Girls who broke your heart thread


Grumpus said:
The girl sounds like an idiot. What kind of normal nice girl would get involved with a recovering drug addict? Not that it matters since you sound like a massive retard anyways. Say hi to Whitney Houston for me when you relapse.
The girl is quite intelligent, extremely social and popular also, which is very different than a hermit like myself.

To answer your question, the kind of girl that knows me way better than you or anyone else here does. Despite my flaws I have plenty of traits that women find desirable in a partner.

I"m curious, which statements of mine lead you to the conclusion I am retarded? I"ve been called a slew of different things in my life, but unintelligent has never been one... aside from people who I am destroying in online games.

And Phoenix: Thanks for your opinion. Coming from you; the person who has stated "Im still looking for the catch, as I think its just about impossible to find a girl who is incredibly smart, has a great head on her shoulders and is pretty to go with it while being single and very into me." that means a lot. Must suck not being able to find a girl who is smart, pretty, single *and* into you. Trust me, though, the being single isn"t the limiting factor. I"m fairly certain you also couldn"t find a girl who is smart pretty and into you who has a partner- no idea why that might be.

I would understand why you would be angry/jealous of someone you detest having much greater success than you in their love life.

@ Oblio: Whoops, my memory was faulty (Imagine that). I attributed a post made by bronyaur () to you by mistake. My apologies.

Grumpus said:
I agree with this statement.
Would you mind clarifying what specific traits about me you find qualifies me as scum? Just curious. I"m assuming they must be different from the requisites that would qualify me as a retard.... that is unless you find all retarded people to be scum :p

Hell, I would think a retarded person should be exempt from being labeled as scum, seeing as how they would lack the mental capacity to form a system of morals/decide their actions by means of well thought out beliefs.


Also, the girl has never declared she was interested in starting a serious relationship with me, just that she was interested in having some good times together. I was a professional party goer for several years, I"m a pretty good person to have a fling with ;P

I just get the feeling something more may come out of it, and am thinking that she would be a good person to form a relationship with. She will be a good influence and when I am actually applying myself I am a very talented and successul person. My main problems are discipline and motivation.

Trexmussen said:
ps- we all wanted to know and I was going to go seriously trex on these negros for shit talking before we got the update if it meant not getting the update.
Yea, they almost ruined your fun/gossip for the evening :p Nice touch with the pic.

For the record, no relationship will be rushed into, definitely keeping it very casual for the first few months.


Queen Bee
Hooby said:
Also, the girl has never declared she was interested in starting a serious relationship with me, just that she was interested in having some good times together. I was a professional party goer for several years, I"m a pretty good person to have a fling with ;P

I just get the feeling something more may come out of it, and am thinking that she would be a good person to form a relationship with. She will be a good influence and when I am actually applying myself I am a very talented and successul person. My main problems are discipline and motivation.

Yea, they almost ruined your fun/gossip for the evening :p Nice touch with the pic.

For the record, no relationship will be rushed into, definitely keeping it very casual for the first few months.
Yo, so have you heard of the Cheerful Tortoise? It"s near PSU.. anyway, a bunch of pals go every Thursday for $1 beer night (because we are classy folk) bring your new chick, and we"ll have a totes presh double date. Later we will tell you (and FOH) if we approve of her.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Hooby said:

I would understand why you would be angry/jealous of someone you detest having much greater success than you in their love life.

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Lol @ all the haters and insulters. It"s not like I triiied to get the ex hooked on heroin, it just happened to both of us at the same time and I was the one who paid for it. And for the people who talk shit about me being "a giant douche or sociopath".You wouldn"t feel bad for your partner going to jail, either, if you found out she was cheating on you with who knows how many people for something as shallow as money.Fuck yea I was pissed about that and that she never shared any of her profits, I would constantly provide for both of us under the assumption she was completely broke, she would take from me but never would return the favor when it turns out she was pretty well off financially but decided to use it all on herself and feign helplessness to manipulate me into getting more.
Irony is delicious.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Tyen said:
This makes you a confirmed homosexual on EMU. Which is also the reason I gave Sutekh"s women so much shit, because they hopped in some guild that blows off Rogean and Uthgaard for favor in their "GM decisions" when there is a dispute over a dragon. Which was also the MAIN issue of why p99 sucked so much cocks and went from 1300 people playing to 300.
Confirmed totes bad at EQ.


Churchill said:
What is a professional party goer and how do I sign up?

Is being a cokehead a requirement?

Drug dealer, my sole income from age 16-22. Good money and you make your own hours, but quite stressful.

And no, I didn"t sell addictive substances.. except for a short stint while 18. I saw the effects it had on others and decided I was morally objected to the idea of purposefully getting people hooked and profiting off of their addictions. (No, that doesn"t make me a retard for getting hooked on H, there were plenty of unusual circumstances that actually made it a not completely horrible idea at the time, if I could do it again I would probably make the same decision.)

