GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Being one of the people pushing Jaqen-as-Arya, I was pretty disappointed. I told my wife the theory and she called me crazy and then predicted what we got last night: she goes to Lady Crane for help and then ends up fighting the Waif and winning in the dark. A bit salty still.

Another thing I've been thinking about is that Samwell might try to go to Dorne for help. Dorne is pretty nice to bastards and women. Dorne is also geographically close to Thorn Hill and Old Town.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The storylines are getting a bit cliche. Arya being able to do hardcore parkour days or weeks after getting her abdomen ripped open is a bit beyond belief. Dany showing up at the end is so fucking gay but I'm used to her storyline being so fucking gay. The BWB storyline w/ Hound being mostly worthless since they pulled the "lol rogue" card on us. I'm not sure what Jamie could have possibly offered Eddy to give up Riverrun. Blackfish dying off-screen and Jamie waving bye to Brianne (like there would be no other guards or anything near Jamie???) felt like the middle section of a fucking RomCom.


Unelected Mod
I'm not sure what Jamie could have possibly offered Eddy to give up Riverrun.
It was pretty obvious what Jaime offered to Edmure. It was their whole conversation before it. Jaime convinced Edmure that if he didn't give up the castle, he was going to kill Edmure's child and then take the castle, no matter how many men it took. That while the Blackfish was delaying because he didn't think Jaime would actually do an attack (due to how many men he would lose), Jaime convinced Edmure that the amount of men he would lose simply didn't matter to Jaime.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It was pretty obvious what Jaime offered to Edmure. It was their whole conversation before it. Jaime convinced Edmure that if he didn't give up the castle, he was going to kill Edmure's child and then take the castle, no matter how many men it took. That while the Blackfish was delaying because he didn't think Jaime would actually do an attack (due to how many men he would lose), Jaime convinced Edmure that the amount of men he would lose simply didn't matter to Jaime.
So you're saying Ed went from defiant "I haven't seen my son why do I care?" to "Oh no my baby!" in the matter of a few minutes?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dude, he was saying that Jaime was going to take the castle no matter what because he didn't give a shit about the Tullys or any men he would lose. He'd also kill off every Tully that ever lived because fuck em. He didn't care.

This had Edmure going fuck, this is a despicable human being. But I don't want all those loyal Tullymen to die, including my son I've never met. Edmure is honorable and has a duty to his people is what it was trying to convey. Jaime was contrasted as only caring about himself (and Cersei).

You can see Jaime a bit visibly distraught for a moment about Edmure telling him he's such a horrible person and a horrible knight. This is going to contrast with Cersei burning the shit out of everything possibly in episode 10. They're going to some lengths to show that Cersei has no allies, no Jaime, no power of any kind, her family (including her son) have abandoned her, cannot be saved by trial by combat due to the High Sparrow's machinations. All she has is Zombie Mountain and Qyburn. The rumor he investigated was likely the Wildfire cached in the city. Burning the shit down is her only play now.

This will cause Jaime to lose his shit as its the same thing he lost all his honor for preventing 20+ years ago.


Molten Core Raider
The Blackfish stuff would have made 1000000% more sense if Brienne had her talk with Jaime, and he was like "hey, wait, you know we have the guy who actually rules the castle right over here in my prisoner section. A little chat with him, we can get him to have his men lay down their arms and march with you north to help Sansa, and I get a shiny empty castle and no one dies except maybe for the stubborn Blackfish dude. Yahtzee!" Then when she marches the Tully-dude into the castle it's not a "The Lannisters strongarmed us we wont leave until we're dead!" stupidity of Blackfish, it's a "Hey, we are honor sworn to help the Stark chick and we're getting a get out of jail free card and fuck we'll take the castle back when we're done because seriously who fucking cares about a dank empty castle when we leave anyways to go help Starkbabe? plus Blackfish isn't in command to say no to Brienne!"

But instead they made it convoluted and dumb.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lol'd at Sandor Baggins haha.

And fuck me it would be hilarious to just see the slave masters push in Danys shit n her whole host dies and the dragons just fly away. The end.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Just realized... We're getting a double Ride of the Rohirrim in the next two episodes.

Greyjoy fleet arrives at the last minute (Theon/Yara fleet) to come in at the last moment and kill Masters. In addition to the Ride of the Vale Rohirrim riding in at the last minute to save Jon Snow.



