GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Tranny Chaser
Is he over 18? Because if he is I can neither confirm or deny these accusations.


Buzzfeed Editor
Anyways, good stuff Lithose. You totally lost me about Benjen though, does he show back up after disappearing early on?
Coldhands, the undead guy who rides around on an Elk, is implied to be Benjen Stark (Or it might be the Thirteenth commander of the Night's Watch.)--he's draped in the black robes of the Night's Watch. Bran says "You're a monster" and Coldhands says "Your monster". Which could imply he knows of Old Nan's tales to Bran (So, I'm only a monster in your silly stories, but really I'm going to save your ass), which would mean he was Benjen (Hence his knowledge of Bran). Or it might have something to do with Bran being a Stark, like the Stark who killed the thirteenth commander (The thirteenth took a White Walker as his queen, and the King of the North, the Thirteenth's own Brother, came and killed him.)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah but doesn't all that stuff that happened tonight (regarding Theon) happen completely differently in the book?

Might be I'm only halfway through ADWD so it happens after the point I'm at, but I feel pretty well into Theon's storyline, and don't think this could be a flashback scene from late in the book, maybe I"m wrong on that.


<Prior Amod>
I bet you she ends up using the slaves to ransack that city and take her dragon back. It's why she wanted the ones in training as well.
I think it's the show's way of keeping Theon as a relevant character. He's not present at all in the 3rd or 4th books (iirc, could be forgetting a chapter here and there) so they basically can't drop the character for several real life calendar years while the show catches up to ADWD.

Works for me...the total mindfuck that Ramsay is eventually going to pull will totally be in character, the guy is easily the worst human being in the series so far.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think they are showing us what happened to Theon between the end of book 2 and the next time we see him in book 5.