Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Sharmai said:
And YES 30 something"s women absolutely LOVE 20 somethings men.
How many 20 something men want kids? I sure as hell dont want any right now, I wont even be out of college til im 26.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
lost said:
After reading the PoF thread on, whew, I would be very weary about looking for women (to date/marry) on plenty of fish, even OKCupid even though it seems to be slightly better.

The post shows guys basically using copy/paste replies and getting numbers maybe the 1st or 2nd reply from the girl, then nudes not too long after, and banging them.. even guys talking to other guys about girls they BOTH met up with (separate occasions but same chick) and banged.. so yeah wouldnt go lookin for wife material on there.

??? Plenty of Fish Discussion Thread ??? - Page 183 - Forums
Asshole douchebags who post pictures of themselves w/o their shirts on hitting on easy sluts on an online dating site -- sometimes even pass the same trick around? Yeah better narrow that broad stroke you painted on an entire user base of millions.


Actually reading a few pages of the thread its pretty funny but it seems like 9/10 it is the bros on just napalm messaging the entire website, toying with fatties and only getting to texting stage with any girl who looks remotely good looking


@Phoenix Male birth control pills/implants are expected to be out in 5-7 years .... sigh way to long a wait I know but at least if I have a son I can make damned sure hes on it!.


Dabamf said:
Well Sharmai said something similar but I want to expand on it.

We all on some level are aware of our own value to the opposite sex, and people tend to partner up with people of the same value. Obviously people can see their own value differently and people value slightly different things, but on a whole it works out pretty simply. That"s why a super model isn"t dating a fat ugly guy, and furthermore, that fat ugly guy would NOT, contrary to what you"d expect, seek the super model as a long-term partner, but instead go after someone with a similar or slightly higher value.

Now where kids come in is basically you take a girl and cut her arm off. You can look at her and think how hot she is or how great you two get along, but at the end of the day she only has one arm. If she is way hotter and more interesting than you, the monoarm brings her down to your level and you are interested. But if you are yourself hot and interesting, the widowed arm will push her down below your level.

So basically you can get a significantly hotter and more interesting girl if she has a kid than one who doesn"t have a kid (because the one who doesn"t have the kid will be able to get higher valued men than you). That"s your tradeoff.
Much love for Dabamf but one caveat I"ve noticed.

A lot of available women in their mid to late 20s insanely overvalue themselves because they still see themselves as the hottie 18 year old despite partying hard for almost a decade and having nothing to show for it. Most of the decent ones are locked into a solid career path or mommy track at this point. But as time goes on they get less and less attention. It"s a slow process though because there"s always an old enough guy who"s willing to get on that. But the bitterness and insecurity begins to take hold anyway.

Stay away from these, IMHO, because it"s just a retarded waste of time to deal with their misconceptions. Big clues: they refer to their father as daddy, have a retarded sense of fashion, and are completely financially dependent despite finishing college and having a (dead end) job.

However, most of them slowly start to wake up as 30 starts to loom. While they outwardly pretend they"re just as hot, they begin to realize internally they"re a complete and total wreck, MOSTLY because all their friends they always made fun of for staying in committed relationships are now progressing past getting hitched and are actually having kids, even their sworn BFFs. This is kind of dangerous because they"ll pretend to get their shit together long enough to pounce on a guy and pretend they"re marriage material. Annnd this is also why they won"t let you ever talk to their friends alone. Other warning signs include inexplicable crying, stalking, huge significance placed on big, expensive grown up bullshit like fancy restaurants, and desperate hints at engagement rings.

So this sort of explains the gap. Because the women in that age group are either busting their ass in a professional career or raising kids at home, and everything in the middle is still sloring it up in places where most guys at that age don"t hang out that much.


Trakanon Raider
Lefazz said:
So, would you say that most single women with children viewthemselvesas undesirable?
I"d say for most of them that yes, it"s definitely not a confidence builder in their own minds, regardless of the circumstances.


Buzzfeed Editor
lost said:
Yeah, she still thinks I was wrong for flipping out about her walking off to get the shot and that I"m a psycho for flipping out. Some might think hey yeah maybe flipping out causing a scene was a bit much, but to me it was an accumulation of all the past things just smacking me in the face yet again.
If I just caught my girl friend in a lie to go meet a guy she had previously fucked, without my knowledge AND I knew she was actively concealing it, the relationship would probably be done. It never would have even got to the shot part.

Her going and taking a drink from the guy was just the icing on the cake.


I sorta stopped responding to specific stories because the answer is always, "go find another girl because [this one is a bitch][this one is a slut][you are friend zoned][she cheated on you][she"s not actually special][you are only attached to her because you have no other options]." Choose one or multiple options.

lost the story is absurd. If she"s hiding the fact that she"s meeting a guy, without anything else, that"s the end of the relationship. She"s not actually important, so stop talking to her.

