Godzilla (2014)


Log Wizard
I liked the dude sees the second hatchling near las vegas from fucking Yucca Mountain. Great binoculars, but I don't think they work at 90+miles.


Vyemm Raider
it is pretty funny that
that the dude who keeps claiming throughout the entire movie that he is the greatest bomb disarmer guy on the planet, doesn't do fuck all because a PIECE OF GLASS stops him. so yeah, a giant nuke goes off 20m or less from san francisco because he is a worthless motherfucker.

james bond or matt damon or tom cruise woulda gotten that shit done!
Tom Cruise for sure with a paper clip and a straw.

I just saw it - i liked it quite a bit - 9/10


Molten Core Raider
My thoughts. Will probably be seeing it again Wednesday.

So, saw it last night and immediately passed out. Going to go see it again next week, most likely.

I didn't care much for the human characters outside of Wantanabe and Bryan, I feel like they could have gotten another actor to bring some more emotion to the role of Brody. Either way, though, he does a decent enough job.

I loved the MUTOs. They're interesting creatures, though I'm still unsure of what Godzilla himself eats. Does he eat radiation like the MUTOs, or does he eat fish and what not? If he does eat radiation, then I can see him coming back in another movie as more of a menace. Also, what is the evolutionary reason that the MUTOs can do EMPs?

The military was alright, though they did a lot of stupid things. Firstly, why would they follow Godzilla so closely with their ships? How do they know he won't just stop and cleave through all of them? Also, why would they start firing so close to a bridge with civilians on it?

As for Godzilla himself, I think they nailed him. The atomic breath could have been a little more blastier, but the way he acted, moved, etc, was perfect. I also love the look of him. The battle at the very end was freaking awesome. I will say he does look fat when he's walking back to the ocean though, but it was kind of endearing.

Overall, 7.0/10. Could have been a little better, but still enjoyed the hell out of it.
Loved the movie, thought it was a perfect representation of a Godzilla slow-burn story while still catering to the Godzilla vs. crowd.

Anyone else notice the lable on Kick-ass kids terrarium in the quarantine zone said Mothra?


Silver Knight of the Realm
This movie was the biggest pile of garbage I've seen in a number of years. It's horribly written and badly acted after the first 20 minutes. Also the movie had so many bad plot holes and just WTF moments it made it irritating to watch.

I'd rather watch any of the old B monster movies over this thing because at least they had a decent script.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This movie was the biggest pile of garbage I've seen in a number of years. It's horribly written and badly acted after the first 20 minutes. Also the movie had so many bad plot holes and just WTF moments it made it irritating to watch.

I'd rather watch any of the old B monster movies over this thing because at least they had a decent script.
soooo......french godzilla (1998) > godzilla vs walter white (2014)?


A Mod Real Quick
Saw it. Thought it was just alright. I'd put it behind Pacific Rim for sure.

Bryan Cranston stole the show.

Loved Godzilla's swag walk when he woke up at the end, then casually swam into the ocean


Silver Knight of the Realm
So many bad plot holes and coincidences it's makes the movie laughable. After Bryan Cranston
it's one WTF plot moment after another.

1) Kick-Ass is locked in a truck when the MUTO hatches and the truck gets thrown like 20 feet but he's OK. Oh and weren't he and his father both handcuffed when they were brought into the truck? Where'd Kick-Ass' handcuffs go?

2) This helicopter will take you too Hawaii and from there Kick-Ass, you'll take a plane to San Francisco. Two seconds later, hey guys, the MUTO appears to be headed towards Hawaii, let's not tell that copter that just took off.

3) Kick-Ass and Japanese boy on tram headed to somewhere at the Hawaii airport when attacked by MUTO and Godzilla. MUTO crushes tram car in half and we see Kick-Ass save the Japanese boy as both dangle from the Tram. Cut to Godzilla vs. MUTO, then to Kick-Ass and Japanese boy at refugee camp. WTF?

4) Kick-Ass and Japanese boy at refugee camp for 2s and woot it's Japanese boy's parents.

5) I am Kick-Ass, let me on this train to SF. Apparently this bombing team was short a Kick-Ass so they decided, what the hell, add him to the team.

6) Kick-Ass does Stand By Me movie impersonation.

7) Kick-Ass and Star Trek Red Shirt hiding from MUTO on the bridge when Red Shirt's radio goes nutz do to the radiation and he freaks out until they can turn it off but it's nothing for him if Kick-Ass shines his flash light right into the MUTO' s eye.

8) Kick-Ass is knocked off bridge and falls a few hundred feet into the river below, manages to avoid debris from bridge but seems to apparently drown while watching MUTO and Godzilla fight.

