Google Glass


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I can't wait to see some asshole wearing one of these.

It'll be better than seeing people who have their bluetooth headsets in their ears 24/7. Pfff ... no one's talkin' to you, dickhead.

On a therious note: I can't see these things making it big unless they can make it more low profile.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Could be handy for recording Lectures.

How do you use Google glass if you lack the ability to speak


Lord Nagafen Raider
Could be handy for recording Lectures.

How do you use Google glass if you lack the ability to speak
Either through your phone/tablet, or you don't. Some things just don't work for everyone


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think it can also respond to head tilts and such. It seems like a prime candidate for eye tracking software as well if they ever put a rear facing camera on it.


The use of these things are amazing. I can't imagine people not using them in the near future.

If my phone is in my pocket, I don't want to take it out. Apps, voice calls, navigation, photo's, etc. Just pure TV use would be better. I don't see why all the hate against these?

All the "assholes" wearing these, are already safer than all the other drivers on the road. Turn by turn navigation so much safer. Not to mention in most states talking without a blue tooth headset is illegal.... so, again, how are these bad? Did I miss a memo about convience being a negative?


FoH nuclear response team
People's fear of the unknown and they are idiots....The navigation is by far the best thing about them and miles safer than when I'm trying to use the navigation in my car, it blows my mind they are trying to ban them.

I also don't get all the privacy hate either, you guys really need to look into photographer's rights, anyone can basically take a picture/record you regardless of if you want it or not if you are in a public place. For a long time I carried a print out of those rights in my pocket in case of any incidents.

EDIT: Here are the rights in a more layman's terms format


I. Anyone in a public place can take pictures of anything they want. Public places include parks, sidewalks, malls, etc. Malls? Yeah. Even though it?s technically private property, being open to the public makes it public space.

II. If you are on public property, you can take pictures of private property. If a building, for example, is visible from the sidewalk, it?s fair game.

III. If you are on private property and are asked not to take pictures, you are obligated to honor that request. This includes posted signs.

IV. Sensitive government buildings (military bases, nuclear facilities) can prohibit photography if it is deemed a threat to national security.

V. People can be photographed if they are in public (without their consent) unless they have secluded themselves and can expect a reasonable degree of privacy. Kids swimming in a fountain? Okay. Somebody entering their PIN at the ATM? Not okay.

VI. The following can almost always be photographed from public places, despite popular opinion:

accident & fire scenes, criminal activities
bridges & other infrastructure, transportation facilities (i.e. airports)
industrial facilities, Superfund sites
public utilities, residential & commercial buildings
children, celebrities, law enforcement officers
UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, Chuck Norris
VII. Although ?security? is often given as the reason somebody doesn?t want you to take photos, it?s rarely valid. Taking a photo of a publicly visible subject does not constitute terrorism, nor does it infringe on a company?s trade secrets.

VIII. If you are challenged, you do not have to explain why you are taking pictures, nor to you have to disclose your identity (except in some cases when questioned by a law enforcement officer.)

IX. Private parties have very limited rights to detain you against your will, and can be subject to legal action if they harass you.

X. If someone tries to confiscate your camera and/or film, you don?t have to give it to them. If they take it by force or threaten you, they can be liable for things like theft and coercion. Even law enforcement officers need a court order.


Registered Hutt
I was googling applications beyond the banal of who's who/social media stuff I mentioned. This guy mentions a ton of practical applications in the realm ofaugmented reality. This is what I'm really looking forward to.

J. C. Hewitt_sl said:
I doubt that porting social media software to something you wear on your face is going to take off. There are a lot of other applications that seem more exciting to me.

In Construction and Home Maintenance

I put on the glasses, get access to the home blueprints, and see where all the wires, plumbing, and other details in the wall are.

Doing something as simple as installing an HDTV into a wall mount would be made far easier and less error-prone using this kind of program. Software could show you exactly where the wall studs are and give you an alert if you weren't securing the mount sufficiently to the wall.

In Medicine

Glasses are an even better form factor than smart phones are for this field. The glasses could show incoming notifications ('Patient A is having a seizure, go to room 212') or enhance the perception of surgeons. Software running on the glasses might spot cavities that a dentist might overlook during a routine cleaning.

Tablets and smartphones can also become contaminated by germs. Hands-free glasses would be much cleaner and safer to use in hospital environments.

In Security / The Military

A camera recognizes a possible fight at a nightclub, identifies the instigators, and sends the information to the security staff. They see an overlay of where the troublemaker is on their glasses so they can investigate the disturbance.

The military could use cheap glasses to help soldiers see where their friends are and to identify potentially dangerous people with weapons.

