Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So "she" was Alecsists or whatever the hell? Guess that explains one thing Ive always wondered.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Dandai said:
I thought it was pretty obvious Zehn"s e-woman was Ravvenn"s good friend who happened to stop posting here nearly a year and a half ago... .
Alcestis said:
I"ve taken up cross-stitch recently. Thought you all might find it cool (because I absolutely do, not going to lie). The first is going on a scarf as a gift, the second is a close-up of the last thing - which I tried to make a little three-panel comic doodad.

Pretty happy with how these all turned out. 8)


General Antony said:
Either her or Pren
Wasn"t Pren the one who was obnoxiously out about being a lesbian? Mentioning it every chance she got and consequently getting her ass kissed by 75% of the other posters as a result. That shit annoyed me.

I like how Zehn keeps downplaying whatever happened as stuff like "bad judgement calls" when by his own admission he said some shit so fucking mean to Rav/Furor that he totally understands why she cut him off and won"t forgive him and he would never repeat it. I can hardly imagine how personal and tasteless this might be, you can"t chalk that up to bad judgement and it goes against his story that he didn"t totally lose his shit over getting snubbed by Alesctis. Sounds like a major ass meltdown to me or you wouldn"t have let some nuclear bomb rip on them.

Sean said:
Wow, just wow. Teasing? More like Merciless Harassment. You treated just about everyone like total fucking shit for years. Don"t even pretend you were some nice guy joking around. I had a lot of douchebaggery that I deeply regret and was a pretty shitty person at times, but you went above and beyond being an asshole.

You had people intearsfrom how bad you were to them. Hell, I even left for a while because I couldn"t stand being around you and a couple others. You were a focal point of Drama in the guild above all others.
So basically, Zehn in vent is the same as Zehn the message board fuckhead, except really worse because he"s attacking people not just annoying game mechanics.


A nice asshole.
This has to be stressful for all involved, not going to say I feel bad/pity those involved but this whole things reminds me of bad times with any relationship. So come on:


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
the character of the scarf looks familiar.

is that from the episode of...



Molten Core Raider
You guys warm the cockles of my heart. Maybe even the sub-cockle area. You give as good as you get. <3


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ravvenn said:
I never once said I approved of her behavior, I said he flew off the handle over it and attacked ME over it...OH, and blamed me. Like she made that decision because I shoved her into the arms of another man. She met him after she told Zehn about "the spark" issue. She didn"t leave Zehn for another guy, because they weren"t a couple to begin with and she didn"t get with the other guy until after everything went down between the two of them. He shouldn"t even be a part of the discussion, but in typical Zehn fashion, he has to blame someone.

What was left out was the fact that when I found out she was still talking to her ex while seeing a mutual friend of ours (post-Zehn), I confronted her and stopped talking to her; and I also confirmed with the friend that it was true (because he had the right to know). Oh yeah, ho-code right out the window when those stanky morals get involved.

We left that part out though, didn"t we? That I sided with you guys, not her. Still, you were a giant fucker to me.

Also leaving out the fact I tolerated his shit for quite a long time following those events and he just would not stop with the blaming, projecting, etc.. Not a single one of you would have tolerated that, especially not from someone you were really fucking nice to.

Admit it, assfucker. You were a dick to me because of something retarded (both of) you did. She should have said from the start, "I"m sorry, FRIEND ZONE!" and you should have taken it like a man, moved the fuck on, and not gone all nutso about it. I was involved because I was right in the middle of the boiling pot of shit, which was a very unpleasant place to be, all things considered.

She went to a party with me, she hit it off with the party host, some crazy shit happened that I won"t repeat but that led to me offering to let her move in with us, I found out she had been talking to one dude while seeing another, she moved out the day I found out. I have since then spoken to her, we are friends now after having an adult conversation that includedgenuineapologies.

The fact of the matter is you came here time and time again, baiting me and/or repeating various parts of this story that weren"t accurate. What kills me is the time period all of this went down in. There really shouldn"t have even been enough emotions invested in such a short amount of time to warrant your reaction. The fact you portrayed yourself as a guy who just sat down and was sad upon hearing the news is absolute garbage. THAT is right about the time you lost your marbles. Sure, I did snicker after you yelled at me about The Spark, but it was fucked up and you know it.

