GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


privileged excrementlord
You are definitely on the spectrum. You aren't anywhere near right though.
There's some visions that Aeron has in his preview chapter that suggest he's pretty near right - Euron on the Iron Throne with Dany at his side. Euron's likely going to force Dany to be his queen through the power of his horn and whatever other magic shit he's got going for him.


Unelected Mod
Dany was humbled by getting physically abused by her husband and her brother. When she finally learned to get through/deal with that, she was humbled by her child being killed. When she got to Quarth, she was humbled when she realized that no one gave a shit about her claims and only wanted to steal her dragons. After conquering Meereen, she was humbled by failing to be able to pacify it. She was also carried off by Drogon and humbled in front of a Khal.

Now I grant you that she has overcome all of those things and you could argue that some of them were too easy, but there are plenty of historical parallels for many of those things and GRRM wanted his story to be based on some historical events but bigger and more fantastic. All of the stuff that could be said about Dany could also easily be said about Jon as far as "lucking" into his success and overcoming everything too easily. Hell, he even came back from actual death.


There's some visions that Aeron has in his preview chapter that suggest he's pretty near right - Euron on the Iron Throne with Dany at his side. Euron's likely going to force Dany to be his queen through the power of his horn and whatever other magic shit he's got going for him.
It is more about the horn and giants and Lumie level comparisons to religion.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the horn Sam found brings down the wall, what the fuck did Sam let happen to the horn?! He'll go from Sam the Slayer to Sam, Destroyer of Worlds(whoops, my bad).
Sam and the highest single player burst DPS?

If Bran stayed north of the wall, couldn't the night king find him, build a really large catapult and fling him over the wall, achieving his goal just the same?


Musty Nester
Sam and the highest single player burst DPS?

If Bran stayed north of the wall, couldn't the night king find him, build a really large catapult and fling him over the wall, achieving his goal just the same?
Or just zombify him, and have him walk through the tunnel?

What about that secret magic forest door that they came through in the first place? If I was the NK looking to cross the wall, I'd probably ignore castle black and just go through that other pass with the ruined unmanned castle guarding it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Nope, I think the Branapult is what I want to see the most.
I mean if the cover of the up upcoming book being the Horn of Winter under the title Winds of Winter and that's not enough to indicate that there's a small horn capable of great power, then how about the fact that the Wall being -destroyed- is one of the most heavily foreshadowed events in the series. Dragonbinder, nor any other horn mentioned, match the description on the cover.

This "Bran will fuck the World" theory is really annoying, because there were three important characters who would have known and said something to the effect of this. You had pretty much any of the Children of the Forest, you had the Three Eyed Raven, and you had Coldhands.

Why would Ned's brother knowingly endanger the entire world and cause potentially millions of casualties? This was the Head Ranger of the Night's Watch, and it's his job to protect the world from the dead. He would never, NEVER, NEEEEEVER let Bran cross if it meant breaking the magic. This is a Stark. And even if he would, why wouldn't he just cross WITH him, since supposedly the magic will be broken?

If you want to counter with, "they have motivations", then how about the fact that Bran IS the 3-eyed Raven now and won't knowingly do it. What the fuck. He's going to be well South of the wall by the time it comes down.

The WW and their army aren't going to come marching through tunnels anti-climatically, the damn thing is coming down. Also note that there are no important characters at Castle Black, so when the thing is broken down the NW will probably be insta-gibbed, and all 13 fortresses destroyed.

Sam has the horn in the inn where he, Gilly, Maester Aemon, and Dareon stay in Braavos.[4] On the Cinnamon Wind, Sam had to give almost all that they owned in order to pay Quhuru Mo for their passage south from Braavos to Oldtown. By the time the dealing is done Sam is down to boots and blacks and smallclothes - and the broken horn Jon Snow had found on the Fist of the First Men.[2]
Even in the books, it's mentioned AGAIN. Did D&D have to film this scene to convince you guys that, "hey, that small broken unadorned horn may be something really fucking dangerous?" It's awfully coincidental that Sam sells everything except his clothes and the horn.

The CotF had the ability to cause absolutely massive earthquakes. It's in the god damn text. How did they do it? Why wouldn't such an earthquake be able to take down a wall made of ice? And most importantly, why is the same horn both scene on the cover of WoW and in Season 2?!

And finally, why would anyone make a horn that "wakes Giants" (literally) but also can bring down the wall? What the fuck does one have to do with the other? Let's not forget, the CotF were able to Sunder the landbridge between the continents into the god damn sea. That's pretty powerful magic.

There was another Sundering type of event called the "Doom of Valyria." 420 years prior to the story beginning. It's a stretch, but Martin hasn't specified what caused the "Doom". The Horn of Winter may have caused the downfall of Valyria, I have no idea. But Sam has the Horn of Winter.

The cataclysm hit the Valyrian capital city Valyria, fragmenting the land surrounding the city into numerous smaller islands, creating the Smoking Sea between them. The Freehold was annihilated in a single night of fire and storm, with great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions laying waste to the empire. The area is now described as "demon-haunted." Most people are afraid to go there, saying,
That's the THIRD time the world has been hit with a massive Earthquake. We know exactly who (and most likely what) caused the other two. We know the Valyrians practiced blood magic, almost exactly the opposite of the CotF. Were they motivated to destroy the Valyrian Empire, all practioners of blood magic, & the dragons? Very possible. The CotF do not worship the Lord of Light.