Driving Aids

Why have an unreliable rear view mirror when your glasses can show a feed from a camera in the back of your car? Why fumble with your smartphone for directions or try to listen for the audio when you can just see it overlaid on your normal vision?

Rapid Training for Employees

Maybe it takes a lot of training to operate a laser cutter, but that skill could be taught more efficiently by overlaying visual aids onto the machine, enabling employees to learn how to use equipment far faster than conventional tutorials might.

1. Press this button. (the button highlights)
2. Guide the machine down this divot within these operating parameters. (the overlay shows the safe zone to guide the machine through)

General Education

Educational videos for kids are so old-fashioned. Why not teach a kid to read with a natural interface? The kid points at an object -- say, a mug -- and asks "what's that thing?" and the software says "That's a mug. M-U-G. Mug!"

Replacement for Instruction Manuals

Instruction manuals require a tedious back and forth. It would be much easier if you could just download the instruction file to your glasses and have it run. This would make troubleshooting home appliances like washing machines far easier.

IKEA could make building furniture less frustrating and more fun with software like this.

Better Customer Service for Everything

Tech support people already make use of screen-sharing technology to help people with computer problems more efficiently. Glasses could make it easier for people to share what they're seeing in real time with customer service personnel for products other than computer software.

When my dishwasher breaks, I'd love for the manufacturer to help me troubleshoot using software running on Glass.

Companies could also save money by hooking in existing troubleshooting systems into Glass instructional files.

Human Resources / Legal Compliance

Have a hard time avoiding illegal questions during interviews like "So, are you thinking of getting pregnant any time soon?"

The HR-bot in your glasses will tell you when you're getting into the danger zone.

Museum Tours

The audio recordings that museums currently use to provide cheap tours could be enhanced with visual components. It'd be great to look at any painting hanging at the Met, have software recognize it, and be able to retrieve additional information on demand by just using a gesture.

Trying on Clothes and Jewelry

The user looks in the mirror while running your store's app and can see new clothes appear on their body as they browse. They can dial the size up and down and the image alter in real time.

This might require some additional technical development to really be feasible, but it'd be a good application for this form factor. It'd also get rid of one of the last reasons to go shopping at a physical retail store.

...And More!

I think a lot of concepts for augmented reality turn people off because they seem too overwhelming and distracting. People already have enough problems with context switching and divided attention using current form factors. I think that wearable applications need to be highly useful, directed, and provide the minimum amount of information necessary to help the user do what they want to do.

Pushing blog posts, tweets, e-mails, etc. into my eyeballs doesn't appeal to me. It would get in the way of what I'm trying to do with my time.

There's a few more ideas on there like olympians recording their performance for fans or referees instantly replaying events.

This other guymentions some of the backlash.


FoH nuclear response team
I really like the idea of streaming live video to friends whom are sick or can't make it to an event or even google sky maps would be so much better with glass. The possibilities are practically endless and i can't wait to see what people come up with.


The use of these things are amazing. I can't imagine people not using them in the near future.

If my phone is in my pocket, I don't want to take it out. Apps, voice calls, navigation, photo's, etc. Just pure TV use would be better. I don't see why all the hate against these?

All the "assholes" wearing these, are already safer than all the other drivers on the road. Turn by turn navigation so much safer. Not to mention in most states talking without a blue tooth headset is illegal.... so, again, how are these bad? Did I miss a memo about convience being a negative?
But I truly don't understand what you'd use them for. GPS and taking pictures, ok, yes. But then what? To me this is just another google wave. I mean, I see the potential for gaming, but I don't think these near approach the level of sophistry needed for true immersive gaming.

Tell me what you would USE them for, don't just say, "apps". How? I could envision myself only using them rarely.


FoH nuclear response team
Tell me what you would USE them for, don't just say, "apps". How? I could envision myself only using them rarely.
Did you not get enough examples from the video they posted? That's basically everything I'd use it for.

If you're wanting more exmples I'd also use the shit out of it for maps, streaming drifting videos to groups, events others couldn't attend, Hit and run scenarios, taking pictures of hilariously modded cars that I usually don't have time to get my camera out and ready (not to mention it's dangerous), Working on car projects to document all the changes I made, taking notes on the fly, face recognition in huge crowds sound incredibly useful as well, using them for quick interviews for blogs/vlogs, screen caps of text for quotes, etc. etc.

this is obviously just a jumping off point for the technology and it really shows promise for having greater uses over time. The real question is why are you so against it? Is it because it's change or are you getting older and grumpy?


But I truly don't understand what you'd use them for. GPS and taking pictures, ok, yes. But then what? To me this is just another google wave. I mean, I see the potential for gaming, but I don't think these near approach the level of sophistry needed for true immersive gaming.

