GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dont really mind too much because she isnt really a good actress, but she must have pissed in some higher up cheerios for her to be getting this treatment.

Probably gonna get accused of whtie knighting but I'm so conflicted about her as an actress. I mean yeah, Terminator and Solo fucking sucked, and she sucked in them, but I feel like anyone would have sucked in those roles. She has had some pretty flat performances in GoT, but she's also been a key part of some of the most epic scenes in the series, like the sack of Astapor. She also emotes really well, like her conflicted feelings at seeing Jorah again in the pits of Meereen, or the look of what I interpret as maternal joy on her face when she sees Drogon again.

As for the cheerios, you're assuming they're trying to shit on her intentionally and the destruction isn't just collateral damage of their hack writing.
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Log Wizard
I don't think she's a horrible actress - there are far more women that are ahead of her in that line. She hasn't ruined her role or been terribly out of her depth. Almost the entire cast has been disused this season. No memorable writing that anyone can work with. I can't remember a single impactful bit of dialogue this season at all.

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Log Wizard
poor chastain, she was hot for only one year, and now shes this

her heads all funky looking and her skin looks stretched. now she's trying to inject herself into some Hound talk.

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<Gold Donor>
but before dinner she stupidly dove into the swallow end of the hotel pool smashed her head into the bottom and ended up a being a retard for life.




Also, some pages back regarding Pod drinking when the virginity question came up for Brienne, I assumed it was their attempt at Breaking Bad:

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Their biggest issue is that they didn't kill people fast enough for the show to maintain credibility and stick to the narrative that first four seasons had. The entire brotherhood minus the Hound should have all died north of wall. Jamie should have died to Drogon last season. Cleggian bowl should have already happened. Euron should have never been added so late in the story but once he was he should ended people and not simply thwarted their plans. Tormond and Ghost should have died in the final battle Winterfell. Varys should have died somehow by now as well. Theon sister should have died to Euron thus giving Theons the motive for revenge against Euron, Nightking still kills him but whatever. Jorah should have died on Essos.

Leaving the oddman out of the Nightking who was killed to soon without a better explanation of his story. They established the mystery of the whole undead army and then defeated it without giving any explanation of what the hell that was about. Bran, Uncle Began, Sam looking up info in the citadel were just dropped.

Now you have to many people alive at the end to have a clear winner of the game of thrones by the story barring them just appointing someone winner.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All great points, but its 2019 you faggots, get with the times! Game of Thrones is about the empowerment of strong WOMEN! Night King, King in the North, Burger King, none of it fucking matters. The show obviously was working towards the battle of the QUEENS BITCH YAAAAAAAAASSS.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm missing too much sleep to figure out just exactly how this is a burn on me, but I'll chime in anyway. The only bits of fiction I've ever seen address dragon clutch size were Dungeons and Dragons and the Dragonriders of Pern series.

Pern dragons are more sci-fi than fantasy as they are domesticated and quite a bit smaller than traditional fantasy dragons, the largest dragons ever being a bit smaller than Dany's dragons but with the vast majority being far smaller. "Present day" healthy clutch size would be in the 20-50 range.

D&D dragon clutch size was something like 2-5, but D&D dragons are also highly intelligent, capable of speech/complex communication, and just generally far more high fantasy than Dany's dragons.

Dragons have 4 legs, 2 wings. Danys pets aren't dragons, they're wyvern at best. But everyone in Westeros is too uneducated to know this.
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Molten Core Raider
You are all too unreasonably harsh with this show.
It could have been better, but it is still a great show. And the books will be even better.

Episode 3 worked very well, I loved it.
The Dorthaky charge was an amazing scene used to illustrate just how fucked and hopeless were the humans in that battle, and it was an amazingly distiled storytelling moment.
The Red Pristess suicide was a great scene as well.
Even in episode 4, Melissandre saying drakaris as her last words was cool.
And the talk between Tyrion and Varys was great.

Great scenes all around, I dont know why you get all your panties in a bunch for some fuck-ups.
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Millie's Staff Member
At least prince quentin and prince robin got their kingdoms on lockdown and dont have to worry about crazy bitches trying to usurp their thrones.


Got something right about marriage
You are all too unreasonably harsh with this show.
It could have been better, but it is still a great show. And the books will be even better.

Episode 3 worked very well, I loved it.
The Dorthaky charge was an amazing scene used to illustrate just how fucked and hopeless were the humans in that battle, and it was an amazingly distiled storytelling moment.
The Red Pristess suicide was a great scene as well.
Even in episode 4, Melissandre saying drakaris as her last words was cool.
And the talk between Tyrion and Varys was great.

Great scenes all around, I dont know why you get all your panties in a bunch for some fuck-ups.

Go home, you're drunk.
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Tranny Chaser
Yeah I dunno about the rest of you but as I read DoD I kept saying "who the fuck cares? Get on with it!" at every other chapter.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
A Dance with Dragons was definitely a letdown, but I have no doubt the books would be better than the show. I just have almost zero confidence the books will ever be finished.
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<Bronze Donator>
They need to recreate the scene out of full metal jacket. Ride of the Valkires, bombing some village on the beach, Dany gets down from her dragon and proclaims, "It smells like victory", and then she pulls out a surfboard and heads into the waves.

That would satisfy me COMPLETELY.

"I love the smell of Deus ex machina in the morning!"
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<Bronze Donator>
Fucking Dr. Suess could write a book than this show, that bar is so low to be useless.

Horton Hears a Whight.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You are all too unreasonably harsh with this show.
It could have been better, but it is still a great show. And the books will be even better.

Episode 3 worked very well, I loved it.
The Dorthaky charge was an amazing scene used to illustrate just how fucked and hopeless were the humans in that battle, and it was an amazingly distiled storytelling moment.
The Red Pristess suicide was a great scene as well.
Even in episode 4, Melissandre saying drakaris as her last words was cool.
And the talk between Tyrion and Varys was great.

Great scenes all around, I dont know why you get all your panties in a bunch for some fuck-ups.

lol wut.

You might be trolling, but I have to bite.

First of all, the books will never be written.

Second, the Dothraki charge was not only spectacularly disastrous from a tactical standpoint, but also made zero sense in terms of the larger strategy, given these are legendary horsemen. Tales of Dothraki screamers echoed through the high halls of Westerosi lords for generations. Their prestige, lore and pure value as a military asset lent to having them provide some sort of impact in Westeros, SOME payoff. This isnt even mentioning the effort it took to get them there (they are notoriously uneasy about water, and they still crossed for their khaleesi), or the logistics involved, how much build up behind it etc.

They could have had a scout party lead by the most hardened/trusted Dothraki, Mel lights their weapons, they charge in to try and see what the battle lines are like, you can have the same visual of the weapons aflame starting to be snuffed out in a wide shot and have the SAME effect. Instead lets just have them all charge to their deaths uselessly so we dont have to spend money filming/paying these guys and even up the balance of power for the battle of the Queens.

The Red Priestess death scene was fucking stupid. Why go out like that? Poorly written. And Massandei saying Dracarys? EVEN MORE FUCKING STUPID. Jesus man what the hell is wrong with you lol.


<Bronze Donator>
She also emotes really well, like her conflicted feelings at seeing Jorah again in the pits of Meereen, or the look of what I interpret as maternal joy on her face when she sees Drogon again.

95% of her acting ability comes from her eyebrows
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