Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Vinen said:
Ok so, I wish I could give better proof but I don"t own a scanner and I"m far too lazy to do more then this. Given that this could be easily photoshopped I just went into my bank and took a screen capture then whited out (failed at that with black outlining, paint 4tw)

This is in the last month.

2 Paychecks (after 401k withdrawal of 10%) and MA state tax.
and one minor bonus (I get other bonuses at other times of the year which are larger, this was just a company did well in Q3 everyone gets a bonus!).
Paid on 15th and 30th (or so of the month)
This does not include other withholding for medical shit. Nor does it include money I make consulting on the side.

That said, I am a douche and I will admit to it. But it doesn"t invalidate my point.Treat him like a normal person unless otherwise necessary. 6 figures is not impressive.
Thats only like $55k a year or so.


Molten Core Raider
DMK said:
If you think because you had sex with her after a week instead of the first night thats the reason it lasted, you are in denial.
Well it might be coincidence - who knows. I"m just saying.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Phoenix said:
Thats only like $55k a year or so.
If it"s bi-weekly that would be right under 100k I think. If it"s monthly thats actually less than 50k after taxes.


Tenks said:
If it"s bi-weekly that would be right under 100k I think. If it"s monthly thats actually less than 50k after taxes.
He quoted he gets bigger bonuses and does consulting on the side. Depending how much moonlighting you do that can easily double your income. But salary alone that job looks like it"s in the 75-85k range which if Vinen is doing software (I think he is?) is about on par with a state like MA and his age.
projectoffset said:
For goodness sake. Should I have just said the very upper echelons of 6 digits instead? Over 700K. In any case, thanks for the advice.
np thats not rich i also earn that at 15years age heres a badly edited picture that shows two random numbers so threat him like hes a moron nobody cares also ask him to play the guess game he kneels down and closes his eyes and then he has to guess whos dick is in his mouth pretty sure he will like it also i just blacked the other stuff out on the picture of how much money i make because of the cum stains


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Inconsiderable said:
np thats not rich i also earn that at 15years age heres a badly edited picture that shows two random numbers so threat him like hes a moron nobody cares also ask him to play the guess game he kneels down and closes his eyes and then he has to guess whos dick is in his mouth pretty sure he will like it also i just blacked the other stuff out on the picture of how much money i make because of the cum stains
You fucking drunk or something? What the fuck is this?


God is dead
Inconsiderable said:
np thats not rich i also earn that at 15years age heres a badly edited picture that shows two random numbers so threat him like hes a moron nobody cares also ask him to play the guess game he kneels down and closes his eyes and then he has to guess whos dick is in his mouth pretty sure he will like it also i just blacked the other stuff out on the picture of how much money i make because of the cum stains
Trolling this thread was worth it for this one post.


Oh so I"m still hanging out with the nice chick. Went over for dinner last night and the parents love me. I"m not the suck up type of person so I just bull shitted with her dad and step mom and told some funny stories. She keeps on getting asked when I"m coming over again Lol. Still no sex but I"m not even worried about it, nor do I think I will be with this one... which is why I brought the subject up to begin with. It struck me as weird that I didn"t instantly want to screw her, despite her being gorgeous.

Just for the record, when I say "nice" chick -- she isn"t a sheltered girl who is afraid of trying stuff. She is just not one of the girls I"d be worried about cheating on me and actually has a sense of humor close to mine.

I"m picking her up tomorrow and bringing her back to my place, then dinner later on. No plans of anything else but I have a feeling I"m gonna introduce her to some of my calmer friends and test that water.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Saidin said:
I have a feeling I"m gonna introduce her to some of my calmer friends and test that water.
Make her dinner at your place and then introduce her to your dick.


brekk said:
Make her dinner at your place and then introduce her to your dick.
Her : I"m gonna make you explode to make up for you only eating fruit this week
me: ooh that"s kinky
Her : Just the way you like it :p
Me : I at least want dinner first before you take advantage of me!
Her: Deal.


Vinen said:
Trolling this thread was worth it for this one post.
The fact that you had to let everyone here know how much you earn(when it really had nothing to do with your so called point). Then pretend its not much just shows how insecure you really must be.

If someone asked you or it had any relevance to your point. Maybe it wouldn"t be so gay.


Saidin said:
Oh so I"m still hanging out with the nice chick. Went over for dinner last night and the parents love me. I"m not the suck up type of person so I just bull shitted with her dad and step mom and told some funny stories. She keeps on getting asked when I"m coming over again Lol. Still no sex but I"m not even worried about it, nor do I think I will be with this one... which is why I brought the subject up to begin with. It struck me as weird that I didn"t instantly want to screw her, despite her being gorgeous.

Just for the record, when I say "nice" chick -- she isn"t a sheltered girl who is afraid of trying stuff. She is just not one of the girls I"d be worried about cheating on me and actually has a sense of humor close to mine.

I"m picking her up tomorrow and bringing her back to my place, then dinner later on. No plans of anything else but I have a feeling I"m gonna introduce her to some of my calmer friends and test that water.
It"s one thing to have a good first impression but you can dig yourself a hole here where you will have to keep this charade up. Then you become someone your not and have to say sorry every time you happen to get naked in public after a few drinks and possibly some recreational drugs, like you did it just to insult her.


I took that as his actual personality. I believe he"s a naturally confident person (fine being the main person talking, joking, etc.). He said he"s not into the kiss-ass thing, and that worked for her parents.

Honestly, that works with a lot of parents except the ones who think the kiss-ass is the nice boy (who will end up being the dickhead, of course). If you kiss ass or fumble words around my dad, he"d point it out and go out of his way to mess with you (in the mean way). If you mention sports, tell dirty jokes, are humble, etc. (or find a way to insult my step-sister), you"re golden.

I"m pretty sure if I ended up single, my dad would take HIS side.


Ravvenn said:
I took that as his actual personality. I believe he"s a naturally confident person (fine being the main person talking, joking, etc.). He said he"s not into the kiss-ass thing, and that worked for her parents.

Honestly, that works with a lot of parents except the ones who think the kiss-ass is the nice boy (who will end up being the dickhead, of course). If you kiss ass or fumble words around my dad, he"d point it out and go out of his way to mess with you (in the mean way). If you mention sports, tell dirty jokes, are humble, etc. (or find a way to insult my step-sister), you"re golden.

I"m pretty sure if I ended up single, my dad would take HIS side.
I get the impression that the Dad cares too much about his daughter to let her go out on a river boat gambling trip, but still lets her have her freedom so long as I treat her right... The step mom doesn"t care what she does and if she came home wasted she would find it funny and not say anything. All I had to do was talk to them with a little bit more respect than my friends and refrain from telling them my usual weekend club hopping schedule (Go to the clubs 5 minutes after they close when all of the girlies are outside trying to find after parties). I did tell them a story where I had to give myself an IV before work from drinking the night before and they lost it. Apparently both of the parents had to do that when they were younger Lol. I just had to balance it out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
DMK said:
The fact that you had to let everyone here know how much you earn(when it really had nothing to do with your so called point). Then pretend its not much just shows how insecure you really must be.

If someone asked you or it had any relevance to your point. Maybe it wouldn"t be so gay.
Pretty sure it"s a well known fact on the internet that anyone with an anime avatar is the biggest failure life can produce