Mostly dealt with weed, mushrooms, lsd, and mdma. Occasionally some ketamine or research chemicals. Drugs often used in social party-like environment, rather than in worn out crack dens or what not. Hence the comment of professional party goer. Though I guess professional party thrower / fueler would be just as appropriate.


Trexmussen said:
Yo, so have you heard of the Cheerful Tortoise? It"s near PSU.. anyway, a bunch of pals go every Thursday for $1 beer night (because we are classy folk) bring your new chick, and we"ll have a totes presh double date. Later we will tell you (and FOH) if we approve of her.
I have heard of that place, I had a buddy who lived across the street from there.

I can"t bring the new girl, though, as she is only 20 years old. I don"t drink myself (health issues) but I wouldn"t be objected to swinging by some time in the future. Or even setting up a "double date" in a different environment. Believe it or not I"m actually a very friendly (generally) non creepy person :p

But yea, I have no doubt you would approve, she is a wonderful person.

Hell Imma post some pictures since I"m sure she wouldn"t mind. Things aren"t official but I"m positive we will have a good time and remain friends even if they never get into monogmous long term land.

Sutekh, would you mind posting some pics of your exs? I"m curious what kind of person would rate my exs as ugly.

Trollface: It"s not ironic, this last girl was the first drama filled (only the second half, really) relationship I"ve had. Considering that I have consistantly had 6 month -1 year long relationships since I have been 15 usually with a 1-5 month in between, I would say that rates me far above someone who is complaining "all of the good catches are taken, that"s why no one is interested in me".


ChewieTobbacca said:
Oh thank god hooby came back and made this thread more interesting again
Yea, I read the pages I missed out on while I was gone. Aside from big Keg keeping it real, things have been painfully boring.

Glad I could help


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don"t need to post my ex"s to know yours are ugly as sin. You"re dating solid 3-4"s. Search a couple pages back, Ravvenn was talking about how sexy I am IRL. Or at least my woman.


Kirun said:
Chick looks like Frodo Baggins, sorry bro.
Are you implying that is a bad thing?

No need to apologize, I"m not offended. We are both mexican-american mutts, she has an amazing body, and she loves to snowboard. Good enough for me

Sutekh said:
I don"t need to post my ex"s to know yours are ugly as sin. You"re dating solid 3-4"s.
Yeahhhh... Pics or gtfo.

Not really feeling obligated to justify my opinion on the matter despite the large repository of facts I could cite. No need to apologize, though

Just for shits, the ex from before the last 3:


Queen Bee
Hooby said:
I have heard of that place, I had a buddy who lived across the street from there.

I can"t bring the new girl, though, as she is only 20 years old. I don"t drink myself (health issues) but I wouldn"t be objected to swinging by some time in the future. Or even setting up a "double date" in a different environment. Believe it or not I"m actually a very friendly (generally) non creepy person :p

But yea, I have no doubt you would approve, she is a wonderful person
Ohmigod. That got worse and worse every sentence.

Buddy who lived across the street from there = buddy who lived in the dorms. Say it like it is, homeboy.

I"m curious, though, what kind of health problems allow you to shoot up but do not allow you to drink?


privileged excrementlord
Kenadul said:
The 6"s and 7"s that can fuck and will do anything for you are great. You aren"t in Nashville are you?
Murfreesboro at the time, I went to MTSU for undergrad and grad school. I live in Clarksville now. It"s about the same distance from Nashville, just the other direction along 24.


Trexmussen said:
Ohmigod. That got worse and worse every sentence.

Buddy who lived across the street from there = buddy who lived in the dorms. Say it like it is, homeboy.

I"m curious, though, what kind of health problems allow you to shoot up but do not allow you to drink?
Yes, in the dorms. I didn"t realize "lived across the street" implied anything different :p

Health problems = stomach ulcers among other stomach issues. Painkillers actually help with those, not to mention I have a pinched nerve in my lower back that hurts like hell. Been going thru physical therapy for a lonnng time for that one.

What was the worst part of my post? I"m just trying to be nice and am not specifically opposed to the idea of meeting new people, especially since I have cut ties with all of my addict friends. But hey I"m not a very social person in general so whatever, keep in mind though, I now know where you hang out on thursdays and can effectively troll you IRL. The advantage is mine.

Sutekh said:
I don"t need to post my ex"s to know yours are ugly as sin. You"re dating solid 3-4"s. Search a couple pages back, Ravvenn was talking about how sexy I am IRL. Or at least my woman.
Curious, does anyone else want to give input on their rating of my ex"s (especially ravvenn?) The unfortunate thing is most of those pics only show their faces, and for the blonde you can barely make hers out. They have all had exceptional bodies, I was very physically active before my injury so I tended to date people who were also very active.

Random fact: I was in Ravvenn"s guild on Veeshan before she got a name change and decked out in high end gear. Pretty nice person and also fairly attractive, from what I remember from the guild"s message boards.