Girls who broke your heart thread


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Churchill said:
Others of us prefer actual, meaningful relationships with people who know what they want and go out and get it.
That"s just stupid, you make it sound like a measure of deference in Asian society precludes any meaningful relationships whatsoever. That"s simply absurd.

Take divorce in America, people get divorced for some of the most ridiculous reasons, often without any effort at reconciliation. I know men that are so paranoid about marrying a woman, raising the kids and then getting divorced shortly after that they"d rather stay unmarried, and at most simply stay in a long term relationship so as to preclude marriage altogether. Sure there is an issue with staying in BAD marriages in Asia, but unless you plan on abusing your wife I don"t see how that would really matter in this discussion.

Mmmkeshek said:
Your Asian women though, are simply taught not to voice their opinion/discomfort/dislike/disdain/diswhateverelse.
I don"t know if I"d agree, maybe they wont voice it publicly, but if you think that they don"t have knock down drag out fights in the home, then you"re nuts lol.

Mmmkeshek said:
The more likely outcome though, is you"ll find an Asian chick who really isn"t that into you, and personally I can"t abide that. I want my mate to actually be interested in me, attracted to me, and like being with me.
I"m not sure where you got this impression from, but you make it sound like it"s all arranged marriages. And if you as a man can"t date a woman over a period of months and discover the truth for yourself (does she really like me or am I a meal ticket, etc) then maybe that"s an issue with you. Their marriages often work out just like our marriages - maybe a period of love and infatuation, which fades away over the years until both parties start wondering wtf happened. The only difference is, many Asians still have a culture that sees divorce as a Bad Thing, while we"ve gone the other direction.
Mmmkeshek said:
They settle for someone they probably aren"t actually all that attracted to or interested in, because they will provide for them and allow them to start a family or whatnot.
Do you think this doesn"t happen all the time in America?REALLY?!?If you think most women don"t look at men and put a value on career/stability/income, then you"re simply naive lol.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Of course it happens here. I"d be willing to wager it happens more in their culture, though. Ours seems to have started to grow out of it, a bit.


See I don"t understand how you arrive at that conclusion. If they"re not vocal and assertive, it means they"ve settled? I would say the opposite is the case; if they ARE vocal and assertive, it means they"ve settled.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
You speak of culture differences being the reason you"d like an Asian woman. Because supposedly they"re supportive and deferential and whatever else you want.

I disagree that the culture is what creates that. I think its more of an inherent personality trait.

I then went on to point out that in fact, Asian cultures (and also Middle Eastern, Indian, etc) tend to have a much higher rate of marrying for other reasons than love. Hence the arranged marriage comment Erronius made.

American culture has come to a point where females are much more independent, and able to care for themselves. This has created a situation where they are much more willing and able to get into relationships based on other factors (such as attraction, love, and interest!).


Lol @ mmmkevshek and cutlery coming out here knowing absolutely nothing about any Asian culture and making sweeping conclusions about them.

First, "not being able to date white girls so you go for Koreans/Asians"....lolololololol. Not only is that absurd as a general statement, it"s doubly absurd when LIVING in an Asian country, because everyone who actually has lived in an Asian country knows that white girls in an Asian country take their clothes off faster than Etoille sniffing out a Big Mac. No guys want them, so they are mega desperate.

Second, Seoul is more affluent than most places in America. A Korean girl who is fluent in English (aka someone most able to date a whitey) also has the highest earning potential because nearly all high-paying jobs have a steep English requirement. And guess what: most people prefer to stay in their home country.

There are 2 types of guys in Korea, which I can probably extrapolate to Asian countries in general: those who are losers back home and occasionally get lucky finding some hot girl who doesn"t realize how much of a loser he is, and those who are in candyland because Asian girls are simply superior specimens.

Please note that I said "girls," not women. None of my statements hold true for women, because Asians stay 20 until age 40, at which point they turn 70.

edit: I forgot this gem
I disagree that the culture is what creates that. I think its more of an inherent personality trait.
This guy doesn"t know what the word culture means.


Dabamf said:
Lol @ mmmkevshek and cutlery coming out here knowing absolutely nothing about any Asian culture and making sweeping conclusions about them.

