, and I can"t justify why cuz I"d have to be crazy to do it.

It"s been almost two months. I try to not bump into her at work as best I can. She"ll email me out of the blue a little or small talk if we bump into each other.

For what ever reason, I guess I"m going to give it another 2 months and ask for a second chance. Hopefully things may have settled by then. What I don"t know is if I"m just a complete idiot for wanting to do it.


Trakanon Raider
Don"t. You don"t need "a second chance". You didn"t screw up your first one, at least according to what you"ve posted here. She"s simply not interested right now. It sounds like she really does have more than enough going on.

Beyond that, don"t ever tether yourself to a sinking ship. If she"s depressed and putting on weight, there"s some psychological stuff going on you don"t need to invest in when you"ve got self-image issues of your own. If she"s looking at a third job, her finances are clearly fucked and you don"t need to get twisted up in that when you"re just getting clear of the last girl who wrecked your bank account. You"re also in your early thirties, and have no business being a father figure to teenagers of any sort. They"ll never, ever respect you, and if her kids won"t then neither will she.

Long story short, find a new MILF.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Tragot said:
So, not sure why I"m posting this, but if I can"t figure it out, maybe some random person from the intrawebz can.

I will try and cliff notes this as best as possible. Back in the early 2000"s I dated/lived with a girl for three years when I was in my mid 20"s. I thought she was the one, almost married her. Found out she was cheating on me for over a year of that time, and in the end put me way in the poor house.

Forward to 2 years ago and I"m in my mid 30"s. I"m almost out of debt, and back on my feet. Met a girl who worked for a different division of my company in an office in a different town 45 mins away. Shes older than me, has two teenagers.

We started dating, and 2 months in she was in and out of town for the next 6 months. During that time her office got closed and moved to mine. We still worked for different divisions. We would bump into each other once or twice a day, but still only got together on the weekends.

The whole time I"ve known her, she"s worked 2 jobs as she was primarily raising both kids. We kept things quite about us for 9 months because she reports to VP"s/director level ppl.

I never got to the point of marrying her, or even really debating it though I"m madly in love with her.

Earlier this year, the stress of custody, finances, work, teenagers and everything else started getting to her. In feb she started withdrawing herself from just about everything. By April I started to panic some that something was up. At first though of preggers, or another guy. Turned out it was just all of the stress she has in juggling everything in her life.

Then come May, and she tells me she needs space. So we didn"t see each other on the weekends, i tried to keep calls and texts as low as possible. All the while she just got more and more withdrawn from everything and was getting depressed.

She started neglecting herself, and started to put on some weight. She was falling behind things like yardwork and what not and was feeling like everything was overwhelming.

She tells me she doesn"t have time for her kids,a third job, let alone herself and didn"t feel she could keep a bf in the mix. She"s worked 6+ days a week every week the whole year.

So, last month she breaks it off completely. Says it"s all her and she doesn"t have time and it"s not fair to string me along. I tried alot to convince her she didn"t have to do everything alone and i think that didn"t help my cause.

Sad thing is, I"m still desparately in love with her. I want a second chance with her, and I can"t justify why cuz I"d have to be crazy to do it.

It"s been almost two months. I try to not bump into her at work as best I can. She"ll email me out of the blue a little or small talk if we bump into each other.

For what ever reason, I guess I"m going to give it another 2 months and ask for a second chance. Hopefully things may have settled by then. What I don"t know is if I"m just a complete idiot for wanting to do it.
All I had to read was single mother. EJECT NOW! Don"t even think about this woman.

15 reasons to avoid single mothers. Granted some of these don"t apply here since her kids are teens, but most still do.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:15) Baby Damage

Child birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I"ve also heard that the nookie is even stretched out; it isn"t the same anymore. Then there"s the weight gain. Some chicks NEVER LOSE IT, or they never get their former hot shape back.

14) Babies Interrupt Nutbusting

I"ve had this happen to me. I was banging a chick and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you"ve ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

13) Scheduling and Logistical Problems

Chicks will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they legitimately can"t find a baby sitter. Either case, it isn"t your problem. By avoiding single mothers you effectively eliminate this excuse.

12) Is He The One?

This is only a problem if you"re trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this chick after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure you"re the "one." This could take months. It"s bad enough that these chicks are "interviewing" you as a potential boyfriend, but these chicks are now gauging your parenting and fatherly skills? AH, HELL NAW!! FUCK YOU AND THAT!! I suggest dealing only with chicks that are readily available to hang out.

