Girls who broke your heart thread


Guarding the guardians
Kenadul said:
It sounds like you are dealing with all of that pretty good, is your wife still with the dude she cheated on you with?
As far as I know, but he is married, has 3 kids and hasn"t told his wife anything. So their relationship is happening under the radar, and the last time I bothered to ask was in January.


Queen Bee
Not that I would ever let some one night stand (or anyone else for that matter) take a pic of my naked gina, but if I did I would make sure I did not have a pad on. #embarrassing.

Aamina, no disrespect, were you actually raised mormon?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Aamina said:
I found out yesterday that my girlfriend is cheating on me. She"s still sleeping with me, but is using sex as a way to get other things (like her car fixed? /boggle) from guys she knows. Pretty whorish. She doesn"t know that I know. I"m waiting for a really douchey, inopportune moment to tell her that I know. I think she just views sex with this one or potentially two other guys as a form of currency, and sex with me is the "take your time, with your boyfriend" type. The good part is, it doesn"t hurt after you"ve been married and cheated on. Just disappointing.
I would just stop contacting her and go on about your life. No more no less. I would say more, but just that first step would be a big one for you. Just tell her that you aren"t interested anymore and move on.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Daelos said:
As far as I know, but he is married, has 3 kids and hasn"t told his wife anything. So their relationship is happening under the radar, and the last time I bothered to ask was in January.
Damn, that sucks what you"re wife did, but it looks like she may have been expecting him to leave his wife or something and he clearly has no desire too. She will be all lonely and shit soon enough when he gets tired of her.


privileged excrementlord
Aamina said:
I know she is using it as currency in those cases because of how I found out (text conversation), and how she views it with me because of the totally different way she treats it with me. I am planning to kick her to the curb, I just am waiting for the right moment.
David Blaine her with one of the bros she"s banging for car parts.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Help me armchair psychologists of FoH, WTF is wrong with me.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Don"t get headaches, but pretty much "constantly" horny if I go more than 3 days. The only time I"ve ever gone past that was when I was in basic training, and then I went almost 6 weeks. Too exhausted, both mentally and physically to think about sex (surrounded by guys 24x7 doesn"t help either)

AdamHenry saw this in Recent Activity...
Q: How long can you go without sexual release? A: More than a week. Explanation: ?If you have never had sexual release do you get a lot of headaches? I"m just curious here.?

Her: You know, sometimes I get the urge to talk to strangers, too. Anyway, I was referencing the answer about never having had sexual release, as in, you have never in your life had an orgasm. Since you confess to having lasted only six weeks during basic, (and the thought of all those hot, sore and abused young men does more to turn me on than anything else in your message--oooooh god, the showers!) you actully do not qualify to provide me the answer I was seeking, and have instead provided me with some personal details about your own life, which I did not need to know.

In sum, thank you for providing me some details about you and your penis. And I wish the both of you a bright and fulfilling furture.

However, feel free to write back if you remember anything hot about the showers. Other than the water.

Me: I talk to strangers constantly. I am "that guy" that will prevent you from finishing your book on a plane ride to talk about whatever random thing crosses my mind. Unless you really, obviously, want to be anti-social, at which point I"ll take a hint and will contentedly sit in complete silence and pretend that you don"t exist while staring at my kindle, because 3 hours later, you won"t exist - to me. I"ll have moved on, you"ll have moved on, and instead of a "single-serving friend" you"ll just have no friend at all.

Sadly (for you), you read through that entire paragraph and not once was there a single mention of chiseled Adonises lathering each other up in a steamy sauna.... (because the reality was much less flattering than your fantasy, which after reading the metaphor (it"s not an analogy, you should fix that) on your profile, I believe that must be a common theme in your life)

Sadly, not even the water was hot. Much like yourself, it was luke-warm on the best of days, but mostly downright frigid.
Her:Thanks for telling me about you inability to read social cues.
Me: What part of me calling you a frigid bitch did you not understand?
Her: I like the last word.
Me: And you think I care what you like?
Her: Well, you keep messaging. But what a simple minded and defensive thing to say. Do I know you, from my work with EVE"s?
Me: Messaging me to complain about me messaging you seems counter-productive. If you really wanted the last word, you"d just block me.
Her: I don"t do that. You"re free to quit messaging though.
Me: Right, if you blocked me, I might think you were actually offended by something I said.