In related news, in the past 6 months I"ve developed the cynicism towards women of a 50 year old divorced guy. The 3-4 month stint with the old lady is gonna end soon because I just stopped giving a shit. Related clip about hot girls at the bar:

<table style="font:11px arial; color:#333; background-color:#f5f5f5" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="512" height="340"><tbody><tr style="background-color:#e5e5e5" valign="middle"><td style="padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;"><a target="_blank" style="color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;" href=""></a></td><td style="padding:2px 5px 0px 5px; text-align:right; font-weight:bold;"></td></tr><tr style="height:14px;" valign="middle"><td style="padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;" colspan="2"><a target="_blank" style="color:#333; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;" href="">Uncensored - Louis C.K. - Hot Girl at the Bar</a></td></tr><tr style="height:14px; background-color:#353535" valign="middle"><td colspan="2" style="padding:2px 5px 0px 5px; width:512px; overflow:hidden; text-align:right"><a target="_blank" style="color:#96deff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;" href=""></a></td></tr><tr valign="middle"><td style="padding:0px;" colspan="2"><embed style="display:block" src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="window" allowFullscreen="true" flashvars="**********false" allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" bgcolor="#000000"></embed></td></tr><tr style="height:18px;" valign="middle"><td style="padding:0px;" colspan="2"><table style="margin:0px; text-align:center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%"><tr valign="middle"><td style="padding:3px; width:33%;"><a target="_blank" style="font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;" href="">Jokes</a></td><td style="padding:3px; width:33%;"><a target="_blank" style="font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;" href="">Joke of the Day</a></td><td style="padding:3px; width:33%;"><a target="_blank" style="font:10px arial; color:#333; text-decoration:none;" href="">Funny Jokes</a></td></tr></table></td></tr></tbody></table>


@ Lefazz

I would make one change to this statement to make it true an that is:

So, would you say that most single women with children viewthemselvesasun-wed-able

It seems like a small change but it"s but it"s such a common misconception that men and women have that it needs to be pointed out. A single women with kids knows just as any other women knows that she can get laid at any time. There simply is no equivalent concept in women for not being able to get laid.

The problem a single women with children has is she can"t find a guy to be with her and stay with her for a serious length of time.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Sharmai said:
The problem a single women with children has is she can"t find a guy to be with her and stay with her for a serious length of time.
And on top of that, every failed relationship she has also impacts her children, which in turn makes the woman less likely to want to make a relationship work, and she"ll subconsciously or consciously do things to prevent one from working in order to spare the kid(s) from the pain of having yet another guy come over and play and bond with them for a couple of weeks and then be gone forever. It"s a vicious cycle that a lot of them can"t really get out of.


Single mothers who care about their child(ren) do not have lower standards, but realize their options are now limited. They can lower their standards or accept that it"s slim pickins and hope to get lucky.

Undesirable? After reading these posts, yes, lol. As a placeholder, they"re desired. But to actually plan a life with and marry? Not all that common.

Un-wed-able (nice word, btw). Yes, absolutely! Only a select few get to be the exception. That"s life, you all confirm it. Even in a solid relationship, I think single moms have a lower chance of getting married than a childless woman, especially if he doesn"t want or like children and she wants more, she is unable or unwilling to have more children and the man wants his own or worse, his mother wants and fully expects grandchildren.

The older I get the more I realize if I ended up single again, I"d likely stay that way for good.


lost said:
After reading the PoF thread on, whew, I would be very weary about looking for women (to date/marry) on plenty of fish, even OKCupid even though it seems to be slightly better.

The post shows guys basically using copy/paste replies and getting numbers maybe the 1st or 2nd reply from the girl, then nudes not too long after, and banging them.. even guys talking to other guys about girls they BOTH met up with (separate occasions but same chick) and banged.. so yeah wouldnt go lookin for wife material on there.

??? Plenty of Fish Discussion Thread ??? - Page 183 - Forums
Most of these guys are complete fucking retards who think taking pictures with themselves with their shirts off and using it as their main facebook image is a cool thing.

Yeah, there are DEFINITELY some slutty/easy girls on PoF... I"ve actually been on some dates with some off of the site though, and there are actually decent ones. Typically older, or at least the profiles that have good grammar are a good sign of girls who aren"t smashing balls against their face every night.


Of course, there"s also some complete disasters on there, like this little gem who just messaged me:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

"But if we go on a date or do something in hanging out, and the next day no call or text, then you are on the bad list, and that is never a good thing."

Body Type: A Few Extra Pounds

o rly


Golden Knight of the Realm
Lefazz said:
I"m curious as to how most guys perceive single mothers... as in, are they completely undesirable? A definite "no" attribute?

