Girls who broke your heart thread


Saladus said:
I was about to put a giant circle around the word cocaine and say there"s your problem right there. Then I kept reading and my jaw dropped. Holy fuck bitch was crazy!
I imagine most readers" reactions were similar:


Zehn - Vhex said:
Milwaukee is having a "Mummies of the World" exhibit. I think I like your idea better though, may go with that instead.
Ok fine, good choice. I hope she lives or is meeting you there. Hour long rides together after a date that didn"t go so well are hilariously not fun.

P.S. If it doesn"t go well and you carpooled, can I ride with on the way back? I will bring Yakety Sax, streamers, and a kazoo.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
While the girl was/is obviously fucked in the head, you can"t say that the drugs didn"t factor in to the craziness. It at least clouded his judgement.


<Bronze Donator>
Haha, cocaine wasn"t what got me in that post, what stood out to me was "she carved "this is her hip bone" next to her hip bone" or whatever.. whoa holy cow..

2nd would be sandpapering the arms to muscle

3rd would be the cocaine!


Molten Core Raider
Fazin said:
Ok fine, good choice..
How about we make a deal. If at any point I say "She"s breaking up with her fiance to be with me instead..." I want you to slap the shit out of me because then I clearly don"t learn from my mistakes.

Also I found an apartment. I think Serwol would appreciate not having to help me move for once if you"re not busy about 2 weekends from now.


Yeah, it was certainly one of the biggest contributors to that mess. I"m clean now, just hit the two year mark (yay). And I don"t have a damn thing to do with that psycho.


Shit Lord Supreme
Hey just want to get confirmation on this, if a chick wants to get back together with you but will only do so if your cool with her guy friends being able to spend the night over her place (just her and them), she"s basically asking you for permission to cheat on you at some point in the relationship right?


Shit Lord Supreme
Phoenix said:
Thats your first mistake.
good point.

Only reason I considered in the first place is because I don"t want to go through a dry spell, but I guess that"s what happens sometimes.


If she"s putting out and you are able to stay detached then go for it but if she"s not putting out or you still have feelings for her then RUN away.


<Bronze Donator>
The fact that she had to ask you that, tells us all that she knows its wrong but wants to see how far she can push you. I also would be asking why she has such high priority on making sure these guy friends can sleep over, instead of caring about your feelings..

I mean how is that getting back together? Hey I want to be with you but you have to let guys sleep over (in the same bed?) with me. Doesnt sound like a relationship to me.. sounds more like fuck buddies without calling it that..

Thats retarded, I dont know how you can ever build a lasting relationship starting it off like that, I dont remember what your past was with said chick (if you said it at all) but it obviously ended for some reason and to start it off this way seems wacky, if you"re going to try again you should make everything right in the beginning and work on your relationship, not set abnormal rules.. I couldnt get attached (or re-attached) to a chick that wanted to have other guys sleep over.. wtf is that.

If I"ve learned anything (and many of my family will say I havent, haha) it"s that, girls with lots of guy friends are bad news.. and if they are even asking for permission to have them sleep over, it might as well end right then and there.. its going to lead to cheating sometime, whether shes drunk, vulnerable, or whatever. Just put yourself in the guys shoes, what guy "friend" sleeps over at a girls place? Shes not dumb, the guy friends arent dumb, you"ll be the dumby if you agree.

My ex had guy friends, one particularly close one that was gay. Some time along the line he decided he was bisexual, and when I moved back home (hour away) from college, while she was still up there, I couldnt see her everyday, that left her vulnerable cause she "needed her bf everyday" so she claimed that her guy friend (now bisexual) filled that void and they hooked up (when drunk) and she began liking him etc.. so thats what I mean, she may not have bad intentions now (although it sounds like it to me) but if you guys get in fights, or something is lacking, those guy friends will be right there to capitalize.


Shit Lord Supreme
lost said:
The fact that she had to ask you that, tells us all that she knows its wrong but wants to see how far she can push you. I also would be asking why she has such high priority on making sure these guy friends can sleep over, instead of caring about your feelings..

I mean how is that getting back together? Hey I want to be with you but you have to let guys sleep over (in the same bed?) with me. Doesnt sound like a relationship to me.. sounds more like fuck buddies without calling it that..

Thats retarded, I dont know how you can ever build a lasting relationship starting it off like that, I dont remember what your past was with said chick (if you said it at all) but it obviously ended for some reason and to start it off this way seems wacky, if you"re going to try again you should make everything right in the beginning and work on your relationship, not set abnormal rules.. I couldnt get attached (or re-attached) to a chick that wanted to have other guys sleep over.. wtf is that.