Which would destroy the image of a calloused, cold-hearted, jaded soul that you"ve worked so hard to project.
Her: Public Defender, kid. It"s not projection.
Me: I"m reminded of a scene from the movie War Games
Her:Totally what I intended.
Me:In tic-tac-toe (and thermonuclear war) you can"t win because you have to leave yourself vulnerable to defeat.

When I block you 2 seconds after I send this message, I not only get the last word, but I leave myself immune to retaliation.

I tried to be nice, friendly, and funny in my initial 2 messages to you, but you obviously weren"t interested in that. So I acted like an asshole to you, and you gave me exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately for myself, you"ve gone and depressed me, because I honestly don"t want to have to act like a jerk just to get women to respond to me, but yet it always works. Thank you for once again reaffirming my belief that nice guys finish last.


The Big Mod
not only are you completely hopeless social retard, you also let that dumb bitch decimate you in that little "battle of the wits" you tried to pull off.

i honestly feel embarrassed for you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
not only are you completely hopeless social retard, you also let that dumb bitch decimate you in that little "battle of the wits" you tried to pull off.

i honestly feel embarrassed for you.
not helping


The Big Mod
you"re pathetic. you think she"ll give a fuck when you break up with her? your dumb ass is just another source of income to her. at least the other guys paying to fuck her can tell her to get lost after they bust a load all over her fat hairy back. you get to be her emotional tampon as well, although you enjoy that shit so i guess it"s a win/win. you make me sick.


privileged excrementlord
Antarius said:
Help me armchair psychologists of FoH, WTF is wrong with me.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Don"t get headaches, but pretty much "constantly" horny if I go more than 3 days. The only time I"ve ever gone past that was when I was in basic training, and then I went almost 6 weeks. Too exhausted, both mentally and physically to think about sex (surrounded by guys 24x7 doesn"t help either)

AdamHenry saw this in Recent Activity...
Q: How long can you go without sexual release? A: More than a week. Explanation: ?If you have never had sexual release do you get a lot of headaches? I"m just curious here.?

Her: You know, sometimes I get the urge to talk to strangers, too. Anyway, I was referencing the answer about never having had sexual release, as in, you have never in your life had an orgasm. Since you confess to having lasted only six weeks during basic, (and the thought of all those hot, sore and abused young men does more to turn me on than anything else in your message--oooooh god, the showers!) you actully do not qualify to provide me the answer I was seeking, and have instead provided me with some personal details about your own life, which I did not need to know.

In sum, thank you for providing me some details about you and your penis. And I wish the both of you a bright and fulfilling furture.

However, feel free to write back if you remember anything hot about the showers. Other than the water.

Me: I talk to strangers constantly. I am "that guy" that will prevent you from finishing your book on a plane ride to talk about whatever random thing crosses my mind. Unless you really, obviously, want to be anti-social, at which point I"ll take a hint and will contentedly sit in complete silence and pretend that you don"t exist while staring at my kindle, because 3 hours later, you won"t exist - to me. I"ll have moved on, you"ll have moved on, and instead of a "single-serving friend" you"ll just have no friend at all.

Sadly (for you), you read through that entire paragraph and not once was there a single mention of chiseled Adonises lathering each other up in a steamy sauna.... (because the reality was much less flattering than your fantasy, which after reading the metaphor (it"s not an analogy, you should fix that) on your profile, I believe that must be a common theme in your life)

Sadly, not even the water was hot. Much like yourself, it was luke-warm on the best of days, but mostly downright frigid.
Her:Thanks for telling me about you inability to read social cues.
Me: What part of me calling you a frigid bitch did you not understand?
Her: I like the last word.
Me: And you think I care what you like?
Her: Well, you keep messaging. But what a simple minded and defensive thing to say. Do I know you, from my work with EVE"s?
Me: Messaging me to complain about me messaging you seems counter-productive. If you really wanted the last word, you"d just block me.
Her: I don"t do that. You"re free to quit messaging though.
Me: Right, if you blocked me, I might think you were actually offended by something I said.

