"Good" games, that you hate.


Golden Squire
Counterstrike is one I couldn't get into, and I was pretty big on FPS games at the time. I couldn't even tell you anything specifically I disliked about it either. I just couldn't ever bring myself to ever play it much.

an accordion_sl

League of Legends - Inferior to both DotaandHoN. The popularity of this game still baffles me.
Starcraft 2 - Played since day 1 of beta, but stopped about a month or two into launch. The game is stale, watered down and just a mediocre version of BW. It's sad that it's as popular as it is when BW didn't even get half the fame.
GTA series - Could just never get into it.
Any Star Wars game people think is good - They're all boring.
Half Life 1/2 - The games feel very generic and mediocre, this may be an issue of playing them late though. I've never gotten past the first hour of Half Life 2.
Bioshock - Aside from the amazing setting, this game was very boring to me.
Majora's Mask - Liked every other Zelda game, but this one just never clicked.

an accordion_sl

So much this, I played through like 5 screens before the pretentiousness started leaking from the screen and made a small puddle of piss under my table.

possible: I challenge you to play Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast!
Haven't played academy, but if it's anything like outcast I probably won't like it.


Trakanon Raider
It's pretty much Outcast with less linear RPG elements and more standalone missions, I guess you are right about not liking it then.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
FF13, thought that game mechanics were pretty solid, but bugged down by over the top characters and basically cliche touche story line...I cannot finish it even after 3 re-tries....

and basicallyallFPS games (RPG, Multiplayer, novelty (L4D)). I play some casually but I never have fun with them. Just passing time.


Heavy Rain. Oh wait, it's not actually a even fuckingvideo gameto begin with. It's nothing but a bunch of shitty QTEs wrapped in a god awful story that was for some reason a media-darling. Seriously, QTE - The Game.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Personal tastes aside (hate shooters, usually), the game everyone said was good and I expected to like but did not was Descent Freespace. I was hoping for another Tie Fighter Wars/WC3&4 type experience and it never delivered for me.


Golden Squire
There's a lot of games I don't expect to be good, or good for me at least, that I check out anyways that I won't list but the only really big disappointment was Fallout 3. I thought it was horribly clunky and overly complicated and the combat system seemed retarded.

Diablo III being a terrible game for about 6 months for reasons that should have been fixed in 2 weeks after release is another one of course...


I can't say I hateOcarina of Timeas I enjoyed the game, but always scratch my head when people wet their bed dreaming about it (Half Life 2falls into that category too). What I can say is that I hateMajora's Mask. It's sad because the theme and universe are very appealing, but I find the time mechanism crippling, paralyzing. I feel under constant pressure to not waste time and dread starting anything that I might not be able to complete. I can say I hated that with every fiber of my being. I also hateZelda 2and it's pencil d... agger. Every three or four years I try playing it and I give up pretty fast.

What an abominable train wreckOblivionis too... but that whole serie is not about the game you play, it's about the things you fantasize about, the gaps your mind fill, that turn a buggy piece of junk into an epic adventure in a world full of wonders.

Caliane started this thread withVagrant Storyand I must agree. I guess my hate for the game is proportional to the expectation that I built up by reading previews of the game and seeing its grandiose visuals in screenshots. Then you realize it's one of this game designed with hardcore otaku in mind, with a bazillion things to collect, mix, customize to affect the 927364 stats of the obtuse combat system. At the instant I realize a game is designed that way, I become exhausted by the mere prospect of playing the game any further and stop (a bit of an exaggeration, because I usually try a little further to see if the otaku style of play is mandatory - Vagrant Story - or optional - Tactics Ogre).



Most of my hate stems from the fact that it's a legitimate contender for people's "the best game ever made." I really enjoyed the game's environment and aesthetics, but I just never saw what the hype was about. I thought the game was a significant decline to System Shock 2 which I would put below Deus Ex. Probably my largest complaint was the gutting of the class system.

This merely led to me thinking the game was overrated at first. However, 6 years of still hearing about how amazing it is by console-heavy gamers has shifted this into hate.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The entire Elder Scrolls series. All of them were mediocre and not deserving of the love they receive. The combat system is fucking awful.


Avatar of War Slayer
Bioshock was a game whose reach could not live up to its aim.
The cut content for release is kindof obvious.
(we are seeing it again with infinite)

I talked it about it back when the game came out, and again, it came up recently.

Yeah, when Bioshock first came out tons of game of the year calls, etc. Lots of fan zomg best game ever calls.
Levine talking about it pre-release talked about the MP. Talked about the creative combat etc.
But in the end, the tripwires, etc, just ended up being complete crap. You could, but why? You had to go out of your way to be creative with mines, etc. It was more effective to just shoot everything in the face with stunning shotguns, or crossbow, or melee.

The game play just ended up massively flat. The problem is really obvious. Plasmid 1-3. New ranks that did the same thing. There is no design reason for this. it was clearly a hold over of plasmids that were supposed to actually evolve, like they do in Bioshock2. But was cut do to time, or just not being able to them to work.

The story and environment is great. The gameplay. not so much. BS2 gameplay and BS1 story would have been game of the year/forever.
some people definitely forget how poor the gameplay was, or how lame everything past the big reveal is.

Yeah, majora's mask is not my cup of tea either. I understand it. why people like it. but, that nonstop mini game shit is not what I like in Zelda.

Yeah, I hated AC1 enough, that I didn't even give 2 or 3 a shot. Shit was boring as hell.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I ended up cheating my way through Bioshock just to make it less of a bore to actually PLAY it. I wanted to see the story through, and am glad I did, but the gameplay is just not that good, and I LOVE playing FPS campaigns, for whatever reason.

Resident Evil 4 - I haven't tried any of the others, but I picked up 4 cheap because how much people raved about it, and never played it past the first village cause it was so bad.

Agree on Oblivion too. Maybe the story was good, I have no idea, but the game was terrible from design to implementation. I did love Skyrim and Fallout 3 however.


Heh, I liked a lot of Majora's Mask and it has some really good parts to it, but at the same time I disliked it quite a bit. I absolutely *hate* having a timer in a big game. It's so much better being able to explore at my own pace and search out every nook and cranny of a game and do whatever I want than be on some strict schedule. Sadly the new FFXIII-3 game, Lightning Returns, is using a Majora's Mask style system and I'm super apprehensive about it.


Still a Music Elitist
This is some pretty half-assed neg farming considering that Secret of Mana isn't fucking turn based.

My bad, I meant Chrono Trigger. Should've done some fact checking beforehand. It's been years since I played some of those games. Chrono Trigger is OK, but I still can't get into that combat system.


Resident Evil 4 - I haven't tried any of the others, but I picked up 4 cheap because how much people raved about it, and never played it past the first village cause it was so bad.
RE4 is a game design masterpiece... unless you expect it to be what it is not. It is not a shooter (no strafing, no jumping, no crouching, no cover taking), it is an hybrid between an action game and a survival horror. The genius of it is two-fold. First, the somewhat restricted movement allows for a much more controlled evolution through the levels making the actions of the character closer to the action/horror films canons. Second, the levels themselves are designed to allow a lot of different paths, of wowing moments, of neat contextual actions. Note these actions are not over the top to the point of making you feel like you are no longer playing the game, they make sense (break down door, kick down ladder, jump across chasm, jump through window, etc). As a result you feel like the hero of an action movie that is being written as you act in it.