Girls who broke your heart thread


Ken sounds like he has it worse than me. That"s Galiem and Ken now! Woohoo!

It sounds like an awful situation. Go with your gut. It sounds to me like it wouldn"t be new information but maybe it would be helpful to him in some way...but yeah, gut.

The Ancient_sl

Grave said:
All the same, I feel like this might be a bad time to drop the text thing on him. There"s no way I can do it without him telling her. As much as he doesn"t want this to be true, if it is he"s going to rub it in her face. That"s just how he is. So as someone said earlier, I can"t tell him without name dropping occurring later. She is going to know I said something if I do. I"m willing to man up and take any potential retaliation I guess if it really means the best for Kenny, but at this point I"m not convinced. It"s almost like the dude wants to wallow in this drama.
Why is it you care if he tells her? You don"t talk to the girl.

Vim said:
So anyone here practice having sex by menstrual rhythm successfully? Is that what its called?
Rhythm method is for people who can"t use real birth control, generally religious nuts. What"s wrong with the pill?


Yeah, she"s pretty unwound and on various drugs. She has actually showed up at the office screaming and throwing shit whenever she and Kenny had fights in the past. She depends on him for money and general care even though she draws a check (it isn"t enough to sustain her habits) so if she knows I"m the reason he left for good I can"t be certain she wouldn"t go for some revenge. Like I said, she not only knows where I work but where I live.

Not saying that alone will stop me, but, it is pretty realistic I think to at least assume she"d drive to my apartment at night and key "COCKS" into the side of my car or something.


Trakanon Raider
Grave said:
Yeah, she"s pretty unwound and on various drugs. She has actually showed up at the office screaming and throwing shit whenever she and Kenny had fights in the past. She depends on him for money and general care even though she draws a check (it isn"t enough to sustain her habits) so if she knows I"m the reason he left for good I can"t be certain she wouldn"t go for some revenge. Like I said, she not only knows where I work but where I live.

Not saying that alone will stop me, but, it is pretty realistic I think to at least assume she"d drive to my apartment at night and key "COCKS" into the side of my car or something.
Motherfucker, it you don"t tell him I"LL drive to your apartment at night and key COCKS into the side of your car.


Molten Core Raider
If he"s your friend, he should be able to cover your ass. If you can trust him to not use it as ammunition but to simply keep in mind to strengthen his resolve then you should tell him.

Our hearts, minds and cocks lie to us. It"s our friends that we need to look to. My friends have been there for me recently when I needed them, showed me the truth of what happened. My best friend tells me that it"s okay to make mistakes so long as you learn from them and I learned a pretty valuable lesson.

As much as you want to cover your own ass if he"s a good friend then you"ll bite the bullet. Only you can decide if he"s a good enough friend that you"re willing to risk it.


Molten Core Raider
And just because this could have happened to you Grave...Sherman, set the WABAC machine for 2002.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

I had two friends through high school and college. We"ll call them Gary and Allen. Gary was a pretty fun guy, energetic and smart but a complete womanizer. He dated an Asian chick just to see what kind of panties she wore. He eventually couldn"t get any more women in our town because he"d dated everyone or one of their friends.

Allen was a bit of a jerk, wanna-be sports jock. He had height, strength and endurance, just no talent. He was the very co-dependent sort. If he didn"t have a girlfriend, he didn"t have an identity.

Anyways, Allen had a girlfriend, Stacy. They"d been going out for nearly 3 years. She was part of the group now, one of our friends. One night Gary was driving home with her since they had gone to a mall together out of town. On the drive home, Stacy kisses Gary and asks him to fuck her. Gary, being the good friend, declines and the next day tells Allen about this.

Allen doesn"t believe it. Thinks Gary is making shit up or it"s a stupid, sick joke.

Now...this is where things take a turn. Gary decides the best way to prove that Allen"s girlfriend is a cheating whore is to...drumroll please...sleep with her.

So he goes and does it. This is where the story should end. However, for awesomes sake, Gary finds that he really enjoys fucking this girl. They continue to fuck every chance they get. They even do it on Allen"s bed at his parents house.

Almost a year passes. It"s Allen"s birthday. We decide to have it at Gary"s parents house while they"re out of town. During the party we notice that Gary and Stacy are missing. We go to find them and lo and behold they"re fucking by a tree out back.

Stacy claims that Gary was raping her but she was pretty clearly on top when they were found. At first Gary says that they"ve only done it this once and it was because he was drunk but alcohol is wonderful and soon he"s confessing to the whole thing, saying how he did it to prove to Aaron that his girlfriend was a cheating whore and so on and so forth.

