GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Potato del Grande
Tyrell and Martell flags with Dany at the end, so that scene takes place months after. Keep in mind that Jamie rode from The Twins and Northern Lords from all over in this episode.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Crazy finale. Cersei = Hardcore. I loved her sitting on the iron throne in her black leather armor to signify that she is now 100% evil. I think she will get to be there for about 20 minutes before Dany destroys whatever is left of her army and Arya slits her throat, but it was still awesome.

The part I didn't understand was why Pycelle needed to be stabbed to death by 20 dead eyed children. I know why the satanic maester wanted to kill him, but that scene was weird. Did those kids have some reason to hate him or did they just do that to make the death scene creepier?


I don't think the kids had anything in particular against Pycelle. Pycelle just had to go since he'd been opposing Cersei recently, and I read the scene as more of Qyburn showing his own power and influence over the children. He probably laced their sweets with some of what he gave the Mountain to control them - those kids were creepy as hell.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well I was wrong about Margaery living and Melisandre dying but otherwise it went about as I expected. Seems the invasion westeros wont be that hard now that the Lannisters are basically all by themselves. That is why I figured Margaery would live in order to not have the Lannister Tyrell alliance crumble.


Potato del Grande
The part I didn't understand was why Pycelle needed to be stabbed to death by 20 dead eyed children. I know why the satanic maester wanted to kill him, but that scene was weird. Did those kids have some reason to hate him or did they just do that to make the death scene creepier?
Varys does it like this in the books, so that's why he dies differently. However in this version I guess fallen maester qyburn wanted the pleasure of seeing him die.


Well I was wrong about Margaery living and Melisandre dying but otherwise it went about as I expected. Seems the invasion westeros wont be that hard now that the Lannisters are basically all by themselves. That is why I figured Margaery would live in order to not have the Lannister Tyrell alliance crumble.
I'm just glad that Jon didn't let Davos kill Melisandre, she did give him a rez after all. She'll just wander south until she hooks up with Thoros, Beric, and the Hound, and end right back in the North to help fight the White Walkers. Maybe Davos will kill her then.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I had thought maybe those kids were all the guys bastards but mind controlled zombie kids is much cooler.

I liked the part about sometimes old people just need to die, given all the post Brexit ranting about old people.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm just glad that Jon didn't let Davos kill Melisandre, she did give him a rez after all. She'll just wander south until she hooks up with Thoros, Beric, and the Hound, and end right back in the North to help fight the White Walkers. Maybe Davos will kill her then.
Jon's alignment is lawful retarded I'm surprised he turned down the opportunity for righteous head chopping.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I absolutely loved the score. Especially for the whole Trial. Damn that was a good scene. Gotta give credit to Lancel where it is due. Dude did all he could to get to the Wildfire. Didn't expect Margaery and the whole Tyrell family to eat it along with the Sparrows though.

Cersei is still so stupid she doesn't realize how totally fucked she is over that. Which is kind of funny. Even IF Dany wasn't out there. The remaining Lords of the Reach and the Seven Kingdoms would be totally bound to fuck her over. Not to mention the entire purpose of it to protect Tommen (but mostly herself). It isn't like there are many suspects even left. Let alone who could possibly have access to Wildfire in the first place. And she's still without any support. Randyl Tarly and the army of the Reach could walk right in and demand whatever they want. Elaria said that House Lannister declared war on House Tyrell and House Martel after the bombing. House Arryn has declared for House Stark so Cersei has literally zero of the great Houses of Westeros supporting her bullshit claim to the throne. I am hard pressed to believe that the the houses supporting House Lannister would be cool with all of that. As the only response they can realistically give is Rains of Castamering their entire bloodline. Given that Cersei killed another Great House over basically nothing but petty bitch squabbles.

But its totally a moot point since Dany, 3 dragons, 100k+ Dothraki, Unsullied, Sellswords. Support of House Greyjoy, House Tyrell, House Martel and whatever else are on their way and the entirety of Westeros can do nothing to stop that.