If I"ve learned anything (and many of my family will say I havent, haha) it"s that, girls with lots of guy friends are bad news.. and if they are even asking for permission to have them sleep over, it might as well end right then and there.. its going to lead to cheating sometime, whether shes drunk, vulnerable, or whatever. Just put yourself in the guys shoes, what guy "friend" sleeps over at a girls place? Shes not dumb, the guy friends arent dumb, you"ll be the dumby if you agree.

My ex had guy friends, one particularly close one that was gay. Some time along the line he decided he was bisexual, and when I moved back home (hour away) from college, while she was still up there, I couldnt see her everyday, that left her vulnerable cause she "needed her bf everyday" so she claimed that her guy friend (now bisexual) filled that void and they hooked up (when drunk) and she began liking him etc.. so thats what I mean, she may not have bad intentions now (although it sounds like it to me) but if you guys get in fights, or something is lacking, those guy friends will be right there to capitalize.
I"ve already been through that with her--she has an assinine excuse about how it would just be when they"re drunk, even though I said I had no trouble driving them home or being at her place with them. I know she"s full of shit, I pretty much told her every time she tries to use the trust word on me that it has nothing to do with trust it"s just a matter of throwing a match into a room full of gasoline.

I mean you even say you had a similar situation with an ex with guy friends, well my ex in this case hasn"t seen her gay friend in a while, there"s one dude that"s close to retarded that she always hangs out with, but he"s not actually retarded he"s just fucking slow as shit, he has a car and a license and we both know that he"s into her. I"m pretty sure if they both got drunk enough she"d end up giving him pitty sex because he"s desperate as fuck.

I was considering what Sharmai said, but I would probably become more attached in the end and it would fuck me over, and I"ve been fucked over in a seriously bad way before, I"d be pathetically stupid to let it happen again. All this chick brings to the relationship is a nice body, and a willingness to provide lots of...good perks. But I pay for virtually everything as is, she"s poor as fuck, initially when I met her I wanted to see if she was a product of her circumstances or if she was on a self destructive cycle, and it seems the latter. BJ"s and fucking 3-4 times a day is great, but getting cheated on and feeling like shit, and flushing away my money to take care of her poor ass isn"t worth it. I gave her the opportunity to prove that she was a good person in a bad situation but she"s proven otherwise, I shouldn"t have really needed to ask in the first place, I know better, I guess I just wanted some more reinforcement.


<Bronze Donator>
Voyce said:
I"ve already been through that with her--she has an assinine excuse about how it would just be when they"re drunk, even though I said I had no trouble driving them home or being at her place with them. I know she"s full of shit, I pretty much told her every time she tries to use the trust word on me that it has nothing to do with trust it"s just a matter of throwing a match into a room full of gasoline.

I mean you even say you had a similar situation with an ex with guy friends, well my ex in this case hasn"t seen her gay friend in a while, there"s one dude that"s close to retarded that she always hangs out with, but he"s not actually retarded he"s just fucking slow as shit, he has a car and a license and we both know that he"s into her. I"m pretty sure if they both got drunk enough she"d end up giving him pitty sex because he"s desperate as fuck.

I was considering what Sharmai said, but I would probably become more attached in the end and it would fuck me over, and I"ve been fucked over in a seriously bad way before, I"d be pathetically stupid to let it happen again. All this chick brings to the relationship is a nice body, and a willingness to provide lots of...good perks. But I pay for virtually everything as is, she"s poor as fuck, initially when I met her I wanted to see if she was a product of her circumstances or if she was on a self destructive cycle, and it seems the latter. BJ"s and fucking 3-4 times a day is great, but getting cheated on and feeling like shit, and flushing away my money to take care of her poor ass isn"t worth it. I gave her the opportunity to prove that she was a good person in a bad situation but she"s proven otherwise, I shouldn"t have really needed to ask in the first place, I know better, I guess I just wanted some more reinforcement.
Yeah dude, if she"s that liberal about letting guys sleep over, and ontop of that insists that you"re not there when they do then its a fair guess to say its a bad path to go down.. When I first started dating my ex, I had some suspicions about how she was so liberal when it came to certain things. I should have listened to that, by the end of this post I stated how she still thinks I"m psycho over the incident I explain later in this post (yes this is an edit), and after that situation I found out she used to go home with a diff guy every night after her table hostess job at her club.

It"s funny she uses the word trust, when I"ve given my ex chances, she"d try to use every example to show she"s gaining trust with me. Let me give you two prime examples, two that piss me the fuck off.

First would be, she was having a conversation with her best girl friend, and her best girl friend says about how her boyfriend asked if he was the best sex, and she said she told him he wasnt, and if he didnt like the answer he shouldnt have asked.

