GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
i can easily see book 4 and 5 being split up into 2 seasons each. these are 1000 page books and if people are still watching the show after season 4 (and i damn well know they will) people will continue hang in there for 3 or 4 more seasons to cover them. especially if Martin dies, which he most likely will before he finishes this thing.


privileged excrementlord
Some weird information in this thread. The series was originally a trilogy, then it was six books (two trilogies linked by the 5 year gap), then it became seven when he scrapped the gap. It could certainly expand further, but it is currently planned to end at seven.


I read the first book waaaay back, and I got so pissed off over the ending that I never read the others. Now, I don't want to ruin anything too much, so I am staying away so that I can enjoy the show spoiler-free.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I read the first book waaaay back, and I got so pissed off over the ending that I never read the others. Now, I don't want to ruin anything too much, so I am staying away so that I can enjoy the show spoiler-free.
You're missing out. No matter how good the show is, it won't touch on the depth and quality of the second and third books, which are among the best fantasy you can find. Hands down one of the best reading experiences you'll have if you're even remotely a fan of fantasy. The show is good, but you should be worried about ruining the books by watching the show, not the other way around.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
And no matter how good the books'll never be able to finish reading the series.
I'd imagine the same is true about the show. Does anyone seriously expect them to put out 8 seasons or whatever? I'd say we'll be lucky to hit 5 or 6.


Trakanon Raider
There was an article I read that basically did say that if Martin were to die, 2 HBO Producers do know a few major plot points that are yet to be published (and from the sounds of it, are not even from the next book). Because as I understand it, he said no one will finish the series but him, so if he dies, everyone is fucked. Except maybe HBO has enough to put some kind of end on the series, at least for TV.

It did also say he was going to remain ahead of the series, but who knows.
With the popularity of the series, I'm sure they would hire a new writer to finish the series for him. Idk, can authors make a will that their story has to die with their passing? It would be a douche move either way if it could be done.

I'm struggling to think of any authors that could take over for GRRM. I'd imagine they would have to be involved in the fantasy or historical fiction genre.

Salvatore is in his 50's but his writings come across as childish to me, I'm not sure he could explore the darker sides of humanity well.

hmmm.. Robin Hobb? She does darker fantasy but she is also about as old as GRRM

Knowing the way stuff works out though, they will probably give it to Terry Goodkind and the story will turn into his own personal diary of rape fantasies.


Millie's Staff Member
i imagine as long as GRRM leaves the basic outline on how intends to finish the series it shouldnt be terribly hard to commission a GRRM styled writer to continue his work. shit, if they could continue to create star trek books and movies over a decade after gene roddenberry's death, then a season of GOT based only on the previous writings of GRRM is completely plausible


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
To suggest that R.A. Salvatore might lay a finger on the GoT franchise is an extinction level event of an insult to the entire genre.
To suggest that R.A. Salvatore might lay a finger on the GoT franchise is an extinction level event of an insult to the entire genre.
It would make interesting troll fodder on GoT fan sites. Trying to seriously push that idea onto those fan forums might make for some fantastic fun. I still remember the epic outrage when Salvatore killed off one of the characters in the Star Wars novels. I'm sure he has it in him to kill off more beloved characters here if given the chance. Daenerys has got to go!! Samwell becomes the new Drizzt!!11?

Seriously though, there really is no way GRRM finishes his series. That is the main reason I started tossing out random author names and ruling them out.

I wonder if there are any up and coming fantasy authors I haven't heard of who might be able to take the reins.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I still remember the epic outrage when Salvatore killed off one of the characters in the Star Wars novels
Chewbacca I believe...and the outrage was funny considering he was essentially told that it had to happen in the book before he even wrote it. That said, Salvatore could not do justice to GoT at all. I'm sure there are a few authors who could pull it off, but I just hope GRRM manages to survive another 10-15 years to finish it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
hmmm.. Robin Hobb? She does darker fantasy but she is also about as old as GRRM
She can get more than one book out every 5 years though. Age isn't the issue, it's age + clogged arteries + not writing any fucking books. I can't see her taking over SOIAF though. I'd neck myself before reading a SOIAF continuation by Salvatore, he's basically a YA author.

Sanderson did a really awesome job with WOT, so it can be done. Shame I can't see them roping him into finishing a second series. He could build a career out of it.
My google-fu found this author's name.

Steven Erikson

He sounds similar to GRRM but I haven't read any of his work. I might have to pick up one of his novels, looks like he has a crazy 10 book long series hah.

Bio here

It sounds like he writes complex intrigue fantasy (not good versus evil) and isn't afraid to kill off main characters to enhance a plot line.


Millie's Staff Member
almost done with book 5 and Dany is still the worst fucking character in this book. i could be reading for a few hours, then a dany chapter starts. thats when i put the book down and play video games. then when i try to read the chapter it feels like 2 hours. do i give a fuck about these mereen assholes? sound like a city/region full of scumbags. bitch wanted her throne back, raises a badass army. sacks cities. has a shitload of gold to go back to westeros with and she up and decides, nah! that can wait. i rather go hug some diseased motherfuckers that will turn on me the second my back is turned. im not sure if her character is meant as that shes going insane like aerys, is a typical stupid bitch or its just filler. i hope to god she isnt meant as filler.
I'm actually pretty shocked that you've spent time in this forum and haven't heard of the Malazan series (Erickson). That and ASoIaF are my two favorite fantasy series. Erickson might be able to do it justice actually. He'd have to change his style somewhat and be a lot less vague the first half of every book, but I could see it.
I'm actually pretty shocked that you've spent time in this forum and haven't heard of the Malazan series (Erickson). That and ASoIaF are my two favorite fantasy series. Erickson might be able to do it justice actually. He'd have to change his style somewhat and be a lot less vague the first half of every book, but I could see it.
I'm not sure how I would have heard of him before lol.

I don't belong to any book groups or browse sites that recommend authors. I did the amazon recommended book thing for a while or just bought random books I found at the book store.

I haven't read any fantasy lately though. It gets tiring reading it after a while because so many of the fantasy novels "feel" the same to me.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
This isn't the book thread but Dany is my favorite character after Tyrion and Arya.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Really? I agree with Astro, she's seriously the worst fucking character. Every time her chapters came up I was like...motherfucker. And then when other characters chapters started heading over to that shithole? Even worse.