11) Rent-A-Daddy

Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys) need fathers, the chick gets desperate. Any every guy has the potential to be "daddy." You"re out trying to smash, not inherit a family.

10) Double Heart Break

You"re with the chick, then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the chick, but you"ve formed a bond with lil" Jimmy. You and Jimmy play Call of Duty together, watch the A"s, toss the ball around, go to the zoo, and other things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the chick, you miss the kid. The cold part about it is, you may miss the kid more than you the chick.

9) Unnecessary Expenditures

Contrary to that shit women spew about "not needing a man to spend money or take care of their kids," guess what"s going to happen if relationship moves forward? YOU"RE GOING TO BE SPENDING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON HER KID!! Say you"re six months to a year, or even a year an half into a relationship with this chick. You mean to tell me you NOT EVEN ONCE bought this kid a video game, this month"s issue of Batman, a cake for her birthday, some school clothes, or a Christmas present? Of course you will, especially if their father isn"t around. Also early in the relationship, if you"re feeling this chick, if she can"t get a sitter, either you or her will suggest bringing the kid along. Suddenly those romantic evenings you planned for that fly little lounge get tossed aside for family outings at Chuck E. Cheese.

8) You Know What She"s Going To If She Gets Pregnant

There"s a school of thought that says single mothers are easy to fuck. The irony is, those same chicks that believe in premartial sex, when they get pregnant, suddenly have an epiphany, find Jesus, and won"t have an abortion. Knowing this fact, do you really want to be this father of this woman"s child?

7) Decision Making and Judgment Skills Are On Display

This chick got knocked up by somebody she was supposedly "in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she"s GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that"s an inattentive, insensate, abusive asshole, is now the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

6) You"ll Never Be #1

When you"re trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of that woman"s life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you"ll NEVER BE #1!! That"s not a bad thing either, but it"s something I don"t want to deal with. Neither should you.

5) Resentful Little Bastards

This is a recent event that happened to me personally. This chick I"m messing with, her best friend is involved with a co-worker. Thing is, baby girl just broke with her "baby"s daddy" for good after eight tumultuous years.

The daughter, though a bright and sweet little eight-year-old, is a fucking brat. Even though her parents had a fucked up relationship -- due to her father and his issues -- it was all she knew. Due to her age, all she wants is her mom and dad back together. Being upset, jealous, resentful, and wanting a return to normalcy, the little girl told her grandmother -- my bed buddy"s friend"s mother -- that her mom loved her new boyfriend more than her.

If you"re dealing with a single mother, not only do you have to win over the chick, you have to win over the kid(s), something that may never happen. When your dealing with a chick, you shouldn"t have to worry about a third party trying to sabotage your relationship.

4) Reduction In The Number Of Children You Want To Have

We all have an idea of the number of kids we"ll want. If you get involved with a single mother, you can reduce that number significantly. If a chick already has 1,2,3,4 kids, how many more do you expect her to have? Or what if she"s one of those women that have problem pregnancies and getting pregnant affects her health or puts her life in jeopardy? Adoption is cool and I"m a big proponent of it, but there"s something about having a kid of your own.

3) You"re Not My Dad!

You hook up with the chick. Eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids getting resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventually pull the "YOU CAN"T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! YOU"RE NOT MY DAD!!" card. Personally, if I did date single mothers and some dumbass kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "You"re right. I"m not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your shit and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition, some chicks or the dad would have a problem with you disciplining their kid. I"m sorry, but if some kid breaks my laptop, I"m whupping his ass.

2) Baby"s Daddy

When you"re dealing with a chick and getting to know her, you shouldn"t have to deal with the kid"s father. Some guys can"t get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before, he was an inattentive jerk and didn"t give a jolly goddamn about her. Now that you"ve entered the picture, this dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "Father of the Year" nominee. The guy starts stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the chick and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next thing you know, you"re having this conversation: "I"ve decided to try and make it work with Jimmy"s dad." Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single mothers.

1) Tag, You"re It!!

This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with single mothers. In some jurisdictions -- I think California is one of them -- if you start dealing with a chick with kids, move in with her and then things go south, THE CHICK CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!! She can claim that her and child have "become accustomed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD POSSIBLY END UP PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN"T EVEN YOURS!! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn"t give a rat"s ass that the relationship"s over or you being a "good guy." They just don"t want the chick on welfare. So as far as you"re concerned, "TAG, YOU"RE IT!!!"