Which would destroy the image of a calloused, cold-hearted, jaded soul that you"ve worked so hard to project.
Her: Public Defender, kid. It"s not projection.
Me: I"m reminded of a scene from the movie War Games
Her:Totally what I intended.
Me:In tic-tac-toe (and thermonuclear war) you can"t win because you have to leave yourself vulnerable to defeat.

When I block you 2 seconds after I send this message, I not only get the last word, but I leave myself immune to retaliation.

I tried to be nice, friendly, and funny in my initial 2 messages to you, but you obviously weren"t interested in that. So I acted like an asshole to you, and you gave me exactly what I wanted. Unfortunately for myself, you"ve gone and depressed me, because I honestly don"t want to have to act like a jerk just to get women to respond to me, but yet it always works. Thank you for once again reaffirming my belief that nice guys finish last.
If there was a backstory to that, I clearly missed it. Are you trying to fuck this girl?


Ok FoH, help me out. I"ve recently decided that I need more sex than the occasional weekend marathons I have when visiting with an ex. I hate bar-hopping and don"t really have many activities that are conducive to meeting girls. So I"ve created an OkCupid account.

A few pages back someone suggested inviting girls to coffee for a first date because you don"t have to spend $$ and won"t feel as invested, can get squeeze in more dates, etc. Is this a good idea or are chicks more likely to turn down a "boring" coffee date? What are some good second date activities that I can have ready to offer if a first date is going well (or should you not ask for a second date on a first date?).

Also, what"s the best messaging approach to actually get to the stage of meeting people in person? I don"t want to waste time messaging back and forth and end in it going nowhere. Should I just straight out ask girls out in a first message or will that scare them off? Is the best response profile-dependent?

Finally, what kind of shit should I put in my profile that will make me sound interesting enough to get girls to respond to me? Not that I"m boring, but I know this is a numbers game and want to min/max my OkCupid profile (so to speak).


Guarding the guardians
Etwynn said:
A few pages back someone suggested inviting girls to coffee for a first date because you don"t have to spend $$ and won"t feel as invested, can get squeeze in more dates, etc. Is this a good idea or are chicks more likely to turn down a "boring" coffee date?
There may be cultural differences or whatnot, but here in Norway a coffee is the standard first date after messages. It"s a quick and easy way for the two of you to screen each other, make sure neither is Dexter in disguise.

What are some good second date activities that I can have ready to offer if a first date is going well (or should you not ask for a second date on a first date?).
I had a first date yesterday (coffee-style, with lots of walking thrown in). In messages earlier she"d mentioned that she is somewhat squeamish about potentially embarrassing stuff in TV shows, so I invited her back to my place later this week to watch "Klovn" - which is known for setting up the most embarrassing and awkward scenes on TV ever.

(In general I prefer a second date to happen at my place. I"m comfortable there and much less likely to be nervous)


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Coffee is good, beer is better. Dollar beer nights or some shit would be poppin n lockin for a date.

Cheating GF? That"s an invitation to be a total dick to a girl who wants to be with you regardless. Get the experience in, bang her, bang whoever, be a dick.

If she is banging some other dude but staying with you, than obviously the other dude isn"t good enough to take her completely. Even if he does, fuck it, find a new one.

Don"t be a weeping willow, shit gonna happen and you should expect it. Not like there isn"t women out there that won"t bang you.

Sam da Man gets laid, fuck your excuses and whiny shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Drinsic said:
If there was a backstory to that, I clearly missed it. Are you trying to fuck this girl?
Nope just thought someone here might find humor from me crashing and burning while messaging girls on okcupid. I mean, I thought she was cute, which is why I messaged in the first place, but after the first response I realized the conversation was going no where and I wanted to see how deep the rabbit hole went, so to speak.