GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Why would R'hllor be the same as the Drowned God or the Stranger?

The teachings of the Fire God line up pretty well with the traditional ancient teachings of Westros, that "crazy zombie making cold shit" came from "wicked far north" and murdered the fuck out of people. Then one guy lead the people to defeat the bad guys and all was well until it happened again. Just in the Fire God mythos he did it with a flaming sword he made out of his girlfriend and was called some special name, instead of being just some cool dude according to the First Men.

Considering there is still a fuckhueg wall still keeping shit out of the kingdom and the Others are back and making zombies, it lends itself to the Fire God's mythos having a bit of reasoning behind it. Finding a proper Azor Ahai and flaming sword to unite the kingdom behind before everyone dies from frozen zombies seems like a pretty reasonable thing.

Now, is it Stannis? Is Melisande reading the visions right? Is the Azor Ahai the same as Targaryan's "Prince Who Was Promised"?

I'm willing to bet Mr. Martin says "Fuck You, buy the next two books."


Karazhan Raider
the hottest chicks on the show are melisandre and cersei (aka wife of leonidas). both are terribly attractive imo.

ygritte is super good looking too. sansa's turning out to be pretty darn cute for a 17 yr old. arya's a little girl, you sickos. even with those swelling melons

and while margaery's very attractive, i picture her finishing a scene and the director saying, "that was great, just great. let's try it again?but this time? smile a bit less." hence all the non-duckface. cos i'm sure if it was up to her, she'd be duck-smirking all over them close-ups.


I always figured Mel was just self deluded. She wants to believe so badly that Stannis is AA and his sword is Lightbringer that she ignores the evidence to the contrary.

Have we heard anything about how she ended up in Westeros with Stannis in the first place? Can't remember, but it might give some insight into the issue.
I thought Stannis' "Lightbringer" glowed or somthing? Didn't think it did in the show.

All I can find on Melesandre was she was a slave before a Priestess, then she came to Westros because she thought Stannis was Azor Ahai. Perhaps she was convinced before coming and seeing any proof or lack thereof.

Also note, the Azor Ahai sacrificed his greatest love to make Lightbringer, and fire destroys to give life giving heat and light, so it isn't surprising that R'hllor's religion is one based on sacrifice. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the gain.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I thought Stannis' "Lightbringer" glowed or somthing? Didn't think it did in the show.
It starts glowing later on iirc, but it doesn't give off heat, which leads to some people to comment that it's fake.


Glowing is the closest anyone has gotten so far, isn't it?

The whole Lightbringer myth is from a long time ago, plenty of time for "kinda glowy sword" to become "HOLY FUCK HE HAD A HUGE SWORD OF FLAMING FUCKING FIRE!!!1"

Then of course, it could possibly not be a sword at all...


FPS noob
the books hint heavily that danaerys is azor ahai, there is an aemon chapter where he rambles to sam the reasons why and tells sam to get the tower to send a maester to danaerys to guide her. jon snow is also a good candidate, hints sprinkled throughout the book.

the good vs evil nature is pretty interesting in the book, in typical fantasy it would be obvious that white walkers are evil, fire god is evil (requires human sacrifice), whatever funky shit bran is doing is "good", danaerys is "good", etc. GRRM, early on anyways, really wanted to deconstruct typical fantasy themes and storytelling methods so I suspect before the end we will see a lot of stuff turned on its head, like the white walkers maybe just being a force of nature to combat the "evil" fire/water/shadow gods or who knows.

Varys is similar, typically in fantasy novels when characters give POV chapters they are "a-ha!" moments that give lots of backstory, a great way to turn this on its head is unreliable narrators aka characters who flat out lie to everyone, including the reader. He and Littlefinger plot behind the scenes the most, and both probably still have pretty big moves in the final few books.


Buzzfeed Editor
I remember that part but I swore there was another quote by Pycelle or someone that confirmed it, I could be wrong but I'll be searching the internet in the mean time trying to find it.
No, Azrayne has it right. He didn't have a tail, it was just a rumor.