My gf (now ex) agreed blah blah, this got me to thinking, hey this is us trying again there was some time inbetween this time and the last maybe I feel a bit insecure, I"m going to ask.. yea you can guess what answer I got. "Well I want you to know I"m being honest with you, I dont want to lie to you."

My opinion on that? I"d lie, if it meant my girls happiness to tell her shes #1 then I would lie, because if I"m still with her, the sex must be great, it may not be the best but its certainly great and doesnt matter if its the best to me, but if someone asks then thats an indicator that it matters and anything less than best will only hurt them.. It also shows how considerate she was of my feelings (imo).

So she told me I was #2, and didnt want to lie because she was building my trust again.

Second example (happened after), we were out at a bar, and this guy texts her saying "wheres my convincing call ?" Immediate red flag to me, she has past history with guy texts and such, I go through it all and find out he was coming out to buy her a shot since she just got promoted, it was cool since he was a good guy friend of her and she claimed they had done nothing when they dated for one day (har har).

He shows up, I read more texts of his by then and found out she had planned to go to beach at night with him to smoke a blunt, same beach that she goes with me all the time to have sex, get high and look at the stars (always says how its so romantic), so I think wtf shes taking him to the same beach we go to at night to smoke.. no bueno. I call her out on it, and she says sorry then immediately after he says let me buy you that shot and she walks off to get the shot..

I flipped out, livid, couldnt believe she left me to go get a shot with him after apologizing and saying she was clearly wrong for not telling me before she committed to the beach thing.. Rest of the night (only lasted 30 minutes before I left) she kept insisting she did nothing wrong by walking off to get the shot and I was overreacting (what do you think?).. so her guy friend sees whats up, pulls me aside and gives me a man to man talk about her. He tells me that they actually dated for 2 months, had sex four times and that she really is into me but in his opinion you cant trust a girl like her, shes too wild and you giving her inquisitions about what shes hiding only pushes her away..

So the point of my second example was, this whole time we were trying again, she insisted on hurting my feelings to tell me I wasnt #1 just to prove she wanted me to trust her, but from the start she never told me she had sex with the guy (which she admitted the next day, claiming she told me and that it only happened once and never dated more than a day - "he lied"). I doubt he lied, since she admitted they had sex, and also on the fact that he was moving to a different state in a few days.

She knew better, I made it very clear (in relation to ravenn"s post about making your feelings clear) that any guy that she had previous encounters with was not to be talking to her anymore, not only because it wasnt right but because she cheated in the past, now she was trying to prove to me that she was serious and wanted us to work..

So to sum it up, girls will use trust to their advantage, but dont be fooled that it actually means they"re being 100% honest, they"re just rubbing it in your face when the opportunity arises.. fucking cunt.

Yeah, she still thinks I was wrong for flipping out about her walking off to get the shot and that I"m a psycho for flipping out. Some might think hey yeah maybe flipping out causing a scene was a bit much, but to me it was an accumulation of all the past things just smacking me in the face yet again.

What do you think? I"m actually more concerned with opinions about the #1 sex thing, yeah dont ask if you dont want the answer. But I"ve asked a few people about this and about half say I"d tell them the truth but then again I wouldnt be with them still if it wasnt #1.

That girl actually asked me when we first started if she was better than my previous gf, in some aspects she was but overall no, you cant beat a girl that gets off during sex (previous gf) vs one that doesnt.. but she made up for it in other ways and I wasnt about to hurt her feelings or create a huge insecurity in my gf over an ex gf.

Each their own I guess.

Ps: I also paid for everything, not worth it. They dont appreciate it and in the long run it"ll become "required" and "expected." Try asking her to spend money on you sometime, I bet you"ll get a smirk or some kind of "yah right" attitude. If anything it"s made me become stingy with my money and appreciate any chick that shows she is willing to pay her own way (not that I"ll let her - raised that way, but maybe the first few times)


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I know at least for me, assigning a #1 to someone isn"t even really possible, everyone is different. As long as its good and fulfilling, then who cares? And sex with the same person can vary and fluctuate, too.
Mmmkeshek said:
I know at least for me, assigning a #1 to someone isn"t even really possible, everyone is different. As long as its good and fulfilling, then who cares? And sex with the same person can vary and fluctuate, too.
Exactly. If someone places that much importance on sex, they have some serious serious problems. (HI Aamina)


Lost said:
Yeah dude, if she"s that liberal about letting guys sleep over, and ontop of that insists that you"re not there when they do then its a fair guess to say its a bad path to go down.. When I first started dating my ex, I had some suspicions about how she was so liberal when it came to certain things. I should have listened to that, by the end of this post I stated how she still thinks I"m psycho over the incident I explain later in this post (yes this is an edit), and after that situation I found out she used to go home with a diff guy every night after her table hostess job at her club.

