GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I thought Riverrun was great. Was actually surprised that the Masters attacked Mereen so quickly, which is good, will be lots of battles to conclude season. King's Landing has been barable. Arya line was bad, but at least she's coming back to Westeros as a badass, so maybe it pays off by the end.


Trakanon Raider
Ya I have a feeling Jamie will be forced to kill her. It's as predictable as the Ayra vs Waif part. Nothing like declaring right out how much you love someone and how you will slaughter everyone just to be back with her, then look like a sad puppy dog watching the one honorable poon you want rowboat away from you. Sends conflicting feels, so his sister needs to die.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ya I have a feeling Jamie will be forced to kill her. It's as predictable as the Ayra vs Waif part. Nothing like declaring right out how much you love someone and how you will slaughter everyone just to be back with her, then look like a sad puppy dog watching the one honorable poon you want rowboat away from you. Sends conflicting feels, so his sister needs to die.
I've never really gotten the feeling Jaime wants Brienne like that. Vice-versa? Definitely. But would be a shame to break up the perfection that is Brienne and Tormund.


<Gold Donor>
How anyone can defend the writing this season... Just so so shitty, fanfic levels of shit. Without source material to back it up this show is almost walking dead levels of baaad. Just give me the ending already, I can read the (decent) books later


It makes plenty of sense.

Arya is going to deliver many names to the faceless god.
So she doesn't drink the koolaid at all and quits but you think she is still all for the faceless god?

It was a plot vehicle to keep her out of harms way and give her some minor training so when she comes back she isn't a vapid teenager. It could have been anything else as long as she had plot armor of being thought dead so nobody is chasing her. She wasn't in real danger because a death would be tantamount to being off screen at that point.

She was always coming back and never as a faceless man.


Millie's Staff Member
i called it when i said this was to be the trolliest episode ever. it sure was and beyond anything i imagined. rivverun was complete shit because brienne and pod showed up, and left with no gain. jaime was there purely to set up cersei drama and he acted like her lapdog. he never gained a fucking thing from his experiences. just herp derp cersei needs me derp herp. cleganebowl being cancelled was the second worst thing. it just sets up ooh wildfye, they loved it before and since we dont care anymore about this show lets just use that again and the chucklefucks who only watch this show and are too fucking lazy to read the books after 6 years will eat that shit up. arya was the worst, but the most expected. no pig blood, no jaqen intervention, no syrio intervention, just a bipedal car chase with retarded parkour abilities arya never had, right after she was healed with some prometheus magic. im surprised there was no rolling fucking spaceship to add flavor. arya acted like a straight up retard last week, right handed as well because the continuity (continuity hahaha what the fuck is that? do you expect us monkeys to remember what happened a week ago?) department had too many kebabs and were sick that week.

tyrion stuff was pointless as usual, sandor stuff was ok, seemed too hollywood revenge story, but its the best of this utterly shit episode which is rapidly turning into an utterly shit show.

cersei stuff would have been good if they hadnt cancelled cleganebowl. we will probably still get it if cersei has to flee town, but it wont be the same, they also turned un-mountain into a supernatural monster which nobody will beat, probably gets his dumb ass incinerated with the wildfire when cersei does her impression of michael corleone and his killing of the heads of the five families in Godfather.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Do we think Varys secret mission is to kill Kevan like in the books or something bigger?
I would guess something else. In the books, killing Kevan should undermine the work Kevan had done to repair relations between House Tyrell and House Lannister. In the show, even if House Tyrell thought Cersei killed Kevan they likely wouldn't care, it would only give them more influence. With the Sept gaining so much influence over Tommen, the show is already set up for the kind of chaos in King's Landing that Kevan's murder will likely cause in the books.


Trakanon Raider
How anyone can defend the writing this season... Just so so shitty, fanfic levels of shit. Without source material to back it up this show is almost walking dead levels of baaad. Just give me the ending already, I can read the (decent) books later
God damn you book fags are unbearable. This season has been great. The only thing that could've made this episode better was actually showing Blackfish being killed. They could've shown him owning at least 3 or 4 soldiers before being cut down. The Arya stuff was pretty predictable, but I liked that it wasn't a blood pouch or anything lame like that (although I highly doubt she'd have survived those stab wounds).


Mr. Poopybutthole
God damn you book fags are unbearable. This season has been great. The only thing that could've made this episode better was actually showing Blackfish being killed. They could've shown him owning at least 3 or 4 soldiers before being cut down. The Arya stuff was pretty predictable, but I liked that it wasn't a blood pouch or anything lame like that (although I highly doubt she'd have survived those stab wounds).
What the fuck do the books have to do with the writing this season being trash? The last two books are terrible, but it's clear that without them to draw from, the writers have absolutely no fucking clue what they're doing.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm definitely less enchanted by this show at this point. But I wanted to stop reading before I finished Dance also. The storyline is just not coherent, it has fractured into too many independent stories and characters that don't really relate to each other.

Go back and watch the first 5 episodes of season 1. Watching Ned and Jaime is fucking awesome. Now, it's like "holy fuck get on with it, this is all filler." And it is. This shit is all filler. We knew before the season started basically what was going to happen, and we've just kinda watched it unfold. They wrote themselves into a bunch of corners and there are only a few ways out, it seems painfully long for them to unwind the total fracturing the storyline took after season 3.


Molten Core Raider
This episode had Bronn being Bronn, Sandor chopping fools up with an axe and Gregor ripping a head off. Jaime, Edure and the Blackfish were all awesome, so was Brienne. Arya is finally done and heading back. Daenerys/Tyrion back together, so we will see more Tyrion.
Do people actually want more Tyrion? As awesome as a character he was seasons 1-4, he has been that worthless of a character this season. His scenes are nothing but boring conversation with boring characters and has been almost entirely filler. I feel bad for Dinklage, I imagine he was sitting in his trailer reading the script and just face palming wondering how he was going to make the material work. The only quotable line his character has had from this season is the "I drink and I know things" line that marketing was pushing on the audience since the first trailer for season 6. I actually want to see the Masters just completely level the city and have the season end with a pan out of the corpses of Danerys, Tyrion, Daario, Grey worm and Missendai, bringing an end to the that story line.

Watching Sandor Baggins roam through middle earth was fun, not sure how I feel about him joining the brotherhood. But I guess it will get him north and Samwise will somehow get him a valyrian steel weapon to kill shit with.

I thought the scene with Jaime and Edmure was well written and any scene with Blackfish was enjoyable. Beyond that, the riverrun stuff seemed completely pointless and did nothing to further any plots. It only serves a purpose if something happens in King's Landing that Jaime could have prevented by being there, which so far isn't true.

I've got the idea in my head that Cersei's arc is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy where she is going to cause Tommen's death through her actions (or even just outright kill him to save herself), having then outlived her children she'll either take her own life or be killed by someone else. I guess the idea that Jaime kills her to prevent her from burning the city is going to be popular. "Its like poetry, it rhymes."


I was actually a little annoyed when Daenarys showed up. Thought it would be more interesting of Theon and crew showed up and smashed the masters.