Girls who broke your heart thread


I wasn"t hammering you. I"m curious now, what number are we talkin" about here? You make it sound like there"s 2-3 different ho"s every weekend.


God is dead
It"s shit like this that makes me glad I found an introverted Chinese girl who is not sexually obsessed to hang out with. Having little of a sex drive helps with that I guess.


Ravvenn said:
I wasn"t hammering you. I"m curious now, what number are we talkin" about here? You make it sound like there"s 2-3 different ho"s every weekend.
19 since June. 28 since Sept of last year. I"ve met up multiple times with some of the girls so I didn"t have to go find a new one. Sometimes its one, two and once it was three and others I"ll be working so none. Oh and it didn"t help that I was on testosterone boosters for a month of that for lifting (which I saw gains from but that"s for another thread) that made me want to fuck anything that moved.

Honestly when there are so many guys that have fucked hundreds of women, my number isn"t shit. But at the end of the day I"m almost burnt out on this shit and I"m only 19.


Molten Core Raider
I would posit that the first time you say "I love you" is more important then the timing you getting your dick wet.


Yeah I picked her up from her house, brought her to the mall and grabbed a bite to eat then went to the movies. She asked to go back to my place but I made an excuse because for the first time since my first time I would have felt really bad about trying to screw her on the first night. so I suggested we hang out at her house and she was ok with that. She thought her parents weren"t home but instead they were (which I was ok with because that meant no sex) and I stayed and watched football with the Dad, bullshitted with her family for a while then said bye and left. She told me they talked about how much they liked me for like an hour and then again the next day.

I expected the whole situation to be weird because she told me her Dad made her last boyfriend feel uncomfortable the first time he met him. He didn"t talk to him, talked over him and all around made him feel like a turd Lol. That didn"t happen to me at all. I walked in, shook his hand and introduced myself and it went well from there.


Your burnt out at 19? You were taking testosterone boosters earlier then 19?

A) Wtf u taking testosterone boosters at 19? Are you a professional athlete? Are you looking for the easy way to get big, roids?
B) If you think your burnt out at 19 you are kidding yourself.

Stop being a pussy and hit it, it doesn"t mean shit anyway(unless she doesn"t want to). Because no matter how much she says she loves you, she will love someone else just as much when you guys break up. Then you will be sitting there going why was i such a pussy thinking by holding out it would make this last. You either have a connection that will last a certain amount of time or you dont. Sounds cynical but its reality. Yes i am in a 2.5year relationship. Yes if i break up with my missus she will find someone else to love just as much.


The only great relationship I"ve ever had we slept together after 1 week.

It doesn"t matter how soon you bone. What matters is how you prioritize it. In your case, putting it as a low priority is the important thing. What actually happens isn"t too relevant.

Don"t try to play off this innocence thing. She will know you are being deceptive. Either own up to what you do/used to do or tell her you don"t wanna talk about it. Don"t try to be slick with your words to create some alternative impression while still being technically honest. "I used to sleep around. I don"t wanna get into details, they"re not important" gives enough information while not getting into unnecessary detail.

Finally, stop overthinking it. Just do what you feel inclined to do and everything will work out. Since you like her, you will be inclined to do all the good things like trying to make her happy and treating her well. Follow your inclination is really all you have to do.



Fucken please with the nice guy act, chicks don"t give a fuck about mr nice guy. Girls want what other girls want. So you can play the I"m a pussy virgin card and get 1 girl out of a million to like you. Or you can be the guy every girl loves to hate but wants to fuck. Then when you decide she"s the girl you want you can get to know her on a deeper level and begin to be the nice guy.

