Godzilla (2014)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Could you imagine having to sit next to blackyce during a movie? Entire time hearing him muttering "That can't happen in RL", "impossible" , "haven't they heard of physics" or "omg what a coincidence".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Could you imagine having to sit next to blackyce during a movie? Entire time hearing him muttering "That can't happen", "impossible" or "omg what a coincidence".
Unless it's that piece of shit ASM.

"Did you see how those 30 crane operators got from home to their cranes faster than Spidey could swing and then coordinated like a ballet to help him swing through a city like he's been doing without them for 60 years? BRILLIANT!"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Too true. We had a friend in our group that is like him, can't seem to remember that a movie isn't reality and would bitch and nit pick every little thing, from science to plausibility. Let's just say he stopped coming to movies after a while.


A Mod Real Quick
The entire movie I was wondering why the wife looked so familiar, just looked it up and she is the forgotten Olsen sister. She was fairly cute, but still had that Olsen alien head that they all have.


Life's a Dream
Oh shit, good catch. She's also Scarlet Witch in the next Avengers movie. She made a quick appearance in the after credits scene of Captain America The Winter Soldier.


FPS noob
isn't she also going to play invisible girl in the next fantastic four, while her brother is going to be kick ass... how is this dude getting so many jobs anyways, he must suck dick really good


Silver Knight of the Realm
Worst movie I've seen in theaters in recent memory, for too many reasons to list. I found myself wanting to leave the theater shortly after Heisenberg died, and that really didn't change through all the retarded monotony of the military following the creatures around like bumbling fools. There were too many uninteresting filler scenes, and average to poor acting didn't help the bad script. The last 5-10 minutes were somewhat entertaining, but the rest was completely unnecessary. It was like a late night SkineMax flick with no good F*** scenes until the very end. 3.5/10


Vyemm Raider
Godzilla (the monster!) was done very, looked cool, moved in a cool way, CGI of distruction was great, the other monsters looked cool as well even with LED eyes.

Everything else was complete horseshit, i have seen ever godzilla movie and this one pissed me off the most. Kickass was so flat and boring, i did not give any fucks about anyone dying after "that guy" died.
So many fucking stupid parts as other had mentioned.

The army finds a nest of eggs and says "oh well" lets leave what could go wrong,
Hey guys lets train these ICBMs around, of fuck they fell off, no worries, us 6 dudes will carry it.
Godzilla or Muto "sneaking" up on anyone ever....
This nuke will go off in 5 min, good thing the fucking boat is going 10miles an hour, no worries it will clear the city in 5 min.
Lets evacuate the city ! good idea, i will block off the bridge out of town, but only after we fill it with school busses and trap them on the bridge.
Our nuclear waste facility had a breach to the extend half the mountain was missing. Only identified by visual inspection.
Cant kill the monster with tanks, perhaps this handgun will work.
Fucking garbage movie for 110m. Not like normal godzilla garbage, extra strenght hollywood garbage.
5/10, would be 3/10 if not for the last 20 min.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It was a good movie. Not great. Not epic. Just good.

I understood that the production team wanted to focus on the human element. But to be honest, they failed mightily in this endeavor. I can not remember a single character's name. Frankly, every character was a throw-away. Even the Mutos were throw-away characters (and they looked stupid, in my opinion). Overall, it was a good movie. But that's only because they did a good job with the actual Godzilla character. Everything else did not matter, and seemed to be "filler" built around the half-hour that people actually cared about.


That guy
The halo jump was one of the best scenes in a long, long time. Don't know why but I loved it.


This felt like a Lifetime made for TV movie about a military man trying to reunite with his family. Oh, and heres a little Godzilla mixed in for 5 minutes at the end.

Pacific Rim shit all over this in terms of fight scenes and entertainment.


Log Wizard
isn't she also going to play invisible girl in the next fantastic four, while her brother is going to be kick ass... how is this dude getting so many jobs anyways, he must suck dick really good
They are Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch in Avengers 2.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The halo jump was one of the best scenes in a long, long time. Don't know why but I loved it.
Liked that scene a lot. It had a really intense and eerie feeling, in great part due to the music.

Fuck it, just make Godzilla vs King Kong for the sequel. That's what everybody wants to see.


Trump's Staff
Kong would hurt Godzilla about as much as a spitball would hurt Superman.

Edit - saw the movie tonight and other than echoing everyone else's complaints about the humans, I'm not sure if the could have done the monster sequences better at all. They had a real weight and realism to them that I haven't seen in other movies (other than being silent fucking ninjas at a couple of points).

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Liked that scene a lot. It had a really intense and eerie feeling, in great part due to the music.
Yeah the music was like a straight lift ( or very close copy ) of the 2001 - space odyssey ending music. I guess just a copy as it's a harmonic mixture of voices.

I remember it was like that in one of the trailers I saw, I figured it was a temp track, but was the same in the finished film.