The only reason why one should EVEN CONSIDER single mom, is because it"s FOR SURE ASS and she"s the one doing the pursing. She"s being the aggressor, she asked for the number, she"s calling, she"s setting up the date. Even then, she"s just there until something better comes along. Instead of putting all the time and effort into M.I.L.F.s, that effort should be better spent on G.I.L.F.s. [Girls I"d like to fuck]


OhSeven said:
All I had to read was single mother. EJECT NOW! Don"t even think about this woman.

15 reasons to avoid single mothers. Granted some of these don"t apply here since her kids are teens, but most still do.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:15) Baby Damage

Child birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I"ve also heard that the nookie is even stretched out; it isn"t the same anymore. Then there"s the weight gain. Some chicks NEVER LOSE IT, or they never get their former hot shape back.

14) Babies Interrupt Nutbusting

I"ve had this happen to me. I was banging a chick and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you"ve ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

13) Scheduling and Logistical Problems

Chicks will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they legitimately can"t find a baby sitter. Either case, it isn"t your problem. By avoiding single mothers you effectively eliminate this excuse.

12) Is He The One?

This is only a problem if you"re trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this chick after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure you"re the "one." This could take months. It"s bad enough that these chicks are "interviewing" you as a potential boyfriend, but these chicks are now gauging your parenting and fatherly skills? AH, HELL NAW!! FUCK YOU AND THAT!! I suggest dealing only with chicks that are readily available to hang out.

11) Rent-A-Daddy

Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys) need fathers, the chick gets desperate. Any every guy has the potential to be "daddy." You"re out trying to smash, not inherit a family.

10) Double Heart Break

You"re with the chick, then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the chick, but you"ve formed a bond with lil" Jimmy. You and Jimmy play Call of Duty together, watch the A"s, toss the ball around, go to the zoo, and other things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the chick, you miss the kid. The cold part about it is, you may miss the kid more than you the chick.

9) Unnecessary Expenditures

Contrary to that shit women spew about "not needing a man to spend money or take care of their kids," guess what"s going to happen if relationship moves forward? YOU"RE GOING TO BE SPENDING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON HER KID!! Say you"re six months to a year, or even a year an half into a relationship with this chick. You mean to tell me you NOT EVEN ONCE bought this kid a video game, this month"s issue of Batman, a cake for her birthday, some school clothes, or a Christmas present? Of course you will, especially if their father isn"t around. Also early in the relationship, if you"re feeling this chick, if she can"t get a sitter, either you or her will suggest bringing the kid along. Suddenly those romantic evenings you planned for that fly little lounge get tossed aside for family outings at Chuck E. Cheese.

8) You Know What She"s Going To If She Gets Pregnant

There"s a school of thought that says single mothers are easy to fuck. The irony is, those same chicks that believe in premartial sex, when they get pregnant, suddenly have an epiphany, find Jesus, and won"t have an abortion. Knowing this fact, do you really want to be this father of this woman"s child?

7) Decision Making and Judgment Skills Are On Display

This chick got knocked up by somebody she was supposedly "in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she"s GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that"s an inattentive, insensate, abusive asshole, is now the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

6) You"ll Never Be #1

When you"re trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of that woman"s life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you"ll NEVER BE #1!! That"s not a bad thing either, but it"s something I don"t want to deal with. Neither should you.

5) Resentful Little Bastards

This is a recent event that happened to me personally. This chick I"m messing with, her best friend is involved with a co-worker. Thing is, baby girl just broke with her "baby"s daddy" for good after eight tumultuous years.

The daughter, though a bright and sweet little eight-year-old, is a fucking brat. Even though her parents had a fucked up relationship -- due to her father and his issues -- it was all she knew. Due to her age, all she wants is her mom and dad back together. Being upset, jealous, resentful, and wanting a return to normalcy, the little girl told her grandmother -- my bed buddy"s friend"s mother -- that her mom loved her new boyfriend more than her.

If you"re dealing with a single mother, not only do you have to win over the chick, you have to win over the kid(s), something that may never happen. When your dealing with a chick, you shouldn"t have to worry about a third party trying to sabotage your relationship.