So tell me. What's so significant about Giants that they had to be "awoken"? Why not awake the bears? Were the Giants hibernating? I mean seriously? There's nothing truly special about them except for the fact that they're bigger than men and are as fantastical as dragons. Dragons didn't need to be "awoken" via a horn, nor did any other form of life.


Benjen certainly didn't tell Bran not to cross the Wall, just that he himself couldn't.

Also, regarding the tunnel that Bran, Meera, Hodor, and Jojen crossed through, in the book there's a gate that only a member of the Night's Watch can open (with their oath). They didn't show it in the show though.


<Bronze Donator>
surprised none of the nitpickers in this thread have corrected Quineloe and said that it would be a trebuchet.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Dany was humbled by getting physically abused by her husband and her brother. When she finally learned to get through/deal with that, she was humbled by her child being killed. When she got to Quarth, she was humbled when she realized that no one gave a shit about her claims and only wanted to steal her dragons. After conquering Meereen, she was humbled by failing to be able to pacify it. She was also carried off by Drogon and humbled in front of a Khal.

Now I grant you that she has overcome all of those things and you could argue that some of them were too easy, but there are plenty of historical parallels for many of those things and GRRM wanted his story to be based on some historical events but bigger and more fantastic. All of the stuff that could be said about Dany could also easily be said about Jon as far as "lucking" into his success and overcoming everything too easily. Hell, he even came back from actual death.
They're both terrible decision-makers.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They're both terrible decision-makers.
Along with the people who think Bran will inadvertently get everyone killed. I mean the whole point of him becoming the 3-eyed Raven becomes absolutely moot in the first place, if he's the one that causes the WW to come South. The 3-eyed Raven would have known this, and not let Bran into visions. And I meant that Benjen could follow Bran through the wall IMMEDIATELY if he could break the "strong magics."

Benjen even says, "As long as the wall stands, I cannot pass. The dead cannot pass." As long as it STANDS. He didn't say, "As long as the Wall stands, or some stupid kid inadvertently destroys the strong magics."

Bran will cross the wall early in S7. The WW will not attack humanity until probably early S8, or the S7 finale. Why is there going to be a huge time gap if it's Bran? Months, and potentially years, are going to pass as the remaining drama unfolds. So Bran breaks the magics, yet the WW's just sit around waiting? We know how much time will pass because they're filming a location that looks like the remains of Valyria. So a character, most likely Jorah, is going to have to do something there, and then sail all the way back to Westeros and that doesn't happen in a day.

The scene with Dany sailing to Westeros happens MONTHS after the previous scenes, which happens weeks after the previous scenes. The entirety of the s6 finale encompassed a good ~six months or more. Euron's fleet is already finished and he's probably already on the move.

This is so stupid. GRRM doesn't write huge plotholes like this. Like seriously, what the fucking fuck? Have any of you read the books? The series is something like twenty-five years old, and is very carefully written, with great patience. It's not Maze Runner.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did they ever say whether or not filming fewer episodes will result in airing the season sooner or will it remain on the usual timetable, just with less content?


tour de salt
Along with the people who think Bran will inadvertently get everyone killed. I mean the whole point of him becoming the 3-eyed Raven becomes absolutely moot in the first place, if he's the one that causes the WW to come South. The 3-eyed Raven would have known this, and not let Bran into visions. And I meant that Benjen could follow Bran through the wall IMMEDIATELY if he could break the "strong magics."

Benjen even says, "As long as the wall stands, I cannot pass. The dead cannot pass." As long as it STANDS. He didn't say, "As long as the Wall stands, or some stupid kid inadvertently destroys the strong magics."

Bran will cross the wall early in S7. The WW will not attack humanity until probably early S8, or the S7 finale. Why is there going to be a huge time gap if it's Bran? Months, and potentially years, are going to pass as the remaining drama unfolds. So Bran breaks the magics, yet the WW's just sit around waiting? We know how much time will pass because they're filming a location that looks like the remains of Valyria. So a character, most likely Jorah, is going to have to do something there, and then sail all the way back to Westeros and that doesn't happen in a day.

The scene with Dany sailing to Westeros happens MONTHS after the previous scenes, which happens weeks after the previous scenes. The entirety of the s6 finale encompassed a good ~six months or more. Euron's fleet is already finished and he's probably already on the move.

This is so stupid. GRRM doesn't write huge plotholes like this. Like seriously, what the fucking fuck? Have any of you read the books? The series is something like twenty-five years old, and is very carefully written, with great patience. It's not Maze Runner.
That's on the assumption three eyed raven and Benhands are acting on behalf of some benevolent force and not the Others.


<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for fulfilling the new thread title.

Show should air at the same time it always does, April. One of the reasons they are going to shorter seasons (besides only having 13-15 hours of story left to tell) is the production is so massive now it would take well over a year to film 10 episodes. They've barely came in on time the last 2 seasons, still adding CGI and post production all the way up til the day the shows air.