Blackwing Lair Raider
King's Landing definitely about to get burnt. On top of all the other foreshadowing they have done and ppl have mentioned here, Jaime also tells Edmund when talking about Cersei/Catelyn that they would "burn cities to ash" for their children.


Molten Core Raider
Why do we feel like the greyjoys are going to show up and fight the masters? Aside from it just being a plausible turn of events. Seems just as likely that dragons burn the ships in a matter of minutes and dothraki clean up any ground military and Ironborn show up in the aftermath.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If the Greyjoys come in just in time to fight the masters my eyes will roll so far back in head I'll see my brain. They already pulled the "Just in time!" card with Dany coming right when things were looking the bleakest for the defense.

Also I feel Emilia Clarke always has a moustache. Its either a shadow or she must have to bleach that thing more often than 60 year old greek woman.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
If the Greyjoys arrive this season. I am still utterly perplexed by what the fuck they're going to do with Euron's ships next season.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If the Greyjoys arrive this season. I am still utterly perplexed by what the fuck they're going to do with Euron's ships next season.
I was wondering if the whole Arya telling whats-her-face about the "West of Westeros" thing was setting up some storyline with the Greyjoys. Like they get the ships and Dany is on board but then they realize Euron's fleet is coming at Mareen from the West. So they head East to try and circumnavigate the globe to arrive back at Westeros. It makes a bit of sense if you take for granted Theon + Yarra are now Victarion and he was the only one to ever circumnaviate the globe, yeah? Or was that Euron?


Got something right about marriage
Why do we feel like the greyjoys are going to show up and fight the masters? Aside from it just being a plausible turn of events. Seems just as likely that dragons burn the ships in a matter of minutes and dothraki clean up any ground military and Ironborn show up in the aftermath.
If the ironborn aren't going to come and fight the masters that huge naval fleet they showed was just... fan service? Why did they have such a huge naval fleet if not to foreshadow the ironborn coming in and making themselves immediately useful to the dragon queen?


Avatar of War Slayer
Dude, he was saying that Jaime was going to take the castle no matter what because he didn't give a shit about the Tullys or any men he would lose. He'd also kill off every Tully that ever lived because fuck em. He didn't care.

This had Edmure going fuck, this is a despicable human being. But I don't want all those loyal Tullymen to die, including my son I've never met. Edmure is honorable and has a duty to his people is what it was trying to convey. Jaime was contrasted as only caring about himself (and Cersei).

You can see Jaime a bit visibly distraught for a moment about Edmure telling him he's such a horrible person and a horrible knight. This is going to contrast with Cersei burning the shit out of everything possibly in episode 10. They're going to some lengths to show that Cersei has no allies, no Jaime, no power of any kind, her family (including her son) have abandoned her, cannot be saved by trial by combat due to the High Sparrow's machinations. All she has is Zombie Mountain and Qyburn. The rumor he investigated was likely the Wildfire cached in the city. Burning the shit down is her only play now.

This will cause Jaime to lose his shit as its the same thing he lost all his honor for preventing 20+ years ago.
yeah, the "Jaime you are a piece of shit" seems like more foreshadowing for him standing up to Cersei when she loses her shit.

And yes, it was not just Edmure's kid. It was everyone. Every man, women and child in fealty to the Tully's. He was going to raze the castle, towns, etc..


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I was wondering if the whole Arya telling whats-her-face about the "West of Westeros" thing was setting up some storyline with the Greyjoys. Like they get the ships and Dany is on board but then they realize Euron's fleet is coming at Mareen from the West. So they head East to try and circumnavigate the globe to arrive back at Westeros. It makes a bit of sense if you take for granted Theon + Yarra are now Victarion and he was the only one to ever circumnaviate the globe, yeah? Or was that Euron?
Nobody has traveled West into the Sunset Sea and returned. Just like Arya said this season. I suppose its possible, since she wouldn't bring that up for no reason right?

Theon and Yarra are Victarion in the sense that they want t ally with Dany before Euron can. Or turn it to their favor in this regard. I have to assume that Euron is doing the same thing... because that's what he SAID he was doing and this show has begun to demonstrate that it is incapable of subtlety. This thought also undermines what the newly released chapter says about Euron entirely. But take that with a grain of salt.