4) Reduction In The Number Of Children You Want To Have

We all have an idea of the number of kids we"ll want. If you get involved with a single mother, you can reduce that number significantly. If a chick already has 1,2,3,4 kids, how many more do you expect her to have? Or what if she"s one of those women that have problem pregnancies and getting pregnant affects her health or puts her life in jeopardy? Adoption is cool and I"m a big proponent of it, but there"s something about having a kid of your own.

3) You"re Not My Dad!

You hook up with the chick. Eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids getting resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventually pull the "YOU CAN"T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! YOU"RE NOT MY DAD!!" card. Personally, if I did date single mothers and some dumbass kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "You"re right. I"m not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your shit and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition, some chicks or the dad would have a problem with you disciplining their kid. I"m sorry, but if some kid breaks my laptop, I"m whupping his ass.

2) Baby"s Daddy

When you"re dealing with a chick and getting to know her, you shouldn"t have to deal with the kid"s father. Some guys can"t get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before, he was an inattentive jerk and didn"t give a jolly goddamn about her. Now that you"ve entered the picture, this dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "Father of the Year" nominee. The guy starts stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the chick and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next thing you know, you"re having this conversation: "I"ve decided to try and make it work with Jimmy"s dad." Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single mothers.

1) Tag, You"re It!!

This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with single mothers. In some jurisdictions -- I think California is one of them -- if you start dealing with a chick with kids, move in with her and then things go south, THE CHICK CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!! She can claim that her and child have "become accustomed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD POSSIBLY END UP PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN"T EVEN YOURS!! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn"t give a rat"s ass that the relationship"s over or you being a "good guy." They just don"t want the chick on welfare. So as far as you"re concerned, "TAG, YOU"RE IT!!!"

The only reason why one should EVEN CONSIDER single mom, is because it"s FOR SURE ASS and she"s the one doing the pursing. She"s being the aggressor, she asked for the number, she"s calling, she"s setting up the date. Even then, she"s just there until something better comes along. Instead of putting all the time and effort into M.I.L.F.s, that effort should be better spent on G.I.L.F.s. [Girls I"d like to fuck]
Dated a mother of two once...that list is fucking depressing and true.


"The only reason why one should EVEN CONSIDER single mom, is because it"s FOR SURE ASS and she"s the one doing the pursing. She"s being the aggressor, she asked for the number, she"s calling, she"s setting up the date"

That for sure was the truth for all but the last couple months. It was sure odd to realize I wans"t having to do the chasing and the setting everything up. There was more positive affirmation coming from her than anyone, even the girl I almost married gave!

Scheduling was always a bit of an issue given the weekend jobs, the kids and the dogs. Dad had the kids every other weekend so we mostly worked it out that on weekends with the kids I came down else she came up.

Everything was good with the kids. I made quite clear I was in no way going to step in and play Dad, and never had a situation where I had to step in and discipline. Even on the occasions that the boy was being a complete ass, she took care of it and I never had to cross parental boundaries.

The only thing she ever did was wall herself up. I know some personality types are bound to do that, but we went good for 18 months, then it all fell apart over 4 months.

Side note: Would you call it a problem that we NEVER argued. Hell, we barely even had a spat. We"re both pretty laid back in most regards, and never really had any confrontation between us.

She kept telling me that I deserved someone younger who wanted kids, despite her knowing full well that my thinking of having kids of my own always kind of freaked me out.

I had what I wanted. A woman who loved me, and (for the most part) treated me damed well. I was fine with the weekend visits and wasn"t looking to move in, have kids and get married.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Mini update, I was the guy who got caught with the pictures on the phone. I had hooked up with two chicks since all of that happened and it didn"t really change how I felt but out of nowhere a girl I used to talk to contacted me out of the blue and she is pretty cool and datable. It is funny how quickly your feeling can start to change. The breakup sucks but I have stuck to not contacting her. The best part is she unblocked me on facebook last week, it"s only a matter of time before she contacts me.


Avatar of War Slayer
Sinron said:
Really. Why would you want to take on anyone else spawn. Plenty of fish in the sea.
Then what about a guy like me? I wouldnt be exactly what you call a single dad (I only have my son 1 or 2 nights a week), but I am also not completely without child.

I would love, more than anything, to find a woman without children, but then i run into the problem of her actually wanting children and I am positive I do not want anymore. I am not really happy about dating women with kids, it has almost always been the problem, mainly because of last minute cancellation and scheduling. But having a child of my own really makes it difficult to say "having kids is a deal breaker"... So what should I do? how should I find the right woman?

