GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
Haha, I got negged for this post. Did Arya kill anyone while in service of the faceless men? I can't remember if that first revenge kill was after she had gone to see Jaquen.
yes, arya was a trainee when she killed the perv.
its why jaqen blinded her


Avatar of War Slayer
They showed us how Arya plans to beat the waif, she went somewhere dark and turned out the lights. Arya just finished learning how to fight while blind and the waif will be no match for her in this setting.
My thoughts as well. She is in the darkness- they have shown her beat the waif while blind, so that's the setup I see. It would be great to show us that Arya has been paying attention and is up and up on what's going on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
She beat the waif once, after sparring with her dozens, possibly hundreds of times.


Also, after Arya finally won a spar, didn't the waif promptly kick the shit out of her barehanded until Jaqen came up and she stopped?


Millie's Staff Member
I am not sure I watched the right show, because no character died this episode!

PS: Bronn mentioned!
Still not shown
not true


Bronze Knight of the Realm
She beat the waif once, after sparring with her dozens, possibly hundreds of times.


Also, after Arya finally won a spar, didn't the waif promptly kick the shit out of her barehanded until Jaqen came up and she stopped?
She bare knuckled boxed her after also kicking the shit out of her with the staff


<Bronze Donator>
Waif kicks her ass badly because she has resented her since Arya arrived. Her attitude towards Arya has been not in line a faceless person. A man will kill the waif, fulfilling the adding a face to the wall thing. Arya is free.


Potato del Grande
Waif kicks her ass badly because she has resented her since Arya arrived. Her attitude towards Arya has been not in line a faceless person. A man will kill the waif, fulfilling the adding a face to the wall thing. Arya is free.
I feel this is the closest. Waif will try and make her suffer, thus disobeying.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hope Arya just dies and the ending shot of the episode is just her face among the thousands in the hall and just panning away.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I hope Arya just dies and the ending shot of the episode is just her face among the thousands in the hall and just panning away.

edit: I hope they dont do LSH. If they do its gonna be like "oh wait, someone came back to life again!" and feel really, really lame. Beric ok, John fine, Benjen, what the fuck why not, but now Lady Stark as well? Give me a fucking break lol. Not to mention the mountain being turned into a zombro and his brother most likely "coming back from the dead".It would be a bridge too far at this point.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Reddit says that Samwell stole the sword so that he returns to the North. His father is honor bound to retrieve it. Thus getting Southern forces to the Wall where they will be needed. Pretty interesting idea.
That makes the most sense. Just to have his father see the WW are real, and convince the southern houses of the real threat.

Then again, there's this. The red is GRRM's notes, the green is the editor.


Who knows what he's doing at this point?
Is it too much of a stretch to believe that GRRM lied in the notes, so as not to ruin the reveal in a future book? Is he legally bound to be 100% truthful there?

Why do we need any re-introduction of the hound? Last show viewers saw him he was left for dead. We already know who he is and should he reappear why he would want to put down his zombie brother. I'd wager he doesn't reappear until the trial by combat just for the wow factor.
Because for the non-book audience there would be no context as to why he would be fully healed in King's Landing as the Faith's champion. There needs to be an explanation of how he was healed and became a Quiet Brother. Brienne is on her way down to the Riverlands. Now is the perfect time for them to have her run into Septon Meribald and the Hound. My guess is they'll also have him leave for KL in the same episode to speed things along, after he learns of the trial and who Cersei has chosen.


Trump's Staff
To be fair your shitty attitude makes it seem like everything about the books/show is terrible.


Mr. Poopybutthole

edit: I hope they dont do LSH. If they do its gonna be like "oh wait, someone came back to life again!" and feel really, really lame. Beric ok, John fine, Benjen, what the fuck why not, but now Lady Stark as well? Give me a fucking break lol. Not to mention the mountain being turned into a zombro and his brother most likely "coming back from the dead".It would be a bridge too far at this point.
Yeah, by delaying it until now, they'd be having way too many characters coming back to life suddenly.

If they wanted LSH, they should have done it a long time ago to spread it out. As it is, it's going to be ridiculous with everyone coming back to life at once.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
That makes the most sense. Just to have his father see the WW are real, and convicnce the southern houses of the real threat.
I dunno. I can see them eliminating Oldtown because there really isn't time to take Sam's story line to any sort of resolution there but taking Gilly and baby Sam back towards the Wall would be taking them back towards danger. It wouldn't make sense for Randyll to assemble a large force just to go after Sam and unless he goes north of the Wall he's not going to see direct evidence of the walkers, just more second hand accounts from people he will probably look down his nose at.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He's not really wrong. There are so goddamn many pov characters that they either give everyone 5 minutes per episode, or leave people out. It could sorta work if they're merging Jaime, Brienne, and LSH into a single pov for at least the rest of the season, but even so they'd be further clogging up an already character heavy show. But the fact that they're bringing both Jaime and Brienne to Riverrun as well as reintroducing the Freys for the first time in god knows how long strongly suggests that they're bringing her in. I would have been happy to see her a couple seasons ago, especially if she crowded out all that awful Dorne garbage, but I think it's too late for her now.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Yeah if they had just sent Jaime to clean up in the Riverlands last season instead of inventing that misguided mission to Dorne out of whole cloth everything would have been better all around.