GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
I hated Robb in the books and set my book down and fucking applauded when he died. I enjoyed every second of it like a fine meal. Cat was the dessert. Until she fucking showed up again, more annoying than ever.

But seriously, this was really brutal. To the last second I thought this new wife/queen was in on it. I went from getting ready to cheer to "Holy Fuck!" when Raymond? Frey goes to work on her stomach.

On a positive note, the actor that plays the Hound continues to impress.

I've never heard that shit referred to as The Purple Wedding until this page in this thread just now.

That shit be gay, yo.
I thought the same thing.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's been so long that we've seen the Balon or anything else to do with the Greyjoys besides Theon that I have to wonder if any TV-only viewers will even remember who the fuck Balon Greyjoy is and why they should care about him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just talked to my 70 year old parents, and Martin managed to make them butthurt also. He's managed to rustle multiple generations with this one. Way to go, Martin, you are making Grandmothers lose sleep over this B.S.
Do you REALLY think he would do something just to piss people off? The red wedding has massive implications and furthers the story line significantly for the better. Stop bitching and rather use that energy to be anxious about the upcoming episodes. If this were the end to Game of Thrones I could see you being angry, but there's like 6 fucking seasons left.


Molten Core Raider
It's been so long that we've seen the Balon or anything else to do with the Greyjoys besides Theon that I have to wonder if any TV-only viewers will even remember who the fuck Balon Greyjoy is and why they should care about him.
I wondered the same thing. I imagine they'll introduce some of the other Greyjoys when they kill him off to make it relevant.

Also his death was really lame wasn't it? Like blown off a bridge.
Yeah, but second hand info. No one saw it I don't think


Mr. Poopybutthole
He wasn't relying on the right of being a guest to keep him safe ... He went there because he needed the Frey army and without he was useless. It was either go there and risk what would happen or lose the war.
IIRC he didn't need the Frey army so much as he needed to cross back over the Trident, but either way he needed to get back on good terms with Walder Frey. But when a situation looks like a trap, and your fucking dire wolf is warning you that it's a trap, I'm sure the best thing to do is just go on in and enjoy the feast and not tell your men to be on their guard or anything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly, the most surprising thing for me last night (since I knew the Red Wedding was coming and figured Talisa + baby were goners) was the death of Orell. It's been a while since I've read the books, but doesn't he died sometime after the battle for the wall? Did he do anything noteworthy between the events of last nights episode and his death in the books?

Also, if Oona Chaplin really was the person complaining about having to do nudity in future
They also changed when Jon get's his face messed up by the bird, I believe he was on the other side of the wall when that happened. I had forgotten about it until they showed it last night.

I don't think it was Oona Chaplin, I think it was the actress playing Ros (thus why they killed her off).


privileged excrementlord
If they confirm it in the show they'll probably have Jaqen do it with his new face.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I saw a quote from Martin where he says to expect more deviations from the books in S4.

I guess my question is when does the show stop being canon? (if it's not already).


Blackwing Lair Raider
IIRC he didn't need the Frey army so much as he needed to cross back over the Trident, but either way he needed to get back on good terms with Walder Frey. But when a situation looks like a trap, and your fucking dire wolf is warning you that it's a trap, I'm sure the best thing to do is just go on in and enjoy the feast and not tell your men to be on their guard or anything.
Don't think so. They were at Harrenhall before, marched out, and were getting ready to march on to Castley Rock according to what him and Cat were talking about. They were already on the proper side. Even when Robb and Cat are talking he says he needs the Freys to take Castley Rock.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I saw a quote from Martin where he says to expect more deviations from the books in S4.

I guess my question is when does the show stop being canon? (if it's not already).
Well, Robb's wife dying at the wedding would be a pretty major departure from the books if GRRM hadn't gone out of his way to go 'BY THE WAY SHE AINT PREGNANT ROBB AINT GOT NO HEIR' in book 4. I honestly think the series is the big chance for him to go back and change things so that they troll the fuck out of his fans even more.

So basically, my guess is that anything from the second half of Storm of Swords that can be made darker and grimmer without fucking up the remaining story too much will be.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Why would the show be canon? There's already a more fleshed out book series that goes in to much further depth? I think by deviations he means just different events. I find it hard to believe he'd change something like Oberyn living or Tywin dying.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Why did he even need to cross The Twins in the first place during Season 1? It looks like it is totally out of the way when heading south...


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's described as "allowing them to take the fastest route south" I have no idea why.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Don't think so. They were at Harrenhall before, marched out, and were getting ready to march on to Castley Rock according to what him and Cat were talking about. They were already on the proper side. Even when Robb and Cat are talking he says he needs the Freys to take Castley Rock.
I don't own the book, and I've only read it once, which was a year or two ago, but I don't remember them ever being ready to march on Casterly Rock, although I suppose the threat of that could have been what finally pushed Tywin to take the drastic step that he did in arranging the wedding. I was under the impression that Robb needed to take his army back into the North to evade the forces the Lannisters had in the field. If you're ready to move on Casterly Rock, it doesn't make sense to hike your entire army all the way up to The Twins to attend a wedding. I don't know the scale of that map, but I'm sure that the Freys and the Lannisters aren't exactly neighbors.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
How long is it before you nerds get back to normal?


Buzzfeed Editor
Why did he even need to cross The Twins in the first place during Season 1? It looks like it is totally out of the way when heading south...
Remember, Rob Split his armies to surprise Jaime's siege at River-Run. He was on the other side of the "green fork" and needed to be behind Jaime's position on the "red fork"--it would have taken 2 months to double back around the Fray's.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't own the book, and I've only read it once, which was a year or two ago, but I don't remember them ever being ready to march on Casterly Rock, although I suppose the threat of that could have been what finally pushed Tywin to take the drastic step that he did in arranging the wedding. I was under the impression that Robb needed to take his army back into the North to evade the forces the Lannisters had in the field. If you're ready to move on Casterly Rock, it doesn't make sense to hike your entire army all the way up to The Twins to attend a wedding. I don't know the scale of that map, but I'm sure that the Freys and the Lannisters aren't exactly neighbors.
that wasn't his entire army.
these aren't the books.
in the show before the wedding, him and cat are talking about what to do next. she says to take castley rock, he agrees but says he needs the freys.

Shit Wakandan did you even watch this episode?!