It"s kinda sad, I admit, but it some ways I see it as a plus as I think their expectations might be lower. The expectations as in, having some fantasy dream of finding their "white knight" or being "swept off their feet"... "love at first sight", etc. Nonsense they might finally realize doesn"t exist.
I was single for a few months last year and when I used pof and okcupid I would not seriously consider trying to date them even though a lot of them were some of the best looking girls on there. I only met up with one of them and had a few who would message me quite a bit and I would just be friendly but not show any interest.

As it stands I would like my own kids some day and would prefer not to have any right now, and not to deal with any ex drama. The responsibility of her taking care of her child on her part would also be a burden for me when I wanted to do things with her, my girlfriends dog is enough as is. Like someone else said, any decent mother is going to make her child her number one priority. Right now it"s out of the question for me, and if I was single later in life pickings would have to get really thin for me to consider it unless I had kids of my own. I agree with everyone else who posted regarding this as well.


The Big Mod
Rune said:
Much love for Dabamf but one caveat I"ve noticed.

A lot of available women in their mid to late 20s insanely overvalue themselves because they still see themselves as the hottie 18 year old despite partying hard for almost a decade and having nothing to show for it. Most of the decent ones are locked into a solid career path or mommy track at this point. But as time goes on they get less and less attention. It"s a slow process though because there"s always an old enough guy who"s willing to get on that. But the bitterness and insecurity begins to take hold anyway.

Stay away from these, IMHO, because it"s just a retarded waste of time to deal with their misconceptions. Big clues: they refer to their father as daddy, have a retarded sense of fashion, and are completely financially dependent despite finishing college and having a (dead end) job.

However, most of them slowly start to wake up as 30 starts to loom. While they outwardly pretend they"re just as hot, they begin to realize internally they"re a complete and total wreck, MOSTLY because all their friends they always made fun of for staying in committed relationships are now progressing past getting hitched and are actually having kids, even their sworn BFFs. This is kind of dangerous because they"ll pretend to get their shit together long enough to pounce on a guy and pretend they"re marriage material. Annnd this is also why they won"t let you ever talk to their friends alone. Other warning signs include inexplicable crying, stalking, huge significance placed on big, expensive grown up bullshit like fancy restaurants, and desperate hints at engagement rings.

So this sort of explains the gap. Because the women in that age group are either busting their ass in a professional career or raising kids at home, and everything in the middle is still sloring it up in places where most guys at that age don"t hang out that much.
quality post, but you"re overcomplicating things. it comes down to this:

1) you can"t make a ho a housewife
2) women who are single and approaching 30 are single for a reason. (not necessarily a bad reason, they could be career oriented)
3) after 30 women go nuts.

edit: i really want to emphasize that "you can"t make a ho a housewife" is not just a catchy line from dre"s 2001, but rather a confirmed fact. girls who act like skanks do it because of the way they were brought up, probably daddy issues, and that"s not gonna change just cause she"s "grown up."


kegkilla said:
2) women who are single and approaching 30 are single for a reason. (not necessarily a bad reason, they could be career oriented)
That"s not to say that it can be a very GOOD reason either, some of them I know of are just nuts and only think of work, and can barely function normally in a social situation.


Ravvenn said:
Single mothers who care about their child(ren) do not have lower standards, but realize their options are now limited. They can lower their standards or accept that it"s slim pickins and hope to get lucky.

Undesirable? After reading these posts, yes, lol. As a placeholder, they"re desired. But to actually plan a life with and marry? Not all that common.

Un-wed-able (nice word, btw). Yes, absolutely! Only a select few get to be the exception. That"s life, you all confirm it. Even in a solid relationship, I think single moms have a lower chance of getting married than a childless woman, especially if he doesn"t want or like children and she wants more, she is unable or unwilling to have more children and the man wants his own or worse, his mother wants and fully expects grandchildren.

The older I get the more I realize if I ended up single again, I"d likely stay that way for good.
Single moms in their 20"s and early 30"s maybe. Single moms in their late 30"s and into their 40"s? Not so much. All the single moms I knew of growing up ended up meeting some guy and getting married and all the ones I can think of off the top of my head are still happily married including my own mother.

Come to think of it I can"t recall the last time I met or knew of a lady that was a single mom for her entire life. Being a single mom isn"t the end of the world, it just means your happiness tends to come later in life, though I would hazard a guess that that happiness has a much higher success rate than the 20 somethings that get married only to end up divorced somewhere in their 30s.

So no, I highly doubt if you ended up single you"d stay that way for good


This is just ancedotal evidence but I know A LOT more women that are single moms then I do that are in active marriages. Thought I do know more than a few who have been in several marriages and have kids from multiple fathers.

But most of those women are usually single because they say they still can"t find a guy that lives up to their standards and will good father/role model for their kids. (Not in those words exactly) Of course the older ones tend to stop talking about looking for a new father figure for their kids and then they just start saying they don"t want to get married just have a boyfriend.

Then they go and get that 3rd or 4th marriage...