Girls who broke your heart thread


Am I crazy or does anyone else think this girl got someone to pose as her psychiatrist after the texts were found so she could still move in.


Lightning Lord Rule said:
There should be something that goes along with each user"s page, separate from rep, that would be like highlights of significant posts that user has made,
I like this idea, though it seems impossible to really do.

First thing, to people thinking this chick made someone post as her shrink, why are you guys SO fucking dumb? We have a clear trainwreck scenario, the guy making the dumbest decision ever, and you want to ADD to it by assuming some conspiracy? Do you know how much more thought has to go into a scheme like that? You"re distracting from the actual point of contention here that CAM IS AN IDIOT FOR LETTING THE CHICK MOVE IN, ON SHRINK ORDERS OR NOT. Whether or not the shrink is real (but seriously, if you think it"s some elaborate lie, please just kill yourself) is irrelevant. Is this basic scenario not enough? Do you really have to twist every story into an Aamina-level unfathomable failure? Accept the story as given. It"s enough.

Cam, the shrink"s concern is her, not you. She is the shrink"s client, so the shrink is looking out for her. Sure, it is good for this chick to live with you "as friends" aka "as a doormat" so she can stabilize. That sounds like pretty good advice, actually. But you aren"t part of this conversation. The shrink doesn"t care about you. You aren"t his/her client.

With your history with the girl, clearly living together is not in your best interest. Can she pay rent? Can you really kick her out when (not if) she stops paying rent? You are gonna get sucked into something unfavorable for you. And doing a favor asked for by her shrink is no different than if her dad had asked. They are essentially tasked with the same role, only the shrink is trained. Again, this chick is the client, you are someone who doesn"t matter. The shrink is trying to help his/her client only, and has no reason to care about some non-objective harm to someone else.

He/she is asking you to be a doormat to make his/her job easier.


The Big Mod
Erronius said:
I saw her once stumbling in the hallway drunk and, after having her proposition me, I promptly did a 180, went back to my room, locked the door, and opened a bottle of Scotch.
why not just make her suck your dick?


The Big Mod
Lightning Lord Rule said:
I forgot about the whole getting thrown out a window by a marine thing too

There should be something that goes along with each user"s page, separate from rep, that would be like highlights of significant posts that user has made, so people can remember all the relevant info about said user. Stuff like if they"re an aspie, how many threads they have in the hall of shame and why, etc etc. No idea how that would work though :/
pretty simple really, just need to have someone make an FoH wiki


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
...only enough blood to run one at a time.
I didn"t know anyone quite like that, but there was this one kid from ass-fuck, doesn"t-trust-putting-his-money-in-the-bank, middle of no where Oklahoma. Super nice kid, but gullible and tried to make everyone like him. So, while in AF tech school/training, some chick works her dirty whore magic and gets him to marry her so she can get stationed in Vegas instead of wherever her original assignment was. They get to Vegas and she moves on to having dudes over to watch porn w/ her, while he"s at home. He of course eventually figures/find out she"s bangin" anyone who looks at her. She also fucked up his finances, but I don"t remember how exactly.

He also ended up getting kicked out of the AF, but I don"t remember why. This all happened in about a year and a half.


Zehn - Vhex said:
Step 1) Meet cute girl
Step 2) Hit things off with cute girl
Step 3) Introduce cute girl to Melia
Step 4) Come on too strong, scare cute girl off
Step 5) Someone elses cock is in cute girl
There ya" go.


Trakanon Raider
Soygen said:
Yeah, that sounds like a legit phone call. Are you fucking retarded?
No fucking kidding. Wouldn"t that be incredibly unethical for a shrink to get involved in a patient"s personal life?

Camerous said:
I"m not stupid.
I disagree.

Also:Stephen Hawking at 70: Exclusive interview - opinion - 04 January 2012 - New Scientist

What do you think most about during the day?
Women. They are a complete mystery.
Even Hawking thinks bitches be crazy. I wonder though, can the little feller get a boner?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
Also:Stephen Hawking at 70: Exclusive interview - opinion - 04 January 2012 - New Scientist

Even Hawking thinks bitches be crazy. I wonder though, can the little feller get a boner?
Yes, yes he can;
NOT WORK SAFE, DAMMIT [This message has been brought to you by Ravvenn: The Peendefiler]
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh wtf, Penix? I put a spoiler tag in, jerkface. -Rav


Still a Music Elitist
Dabamf said:
First thing, to people thinking this chick made someone post as her shrink, why are you guys SO fucking dumb? We have a clear trainwreck scenario, the guy making the dumbest decision ever, and you want to ADD to it by assuming some conspiracy? Do you know how much more thought has to go into a scheme like that?
You know that completely breaches doctor-patient confidentiality? No good doctor, even decent doctor, would ever do that.


Dude, you need to spoiler cocks. Even amazing Reebok Cocks. Having that said, that was fascinating and hilarious. All men should come with one of those!


AlexTheDictator said:
You know that completely breaches doctor-patient confidentiality? No good doctor, even decent doctor, would ever do that.
I know of a shrink in LA, who"s education I certainly cannot vouch for, who would probably do some shit like that. This shrink has actually encouraged his patients to text people to confront them for ruining their "being", day, life, what-the-fuck-ever. No shit. One day I get this Lifetime movie text with the opener about their therapist telling them to text me, and then it said they don"t want to brush their teeth, get out of bed, and their entire life has been ruined because of me. Why? Because I tripped over their shoes and asked them to pick them up.... Sadly, I"m dead serious.


Trakanon Raider
Ravvenn said:
Sadly, I"m dead serious.
I think there"s a massive difference between a therapist encouraging their patients to contact people about wrongs (that"s one of the steps of AA isn"t it?), and the therapist directly contacting a patient"s friend or family. That"s all kinds of wrong professionally, I would think.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
I could go either way, really. I"ve known some guys that did some things that might have Cam beat. Some people...some people just do stupid things. Repeatedly.
Stupid is one thing and I understand many men will do ludicrous things over pussy. However, Cam goes beyond that with his "stories." Ripped his dick in half because some chick is dryer than Death Valley? Gets "thrown out of a window" by Hulk Hogan(aka an ex-marine)? Like I said, it"s like shit out of a Farrelly brothers movie. The stories just keep getting more and more ridiculous. It goes beyond just a simple "he"s stupid and will do anything for pussy" factor.