Girls who broke your heart thread


I"m going to preface this by saying of course there are always exceptions, but this is just my experience. From my perspective white girls frequently have almost zero contact with reality. They"re bad with credit, they"re bad with realistic expectations of where their educational qualifications will land them, they have no idea how shit works. And their expectations (for the relationship, future house, income level, husband) are always lolworthy. I"ve heard my friend"s girlfriends say they would intend to bail out of marriage at the very first sign of any trouble, and land a giant alimony package for their hard work and dedication.

It"s all extremely unattractive. And the emotional problems just know no end. They"re all supposed to be super hot but I don"t see it. They are usually incompetent in their own professed areas of interest - They have no idea how to dress, very rarely know how to put on makeup without looking like a whore, and for the vast majority, even if they are hot, it all goes to hell in their 30s, if not sooner. It"s like our culture idealizes looking and acting like a very young teenager, and that does not have a long shelf life if it"s your life plan. Modesty and self control should not be puritan era terminology.

Hell, if Etiolle wants to talk about sluts, I"ve rarely met a white girl who hasn"t banged dozens of guys. Those who haven"t are usually some kind of social cripple. I don"t consider myself that attractive, but I get hit on all the time by white girls and never feel the slightest inclination to take them up on the offer.

All this from a perspective of a white guy who grew up in predominately white schools, and has never dated an asian, by the way. And you should automatically change your opinion if Etiolle agrees with you, that"s a given.


damn I didn"t know you could make a 3 paragraph post and manage to be incorrect in every sentence you type

Hey Etoille I have a serious question: why do you hate jews? I think it"s pretty sad that you hate jews for no reason. Even if you had some bad experiences with jews in the past, you should be more understanding and see people as individuals.


Avatar of War Slayer
TheCutlery said:
Look at what you"ve done. Etoille agrees with me.

I feel so goddamned dirty. I"m gonna go sit in the shower for a few hours.
First 22 seconds:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Molten Core Raider
If Korean MMO"s have taught me anything it"s that Asians are more then willing to take it up the ass and never complain.

If Western MMO"s have taught me anything it"s that Americans will complain even if they"re getting a blowjob from Alyssa Milano because she doesn"t have a twin also licking their asshole.

I feel this translates to the dating scene as well.
Rune said:
I"m going to preface this by saying of course there are always exceptions, but this is just my experience. From my perspective white girls frequently have almost zero contact with reality. They"re bad with credit, they"re bad with realistic expectations of where their educational qualifications will land them, they have no idea how shit works. And their expectations (for the relationship, future house, income level, husband) are always lolworthy. I"ve heard my friend"s girlfriends say they would intend to bail out of marriage at the very first sign of any trouble, and land a giant alimony package for their hard work and dedication.

It"s all extremely unattractive. And the emotional problems just know no end. They"re all supposed to be super hot but I don"t see it. They are usually incompetent in their own professed areas of interest - They have no idea how to dress, very rarely know how to put on makeup without looking like a whore, and for the vast majority, even if they are hot, it all goes to hell in their 30s, if not sooner. It"s like our culture idealizes looking and acting like a very young teenager, and that does not have a long shelf life if it"s your life plan. Modesty and self control should not be puritan era terminology.

Hell, if Etiolle wants to talk about sluts, I"ve rarely met a white girl who hasn"t banged dozens of guys. Those who haven"t are usually some kind of social cripple. I don"t consider myself that attractive, but I get hit on all the time by white girls and never feel the slightest inclination to take them up on the offer.

All this from a perspective of a white guy who grew up in predominately white schools, and has never dated an asian, by the way. And you should automatically change your opinion if Etiolle agrees with you, that"s a given.
Just a question Rune, because I haven"t read any of your other posts - Are you black?
Dabamf said:
damn I didn"t know you could make a 3 paragraph post and manage to be incorrect in every sentence you type

Hey Etoille I have a serious question: why do you hate jews? I think it"s pretty sad that you hate jews for no reason. Even if you had some bad experiences with jews in the past, you should be more understanding and see people as individuals.
awww thats REALLY the best response you could come up with?

I mean you even rounded it out with an attempted deflection because of how hard your ass hurts. You really want to hijack this thread with a totally fox news esque warped view of a different thread topic from general?