I have kind of just accepted that the only woman that would want me is one who has kids.. I am sure thats a wrong way to think, but I would hate to rob a woman of her urges to be a mother because I do not want more kids.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Tragot said:
"The only reason why one should EVEN CONSIDER single mom, is because it"s FOR SURE ASS and she"s the one doing the pursing. She"s being the aggressor, she asked for the number, she"s calling, she"s setting up the date"

That for sure was the truth for all but the last couple months. It was sure odd to realize I wans"t having to do the chasing and the setting everything up. There was more positive affirmation coming from her than anyone, even the girl I almost married gave!
She thought you were a suitable partner and wanted you to take on half her responsibilities. Women in this position are desperate and until they have you in a position where you"re legally obligated to take on half the responsibility (marriage) they will cater to almost your every whim if they deem you a worthy partner.

Tragot said:
Scheduling was always a bit of an issue given the weekend jobs, the kids and the dogs. Dad had the kids every other weekend so we mostly worked it out that on weekends with the kids I came down else she came up.
That"s a given, you"re dealing with a single working mother. Nothing odd about this at all.

Tragot said:
Everything was good with the kids. I made quite clear I was in no way going to step in and play Dad, and never had a situation where I had to step in and discipline. Even on the occasions that the boy was being a complete ass, she took care of it and I never had to cross parental boundaries.
This is less of an issue with older kids. Most single mothers realize that their teen children will not take well to a new man playing dad so either they let them run wild or attempt to do it themselves.

Tragot said:
The only thing she ever did was wall herself up. I know some personality types are bound to do that, but we went good for 18 months, then it all fell apart over 4 months.
She started to realize that you weren"t taking the bait. She has literally busted her ass trying to convince you what a sweet deal all of this is and you never committed to marry her. Everyone has their limits and she just finally got to hers and she gave up.

Tragot said:
Side note: Would you call it a problem that we NEVER argued. Hell, we barely even had a spat. We"re both pretty laid back in most regards, and never really had any confrontation between us.
Not odd at all, remember she"s trying to convince you about what a sweet deal you have and how great it would be to marry her. You"re lucky you didn"t fall for it.

Tragot said:
She kept telling me that I deserved someone younger who wanted kids, despite her knowing full well that my thinking of having kids of my own always kind of freaked me out.
HELLO SHIT TEST! I"m sure when she said this you turned around and coddled her and told her that what you wanted was her or something to that effect right?

Tragot said:
I had what I wanted. A woman who loved me, and (for the most part) treated me damed well. I was fine with the weekend visits and wasn"t looking to move in, have kids and get married.
As sad as it is, you two were just looking for two different things. She wanted a partner to help take some or all of her burden. No matter how clear you made it that you didn"t want those things, she still tried. She believed, and rightfully so, that the pussy has power and that can sway the minds of men, But it didn"t sway you, that"s why she gave up.


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Brad2770 said:
Then what about a guy like me? I wouldnt be exactly what you call a single dad (I only have my son 1 or 2 nights a week), but I am also not completely without child.

I would love, more than anything, to find a woman without children, but then i run into the problem of her actually wanting children and I am positive I do not want anymore. I am not really happy about dating women with kids, it has almost always been the problem, mainly because of last minute cancellation and scheduling. But having a child of my own really makes it difficult to say "having kids is a deal breaker"... So what should I do? how should I find the right woman?

I have kind of just accepted that the only woman that would want me is one who has kids.. I am sure thats a wrong way to think, but I would hate to rob a woman of her urges to be a mother because I do not want more kids.
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Doesn"t matter what she wants then. This is going to sound shitty I admit, but you have to make a choice someday; who are you going to make happy? Yourself or everybody else, because you can"t do both, trust me.


So I"ve been reading this thread for quite some time and finally decided that it"s time to make my contribution, or at least to ask FoH for a bit of advice. I"ll be kind and spoiler this.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Back story:

I"ve been separated for about 5 months now and there is zero chance that my ex and myself will be getting back together. I tried to do the marriage counciling thing, but she just didn"t want to make things work out. We have a daughter together that"s 2 1/2 years old and she"s incredibly important to the both of us.

It seems we"ve just been a bit lazy with the whole divorce thing since it"s money neither of us really has to spend currently. I know she"s been with other people and honestly, I don"t care aside from wondering about the safety of my daughter if she"s just bringing random people home from a bar though she says she isn"t.