Now...this is where things get messed up. Allen STAYS with Stacy. Gary and Allen are no longer friends and both want me to take their side against the other guy. Gary is trying to convince me that what he did was right, that he needed to show Allen that his girl was unfaithful. Allen is trying to convince me that Stacy was manipulated/seduced by Gary.

Stacy tries her best to make sure I don"t go near Allen since I"m pointing out that she"s full of shit. Unfortunately for her I"m a good friend and risked having her key my car. She ends up going into a depression spiral and fucking everything that moves after Allen kicks her to the curb. Gary and Allen eventually reconciled though our friendship was never really the same again.

Moral of the story: Disregard women, acquire currency.


Well, it is looking like I can continue to help Kenny out without divulging the information. Things are sort of taking the right course without me doing it. He asked me to have a few beers earlier this evening and as we talked I could tell he was really on the fence about the whole thing.

To bring you guys up to speed, he did confront her about the chat thing as mentioned in the last post, and she essentially just flipped out and said the guy must have known it was him and was just fucking around with him. Obviously bullshit, we both know it, and it has him really thinking that leaving was the right move in the first place.

As we drink though, he turns more pussified and starts talking about how maybe she"s telling the truth, he"d like to believe she is, and how he doesn"t want to get back into the dating scene again after 10 years with her.

That threw up a huge sign for me when he said that. That shit is the problem right there. He"s actually afraid he wont be able to get someone else.

I go into Aragorn-mode and give him a rousing, morale boosting speech about the glories of the single life and conquests for the holy grail. Of course he comes back and says he doesn"t want that, he wants a real relationship. BLER. Anyway, I said that was fine and I"d prowl with him any time until he found something else. Even threw out the dating site idea since it seems to have worked for some people on here.

So we part ways and he goes home and, according to the last few texts I got, he just told her he didn"t think he could ever trust her again and it was a bad idea for them to ever get back together. She GOES NUTS and says she"s going to kill herself, apparently starts wrecking the apartment and he tells me he had to restrain her with a bear hug to stop her, at which point she just broke down and cried for a couple of hours or something. She then said she was going to go check herself into the hospital before she killed herself.

Kenny apparently offered to look after the kids if she did that, but she said no and left with them (they are now at the Grandparents house, so at least they are safe I guess) and she has supposedly gone to the hospital but he hasn"t checked if she really did or not.

His plan is to now move back in with his mom, which sucks I guess but he"s jobless and can"t keep the apartment.

I think as much as it all sucks this is the best move for him and once he gets another job and another girl it"ll all be good. We"ll see.


Grave said:
...He"s actually afraid he wont be able to get someone else.
That shit is some powerful drug. Being in that situation and with somebody like that is devastating to the ego/self confidence/etc...I know, I"ve been there (though my ex-wife was nowhere near as crazy). I did the smart thing though and got the hell out. It"s weird "dating" again, but once you go out on even one or two dates, you figure out there are lots of girls out there (most of them bat shit insane) and there"s no reason to settle for less than what works best for you.

Using myself as an example: While married, I was mentally in a place where I pretty much thought I was stuck there, unhappy, and probably wouldn"t ever find a "dream girl". I didn"t think I was good looking or that me (as a person) would ever be attractive to another girl. Well, almost a year after splitting with my ex, a whole slew of dates, a couple of more steady things, and a few moments of random "hey that was a great time...lets go fuck like bunnys!", I figured out...there"s nothing wrong with me and fuck if I"m gonna settle on anything other than what makes me happy.

And as a total side note, I met this blazing hot Latina (a year ago I would have considered this girl -way- out of my league based on looks alone) and things have been going great!

The Ancient_sl

avgeek said:
And as a total side note, I met this blazing hot Latina (a year ago I would have considered this girl -way- out of my league based on looks alone) and things have been going great!
Pics or it didn"t happen.


<Prior Amod>
I was with my ex wife for about 8 years and I totally get how you can be afraid of not finding someone else.

Then 2 months after she moved out, this chick I hung out with a lot and one of the most smoking hot blondes I"ve ever talked came over one night and we banged for like 3 hours, ended up staying the night and we banged again before she left.

Mind you, I"m an ugly dude.

If you have a personality you will get chicks. Period. If he doesn"t have one, it"s fixable, get him the fuck out of that situation and help get him back on his feet and he will be fine.