PS - my best friend and maid of honor at my wedding=jewish .

or maybe i have it wrong and youre not ugly youre just in the closet and self loathing. either way you truly have my pity. hope eventually youll wake up one day and realize that you do deserve love.


Molten Core Raider
Divinefactor said:
Next topic please.
Anybody want to buy the mirror I made for last gf? 90$ +s/h. Will include nude photo"s of the girl I made it for. Bonus, it"s a girl who no longer posts on these forums!

Wife wants it gone and I am no longer sentimental about it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Anybody want to buy the mirror I made for last gf? 90$ +s/h. Will include nude photo"s of the girl I made it for. Bonus, it"s a girl who no longer posts on these forums!

Wife wants it gone and I am no longer sentimental about it.
Needs moar backstory.


Etoille said:
awww thats REALLY the best response you could come up with?

I mean you even rounded it out with an attempted deflection because of how hard your ass hurts. You really want to hijack this thread with a totally fox news esque warped view of a different thread topic from general?

PS - my best friend and maid of honor at my wedding=jewish .

or maybe i have it wrong and youre not ugly youre just in the closet and self loathing. either way you truly have my pity. hope eventually youll wake up one day and realize that you do deserve love.
Lol is there actually a thread about you hating jews in general? I seriously never saw it.

I just totally fabricated something and asked you about it. I thought that"s the game we were playing here...the make-up-false-things-and-pretend-they"re-true game.

I still love you even if you are fat and white.


Rune said:
It"s like our culture idealizes looking and acting like a very young teenager, and that does not have a long shelf life if it"s your life plan. Modesty and self control should not be puritan era terminology.
Great way to say it also.


We understand:

You like them because they"re not challenging and because they are culturally inclined to stay in mediocre relationships with sub-par men.

Congratulations on your success!

(Still planning on towing the "attractive white girls has no success in Asia" line?)


Sometimes I hate women, and their stupid fucking games. You think I don"t see what you"re doing? Of course I do, I"m smarter than you. I have no interest in the bullshit. I"m calling this chick out on her bullshit and if she wants to sit around playing power games she can go find some guy who just wants a pretty thing on his arm. Not interested.


It"s about personal preference on what attributes you value. I think your statement is ridiculous, girls from any culture aren"t going to stay with a guy they don"t like. I think a few of the guys here were simply pointing out that as a general rule, other cultures put more emphasis on long term planning, personal responsibility and conflict resolution.

Mainstream American culture isn"t everybody"s cup of tea. Other people prefer it and find old-world culture suffocating. Some people think that small town America and urban areas are vastly different, and that"s not really been true in my experience at least, and I"ve been all over.

Back in college, I had a friend from Taiwan who didn"t like to date asians because their goals in the relationship were completely different from his. He joked about it, "How do you get married to a Chinese girl? Ask her out on a date."

I know a ton of guys who live in resort areas in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain who love to see a bunch of white chicks clubbing because they know it"s on. If anything dating white girls is too easy; you shouldn"t confuse flighty and indecisive with challenging.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Rune said:
I know a ton of guys who live in resort areas in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain who love to see a bunch of white chicks clubbing because they know it"s on. If anything dating white girls is too easy; you shouldn"t confuse flighty and indecisive with challenging.
I don"t think it"s confusion, I think it has more to do with people trying to present it in a different light, to present it in a way that makes them look better. You can"t stroke your own ego while trying to put down someone else by admitting that white girls don"t take the pinnacle of dating finesse to bag or that you don"t have the world"s Most Well Developed Playa Game simply because you date white girls instead of crazians. Nor do you make yourself look like an ace if you admit that asian women still play their own games regardless of their views on marriage, and it"s easier to paint someone as liking asians"Because teh are easier 2 date hurr durr and aren"t picky about white dudes"than it is to admit that you"re simply talking out of your ass.


Still a Music Elitist
Churchill said:
We understand:

You like them because they"re not challenging and because they are culturally inclined to stay in mediocre relationships with sub-par men.

Congratulations on your success!

(Still planning on towing the "attractive white girls has no success in Asia" line?)
I don"t think Dabamf is looking for a relationship.

Haven"t any of you heard about just...fucking women and thinking that"s a good way to spend your time? Who are the pussies here talking about relationships and shit.