Tell me what you would USE them for, don't just say, "apps". How? I could envision myself only using them rarely.
All you have to do is read this... Im not even going to spoiler it like the above poster, this shit is 100% CRUCIAL and should be done. Blue prints for construction, remote trouble shooting, medical professions(this should be 100% required within the next 5 years for them), there is so many uses listed below it should make people realize, holy shit, how am I not using this?

In Construction and Home Maintenance

I put on the glasses, get access to the home blueprints, and see where all the wires, plumbing, and other details in the wall are.

Doing something as simple as installing an HDTV into a wall mount would be made far easier and less error-prone using this kind of program. Software could show you exactly where the wall studs are and give you an alert if you weren't securing the mount sufficiently to the wall.

In Medicine

Glasses are an even better form factor than smart phones are for this field. The glasses could show incoming notifications ('Patient A is having a seizure, go to room 212') or enhance the perception of surgeons. Software running on the glasses might spot cavities that a dentist might overlook during a routine cleaning.

Tablets and smartphones can also become contaminated by germs. Hands-free glasses would be much cleaner and safer to use in hospital environments.

In Security / The Military

A camera recognizes a possible fight at a nightclub, identifies the instigators, and sends the information to the security staff. They see an overlay of where the troublemaker is on their glasses so they can investigate the disturbance.

The military could use cheap glasses to help soldiers see where their friends are and to identify potentially dangerous people with weapons.

Driving Aids

Why have an unreliable rear view mirror when your glasses can show a feed from a camera in the back of your car? Why fumble with your smartphone for directions or try to listen for the audio when you can just see it overlaid on your normal vision?

Rapid Training for Employees

Maybe it takes a lot of training to operate a laser cutter, but that skill could be taught more efficiently by overlaying visual aids onto the machine, enabling employees to learn how to use equipment far faster than conventional tutorials might.

1. Press this button. (the button highlights)
2. Guide the machine down this divot within these operating parameters. (the overlay shows the safe zone to guide the machine through)

General Education

Educational videos for kids are so old-fashioned. Why not teach a kid to read with a natural interface? The kid points at an object -- say, a mug -- and asks "what's that thing?" and the software says "That's a mug. M-U-G. Mug!"

Replacement for Instruction Manuals

Instruction manuals require a tedious back and forth. It would be much easier if you could just download the instruction file to your glasses and have it run. This would make troubleshooting home appliances like washing machines far easier.

IKEA could make building furniture less frustrating and more fun with software like this.

Better Customer Service for Everything

Tech support people already make use of screen-sharing technology to help people with computer problems more efficiently. Glasses could make it easier for people to share what they're seeing in real time with customer service personnel for products other than computer software.

When my dishwasher breaks, I'd love for the manufacturer to help me troubleshoot using software running on Glass.

Companies could also save money by hooking in existing troubleshooting systems into Glass instructional files.

Human Resources / Legal Compliance

Have a hard time avoiding illegal questions during interviews like "So, are you thinking of getting pregnant any time soon?"

The HR-bot in your glasses will tell you when you're getting into the danger zone.

Museum Tours

The audio recordings that museums currently use to provide cheap tours could be enhanced with visual components. It'd be great to look at any painting hanging at the Met, have software recognize it, and be able to retrieve additional information on demand by just using a gesture.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It would be quite nice for video taping events like your kid's plays and such. Ever videotape a fireworks show? It totally ruins the show for the person videoing because they are watching it on the 1" screen in their camera. I have also heard people say they want it to take pictures of their kids/pets doing cute things that they will stop doing if you go get your camera out.


God is dead
Fiance just got her Google glass. Pretty cool device... if anything just for all the comments it gets. I cannot wear it due to ...glasses. Hopefully they come up with a solution for that soon.


Trakanon Raider
Fiance just got her Google glass. Pretty cool device... if anything just for all the comments it gets. I cannot wear it due to ...glasses. Hopefully they come up with a solution for that soon.
they are called contact lenses.


Registered Hutt
Yea, I can't do contact lenses or eyedrops or anything like that. My blink reflex or whatever is obscene. For that matter I'm nearly phobic about needles too. I have to meditate and/or pretend I'm somewhere else when I get shots. More than one nurse/doctor has said I'm the worst they've ever seen. I can't explain why this is so, but I'll stick with glasses. It's just easier.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Fiance just got her Google glass. Pretty cool device... if anything just for all the comments it gets. I cannot wear it due to ...glasses. Hopefully they come up with a solution for that soon.
Is it enabling her to do anything useful or is it just a gimmick?