God of War (2018)


Golden Knight of the Realm
So yeah I beat the story part this weekend.

I think I may have forgotten a few things, but in the end I felt like the whole Baldur/Odin/Thor conflict going on was kind of just tacked on to provide conflict during the journey. I kept expecting the dead wife/mother to be somehow directly related to them (Sister/Daughter/Ex Wife whatever) and when it turned out she was a giant, it kind of fell apart for me. Like I said before, it may have been said, and I just flat out forgot it. However, I really think they should have given Thor/Odin/Bauldur more of a motivation to be after us. My friend explained to me that it was their "god-sense" going off and they needed to kill Kratos because of that. Personally, these guys are trying to make movie quality stories here, and that is just a bit too video gamey for me. With that said, I really enjoyed the story, and I love the game. Now, I just need to go and get everything else done. I didn't realize I was doing it, but I kind of b lined right for the story's end and still have a bunch of stuff left to do, and I cannot wait for the next game.

@Jozu It's definitely awesome. I personally do not like the overly cinematic games like Last of Us, Uncharted, etc. It took a while to click with me, but once it did, the gameplay is absolutely amazing, and the story is amazing as well. Once you get to a point in the game it pretty much allows you to do what you want in any order, which is what I usually hate about games whose primary focus are story... they tend to be too linear for me.
*edit* I didnt see Dandai's post, he explained it much better than I did.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Platinum obtained.

Extremely mixed feelings on this.

I'm going to start with the positives. The Valkaries were hands down fanfuckingtastic. Legit best part of the entire game for me. Huge rush after every hard won victory, and I really wish they had more bosses like these in the base game. Tons of fun.

The trials were awesome too. Absolutely loved the various objectives to beat for each one.

However, I could not stand Niflheim. Holy shit that place was a slog and a half. The enemies were noticeably more bullet spongey, plus there were many more of them per battle than you had in any other part of the game, and that damn time limit just made it stupid. Which was crazy, because I finally just said fuck it and set the difficulty to easy just so I could kill the enemies faster for the fog anchors. Once on easy, I could do the entire run, including the champion rooms and rune chest, and still have nearly a full bar, while in normal I could only make it to the first champion room and have to go back and be losing life at the very end due to the timer being stupid short.

All in all this was definitely a great game, despite some of the subjective things that I did not like so much, and will be one that define this generation for me along with Second Son, Bloodborne, Horizon, and Fallout 4 (don't hate, it just clicked with me).
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, it's not DLC, but it's an excuse to play it again, so I'll take it:

God of War: New Game+ Launches August 20

  • Relive the journey of Kratos and Atreus with all of your previous armors, enchantments, talismans, resources and abilities on the difficulty of your choosing.
  • Test your skills against higher level enemies; some of which might even have a few new tricks up their sleeves!
  • Unique to New Game+ is a brand new rarity level of equipment to craft and upgrade! Collect ‘Skap Slag’, a new resource to upgrade your gear to the best of the best from our finest blacksmiths.
  • Play the game in a whole new way by exploring new customization options with extremely powerful new armor sets and enchantments.
  • Finally, get right back into the action with the newly added ability to skip through cinematics in both normal and New Game+ modes once a full play through has been completed.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah the fatigue was real for me by the end but when I get the itch again this will give me good reason to jump back in


FoH nuclear response team
Still bummed we didn't get to fight Thor or Odin, I assumed they were coming when we killed Magni/Modi
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Still bummed we didn't get to fight Thor or Odin, I assumed they were coming when we killed Magni/Modi
Dev commentary said they have enough lore planned for up to 5 games based on Norse mythology alone. When they were roughing out the story 5 years ago they were jamming the first game full of the whole Norse pantheon, but then they realized that they were severely hamstringing character arcs and plot development for future games. If I had to guess, I’d say they make a trilogy and maybe contract out a couple smaller scope/lower budget games that take place between games or as prequels (Kratos going from Greece to Midgard, etc).

