GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
Plus doesn't Shae need to be in the castle in the same time period? Isn't it during the ensuing chaos that the whole crossbow scene goes down? Or am I in dire need of a reread and there's a time gap in there?


Trakanon Raider
Ahh yes that makes sense, because they claim Sansa had part in it with Tyrion, and that's why she's missing.

Thanks for the reminder... You'd think the ADWD reread would have been enough but I guess I need Biannial rereads.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Very insightful post. I have not heard about his ill health before.

Tell me, what leads you to believe as you do?

Nothing specific, he just looks like an older, obese guy. Can't you picture this guy dying of a heart attack at any time? And at the pace he writes, the odds aren't in our favor.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Dontos is important because it represents the "death" of Sansa's idealistic views of nobility/knights/etc and helps allign her more with LF.
There's many representations of the death of her idealistic views. Dontos is just one of the dumber ones. I'm fine him being in or out, but I don't think he adds anything.


privileged excrementlord
I wonder how GRRM is going to end this series. Seeing all these storylines surely, some come to an early end but still, he created a massive monster and how is he going to slay it? Who will end up on the iron throne? With so many possibilities and fans of any of thm, wich fans will he severely piss off in the end?

Will dany become queen? Jon? Stannis? Tyrion? Or will tyrion be right and will sansa survive them all? Or will littlefinger see it all burn to rule the ashes? That is like 10% of the possibillities. Who do you guys think will end up ruler of the 7 kingdoms in the end? Will there even be 7 kingdoms?
Patchface will rule.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If Dany lives long enough for her dragons to be grown, how can she be defeated? Aegon conquered the seven kingdoms with dragons and a pitifully small army.

There is a lot that could happen though: the Wall is breached and the Others spill into the North; the Maesters have a plan to kill the dragons; basically anything that could trump dragons might happen, foiling the theory.

With only 2 books to go and half of one book sure to be dedicated to Dany's wandering and finding her way back to Westeros, I don't know how this is going to be wrapped up...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
He was definitely trying to save Brienne. Shit, his plan could've backfired if the guy he was talking to knew that there's no sapphires on that island.


I'm pretty convinced, from the show's perspective at least, Jamie did what he did to save Brianne. That he did come around to respecting her during their little walk and thought that was a shit thing to happen. Jamie doesn't strike me as a big "rapey" kind of guy.


Trump's Staff
I don't think Jaime is a monster, really. Yeah he pushed Bran out of a window and he stabbed a king in the back. The first was to protect his family (he, Cersei and Joffrey would have been beheaded, probably would have ruined the Lannisters), the latter was for the good of the kingdom. I'm sure he feels some level of respect toward Brienne given that she's an accomplished knight and she bested him in combat.


Aegon will end up with Rhaegal and Tyrion with Viserion. Dany will battle Aegon, Tyrion will betray Dany for gold, there will be dragon on dragon combat in the dance, Dany will kill Aegon and Rhaegal will fall.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't think Jaime is a monster, really. Yeah he pushed Bran out of a window and he stabbed a king in the back. The first was to protect his family (he, Cersei and Joffrey would have been beheaded, probably would have ruined the Lannisters), the latter was for the good of the kingdom. I'm sure he feels some level of respect toward Brienne given that she's an accomplished knight and she bested him in combat.
What about the scene where he kills his cousin in order to create a distraction to escape from Rob's camp? Pretty monster-y thing to do I'd say


According to the highly reliable and accurate wiki, the average male life span in the US is 75.35. 11 more years to finish the books not withstanding his poor physical state? That is, assuming that he doesn't become demented or incapable of working.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
What about the scene where he kills his cousin in order to create a distraction to escape from Rob's camp? Pretty monster-y thing to do I'd say
I don't consider Jaime to be a monster. He has never really pretended to be anything else other then a cold blooded killer. He says it himself when he tells Catelyn "there are no men like me, only me" He has always struck me as the kind of guy that understood that in order to play the game at the level he is at you have to be completely ruthless.

That's what I love about this show. There are no true "good guys and bad guys" (well except for Ned Stark and we see what happened to him) its all a matter of perspective. The difference between who is a hero and who is a villain depends on who happens to be telling the story.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My biggest issue with how he ends the books is how the Others factor into everything, unless they end up just being some bogeyman that are easily dispatched by Stannis/ZombieJon/whoeverthefuck is Azor Ahai reborn...

Two books to introduce some mysterious force and then end it? fuck that


There are worse people that Jamie. Yes. Being less evil than other people doesn't make you not evil though.

Jamie isn't a sadist, he doesn't get off on killing or raping or the suffering of others, but he does what he pleases and is happy to sacrifice others in whatever way seems handy to keep himself in his happy place.


If Dany lives long enough for her dragons to be grown, how can she be defeated? Aegon conquered the seven kingdoms with dragons and a pitifully small army.

There is a lot that could happen though: the Wall is breached and the Others spill into the North; the Maesters have a plan to kill the dragons; basically anything that could trump dragons might happen, foiling the theory.

With only 2 books to go and half of one book sure to be dedicated to Dany's wandering and finding her way back to Westeros, I don't know how this is going to be wrapped up...
Wasn't one of the books in the maester training grounds all about how to kill dragons and wasn't it grabbed by someone?
Or am I misremembering?
That knowledge in a prepared kingdom could present issues if her only plan is dragons.
Also, Victarion has the apparent horn of dragon control, if he finds someone not connected to Dany who can use it, everything can go to hell quickly.