9) Kick-Ass wakes up down river among tons of bridge debris. Predator mud caking though is the best bridge debris repellant.

10) Godzilla arrives in SF for Gay Pride but he's too big to go under the Golden Gate Bridge so he grabs on of the suspension supports and breaks it but the suspension bridge still manages to be magically suspended to let Kick-Ass' son make it to Marin County. Eventually Godzilla walks through the bridge and all that happens to the bridge is it gets a gaping whole.

11) I don't know much about skydiving but I'm thinking if you drop from the height they did you might have to open your parachute more than a few hundred feet above the ground.

12) The whole city of San Francisco could collapse around Kick-Ass' wife but his wife would be ok, cause you know, movie.

13) Kick-Ass and son are somehow reunited before they arrive to see either the Giants or 49ers. Amazingly, Kick-Ass' wife shows up too and they instantly meet up. Happy Endings for all.

Just a number of the ridiculous plot points I could remember off the top of my head. I so couldn't wait for this movie to be over.


Vyemm Raider
Saw it this weekend in Imax 3D. I really sense Oscar buzz in Godzilla's future, apart from Cranston, the big guy gave the most convincing performance of the whole film.
Especially when he played dead, people next to me were all worried that the King had left with the building. I was like please... Mother fucka was just power nappin.

Now I am knocking on the other actors ability to convey any kind of emotion; but honestly, they all did an amazing job at making me believe that they were nothing but insignificant insects in the face of pure Monstrous Brutality. I really didn't care what happened to any of them, so mission accomplished there.

Now, back to the only reason anyone would watch this movie, Giant Radioactive Metropolis Curb Stomping Monstrosities (GRMCSM's) They looked good, they moved good and they fought like drunk women at a McDonalds... Vicious, brutal forces of nature.

Especially that tail swipe... and the look of pure satisfaction on Zilla's mug as he watched the mini muto go limp. That was just all the money right there... and it really brought down the house.

So yeah Godzilla kicked ass, and San Francisco got trashed... (I can only imagine what this would do to the already inflated housing prices in that city. 1/2 Bedroom, no bath, 2 walled apartment for $5500 a month.) What's not to love?


Life's a Dream
For what it's worth, once you reach terminal velocity, you aren't going to fall any faster. Sure, you'll fall faster from much higher up (that red bull 100k drop), but by the time you reach our air, the molecules your falling through will decrease your speed down to terminal velocity.


Silver Knight of the Realm
For what it's worth, once you reach terminal velocity, you aren't going to fall any faster. Sure, you'll fall faster from much higher up (that red bull 100k drop), but by the time you reach our air, the molecules your falling through will decrease your speed down to terminal velocity.
So at what height do you have to open your parachute when you're at terminal veolicty? A few hundred feet?


Vyemm Raider
A sequel is apparently already in the works.

Hopefully more monsters, maybe even a team up:

- Lots of places new monsters could come from; global warming and thawed out eggs, volcanic eruption, etc. I think an alien invaders premise might take hold on an American audience, if they take out the cheesy crap; perhaps show a vague spaceship launching meteorites implanted with spores into the atmosphere.
- Being that this isn't an introductory movie, hopefully they turn it up to 11 because a slow approach would be kind of disappointing in a way. If they're going to take it slow, do that just for Godzilla himself: e.g. I think the bad monsters should wreck shit, then a new, "good" monster shows up to fight them, and gets his ass kicked. He runs into Godzilla while fleeing, and Godzilla is about to kick his ass when the bad monsters show up. Instead, they team up(because they're both "earthborn" monsters compared to the new, unfamiliar visitors), and now it's 2v3, with a little help from the military(because the military will never be excluded in any of these movies).
- New good monster should be a sidekick of sorts, like Anguirus turns out to be in the old series; smaller and weaker, but tough as nails.


600-500 feet seems to be the minimum for a high altitude drop that you can walk away from, though it is not going to be a comfortable landing.

I enjoyed the film and hope the sequel contains more monster smashing and a bit less people watching.


Silver Knight of the Realm
600-500 feet seems to be the minimum for a high altitude drop that you can walk away from, though it is not going to be a comfortable landing.
Nope, I was reading some Skydiving sites to confirm and 600-800 feet is needed just for your chute to open, not even slow you down.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Are we now pretending that old Godzilla and monster movies had great acting, writing and no plot holes?


Trakanon Raider
Are we now pretending that old Godzilla and monster movies had great acting, writing and no plot holes?
God, I hope not. The last thing we need are asshats worshipping old Godzilla movies like Trekkies with the original series.