Sex is nothing compared to the deep bond you can form with your life partner. That bond takes a long time to form. Sex takes 10 mins tops. Yeah I said it. Can"t wait for all you Fabio"s to start talking shit.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with being nice, and women do appreciate it.

but the key to finding and keeping a girl is not about how you treat her, but mostly about how you treat yourself. do you have any goals in life and what are you doing to achieve them? how are you dealing with problems? are you still spending enough time on your own interests, with your friends. etc.
women usually want a man who is able to lead the relationship. a strong shoulder to cry on. a man who has everything under control and makes them feel secure.

the moment you show insecurity and weakness you are losing attraction and risk losing her.


I think everyone knows what I mean by "Mr nice guy". Mr nice guy will be the friend 99% of the time.

You are definitely right about showing insecurity to often, you do become less attractive.


the problem is there are so many "mr nice guys" who are being nice simply because theiy fail at life > have very low self esteem > have too much respect for women > act nice.
then they realize women may also be nice towards them in return, but are not attracted to them. they become frustrated, see all these assholes scoring and think they must also become assholes to succeed.
and to some extend they may indeed have success with that, but they still fail at life - and as soon as the women realize this, they"re gone.

so if you want a strong relationship, you need to address the issues regarding your own life. aim for a better job/pay, clean up your apartment, improve your wardrobe or get a haircut, go see a dentist/doctor if you have bad teeth/eyes, just do something productive and not sit in front of your computer all day.
free yourself from all the issues that are bothering you and get back in control of your life. you may even realize it didn"t even take that much time/effort to do so and you will feel alot better and confident afterwards. and suddenly women will see a potential partner in you as well.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
The only great relationship I"ve ever had we slept together after 1 week.
Girls that I fucked within 24 hours of getting into a relationship with:

- my ex wife
- my crazy ex (early in this thread)
- steph (climber girl) from last year
- nici, the girl that kept running back to her ex (though technically we were not in a relationship)

all of that shit collapsed like the temple in an indiana jones movie.

With Annie, my current girl, it still took less for a week for our instincts to take over, but then we had been taking it slow from the very beginning (took us over 2 weeks to finally get together after much pussyfooting around).
Stable so far.

Make of it what you will.

btw I"m heading into town today to look at rings. I"m nowhere near rich, but I will post a pic of it once I get one, so all of you can laugh at my poverty.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Saidin said:
So hopefully this is the right place to ask.. but for those that have really strong relationships (3+ years) how long did it take for you and your spouse to have sex ? I know everything about everyone I work with so it"s pretty easy just to go up and ask them personal questions and I asked that today. From the guys that have had strong relationships for years with the same girl all have said that it took from 2 weeks to like 4 months (virgin for that one) to finally do it. Now I don"t know if its related but out of the guys I asked the ones with failed marriages fucked on the first night or close to it. After that it was an every night occurrence and they end up cheating on them only after a 4 month deployment. The ones that waited a bit to have sex end up screwing a few times a week, actually enjoy their relationship AND aren"t cheating on each other. The pool I drew from was 10 guys between the ages of 18-35 but all of us have the same kind of mindset so it"s hard to tell.
Honestly dude, from what you"ve said here...don"t worry about it. You"re not relationship material yet and won"t be for a few more years, so it really doesn"t matter. You"re not going to fool her, and you"re not going to change overnight, so the thought of you actually having a relationship with the first girl you want to have a relationship with is laughable at best. You don"t know how, you"ve already got a set procedure for this, and the chances of you making this work are slim to nil.


Molten Core Raider
Inconsiderable said:

Do I win? Usually it started this way.
Considering I mentioned all of those relationships blowing up like the fucking death star, I"d say "no".


Ronaan said:
Considering I mentioned all of those relationships blowing up like the fucking death star, I"d say "no".
If you think because you had sex with her after a week instead of the first night thats the reason it lasted, you are in denial.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Inconsiderable said:

Do I win? Usually it started this way.
Gotta" agree with this. Most of my relationships started with it. It wasn"t the first night I met them, but I didn"t really consider it exclusive until we slept together. Granted, all those relationships failed for one reason or another, but the initial fuck was not one of the reasons.