Based on the post credits home scene, I think it’s safe to say Thor will be the antagonist in the next game. Odin will probably close it out in the third game.
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Trakanon Raider
I've been thinking on the Thor side of things, and has me wondering how they are gonna play it out(or how it's already planned), The World Serpent is the one that kills Thor(via Jörmungandr is already there so Ragnarok has already happened once(or mutiple times Norse myth is very heavy on time travel))


privileged excrementlord
Being able to turn the parry and dodge talismans into enchantments in NG+ is the tits. Playing the second go around on GMGOW is intense but surprisingly fun having everything from the beginning.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah it is. The one that realm shifts on last second dodge has saved my ass countless times. Just when I think I'm about to die I unleash hell in slow-mo.


<Silver Donator>
Just beat this and absolutely loved every moment of it, time to the get platinum trophy. One thing though...

So I guess Atreus is Loki, so he must be related to Thor or is that not a thing in this timeline? Just wanted to know what people thought of the Atreus = Loki aspect.


Trakanon Raider
Just beat this and absolutely loved every moment of it, time to the get platinum trophy. One thing though...

So I guess Atreus is Loki, so he must be related to Thor or is that not a thing in this timeline? Just wanted to know what people thought of the Atreus = Loki aspect.

His mother they have right, honestly all the Aesirs and Giants(Think of it like Greek myth, Titans = Giants, Olympic Pantheon = Aesirs) are related too each other they did take a bit of a freedom with having Kratos be the dad, but they had to make some changes it was the easiest one too make
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Trakanon Raider
I did find something interesting that kind of makes sense.

Útgarða-Loki - Wikipedia

So there are two different Loki, It seems

Norse myth has heavy time travel implications, what we do know is Ragnarok has already happened in the "Kratos" version of Norse myth(Jörmungandr is there), we don't know if Fenrir or Sleipnir are around. Honestly SM Studios has followed the myth closely, but at the same time have made there own version(we don't know excalty yet what
the ending painting showing Kratos fate means is Kratos the World Serpent?), or a better question, is Kratos Týr ? (being sent back with Jörmungandr during the fight with Thor)
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Just beat this and absolutely loved every moment of it, time to the get platinum trophy. One thing though...

So I guess Atreus is Loki, so he must be related to Thor or is that not a thing in this timeline? Just wanted to know what people thought of the Atreus = Loki aspect.
As others have said, those aren’t mutually exclusive. We’ll just have to wait and see where they take it :)


<Bronze Donator>
Finally finished this, embarrassed to admit it (thanks to some other life circumstances, none important enough as an excuse to not finish this game): it's gotta be one of the best games I've ever played. It just works on about every level.

As they find the timeline in Jotunheim *sp* I was thinking, "Man, this would be a fitting ending." But honestly thought it was building to what would be a Thor or Odin encounter to end the game.

Anticipating an even grander potential story for the sure-to-come sequel(s), this next game has got to have a legit shot or two at the "best game ever made" mantle (as subjective as that may be).

What a game.
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FPS noob
if you liked this game be sure to check out spider-man next, its extremely debatable which one is better


There are design choices I find suspicious in the game, but that might be related to the way I played it.

- You unlock 865654 fighting moves, but I used a couple at most (the shield bash to break the enemy defense, throwing projectiles back at enemies once in a while and.... throwing rocks when in rage because it's funny!). The Valkyrie Queen died all the same to my mighty R1 basic combos.

- You get 768675564654 enchants. 95% of those are worthless. Some have contextual use (resists), but most you just use for the level.

- There are 6756758765 chests in the game and 99% of them contain garbage. It was difficult to get excited the first time I found 1 World Serpent Scale and 3 Solid Svarthalfeim Steel, so imagine the 30th time...

- There is a bunch of runes and talismans... I think I used about 10 runes total and maybe 4 talismans.

I understand the idea of having a rich equipment system that allows a lot of customization to accommodate different play styles, but the implementation in GoW was both tedious (up to 22 equipment slots in an action game!) and not satisfying, because you constantly get stuff you don't care about and stats feel totally useless. The one important value is the level because it has an actual impact on the gameplay. For my money, the whole thing could have been culled to the point every time you find something you are actually excited about it.

Again, this problem might be emphasized by my play style. I played in normal and I always progressed the main quest last, after all the side stuff was done.

I very much enjoyed the game as a whole though.
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