Cock teasing the Tower of Joy confirmation for the entire season is just bleh. Lyanna's handmaidens in the Tower have certainly been sitting on some important information for the past 20 years. Whoever the fuck they are. Hope they didn't bother telling anyone or mentioning it at all right!?

But seriously. Damn good episode.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Great Finale, Great Ep9.

Varys: He specifically told Tyrion, "You know something went wrong if I don't return". So clearly he had to return to relay the news that a pact has been formed or whatever.

The bigger jump to me was Arya appearing at the Twins so quickly. But this show time-jumps like crazy. This episode probably covered months. As the viewer we just assume it's all day-after-day but all of the events could have happened any time really.

I almost called the final scene of the season:

Or they confiscate enough of the Master's ships to where she'll have enough ships and in Ep10 we see them sailing off into the sunset as herfinal scene this season.

Next Season is her taking King's landing & establishing her rule there.

Season 8 is her and Jon teaming up vs the WW.
I saw it as the final Dany scene for sure, but I was totally expecting 1 more scene showing the WW standing at the wall, especially in an episode titled "Winds of Winter". That was my only disappointment.

When Benjen was talking about the magic of the wall, I'm expecting the "Mark" on Bran to cause part of the wall to crumble (wherever Bran walks through).It dispels the magic and it crumbles, probably some dramatic run through a tunnel with blocks of ice falling around him.

Clearly not enough time for Sam to become a Maester.

Looking forward to the Hound meeting up with Sansa again and perhaps Arya. They clearly talked about assisting with the war against the WW so we gotta see the Band of Brothers at Winterfell at some point I'd imagine.

Does Arya go home or King's Landing now?

L+R=J is obvious, why keep questioning? No way "Honorable Ned" ever had a bastard son. Only question really is if his birth name is "Jon" or as mentioned: Aemon/Aegon/Other...? "Jon Targaeryan" doesn't sound right.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I'm just glad that Jon didn't let Davos kill Melisandre, she did give him a rez after all. She'll just wander south until she hooks up with Thoros, Beric, and the Hound, and end right back in the North to help fight the White Walkers. Maybe Davos will kill her then.
Do we think Mel was correct when she told Arya way back when that they would meet again or will that be another instance of her being wrong?


Do we think Mel was correct when she told Arya way back when that they would meet again or will that be another instance of her being wrong?
It'll probably happen. I don't see how you can misinterpret "we'll meet again". She saw Jon in the flames retaking Winterfell when she originally thought it was Stannis. Maybe Arya reunites with the Hound, BWB, and Melisandre and they all travel to Winterfell together. Who knows at this point.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Do we think Mel was correct when she told Arya way back when that they would meet again or will that be another instance of her being wrong?
I can see Arya linking up with the Hound/Beric heading north, and Mel falling in with that group as well as she heads south. Until Davos finds her and guts her like a fish.

I do think Mel was correct about that; she was really only wrong about one thing - Stannis - and that led her to misinterpret several other key things. Pretty much everything Mel has seen in the fire has come to pass, though not all of it in the way she thought it would.


Trakanon Raider
It always did. The valonqar was never Tyrion, the younger queen was never Margaery. Cersei sucks at interpreting prophecy. I'm just still wondering why they left the valonqar line out.
Too clumsy to get the meaning in to use it as a subtle clue maybe ? I mean how would a scene explaining what it meant even work without being a gigantic huge "CLUE!!! CLUEEEEEE!!!" flashing light ?

It's not just Cersei though, everyone in the series fucks up prophecy. At the rate of epic failure in interpretation you'd have to assume that all prophecy is being spoken by Ramsay's ghost just to fuck with people.


A couple of behind the scenes vids posted to YouTube. Some foreshadowing for the next season too like tension between Jon and Sansa and between Jaime and Cersei.