First, "not being able to date white girls so you go for Koreans/Asians"....lolololololol. Not only is that absurd as a general statement, it"s doubly absurd when LIVING in an Asian country, because everyone who actually has lived in an Asian country knows that white girls in an Asian country take their clothes off faster than Etoille sniffing out a Big Mac.No guys want them, so they are mega desperate.
That may be the biggest lie you"ve ever told on these boards. I"m beginning to question if you"ve ever been to Asia before or even conversed with someone who has been there.

Second, Seoul is more affluent than most places in America. A Korean girl who is fluent in English (aka someone most able to date a whitey) also has the highest earning potential because nearly all high-paying jobs have a steep English requirement. And guess what: most people prefer to stay in their home country.

There are 2 types of guys in Korea, which I can probably extrapolate to Asian countries in general: those who are losers back home and occasionally get lucky finding some hot girl who doesn"t realize how much of a loser he is, and those who are in candyland because Asian girls are simply superior specimens.
If you find them more physically attractive than white women, fine, there"s nothing I can say to that (except perhaps ask you to list your top 20 best looking women in the world and then see how many are Asian - I"d guess not many). But I can damn well challenge this bullshit being spewed about them being better partners. Particularly when the only reason you and others can seem to come up with is that "don"t challenge you". Yeah, that sounds wonderful...

Please note that I said "girls," not women. None of my statements hold true for women, because Asians stay 20 until age 40, at which point they turn 70.
So...they *don"t* make good long term partners?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Last I checked Dabamf has been living in Seoul for 3 years. I"m pretty sure it"s still in Asia.

And yeah, white women generally have a hard time in Asia. Asian men aren"t that much into whities and white guys in Asia catch yellow fever pretty quickly. Not talking of women on vacation there, tourists will happily screw each others, that group of white women don"t have a hard time in Asia. It"s those actually living there; unless they get very lucky they end up dateless for a long ass time.

Last thing, yeah Asian women magically turn into crypt keepers when menopause hits. Keep in mind, white women don"t age all that well eiter. I"m in my 30s and women my age usually look 10 years older. It"s pretty scary how so many of them literally break down physically once they hit their late 20s and they end up a clone of their mother by the time they reach 35.


Avatar of War Slayer
Went to go check in on the BodyBuilder guy that trolled PoF and OKC and it looks like the thread is gone. Can anyone confirm this? I am hoping it was moved. Been about 6 months since i checked. Forums


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
My gf"s mother is holding up pretty well, and she"s 64. Her grandmother on the other hand.... she"s 94 though, so she has an excuse.


I shamelessly stole Dabamf"s message and sent it out to a handful of chicks. Already got one response, but would like advice.

Dabamf said:
I saw your profile and I like seeing movies too!

Unfortunately, I think you"re looking for a nice guy.
Well I"m a bad man

Bad bad bad

I steal money from old ladies, push little children and cross the street during a red light.

To which she said "Oh then why did ya send me mail ey? "

I was thinking a succinct "I want my p in ur v" would be swell, but y"alls advice would be appreciated.


Churchill said:
That may be the biggest lie you"ve ever told on these boards. I"m beginning to question if you"ve ever been to Asia before or even conversed with someone who has been there.
Lol who made a fake account 3 years ago and accumulated 400 posts just to troll me in this thread?

Jabber, that"s a worthless response she gave. Not much to do w/ it really. Send her a link to the wiki article for "joke" or "personality."


Trakanon Raider
Soygen said:
Dude, that is a scam.

"Contact me outside of this website. Do you rike my Engrish?" Next up, she"ll bring you in on her master plan to get her Nigerian uncle"s fortune!
Yeah I figured most likely as well. Shockingly (not) she"s as black as the night itself. However, the pictures are of a chick from Edmonton, or at least one of the pics I"m pretty sure is taken here due to a street sign. Will post em tomorrow. And they"re all also taken direct from a digital camera, couple megs each. I think it might, *might*, be legit.

Oh yeah and with her original message, she provided a local phone number. Didn"t read Tyen"s link, so maybe that"s part of the scam, dunno. I sure as shit ain"t calling or texting it, and the email account I used is entirely intended for this kind of spam shit.