It"s funny she uses the word trust, when I"ve given my ex chances, she"d try to use every example to show she"s gaining trust with me. Let me give you two prime examples, two that piss me the fuck off.

First would be, she was having a conversation with her best girl friend, and her best girl friend says about how her boyfriend asked if he was the best sex, and she said she told him he wasnt, and if he didnt like the answer he shouldnt have asked.

My gf (now ex) agreed blah blah, this got me to thinking, hey this is us trying again there was some time inbetween this time and the last maybe I feel a bit insecure, I"m going to ask.. yea you can guess what answer I got. "Well I want you to know I"m being honest with you, I dont want to lie to you."

My opinion on that? I"d lie, if it meant my girls happiness to tell her shes #1 then I would lie, because if I"m still with her, the sex must be great, it may not be the best but its certainly great and doesnt matter if its the best to me, but if someone asks then thats an indicator that it matters and anything less than best will only hurt them.. It also shows how considerate she was of my feelings (imo).

So she told me I was #2, and didnt want to lie because she was building my trust again.

Second example (happened after), we were out at a bar, and this guy texts her saying "wheres my convincing call ?" Immediate red flag to me, she has past history with guy texts and such, I go through it all and find out he was coming out to buy her a shot since she just got promoted, it was cool since he was a good guy friend of her and she claimed they had done nothing when they dated for one day (har har).

He shows up, I read more texts of his by then and found out she had planned to go to beach at night with him to smoke a blunt, same beach that she goes with me all the time to have sex, get high and look at the stars (always says how its so romantic), so I think wtf shes taking him to the same beach we go to at night to smoke.. no bueno. I call her out on it, and she says sorry then immediately after he says let me buy you that shot and she walks off to get the shot..

I flipped out, livid, couldnt believe she left me to go get a shot with him after apologizing and saying she was clearly wrong for not telling me before she committed to the beach thing.. Rest of the night (only lasted 30 minutes before I left) she kept insisting she did nothing wrong by walking off to get the shot and I was overreacting (what do you think?).. so her guy friend sees whats up, pulls me aside and gives me a man to man talk about her. He tells me that they actually dated for 2 months, had sex four times and that she really is into me but in his opinion you cant trust a girl like her, shes too wild and you giving her inquisitions about what shes hiding only pushes her away..

So the point of my second example was, this whole time we were trying again, she insisted on hurting my feelings to tell me I wasnt #1 just to prove she wanted me to trust her, but from the start she never told me she had sex with the guy (which she admitted the next day, claiming she told me and that it only happened once and never dated more than a day - "he lied"). I doubt he lied, since she admitted they had sex, and also on the fact that he was moving to a different state in a few days.

She knew better, I made it very clear (in relation to ravenn"s post about making your feelings clear) that any guy that she had previous encounters with was not to be talking to her anymore, not only because it wasnt right but because she cheated in the past, now she was trying to prove to me that she was serious and wanted us to work..

So to sum it up, girls will use trust to their advantage, but dont be fooled that it actually means they"re being 100% honest, they"re just rubbing it in your face when the opportunity arises.. fucking cunt.

Yeah, she still thinks I was wrong for flipping out about her walking off to get the shot and that I"m a psycho for flipping out. Some might think hey yeah maybe flipping out causing a scene was a bit much, but to me it was an accumulation of all the past things just smacking me in the face yet again.

What do you think? I"m actually more concerned with opinions about the #1 sex thing, yeah dont ask if you dont want the answer. But I"ve asked a few people about this and about half say I"d tell them the truth but then again I wouldnt be with them still if it wasnt #1.

That girl actually asked me when we first started if she was better than my previous gf, in some aspects she was but overall no, you cant beat a girl that gets off during sex (previous gf) vs one that doesnt.. but she made up for it in other ways and I wasnt about to hurt her feelings or create a huge insecurity in my gf over an ex gf.

Each their own I guess.

Ps: I also paid for everything, not worth it. They dont appreciate it and in the long run it"ll become "required" and "expected." Try asking her to spend money on you sometime, I bet you"ll get a smirk or some kind of "yah right" attitude. If anything it"s made me become stingy with my money and appreciate any chick that shows she is willing to pay her own way (not that I"ll let her - raised that way, but maybe the first few times)
Sorry man, but that dude was right -- you can"t control her. Even though he was really telling you that in hopes that you would get out of the way so he could fuck her (obviously mission successful), he"s no less right. She"s going to keep fucking you over. If you really, truly care about a person you just don"t do shit like that, especially if you"re in a "relationship". Period. She sounds selfish and completely immature and not at all committed to your relationship and that"s not going to change. I know it"s tough to hear but there is absolutely no future with this girl.