Current story:

I"m 5 months separated, and haven"t been searching around to see people at all. Through some changes in my life going to some men"s groups and spending time with one of the leaders of the group in 1:1 counciling to better myself.

I was bored the other day and decided to reactivate my account on OKC just to see what some friends are up to that I"d met on there previously that I don"t really talk to anymore. In a bit of a moment of weakness, I decided to see what people lined up with me and messaged a couple people expecting no response considering I"m a single father.

I was surprised that I got a response from someone. She"s in the same type of boat as I am except she wasn"t ever married to her ex. She"s a single parent, which I have zero problem with. I know she"s not looking for a baby daddy or anything like that as she owns a salon and is currently working to open another and is going to school to get her license to actually be able to style hair. She also knows that I"m currently getting ready to go back to school, so it"s not like I"m made of money currently since I"m going to be working a part time job while going to school full time to finish my degree. (Fuck the job market currently IMO) The father of this chick"s kid is still part of their life, but things ended badly in their relationship as he was a bit abusive and she bailed since it wasn"t right for the kid to be forced to experience that on a regular basis. Everything points to that I wouldn"t be a "replacement" by any means of the imagination.

We"ve been talking for a few weeks and have a ton in common and just started text messaging one another and just learning what the other enjoys. We"ve taken things really slowly, but have been talking on the phone the last few days for hours on end without realizing how much time has gone by. Hell, we feel like teenagers considering we"ve been on the phone from 10pm until 2ish the last couple days. We are both fairly into each other, but it"s pretty obvious that we"re both cautious right now. We have just about everything possible in common from movies/music to places we want to travel. We share the same religious beliefs, as well as we aren"t sure that either of us will get married (again in my part).

So, is this worth going after? I realize that there are people who will balk at the whole having a child thing, but having one myself, it"s not a big deal.

I wasn"t expecting to even become interested in anyone this soon after separating from my wife, but I"m kinda starting to dig this chick.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Mageling said:
So I"ve been reading this thread for quite some time and finally decided that it"s time to make my contribution, or at least to ask FoH for a bit of advice. I"ll be kind and spoiler this.

So, is this worth going after? I realize that there are people who will balk at the whole having a child thing, but having one myself, it"s not a big deal.

I wasn"t expecting to even become interested in anyone this soon after separating from my wife, but I"m kinda starting to dig this chick.
Go for it man.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Brad2770 said:
I have kind of just accepted that the only woman that would want me is one who has kids.. I am sure thats a wrong way to think, but I would hate to rob a woman of her urges to be a mother because I do not want more kids.
(This isn"t directed at you, Brad, your quote is just the best one in the thread to take a snippet of and gather the whole conversation)

Well, the sad truth of all this hate on single mothers is that none of you are getting any younger. Most of us on this board are approaching or in our 30"s, and I got news for you dude, that"s past prime baby making years for a significant portion of the population.

Unless you"re in a position to be commanding serious amounts of 19 year old tail, the number of women who aren"t single mothers is going to be dwindling significantly, especially thru your 30"s. If you"re still holding out for this magical single chick with no kids who"s got it all together mentally, has no prior baggage or issues, and supports herself, you"re fucking dreaming, and you"re gonna be alone for the rest of your life.

Sorry guys, it"s a fact. The reason there are no women who meet that criteria in their 30"s is because they all got snapped up by the big fish in their 20"s. You get the leftovers, and some of the options are less than perfect. Might wanna make your peace with that now.

Kenadul said:
Go for it man.
Yes, this. You only live once dude. Would you regret it if you didn"t go for it? If the answer is yes, then go for it.


<Prior Amod>
Mageling, there"s really no reason to NOT go for it dude, so just keep taking things slow like you"ve been and see where it goes, there"s honestly no harm in it and you"re gonna have to put yourself out there at some point anyways, may as well be with her being you guys have a lot in common and you seem to like her.


<Bronze Donator>
1) Tag, You"re It!!

This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with single mothers. In some jurisdictions -- I think California is one of them -- if you start dealing with a chick with kids, move in with her and then things go south, THE CHICK CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!! She can claim that her and child have "become accustomed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD POSSIBLY END UP PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN"T EVEN YOURS!! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn"t give a rat"s ass that the relationship"s over or you being a "good guy." They just don"t want the chick on welfare. So as far as you"re concerned, "TAG, YOU"RE IT!!!"