Here"s a pic. Pretty sure the sign says 107 street and Saskatchewan drive, in that area they"re different than the standard signs in the city. And actually yeah, in another pic it"s obvious it was taken in an apartment there, looking North across the river to the main skyline.

I suppose it"s possible the pics were lifted from a public profile somewhere and are being used by some Nigerian?
Dabamf said:
Lol @ mmmkevshek and cutlery coming out here knowing absolutely nothing about any Asian culture and making sweeping conclusions about them.

First, "not being able to date white girls so you go for Koreans/Asians"....lolololololol. Not only is that absurd as a general statement, it"s doubly absurd when LIVING in an Asian country, because everyone who actually has lived in an Asian country knows that white girls in an Asian country take their clothes off faster than Etoille sniffing out a Big Mac. No guys want them, so they are mega desperate.

Second, Seoul is more affluent than most places in America. A Korean girl who is fluent in English (aka someone most able to date a whitey) also has the highest earning potential because nearly all high-paying jobs have a steep English requirement. And guess what: most people prefer to stay in their home country.

There are 2 types of guys in Korea, which I can probably extrapolate to Asian countries in general: those who are losers back home and occasionally get lucky finding some hot girl who doesn"t realize how much of a loser he is, and those who are in candyland because Asian girls are simply superior specimens.

Please note that I said "girls," not women. None of my statements hold true for women, because Asians stay 20 until age 40, at which point they turn 70.

edit: I forgot this gem This guy doesn"t know what the word culture means.
Fun fact: never eaten a big mac.


Honestly I agree with cutlery and others on this. I think its sad that you couldn"t score with white chicks. We"re really not that complicated and there are a TON with daddy issues that make it fairly easy to score. But when you"re lauding the fact that asian chicks are sluts who are what was the word unchallenging or whatever - you"re bragging about the fact that you hooked up with something one level above a robot. I can"t figure out who in that equation should be more insulted - you or the asian chick.

I know plenty of asian women with their own minds - your type is very clearly the ones that you"re hooking up with (as I described above) - I remember you really liking one a while back that seemed to be smart and iirc she dissed you pretty hard core. I also think its super awesome that you managed to alienate the folks who were on your side who married asians that were backing you up saying asians make great partners and then you pretty much admitted that you only like them when theyre young subservient sluts.

I just think you"re ugly/have no game/fat whatever pick your poison and you"re bragging about banging desperate asian chicks who are either super slutty or find you somewhat of a novelty here to make YOURSELF feel better. I mean I don"t EVER remember you putting up screenshots/tits w/e - I"m with the rest of the board. I think you"re a big fat liar.
Jabberwhacky said:
Because you always eat 2?

I"m sorry.
ROFL that was pretty good.

Nah just never had one. Never even tried them but they look mayo-y and I really don"t like mayo. Only two things I can think of that I like mayo in - spicy sushi rolls and BLT"s.

I"ll make potato/cold salads for parties etc and never eat them. I dunno I"m weird.


Etoille said:
ROFL that was pretty good.

Nah just never had one. Never even tried them but they look mayo-y and I really don"t like mayo. Only two things I can think of that I like mayo in - spicy sushi rolls and BLT"s.

I"ll make potato/cold salads for parties etc and never eat them. I dunno I"m weird.
Big macs have thousand island on them.

Or so I"m told.

Edit, because I was curious:

We all know that McDonald"s Big Mac has some secret sauce that makes it the Big Mac as opposed to simply a double decker cheeseburger. Because the sauce is a pale peachy pink color with green flecks that resemble pickle relish, many people assume that the secret sauce is just Thousand Island dressing. However, the sauce is not Thousand Island dressing - the sauce is thicker, sweeter, and has a slightly different taste.

Though the list of actual ingredients is long with things like "xanthan gum," I found a recipe in a book called Fast Food Fix that claims that it almost exactly replicates the original sauce. The recipe even uses low-fat mayo, so I guess when you"re making Big Macs at home (why you would do this, I have no idea), you can use this recipe for the secret sauce and also feel less guilty:
I guess they do probably have mayo in them. Disgusting stuff all around imo.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Look at what you"ve done. Etoille agrees with me.

I feel so goddamned dirty. I"m gonna go sit in the shower for a few hours.