Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Stop talking to said acquaintance and acquire a new circle of friends.

Really though your friend is a piece of shit and deserves to have his balls chopped off for taking offense to female #1"s actions. There is no advice other than karma is a bitch.


The Big Mod
Couldntbe said:
This thread needs a little pick me up, so here goes.

Story may be fictional, but may also be real.

Acquaintance relates the following tale.

Charming likeable young satisfactorily employed alpha male with a harem of 4 young females.
None of the harem is aware of the other three.
Female number 1 is quality material, rating 8 to 9 on a scale of 10(factors being appearance, intelligence, sociability. other males pining for her etc).
Other 3 ranges from 6 to 7.5.
Female number 1 is the primary companion re time spent with, interaction with mutual friends, socializing events (parties, social and semi-social events etc).
Weekly mid-week date with female number 2, with an occasional weekend date.
Occasional weekend dates/get-together with females numbers 3 or 4 or both(separate occasions).
Multiple get-togethers during weekdays and regular saturday dates with female number 1.
Some fridays spent hunting for possible additions to the harem.

Life is good and balance is acheived.

Acquaintace goes on a two week employment related project.

On his return he becomes aware of something different in female number 1.
He quizzes his best friend, who informs him that during his abscence one of his circle of friends seduces and bones his primary female: female numer 1.
He is quite displeased about this and confronts her. She breaks down in tears and says to the effect that whats good for the gander is good for the goose, relating the tale that his best friend got her intoxicated at one of the groups party/get-togethers and told her the details of the acquaintance"s harem life style and suggested to her that she could have revenge on him for what the acquaintance was doing to her by giving him a taste of his own medicine by having him the relator of tales bone her. She agreed and was boned.

She tearfully asked for forgiveness.

What should the acquaintance do?
pm me with your "friends" personal information.

i"ll handle it from here.


Couldntbe said:
This thread needs a little pick me up, so here goes.

Story may be fictional, but may also be real.

Acquaintance relates the following tale.

Charming likeable young satisfactorily employed alpha male with a harem of 4 young females.
None of the harem is aware of the other three.
Female number 1 is quality material, rating 8 to 9 on a scale of 10(factors being appearance, intelligence, sociability. other males pining for her etc).
Other 3 ranges from 6 to 7.5.
Female number 1 is the primary companion re time spent with, interaction with mutual friends, socializing events (parties, social and semi-social events etc).
Weekly mid-week date with female number 2, with an occasional weekend date.
Occasional weekend dates/get-together with females numbers 3 or 4 or both(separate occasions).
Multiple get-togethers during weekdays and regular saturday dates with female number 1.
Some fridays spent hunting for possible additions to the harem.

Life is good and balance is acheived.

Acquaintace goes on a two week employment related project.

On his return he becomes aware of something different in female number 1.
He quizzes his best friend, who informs him that during his abscence one of his circle of friends seduces and bones his primary female: female numer 1.
He is quite displeased about this and confronts her. She breaks down in tears and says to the effect that whats good for the gander is good for the goose, relating the tale that his best friend got her intoxicated at one of the groups party/get-togethers and told her the details of the acquaintance"s harem life style and suggested to her that she could have revenge on him for what the acquaintance was doing to her by giving him a taste of his own medicine by having him the relator of tales bone her. She agreed and was boned.

She tearfully asked for forgiveness.

What should the acquaintance do?
The acquaintance should go to school and learn basic prose


Couldntbe said:
This thread needs a little pick me up, so here goes.

Story may be fictional, but may also be real.

Acquaintance relates the following tale.

Charming likeable young satisfactorily employed alpha male with a harem of 4 young females.
None of the harem is aware of the other three.
Female number 1 is quality material, rating 8 to 9 on a scale of 10(factors being appearance, intelligence, sociability. other males pining for her etc).
Other 3 ranges from 6 to 7.5.
Female number 1 is the primary companion re time spent with, interaction with mutual friends, socializing events (parties, social and semi-social events etc).
Weekly mid-week date with female number 2, with an occasional weekend date.
Occasional weekend dates/get-together with females numbers 3 or 4 or both(separate occasions).
Multiple get-togethers during weekdays and regular saturday dates with female number 1.
Some fridays spent hunting for possible additions to the harem.
Stop calling them females, they"re women. Female is an adjective, or that can be used as a noun to refer to animals. Nerds love to use the term female instead of woman, god only knows why. Stop that.

Secondly, stop rating women by numbers you pathetic manchild.

The rest will flow from there.

Also "his primary female" are you fucking joking? Goddamn you and your friend are pathetic little worms


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
JerleMinara said:
can be used as a noun to refer to animals.
I know, right!? It"s like he forgot that humans are mammals or something! Wait..

Seriously, take your feminazi shit to another thread. This isnotthe place for it.


Quit shitting up the thread, Jerle.

