Girls who broke your heart thread


Camerous, c"mon now! You weren"t happy, you were settling and going through the motions with a tweaker whore who walked all over you. Unless you all just redefined trolling, she"s not trolling. She"s being a super attention whoring psychopath.

I"ll entertain the idea for just a moment that she"s trolling and then point out that she"s still hiding things from him. She"s lying to him, she"s blatantly flirting with someone else. For kicks or not, she"s a deceptive little shit and if she"s capable of doing it, and is doing it, who"s to say she isn"t going to do this to him?

Don"t give bad advice because you"re still head-wrecked. I"m sorry you"re still bummed but dude, you just told someone to stay with a girl who"s going to grow up to be a full blown sociopath.

Avgeek, get the tits (maybe get audio/video of the confrontation) and hit the door, dude! Two more quick questions... Where exactly are her children? How did the divorce that didn"t exist somehow magically happen? Just curious.


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
Camerous, c"mon now! You weren"t happy, you were settling and going through the motions with a tweaker whore who walked all over you. Unless you all just redefined trolling, she"s not trolling. She"s being a super attention whoring psychopath.

I"ll entertain the idea for just a moment that she"s trolling and then point out that she"s still hiding things from him. She"s lying to him, she"s blatantly flirting with someone else. For kicks or not, she"s a deceptive little shit and if she"s capable of doing it, and is doing it, who"s to say she isn"t going to do this to him?

Don"t give bad advice because you"re still head-wrecked. I"m sorry you"re still bummed but dude, you just told someone to stay with a girl who"s going to grow up to be a full blown sociopath.

Avgeek, get the tits (maybe get audio/video of the confrontation) and hit the door, dude! Two more quick questions... Where exactly are her children? How did the divorce that didn"t exist somehow magically happen? Just curious.
You know what after reading what you just said and thinking about it honestly... you are right. I am still fucked in the head over her.

Av... get out while you can before you get emotionally attached to her and she breaks you into a million pieces...

That"s all the damn psycho ones do... hurt you.

Still love ya Rav :)


A minor update...

I"ve confirmed seven accounts that get logged into on a regular basis. Also, I"ve found another real guy that she is flirting with via one of her prettier personae. Its really buzzards reading all the cross posts, status updates, etc....knowing its all from the same person. Its convenient for me though..all the passwords are the same!


avgeek said:
A minor update...

I"ve confirmed seven accounts that get logged into on a regular basis. Also, I"ve found another real guy that she is flirting with via one of her prettier personae. Its really buzzards reading all the cross posts, status updates, etc....knowing its all from the same person. Its convenient for me though..all the passwords are the same!

next-gen mmo?


Daelos said:
Status update:
- I"ve got a place to stay, moving in on Saturday
- Completed drafting
- Agreements about the kids, who gets to see them when, and child support
- Agreement about splitting up our financials
- Arranged to see a divorce lawyer
- Arranged the mandatory session with the family office (when kids < 16 y.o. are involved, in Norway, you need to have a third party check that what you are doing wrt the kids is ok)
- Been working out every day
- I can finally sleep more than 4 hours a night
- Still difficulties eating (lost ~4 kgs), but that"s improving

Now, that was the first 10 days. I"m running out of things to do.
The 4 hours a night thing didn"t go away for me for 2-3 weeks, so awesome for you. I really have heard the 4 hour a night thing from a ton of divorced guys, seems like the magically crap number of hours that people going through a divorce hit.

Difficulty appetite just barely returned. And food still makes me a wee bit sick.

I know you touched on it with the acronym that threw everyone for a loop, but I still wonder if moving out is the best thing to do. Yeah, you can 50/50 IF she decides to be reasonable. Today, yeah she"s cool. When it comes down to signing papers in 3 months? She wants a bigger piece of the pie. And now she has 3 months of "Well, they already live with me, I have a vagina, and this is where they grew up," and all you have is "Well shucks, we surecouldhave agreed to something but it turns out you"re an unreasonable bitch who was dating someone else while we were married."

Just think "if we can agree it is all good" is not a place to hang your hat.


The Big Mod
yeah dude take it from aanima, he"s living the dream now. sits around all day having non-stop dawson"s creek and one tree hill marathons.


Guarding the guardians
I had no idea wrt was such an unusual acronym.

Aamina said:
I know you touched on it with the acronym that threw everyone for a loop, but I still wonder if moving out is the best thing to do. Yeah, you can 50/50 IF she decides to be reasonable. Today, yeah she"s cool. When it comes down to signing papers in 3 months?
We"re signing this weekend. And if she breaks the contract, my war chest for going to court is bigger.


Rune said:
Yeah, that"s bullshit. I have more science background than most phds and I"ve never heard it in a non legal context.

It"s about what I would expect a paralegal would drop into a document and think he"s hot shit. Lawyers always write it out.
Are you Doctor Who?!

I don"t believe Ive ever seen the term wrt used. Anyone who dedicates that much time and effort to create an illusion with no tangible benefit has some fucking issues. Even if we restrict the crazy to lying that is more than enough evidence she is not someone you want to be with. She lies constantly and without remorse.

Those are the types that will come kill you while you sleep to protect their fantasy life. Or tell a bunch of cyber virgins you raped/abused/killed her dog and get them to come for your scalp!


Daelos, my question is how are you acting around her currently? I feel like it would be somewhat hard to act normal around someone who is doing something like that.

You should call her by one of her fake personas some day.

*Edit* avgeek, Eomer is right.


Trakanon Raider
Rabkorik said:
Daelos, my question is how are you acting around her currently? I feel like it would be somewhat hard to act normal around someone who is doing something like that.

You should call her by one of her fake personas some day.
Daelos is going through a divorce, but it seems pretty simple: she lost interest and has been getting poon on the side. It"s avgeek with the alternate personality psycho.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rabkorik said:
Daelos, my question is how are you acting around her currently? I feel like it would be somewhat hard to act normal around someone who is doing something like that.

You should call her by one of her fake personas some day.
Avgeek has the multiple online personality broad that will probably kill him in his sleep (but not before he makes some epic posts). Daelos is getting a divorce from a cheating bitch.

EDIT: Oh snap, Eomer types faster...


D-Day will likely be tomorrow, she"s going out of town for some manager thing, that will give me plenty of opportunity to lock down all the FB accounts, remove all the privacy settings, get Bob a friend invite to her "real" account, and post up some screen captures from the past several days. Fortunately for me, her own actions speak for themselves so my personal spin wont even be necessary...I prefer people digging their own graves. Hell...I could probably get away with it and come out looking innocent...if I weren"t packing my shit up and leaving.


The Big Mod
avgeek said:
D-Day will likely be tomorrow, she"s going out of town for some manager thing, that will give me plenty of opportunity to lock down all the FB accounts, remove all the privacy settings, get Bob a friend invite to her "real" account, and post up some screen captures from the past several days. Fortunately for me, her own actions speak for themselves so my personal spin wont even be necessary...I prefer people digging their own graves. Hell...I could probably get away with it and come out looking innocent...if I weren"t packing my shit up and leaving.
the way you"re going about it sounds lame and you will come off as bitter and pathetic. there are far better options.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Gotta agree with my Lord. That sounds like you"re the spurned passive-aggressive boyfriend.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Am I the only one that thinks Avgeek is a fucking creeper? keyloggers on machines, snooping through spouses emails, calling federal buildings on info from her past ...


Sutekh said:
Am I the only one that thinks Avgeek is a fucking creeper? keyloggers on machines, snooping through spouses emails, calling federal buildings on info from her past ...
I agree somewhat. If it gets to that point you should probably just walk away.