Girls who broke your heart thread


Are you like trying to plant seeds of destruction or something? Why talk so highly of the one girl and then do others like ^^ that one? It"s been my experience that the more datable (dateable? date-able?) a girl is, the more likely she is to be really offended/upset when it comes out that you were fucking lots of chicks before you said "oh we"re exclusive? lol lemme send some texts one sec."

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jabberwhacky said:
Are you like trying to plant seeds of destruction or something? Why talk so highly of the one girl and then do others like ^^ that one? It"s been my experience that the more datable (dateable? date-able?) a girl is, the more likely she is to be really offended/upset when it comes out that you were fucking lots of chicks before you said "oh we"re exclusive? lol lemme send some texts one sec."
No thats not the case, he can bang all the nasty barracks rats he wants and still find miss right to bring home to mommy!
Personally, I"ve found NC to be too bland for me - there"s nothing to do here...ever. It"s why I"m moving to San Fran...that being said, I"ve seen that quite a few awesome bands are going to be playing here...I"m not exactly sure how far away you are from Greensboro, but that"s where they usually set camp...maybe take her to something like that?


Tenks said:
My girlfriend (+mom) insisted upon setting up my best friend with one of her friends. It is happening today. So the four of us are getting together after work. I don"t really know what to do other than just be myself and try to maintain conversation with the table. My friend is somewhat awkward so I"m not sure how this"ll go.
J? How was it?


projectoffset said:
Personally, I"ve found NC to be too bland for me - there"s nothing to do here...ever. It"s why I"m moving to San Fran...that being said, I"ve seen that quite a few awesome bands are going to be playing here...I"m not exactly sure how far away you are from Greensboro, but that"s where they usually set camp...maybe take her to something like that?
Yeah now that I"ve already pulled the mall/movies card I don"t want to use it again. If I go with her to do the same thing I"ll seem boring right off of the bat, no matter how entertained I keep her. I may bring her to Raleigh. Too bad it"s not the summer because Wilmington beach isn"t far at all. I refuse to bring her to a strip club... but eventually I might bring her to a regular club around here and show her a good time. Its too early to know if she would say yes just because she wants to be with me or if she would actually enjoy it. Oh and she"s tiny (5"4 110) which is bonus because I love smaller chicks.

If things go well with her I won"t be messing with the barracks whores. I missed out on a few different girls last night that just strictly wanted some dick and I stuck to my hand... see I have morals


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dabamf said:
J? How was it?
Yeah. It wasn"t as awkward as I thought it would be tbh. I don"t think either made a connection and my GF and I were pretty much leading the conversation the entire time. It really wasn"t as bad as I thought.

Sometimes I"d feel bad like I"m talking way too much but you know J if the topic isn"t about sports he"s not going to make much chit-chat :p


So I met up with that girl again today after work. She wanted me to bring a movie over so we had something to do. Everything went well again and all we did was chill and hang out. Second time seeing her and still no sex, but she really wants to come to my place this Sunday when I get back in town. The first date I avoided my place like the plague and told her my room mate was having a party with a bunch of douchers so I didn"t try to wreck her that night. Instead we hung out with her parents (brownie points!).

That whore thing might eventually surface though. When I was sitting there my bosses were sending me info about work tomorrow so I had my cell phone sitting on my lap. Then I get a text message from a girl I haven"t talked to in weeks saying "So when can I get another piece of your .... " She read it and just kinda laughed.. thank god I delete texts that I send because she would have seen some dirty shit and I wouldn"t have been able to play it off. I just told her that the chick was just some whore -- which happens to be true -- that I haven"t talked to in weeks -- which is kinda true -- and that I never met up with her --- yeah about that -- .

I don"t want to mess things up with her so I haven"t made plans to go out with anyone else since I met up with her. Last Saturday night I stayed home and did laundry while my buddies had a party upstairs with like 10 girls. That should count for something...
Believe it or not, even good girls get an ego boost if the guy they start dating was getting a ton of pussy and stopped just for them. Jealousy will show up later if the texts keep coming (and if you don"t actually stop), but getting a lot of pussy in your past is usually not a bad thing.

Just don"t talk about it.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Its more being concurrently desired by other girls, than just being someone who"s slept with 100+ chicks. It"s called pre-selection.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Pretty sure everyone on these forums simultaneously hates and hates you, because you"re really fucking annoying.


So hopefully this is the right place to ask.. but for those that have really strong relationships (3+ years) how long did it take for you and your spouse to have sex ? I know everything about everyone I work with so it"s pretty easy just to go up and ask them personal questions and I asked that today. From the guys that have had strong relationships for years with the same girl all have said that it took from 2 weeks to like 4 months (virgin for that one) to finally do it. Now I don"t know if its related but out of the guys I asked the ones with failed marriages fucked on the first night or close to it. After that it was an every night occurrence and they end up cheating on them only after a 4 month deployment. The ones that waited a bit to have sex end up screwing a few times a week, actually enjoy their relationship AND aren"t cheating on each other. The pool I drew from was 10 guys between the ages of 18-35 but all of us have the same kind of mindset so it"s hard to tell.


You"re like Aamina waiting to happen. If your main focus is always having your dick wet, maybe you should stick with whores. You"re already starting off pretending to not be a manwhore, and you"re probably fibbing about other stuff, too. Did you REALLY meet her parents on the first date, btw? That"s sketchy.... ;p

Having that said, relationships usually fail for many reasons, rarely are any of them based off of when you first had sex. That"s absurd.
Ravvenn said:
Having that said, relationships usually fail for many reasons, rarely are any of them based off of when you first had sex. That"s absurd.
This in a lot of ways. It"s ridiculous how many people put stock into length of time to get laid as a factor of success rates for relationships. It"s factors of a lot of shit and that"s honestly really damn low, unless that"s your primary focus. Though, if it is, that"s the reason it will fail, not how soon you dicked her down.


Ravvenn said:
You"re like Aamina waiting to happen. If your main focus is always having your dick wet, maybe you should stick with whores. You"re already starting off pretending to not be a manwhore, and you"re probably fibbing about other stuff, too. Did you REALLY meet her parents on the first date, btw? That"s sketchy.... ;p

Having that said, relationships usually fail for many reasons, rarely are any of them based off of when you first had sex. That"s absurd.
I didn"t expect to get hammered for that. I only asked because that"s always something I go for first and for this one I"m trying to wait. Mostly because I don"t want it being like every other girl where once I"ve fucked them, I don"t really care to talk to them again.

Oh and for the record I haven"t lied to the girl about anything. I just didn"t want to tell her right away how many girls I"ve have before her. She knows now and actually finds it funny, but doesn"t really care. All she asked was "Are you clean ?" -- which I am -- and that was that. After wards she just wanted to hear funny stories