Anyway, sure that dude didn"t just watch Futurama and add his own elements to make it seem original? If not, he"s a moron and will eventually be a part of one massive train wreck. When that happens provide all the hilarious details.


Jerle please kindly fuck off from this thread.

To the guy with a friend who has multiple girlfriends: there is nothing to say. He fucked other girls, his girl fucked another guy. Not shocking nor important. Continue seeing her or don"t. There"s no "righteous" path.


Jerle"s response seems reasonable to me. None of the men in that "may or may not be true" story is anything but a complete piece of human filth. I find the story, and the description itself, vile enough that I will err on the side of it being a fabrication.

Jerle: You know full well that folks who talk that way do so because they"re intimidated by and afraid of women. Usually such men see women not as people at all, but only as objects to be used. Heck, you yourself seem to receive a lot of flak for no better reason than being different than the accepted norm.



Blackwing Lair Raider
Cheating on someone, because they"re cheating on you doesn"t make it ok. Your friends a scumbag and got what he deserved. But neither of them can be trusted. So if they want a relationship where they have to worry every time one or the other goes out with friends or isn"t with them. Then I say go for it! In all honestly when that shitty girlfriend found out she should have just confronted him and moved on her way.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The girl was just cheating on him for revenge and possibly so that he"d get jealous and want to be exclusive with her. He should pick one of the girls and be exclusive with her or be honest with all of them about the fact that he is seeing other women.

JerleMinara said:
Stop calling them females, they"re women. Female is an adjective, or that can be used as a noun to refer to animals.
2female noun

Definition of FEMALE

a : a female person : a woman or a girl

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
Why is no one hating on the guy"s friend that told the primary female what was going on and then suggests cheating with him? The first order of business is seeing him dead in the most painful way possible.

I"d suggest dragging him into a large sewer and start by cutting off his thumbs.


privileged excrementlord
Tuco said:
The girl was just cheating on him for revenge and possibly so that he"d get jealous and want to be exclusive with her. He should pick one of the girls and be exclusive with her or be honest with all of them about the fact that he is seeing other women.

2female noun

Definition of FEMALE

a : a female person : a woman or a girl
Jerle? Redefining words to suit his own insanity? Preposterous! Next he"ll be trying to explain what misogynyreallymeans.


Male 2 was just the hand of karma in that scenario. If female 1 didn"t know that male 1 was cheating, then male 1 had no cause to get mad about being cheated on.


couldntbe said:
How are you surprised that this happened? This isn"t the second century, women are not bound to you by iron law you fuckwit.

In unrelated news, does anyone have any experience dating women with drastically different religious beliefs? For example, if you were an atheist and she wanted to do missionary work someday? Also assume that you are crazy about her and not just in it for hot jesus-sex.


Couldntbe said:
She tearfully asked for forgiveness.

What should the acquaintance do?
Tell PRIMARY FEMALE #1 that she"s fucking nuts for tearfully asking for forgiveness. Dude"s been playing her for how long andshe"sthe one crying and apologizing? Damn.

The Ancient_sl

Whyme said:
In unrelated news, does anyone have any experience dating women with drastically different religious beliefs? For example, if you were an atheist and she wanted to do missionary work someday? Also assume that you are crazy about her and not just in it for hot jesus-sex.
Yes, I do. We were best friends for ever but never anything more because we both thought the religious divide was too great. Eventually I got tired of dating other women because they just didn"t measure up so we decided to give it a shot despite our religious differences. I was very adamant about the fact that I would not be converting or even really participating in her religion and so far have been able to stick to that. When children come along she gets to raise them Catholic because that"s more important to her than it is for me. I figure I was raised Christian and grew out of it on my own, so I"m not terribly worried about my kids getting brainwashed.

I dunno, so far it"s been pretty amazing. Religion is a pretty huge obstacle, but if you are crazy about the girl and think she"s worth it maybe you can work around it. That was the conclusion I spent years of my life coming to.


Awlbiste said:
Tell PRIMARY FEMALE #1 that she"s fucking nuts for tearfully asking for forgiveness. Dude"s been playing her for how long andshe"sthe one crying and apologizing? Damn.
No kidding. When my grandmother found out her husband was seeing other women behind her back, she had the guy shot. Some women just allow life to stomp in their faces. It"s a shame.


As for religions, I agree with the above comment: It could work as long as the atheist is indifferent towards religion and the true-believer is okay with that. A more militant atheist probably wouldn"t be compatible. Relationships are of course much easier when the couple agrees on subjects like religion.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
2 Corinthians 6

Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers

14Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."

17"Therefore come out from them
and be separate,
says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
and I will receive you."
18"I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty."

In other words, no fundamental Christian who was serious about themselves and their faith would ever get serious with an atheist. I know some successful couples who have split religious views and its tenuous but it works. Generally the atheist gets brain trauma from rolling his eyes all day and the Christian gets burnt knees from praying for their counterpart"s salvation all day.