GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Molten Core Raider
They could probably do Book 4 and 5 in three-ish total seasons without any of the splitting up by geography bullshit.

Could the world really handle a year (possibly two?) without Tyrion?
No, you can't have a whole season of a show missing one of its most popular characters(short of killing them off permanently). Books 4 and 5 will have to be weaved together chronologically into a season or two, with probably some large chunks completely skipped that don't feature current (books 1-3) big characters.


Vyemm Raider
Interesting, but it's all going to taste like piss unless it's really expensive... which it will probably be anyway.
I want to see if they come out with Arbor Gold.
No one wants some expensive sissy wine, give us a good Dornish Red though i'd buy that.


Brewery Ommegang makes some very good Belgian style ales, and they are well priced. I would say the 22oz bottle of Iron Throne will be 6+% abv

Beef Supreme_sl

question, why did they depict renly and knight of flowers as gay lovers on the tv show when it was never confirmed in the books?
It's shit like this that make me not like the show after reading the books. They spend SO much time with the Renly-Loras "love" when it never happens in the book and is supposed to be an assumed thing.

They could have spent the time/effort to portray the Valyrian steel swords as being these magical/legendary weapons they way GRRM writes about them in the books. That shit is super explicit about how different and amazing these things are, yet they show glosses over them as if they are just "good" weapons. Other than Sam's "It's Vahleeerieeen steeeel", the non-book viewers are unaware about how important and treasured these weapons are.


"Each of the ten episodes of the upcoming third season of HBO's "Game of Thrones" will run a few minutes longer than episodes in the first two seasons.

Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss are adapting the first half of George R.R. Martin's massive third novel "A Storm of Swords" in his "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. This is not only a fan-favorite book, but arguably the most pivotal one in the series.

Weiss says "There's almost another full episode's worth of extra minutes spread across the season. One of the great liberties with HBO is we're not forced to come in at a specific time. We can't be under 50 minutes or over 60, but that gives us a lot of flexibility."

Benioff says "A super-sized season, as befitting Storm of Swords. Last year we had a lot of 52-minute episodes. This year is a lot of 56, 57."

The third season finale is expected to run over an hour. The new season premieres March 31st 2013."

They might squeeze more into the season than expected from the sounds of it.


<Prior Amod>
I'm sure they are, but I refuse to start a series that isn't finished yet and by the pace he is going, wont be finished for another 10 years.


Millie's Staff Member
I'm sure they are, but I refuse to start a series that isn't finished yet and by the pace he is going, wont be finished for another 10 years.
without going into spoilers. id say 10 years is a seriously ambitious deadline for george RR martin.


I stopped reading the novels after A Feast for Crows, I think they released the other half of it now.

It didn't "feel" the same as the other previous books because of the way they split it up. I'm hoping if I wait long enough they will redistribute it in a new form.

I wonder if Martin could do some sort of digital release with the two split up books organized like the previous novels were. It would bypass the publishing limitations at least.

I think I can still enjoy the parts of the story revealed in the show even if I go back and read the novels again. I have been known to reread series I liked in the past.
I do not think that will happen, but I cannot really say why without spoiling Dance.

I am looking forward to this season. It is good to see certain characters develop on screen, as opposed to just in my head.
I'm sure they are, but I refuse to start a series that isn't finished yet and by the pace he is going, wont be finished for another 10 years.
This is EXACTLY my husband's position. He's still pissed over the other series (wheel of time I think or something?)
without going into spoilers. id say 10 years is a seriously ambitious deadline for george RR martin.
I don't know. Its reported that as part of his contract with HBO Martin's supposed to have this shit wrapping up in time for shooting schedules of future seasons and we're already on 3 at this point.
I haven't read the latest book and I don't think it really matters much, I can always read the series again 10 years down the road when I've forgotten all but the major plot points.

The interesting stuff isn't knowing how a story ends but rather in how it arrives at that point.

It will most definitely take Martin a loooong time to finish this story with the pace he's been going.

I wonder what the TV show will do when it reaches the end of the material? I see three choices really.
They could end the series in a manner that won't anger too many people, they can make the show go into a temporary hiatus that will most likely become permanent (and people hate cliff hangers), or they can just branch off and make their own original story line.

I'd tend to favor the show making its own story line once they've used up Martin's material.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's shit like this that make me not like the show after reading the books. They spend SO much time with the Renly-Loras "love" when it never happens in the book and is supposed to be an assumed thing.
It was extremely obvious in the book. The fact is that the books are written in POV and the show is not, so clearly stuff that was implied in the books will be in-your-face on the show. It happened in the books, you just weren't there to hear all the slurping.


Trakanon Raider
Good News
(don't worry, no spoilers here, just news on show running time increasing)

HBO's Game of Thrones season 3 to feature longer episodes; Plus, a new featurette

One of the common complaints about HBO's Game of Thrones series is simply that there aren't enough episodes. Thankfully, that's kind of a good thing. Although author George R.R. Martin's source material is massive, the producers have been able to faithfully adapt each book, thus far, with striking detail and integrity. However, with season 3 covering the biggest and most popular of the series, A Storm of Swords, the showrunners have not only split the book into two seasons, but are now squeezing out more time per episode.

?There?s almost another full episode?s worth of extra minutes spread across the season,? says showrunner D.B. Weiss ?One of the great liberties with HBO is we?re not forced to come in at a specific time. We can?t be under 50 minutes or over 60, but that gives us a lot of flexibility.?

?A super-sized season, as befitting Storm of Swords,? adds David Benioff, the other showrunner for the series. ?Last year we had a lot of 52-minute episodes. This year is a lot of 56, 57.? Weiss countered that, saying, ?So for people clamoring for another episode, it?s in there. It?s just been cut into tiny pieces.?

The network clarified what the showrunners put out, stating that, ?All 10 episodes gained a minute or two from past seasons with the finale very possibly exceeding 60 minutes.?



Irenicus did nothing wrong
It was extremely obvious in the book. The fact is that the books are written in POV and the show is not, so clearly stuff that was implied in the books will be in-your-face on the show. It happened in the books, you just weren't there to hear all the slurping.
Pretty much every character talking about the situation made a subtle or snide comment on Renly/Loras, and GRRM even threw in some (not so) subtle meta-humor with the whole 'Rainbow Guard' thing.

I honestly wonder if he just isn't as comfortable with the homosex as he is with writing in depth descriptions of 13 year old girls being borderline raped after a forced marriage to an older man? Wouldn't be so surprising for his generation.

Beef Supreme_sl

Right, the book handled it with jabs, innuendo, etc. while the show straight up made shit up (with Margerie Tyrell and the Loras shave bit the most egregious of the additions). They had no story-worthy impetus to add this shit in when it could have been done rote from the book. It takes away from characters and scenes that add such nuance to the story in the book.

"Let's be sure the dumbass fucking audience understands that Renly is a fucking faggot!"

Also, wasn't Renly described by GRRM as physcially as assuming and bromanly as Robert? Just with a little Scarlet Pimpernell?

The point is that what the show seems to zero in on as "show worthy" material makes me question/wonder how they are going to handle the aftermath of ASOS when the story fragments and breaks into many meaningful threads. Time will only tell, but I've got a very uneasy feeling about it all.