Godzilla (2014)


I was expecting a bit more from this movie. The fight scenes were par at best, Pacific Rim had much better action sequences than this. 5/10


I thought it was great coming out of the theater. That was after spending the first hour of the movie groaning and rolling my eyes, but holy shit did they redeem themselves in the latter half.

It's mostly dumb action fun, but the movie also has the best visual/audio scene I've seen in a movie in a long time:
The parachute scene. Holy shit that was well done

My dick got so hard when
GOJIRA puked fire down Mrs MUTO's throat and ripped her head off


Trakanon Raider
Enjoyed it. Too much Lt. Kickass and family, not enough Godzilla. Fix that in a sequel and all will be well.


Was a fucking joke, but an expected joke.

WAY WAY WAY too many shots of the formulaic bullshit: soldiers rustling, helicopters landing, army-tard hero staring, mommy bitch making scared faces, ohnoes childrens, and all the other complete bullshit. That made up 1:50 minutes of the fucking movie. Fight scenes, if you can call them that, way too short.

4/10: they got his roar close to correct, but wasn't used nearly enough.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
I'm pretty sure the Carrier was referred to as the Saratoga, but I know heard that name, might have been a reference to anything.

A quick Wiki check has shown that there was a carrier Saratoga, it was decommissioned in 1994. Also it wasn't Nuclear, so they might have re-conned the ships history to make it a current serving ship that's non-nuclear.

Because yeah that was something I thought of while watching the film, isn't the Carrier's reactor itself a target.

Not even sure if there are nuclear weapons on carriers anymore? Doesn't the US government use the old 'neither confirm or deny the presence' line. Are ballistic missile subs the only place they'd be now.


Not sure if you guys remember the old Godzilla movies. Everything about the new movie is straight out of the old school monster movie play book. Prehistoric radiation eating monster needs to be contained or destroyed? Create an elabore cage of wires suspended from cranes and try zapping it with random arcs of electricity. Gonna try to nuke them? Put that shit on a train. Why fly one in from the other side of the world when you can use a train that passes near the path of the rampage.

Even Watanabe's constant look of confusion, fear, and awe was straight out of the old films. The human component was the same way. Old school Godzilla didn't really give two shits about us. He wanted to fuck up monsters. Humans were always. Bystanders who maybe did some small side quest shit trying to help Godzilla win but were for the most part just there to give perspectives on what Godzilla qwas doing.

Movie was flawless in the sense that is a modern update of the formula I grew up with that couldn't have been more true to the source. Was fucking awesome to watch. My only complaint was the way he killed the second monster. Didn't seem like a Godzilla kind of thing even if it was awesome e as fuck. Anyone complaining about science or shit not making sense doesn't remember or hasn't seen the old films. Shit was retarded. I promise most if not all of it was intentional.


Life's a Dream
I'm pretty sure the Carrier was referred to as the Saratoga, but I know heard that name, might have been a reference to anything.

A quick Wiki check has shown that there was a carrier Saratoga, it was decommissioned in 1994. Also it wasn't Nuclear, so they might have re-conned the ships history to make it a current serving ship that's non-nuclear.

Because yeah that was something I thought of while watching the film, isn't the Carrier's reactor itself a target.

Not even sure if there are nuclear weapons on carriers anymore? Doesn't the US government use the old 'neither confirm or deny the presence' line. Are ballistic missile subs the only place they'd be now.
...yeah, that's clearly what I meant. I definitely wasn't wrong at all. No sir, not me!


Shit Lord Supreme
Only after my prompting. I feel like I should get half credit for pointing out the good thing he did. Someone mail me a picture of their sister's tits.
My mind was blown and I had to leave the thread at the time and recollect myself.


Really great modern adaptation of classic Godzilla. I was totally on board up until the end though. I stopped caring about the humans as soon as the monsters started fighting.

7/10 Well worth the ticket price.

-Way too many movie monster tropes with Studly McArmyguy. I don't want to see humans interacting in an emotional way with a giant fucking monster. They should be a damn force of nature. Characters should interact with Godzilla the same way they interact with a tornado.
-Pulling the pistol on the Muto was just retarded. This wasn't heroic, it was groan inducing.
-Bomb countdown trope. This stopped adding tension in the Looney Tunes days.
-What was with the dubstep HOOOOOONK when the monsters were moving by the camera? This sound effect has been used a bunch in recent movies. I can see it used for giant robots, but lizards and insects don't move using giant servo motors.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Id give it 6.5/10. Very much a leave your brain at home movie but enjoyable.

And yeah the whole nuke powered carrier is a giant plot hole imo;

considering they showed muto eat a russian nuclear sub and its missiles. No reason why it shouldnt of ate the dozens of other nuclear submarines around or the nuclear powered aircraft carrier if it did that.

-Also there are like two nuclear powerplants along the california coast, one only like 100 miles from SF, why didnt they go there?
-Nuclear yield inconsistencies. The abombs detonated in the 50s in the south pacific where like 5-12 megatons, while the minuteman only carry a few warheads with a yield of like 500 kilotons each
-characters dont die. people are shown dying left and right but if the camera got up close and personal with someone the movie went out of its way to show they live like with the dog and the girl on the beach and her father or the school bus
-Why did hiensberg die so fast? flashback to executive decision
-Too much teasing with monster fighting.
~ yucca mountain is to the east of las Vegas so it makes no sense the way the female hatching played out

Im eagerly awaiting people to bitch at the level of destruction in this movie just like they did with Man of Steel.


Pay to play forum
I watched it last Friday and got, what I was excpecting. I turned off my brain, when I bought the ticket and enjoyed the movie. I would have prefered to totally cut the armyguy and his family stuff and just take Heisenberg on the ride. I mean, does anyone filing these movies think that it adds any tension to have the family in the city, that gets destroyed or bomb timer, which normally just pauses for a few hours, while people have to get ready to do an awsome parachute jump?

Anyway, enjoyed it for what it was.


Silver Knight of the Realm
All I know is if there are giant mother fucking monsters crushing around my city I am not going to be sitting in my office on the 40th floor. Also wouldnt a nuke 20 miles out still f up a city ?


FPS noob
it is pretty funny that
that the dude who keeps claiming throughout the entire movie that he is the greatest bomb disarmer guy on the planet, doesn't do fuck all because a PIECE OF GLASS stops him. so yeah, a giant nuke goes off 20m or less from san francisco because he is a worthless motherfucker.

james bond or matt damon or tom cruise woulda gotten that shit done!


Oh forgot to mention. Saw some folks wondering what the monsters looked like bug wise. They were roaches. Obviously roaches.