GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trump's Staff
What was Barratheon's claim to the throne?
Robert's big fuckin hammer sinking into Rhaegar's chest. But we know where you are going. They had no right, they took it by force due to an unhappy populace. They're called usurpers for a reason.

Bloodlines may not matter in the political side of things but there is still debate to whether or not ancient bloodlines will matter to the larger story with the Others etc.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
False flag Tyrell sept job and Baratharyean blood. This thread is going to make me have a a full fledged conspiracy theorist.

We need more predictions. But yea, the show has ignored the storm lands since Renly died basically. After him and his knights of summer got ran through they just never really mentioned it again. I guess Tarly controlling is the most likely move (is Hornhill near storms end at all?) but either way I think D&D have to at least give us some dialogue mentioning the fate of house baratheon and who will lord their former lands. Gendry HAS to show up now, I mean either way they need to bring some resolution to his story and give the viewer a better idea of whats happening in each of the kingdoms.

Danys landfall will be the most anticipated scene in the entire show, and her subsequent quest to have all bend the knee will make knowing whats going on in each area more important.

So Highgarden has declared for Dany so has Dorne. Only the stormlands are a question mark, almost all the other kingdoms we know whats going on.


Robert's big fuckin hammer sinking into Rhaegar's chest. But we know where you are going. They had no right, they took it by force due to an unhappy populace. They're called usurpers for a reason.

Bloodlines may not matter in the political side of things but there is still debate to whether or not ancient bloodlines will matter to the larger story with the Others etc.
I agree it might matter for some mystical part of the story.

The politics though the only reason blood lines even matter is because it is convenient and easy to follow along.

Gendry doesn't matter to the story in any way whatsoever. I am not saying they won't try to shove him back in. I am saying from a logic standpoint who knows about his blood line? Those same people could bring any kid his age and say the same thing about it and the population will believe it or not. They could just point to a kid while riding into Kings Landing and say "you are now the king" and put him on a horse and as they ride in just shout that he is and the people would say "Long live King Robert, second of his name".


Avatar of War Slayer
ppfft bloodlines only matter in peace times and Sir Sea is not a villain - I thought we proved these things without a shadow of a doubt the past 3 months? on well we got a year!


Mr. Poopybutthole
And I only have to provide one that doesn't to disprove yours, which I've already done.

Thanks for playing.

Blood lines only matter in peace time.
Your claim is absolute, mine is not. Blood lines only have to matter once for me to be right, if they matter even once, you are wrong. Blood has demonstrably proven to matter at least once, therefore I am right and you are wrong.

Thanks for playing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Your claim is absolute, mine is not. Blood lines only have to matter once for me to be right, if they matter even once, you are wrong. Blood has demonstrably proven to matter at least once, therefore I am right and you are wrong.

Thanks for playing.
Fucking lol. I cant state enough how happy this thread makes me, please continue.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Blood only matters when it clots up and causes you to die of a stroke, which is what I hope happens to everyone participating in this thread for the past two weeks.

Myself included.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Annnnnnnd now I'm gonna go watch that movie cause its one of my favorites of all time.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Nymeria is the puppet master responsible for all of the death and destruction that has befallen the world. It all started when she witness Ned execute her sister Lady.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Where Bloodraven wants her to be, duh. Am I doing it right Wooly?

Crap I forgot to copy/paste... err I mean type walls of text and threaten to kill you.
Bloodraven didn't control people. He generously handed out dreams, visions, and prophecies like flyers which have ultimate lead to the position the Seven Kingdoms are in now. Had he not interfered in the past, the WO5Ks would never have happened, Bran would not have fallen, etc. You say Littlefinger orchestrated it? Well, Lysa was mad and Littlefinger really only took advantage of the opportunities present to him. We'll have to see if all these crazy dreams disappear now that Bloodraven is dead. Every single time a POV character has a "strange dream" in the books he's touching Weirwood, whether it be a Maestar's staff, or a stump. Go back and re-read, even Jaime has a dream after placing his head upon the cut down trunk of a Weirwood.

Kinvara asking Vaerys, "Do you want to know where the Lord of Light lives?" is a crazy line that was dropped for some reason. We can infer the Lord of Light is a probably some sort of physical entity within the world, whether or not it's the 3-ER has yet to be known. R'llor is not a God though, I think that's unlikely. Might be an entirely different character, a sorcerer given fire-based magic like Bloodraven? Hard to say as Bloodraven's powers are intentionally left very vague, except that he can indeed warg into animals (crows), and alter the thoughts of characters indirectly, and even change time itself.

Supposedly, he was also able to give these visions of prophecy to the White Walkers who are threatened by dragons & certain messiah-like figures, such as Jon Snow. The books describe Waymar Royce as having a similar age and an exceptionally remarkable appearance, perhaps some Stark's blood. If you look at his death, it's one hell of an elaborate trap set for him. The White Walkers even let his companion escape, but six descended on Waymar himself. Poor Waymar never stood a chance. Six walkers (and wights for decoys) for one man is so out of character.

...or so that's how the theory goes. Same thinking goes with the ambush by Benjen Stark, and the White Walkers starting to attack around the time that Bloodraven had ascended. They're after Starks & Jon, they've left the wildlings alone otherwise.

Weirwood Leviathan's theory is that Bloodraven influenced White Walker thinking to view humanity as a renewed threat, much like humanity now views the White Walkers thanks to the prophecies of Azor Azai and the TPTWP. All of those prophecies emerged 40 years ago, almost exactly when Brynden became Bloodraven. That's the jist of it, because as of now there's really no other good theory or event that lines up with the White Walker re-emergence other than, "hey guys let's go kill a bunch of people every X amount of years." His essays are so well written and thought out, and he's pointed out video evidence on the show that shows that D&D have been using heavy, heavy foreshadowing that nobody else has spotted, going all the way back to S1.