Keep in mind, I was trying to be a supportive friend when he was hurt by this, and also support my other friend. Since I guess, I couldn"t force her to change her mind, he got nasty. Who the fuck yells at someone being nice to them and trying to comfort them? All because of a spark, or lack thereof, sadly enough. I"m sure it"s funny as fuck from the outside, and comes off as small or petty, but there was a lot of hostility and personal attacks involved. When you"re being verbally assaulted over and over again, and taunted over and over again, it"s not really funny. Zehn, hopefully you had a spark with your wife and know how wrong you were when you did.

Once again, I tried to help you out in several ways in this situation. I tried to help you get the girl but I don"t work miracles. You were mean to me over it, starting at the spark. Then you opted to take it personal and got wicked nasty (which you have apologized for, but pretty much in the same breath being nasty to me). I even tried to accept your apology and called you, but you, in your usual nature, were projecting everything once again. I never spoke to you again (but you continued your nastiness all up to a day ago). I am the one who told her to send you the email, I am the one who told her to be honest and straight up with you. I am the one who thought you deserved honesty, even thought it would hurt. I may have actually written part of the fucking thing for all I recall. Just because you didn"t like what she said gave you no right to do the shit you did.

YOU WERE BOTH WRONG and you both did some shitty stuff to me. She owned up to what she did, which I"m sure wasn"t easy at all. You issued half-assed apologies and went on some 1+ year rampage over it, acting like a damn fool. I tried to keep in mind you were hurt, you did overly invest emotions too soon, you did have other things going on that stressed you out, which is why I never went back at you or said shit for that matter. That"s easy to overlook, I guess.

Christ dude, you guys even picked on Maui. Who picks on Maui? She"s like 2" tall with the voice of a mouse. I couldn"t even yell at Maui when she messed up on raids and I"d gladly punch my own mother in her face. It"s not right to pick on a Maui, though.

What people in the guild know is a crude side of you that went way too far. We have housed some of the most repulsive people in gaming history and your behavior almost got you deguilded. What was your response when I tried to talk to you about it? You blamed women for it. lol. It was all men who said they"d leave if you weren"t kicked out or warned to stop, btw. You"re welcome to verify that information with the other officers. It wasn"t until those dudes stepped up did a couple of females say they were sick of you taking things too far. Yeah, all of us like to be "one of the guys", but even guys don"t like to be fucked with day and night (or have people cast certain spells on them when they"re charmed which could wipe a fucking raid when they can"t heal......).

I feel like the whole goddamn story would need to be outed for it to make sense to anyone, but it"s not even worth it. Mainly because you"re going to continue to dodge some key facts.

Yeah, I considered posting some mean things. I considered photoshopping your cock on John Candy"s body (we both know it would have been funny). But what does that do? It turns me into someone like you.

Anyone who knows me offline knows the type of person I am. I am forgiving to a fault. I have moved more than one person I met online into my home to try and help them be safe and happy. I"d do anything for my friends, which at one point in time included Zehn and another person. I drove to pick you up, I opened my home to you, I fed you, I gave you a place to sleep, I was there for you all hours of the day and night if you needed. Not only did you turn into a giant asshole, you were rude and should have helped us carry cushions (yep, I just went there)!!! When you take things personal, you sabotage that. I truly hope looking like a tough guy, or coming off as witty, or whatever your motives may be, were worth it. No matter the circumstances, I was there if someone needed me. I have nothing to lose, I don"t mind putting myself out there. But it"s because of people like you I am hesitant to be that way anymore.

What"s sad is never knowing if you"re being genuine or if it"s all a part of your charade/show. The nasty side of you is what defines you.

Anyway, I don"t feel good and I"m rambling now. I"m sick of this shit. I was sick of it a year ago. You weren"t provoked, I was. Now I"m asking you to keep your word and let it go. You know the truth and evidently have no plans to admit to it, just as you know you had no right to treat me the way you did. You know you crossed the line and it"s the only goddamn line I have; don"t fuck with my loved ones or my pets.

We both know much more could be said, but I"m not going there and I will say I do appreciate the fact you didn"t get as dirty as you could have in regards to the other people involved.

I must admit, I"m surprised no-one has figured out who she is. Not like there"s a plethora of sans wang posters up in hurr. Edit: NM!

Look, I"m done. If you"re actually sorry and are really going to shut the fuck up about this, then I"ll accept the apology. HAPPY KIDS???
This is all well and good, but next time leave me out of your arguments with other people. Thanks
I was just simply trying to stop you two from going full retard and arguing on a public forum.


privileged excrementlord
I don"t know if the DPS of Galiem"s menstrual-vampire trailer-trash mutant algebra-wizard shenanigans can be topped. Here"s to hoping.